Sex Story Author: | SquattingEagle |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She had her ankles locked behind my back and pushed her pussy up at me with every thrust. I was |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, Incest, Male/Teen Female, Romance, Virginity |
Hi, I’m Jethro, I’m twenty years old and I live with my parents and two younger sisters on one of the small islands off the east coast. Although, to be truthful, that’s where I used to live, as I’m currently spending most of my days on the mainland, attending university. But the island will always be home to me and once I’ve graduated, I’ll surely go back. There’s just something special about life on a small, isolated island like ours that simply can’t be found anywhere else.
Until the day I’ll return to the island for good, I can only try to visit home as often as I could, which is nowhere near as often as I wanted. You see, merely driving from the campus to the harbor would take at least four hours. If traffic was heavy, five or six hours was more likely. And that was just the first part of the journey. From there on, the only way to the island was by a three-hour boat trip. Weather permitting, this boat shuttled back and forth three times a day. Bad weather, however, was liable to keep the ferry moored at the harbor for days at a time, especially during the stormy autumn and winter months.
While this remoteness was a bit of a pain to me now, the isolation was also what made our island unique, and is therefore essential to the story I am about to tell you.
As you can imagine, our community is largely self-reliant and very much independent of the mainland. It’s been like that for centuries, and even modern technology had not been able to change that. According to the tourist board, our ‘picturesque island’ houses about 19,000 people, and over 50,000 sheep that roam the fields and forests. Apparently, we are ‘known for our own unique and age-old traditions’, most of which are in some way connected to our ‘long lineage of brave fishermen’ and dedicated to ‘the men who sailed stormy seas to bring home nothing but the finest fresh fish’.
While most of our local festivities do indeed involve the sea and its bounties in one way or another, one was quite unlike all the others. That particular day is known as Linus Day, and it is probably the most cherished of all our traditions. Linus Day is celebrated each year on the day of the first new moon in spring and got its name after a nobleman that featured in one of the local legends. It was because of this holiday that I had decided to skip my classes and visit home for a couple of days.
The Legend of Linus.
A long time ago, there lived on the island a man named Linus. As the story goes, he was a wealthy nobleman who had everything his heart could desire. Good looks, lots of money, a luxurious home and scores of friends. His good fortune seemed complete when he met a beautiful girl with a smile that brought sunlight to a rainy day. He quickly fell in love with her and within weeks of their first meeting, he asked her to be his wife. She gladly accepted his proposal and a huge wedding feast was announced. Everyone on the island was invited.
Unknown to Linus, his fair young fiancée wasn’t the only one who had fallen for his handsome looks and charming personality. There was another woman, one who was deeply scorned when she learned of his betrothal. On the evening before the wedding, this other woman paid the nobleman an unannounced visit. She warned him that his fiancée was not his true love, and that he should marry her instead. When Linus replied that she was mistaken and that there was nothing she could do to change his mind, the woman burst out in anger. In a fit of rage, she summoned the ancient spirits and put a curse on the bride-to-be.
Before storming out the door, the enraged woman swore that if Linus did not call off the wedding, his bride would be turned into a sheep and be cursed to roam the island among the other animals for the remainder of her life. Only if Linus could prove his love for the girl was true, would he be able to lift the curse.
Linus was a judicious man and in too good a mood to let the woman’s angry ravings ruin his day, and quickly forgot the entire incident. However, the next morning, on the day of the wedding, the young bride was reported missing. The townsfolk searched the whole island and left no stone unturned, but the girl was nowhere to be found. It was then that Linus recalled the woman’s angry words, and fear struck his heart. He ran into the fields and scrutinized every herd on the island, desperately looking for his lost fiancée among the sheep. He searched all day, but the animals all looked and sounded the same. Devastated, he returned home.
Before long, people started talking about the nobleman’s increasingly eccentric behavior. He hired a dozen huntsmen and ordered them to shoot all the wolves and wild cats on the island. Once that was done, he had all his lands converted into pastures and bought many acres more, only to let them lay unoccupied, except for a few flocks of sheep. He subsequently declared that no-one on the island was to ever lay a finger on the animals and assured the people he would repay all damages caused by them.
Even his friends and family believed he had lost his mind when Linus then sold his wealthy home and became a shepherd, living in a wooden shed. The years went by and the nobleman spent a fortune doing everything he could to protect the island’s ever-growing population of sheep. His resources were diminishing fast, but still he managed to feed and shelter the animals throughout one of the longest and harshest winters the people on the island had ever witnessed. At last springtime arrived, and on the night of the first new moon he lay in his shack, alone, cold and hungry. He had lost absolutely everything, every penny he owned, his mansion and his scores of friends. Everything but his looks and the thousands of animals he cared so deeply for.
On that first moonless night in spring, though he himself was starving, he gave his last piece of bread to one of the sheep that took refuge with him in the shack. Then, as he watched the animal devour the dry morsel of bread, it suddenly shed its thick coat and from under the layer of wool emerged a beautiful young woman. It was none other than his long-lost fiancée, his one true love. By sacrificing absolutely everything he had, Linus had finally managed to lift the curse.
Reunited at last, Linus and his fiancée were married the very next day. The news quickly spread throughout island and the townsfolk now arranged to host a feast for the impoverished nobleman and his beautiful bride. Together they built them a new house in the fields, where the couple lived happily ever after. Linus and his wife had six children, all beautiful girls with blonde, curly hair like that of a newborn lamb, a trait that was still prevalent on our island to this day.
As the story goes, it was this legendary wedding feast that the people hosted for the nobleman and his wife that evolved into the local holiday now known as Linus Day, and it is still dedicated to that ancient couple’s true love.
Although you won’t find it mentioned in any of the tourist board’s leaflets, the legend of Linus was also linked to another, more obscure, but equally cherished tradition. This tradition was commonly referred to as Sheepshaggin’.
On the evening before Linus Day, all the young and unmarried women would dress up as sheep and hide in the woods or fields. Then, as soon as the sun had set, the men would go out as well. If they were in a relationship, it was their task to find their girlfriends and if they did, their love was supposedly destined to be true.
The festival of sheepshaggin’ was arguably even better for those who were not in a committed relationship. If you were a single guy, tradition allowed you to go into the forest and have sex with as many dressed-up girls as you could find. All night long, all single and willing females were considered fair game. And better still, the complete darkness of the new moon and absence of electric lights practically ensured complete anonymity, if that’s what you desired. It was understood that even a total loser could get lucky on sheepshaggin’.
Me, I was not a total loser and furthermore, I was in a serious, albeit waning, relationship. This night, like every other sheepshaggin’ for the last three years, my girlfriend Amanda was somewhere out there waiting for me, but tonight I had not been able to find her. I had been searching the dark woods and desolate fields for ages and looked for her in all the places that used to mean something to us, yet I was still wandering alone. I had run into several dressed-up girls in various locations, but none of the lambs proved to be my true love.
In a way, it was indicative of our relationship; I just did not know what Mandy was thinking anymore. After we finished high school almost a year ago, I left the island to attend college while she chose to stay behind and find a job. Although we telephoned almost every day and I did my best to be with my girlfriend as much as possible, our relationship had been going downhill ever since. Especially over the last few months she had changed, becoming more and more detached from me. Whatever remained between us now was purely physical. I mean, the sex we had was still great, but at times it felt more like she was an escort than a girlfriend.
A month ago, my friend Dave told me that he had heard that Mandy was making new friends and seeing other guys. A few days later I had confronted her, and we had a big fight, during which she vehemently denied the accusation. The subsequent make-up sex was spectacular, and maybe I was a bit too eager to believe her after that. But it didn’t seem so far-fetched to me now. In fact, it would explain a lot.
It was pitch dark. The only light around was from the few ships far away on the ocean and the millions of tiny stars above me. A gentle breeze rolled in from the sea, dragging thin, ghostly shards of fog into the valleys. I was shivering. Although the vast stretches of water surrounding the island provided us with moderate temperatures all year round, it was quite chilly tonight. It was unlikely anyone would be hiding here on these inhospitable beaches, least of all Mandy, who absolutely despised the cold. I left the dewy shores behind me and directed my search more inland. As I moved on to higher grounds, the climate improved greatly, but still I couldn’t seem to shake off the cold.
It wasn’t the weather though, that caused my discomfort. The duffle coat I was wearing was thick enough to keep me warm, but no amount of wool could keep the chill from my heart. What I really needed to fend off the cold were a loving pair of arms around me, and a supple, warm body to cuddle and caress. Unfortunately, apart from those few twinkling lights far away on the ocean, there wasn’t a single sign of human life around.
As I strode on, the dead silence of the night was broken by the sound of church bells tolling in the distance. It was twelve o’clock, which meant I had fruitlessly traversed the fields and forests for some two hours now. Who knows what would happen tonight. Spending this much time searching the island was proof of my love for Mandy, right? And maybe when I finally kissed her lips, she’d turn back into the girl I used to know and forever be my true love.
On the other hand, if it didn’t happen tonight, we might as well break up. Part of me was already willing to accept that I wasn’t going to find her and take it as a sign that Mandy was not my true love after all. Though the idea of going home surely was tempting, it wasn’t in my nature to quit this easily. I could not give up the search until I had examined every place that had some kind of special meaning or memory to us, no matter how insignificant. I pushed my hands deeper into my pockets and walked on, feeling more and more morose and pessimistic with every step I took.
Another hour later, I was just about to throw in the towel. I had checked every site I could think of that had some memory attached to it, and for the last twenty minutes I had been wandering around aimlessly. I knew it was time give up, go home and seriously rethink our relationship. But which way was home? Looking around, I had to admit that I was lost. All I knew was that I was in the middle of a large hayfield, surrounded by a vast, empty darkness. With no recognizable landmarks anywhere in sight, the only thing I could do was to keep walking and hope to eventually stumble across some point of reference to point me home.
As I cut across the field, my path was blocked by one of the old rock wall borders that haphazardly divided up the fields. With no particular direction to go, I walked along the border to wherever it was leading. A couple of hundred yards further on, I saw something moving in the darkness, something grey or white. By now, most of the girls would have been taken home by their lovers, whether old or new, and only a girl who was truly dedicated to her love would still be around. The figure seemed to be a little too big to be a stray sheep, it could be a dressed-up girl. Who knew, maybe this time I was lucky.
As I closed in on the creature, the sound of my footsteps alerted it to my presence. The way it moved was like a girl, not like a sheep. With new hope, I walked toward the girl. A soft, hesitating bleat soon confirmed my suspicion as she greeted the stranger approaching her from the dark. I was still a couple of feet away, but I already knew this girl wasn’t Mandy. She had the right kind of curly blond hair, but her girlish figure was too small, too lithe and her voice too soft and kind. I bend over and kissed her anyway. Her lips were soft and warm. Her scent and the touch of her lips made me thirst for more. Sadly, our kiss ended all too soon.
I held the girl in my arms, delaying the moment I had to let go of this little lamb and head back into the cold and lonely darkness. I really wished this lamb was the girl I was looking for. Though I had no idea who she was, I felt a strange connection with her. If I wasn’t supposed to be looking for someone else, I would have loved to stay. The girl must have thought the same thing, because as I was hesitating to let her go, the blonde pressed her lips once more against mine and gave me another kiss. A little shy she opened her mouth and licked my lips. Knowing I shouldn’t, I opened my mouth anyway.
Had that first kiss merely been a traditional and rather impersonal greeting, this second kiss was something completely different. Tender. Intense. Playful. Inquisitive. Sensual.
It is hard to describe how much I enjoyed kissing this girl. But, although our second kiss lasted a whole lot longer than the first, it too had to end sometime, whether I wanted it to or not. When our lips disconnected, my head was spinning and my search for Amanda suddenly seemed a lot less important than before. Before she released me from her embrace, the girl gave me one last peck on the lips. Then she got down on all fours again, and went back to her role as a sheep, like she was supposed to.
“Little lamb, could you be my true love?” I asked the customary question.
I was unsure of how she would react. I didn’t even know how I wanted her to react. Had she been my true love, she would now get on her feet and take off her costume, then whisper “yes” and kiss me once more. If she was waiting for someone else, then she’d look away and bleat again. Secretly, I was hoping for option number three. If this girl was single and willing, she would now present me her rear for some more anonymous, casual fun.
The girl remained silent. Still on all fours, she hesitated for a few moments and then, finally, she moved. My heart rejoiced as she turned around; not only was the girl still single, she was single and willing. Even though I couldn’t accept what she had to offer, it was a relief to know that somewhere on this island there was a sweet girl that wanted me. She brushed impatiently against my leg, like a playful lamb. As if her intentions weren’t clear enough, she then grabbed my hand and placed it under her skirt, between her legs.
I wavered. The smooth skin of her inner thigh was soft and warm, and it felt dangerously good. The only thing that kept me from ravishing this lovely little lamb on the spot was a deep-rooted moral obligation to my girlfriend. For a guy in a relationship, kissing other girls was permissible during sheepshaggin’, but anything beyond that was still considered cheating. But what if I wasn’t in a relationship anymore? It would be a shame if I passed up this lovely lamb because of a misplaced sense of loyalty to a girlfriend who was nowhere to be found tonight. A girlfriend who I was just about finished with anyway, and who in all likelihood had been cheating on me for weeks, if not months.
I was fighting a losing battle with myself. The frustrations of this long, lonesome night and the doubt that had grown over the last months got the better of me. I knew the right thing was to stay faithful to Mandy and leave before I did something I’d regret later, but no matter how hard my conscience was ordering me to stop, I simply couldn’t. There was something about this sexy little lamb that held me captivated. It was like the spirit of Linus was whispering to me, telling me that this girl and I belonged together.
While my conscience was still battling my carnal desire for this girl, my hand had begun moving on its own, drawn like a magnet towards that wonderful place high up between her legs. I was so close to her pussy now, I could feel the heat radiating from it. The lamb bleated impatiently and spread her legs even more, granting me full access to her fiery sex. As she was moving, I felt something tickle my wrist. I knew it was something other than her skirt, but didn’t have the time to find out what it was, because an instant later my fingers encountered a downy patch of hair and then a very, very aroused pussy. She gasped as my thumb slid between the slick and delicate female petals and traced her little treasure from the tiny bead of her clit to the tight hole beneath her puckered ass.
She pushed back against my hand and gently rocked her hips as I played with her pussy. While my hand moved up, her ass moved down and the tip of my thumb lodged itself into her opening. While I was still hesitating, she immediately pushed back, and her vagina hungrily accepted the intruding digit. She was tight but wet, and I entered her smoothly. My thumb was enveloped by her moist heat. I pulled it out a little and then pushed back in, gently squeezing her juicy peach between my fingers.
The girl groaned sexily as I explored and played with her pussy. Getting her this horny was in itself very gratifying, but I knew it was only a prelude to what the night held for us. By now, there was only one thing on my mind, and that was bringing this nightly encounter to a mutually satisfying end. I was determined to give us a good start by making her cum first. Guided by her reactions, I quickly learned what excited her most. When I slowly pushed my thumb in and out of her pussy and rapidly rubbed her swollen clit with my finger at the same time, I knew I had struck gold. Her moaning quickened and then she bucked her hips as her orgasm took control of her body.
The way her tight pussy had been squeezing my thumb when she came was unreal. I could only imagine how incredible it would feel to have those muscles work on my cock. I could take her right now if I wanted, while she was still in the throes of her climax. All I had to do was drop my pants, aim for penetration, and we’d be fucking. As much as I looked forward to doing exactly that, something was holding me back. It wasn’t my girlfriend. It was the notion that this girl was special, someone who deserved much more than a rushed, anonymous shag in the dark. While I couldn’t do much about the anonymous part, there was nothing that could stop me from taking my time with this girl.
Knowing I was going to have sex with the lamb in due course, I first sought to taste her kiss again. I kneeled down next to her and pulled her into my arms. She was still panting when our lips met, but as my tongue slipped between her lips, it was eagerly greeted by her own. She truly was a great kisser. She displayed a tenderness and enthusiasm that I just couldn’t get enough of, and despite us being complete strangers, her kisses had the distinct taste of something I had been missing for a long time; genuine desire and sincere affection.
After another lengthy and passionate kiss, I was starved for air and feeling drunk on the little lamb’s lips. I opened my eyes, half expecting to be greeted by the most beautiful girl with the sweetest smiling face, but all I could see was the faint silhouette of a girl with blonde curls and wearing what most likely was a pair of sheep’s ears. She still had her arms draped around my neck and her face was mere inches from mine, yet almost invisible in the moonless night. I was staring deeply into her eyes, trying to establish what color they might be. She was gazing back into mine, possibly wondering the same thing.
She leaned forward again and tenderly placed another one of those soft pecks on my lips. Though still passionate and intense, the message behind this kiss was again completely different than before. With this kiss the girl told me that she was ready to move on.
“I want you” she whispered, in case her kiss had failed to deliver its message.
Despite the obviousness of her statement, my heart skipped a beat when I heard her say those words. I grabbed her ass and lifted her in my lap. Without wasting another second, she moved her hands down my chest and began to work on my pants. Regardless of the rather awkward position and the lack of visual guidance, she managed to undo my belt buckle and open my fly. She reached into my boxers and pulled my penis out of my pants.
She closed her fingers around my engorged cock and ran her hand up and down the shaft. An appreciative moan escaped her lips as she felt up my manhood. My cock was as big and hard as it had ever been, and I was glad I lived up to her expectations. I lifted my ass off the ground and she worked my pants a little further down my legs. She then re-straddled my lap and sat down with her hot, naked buns on my bare legs. With her arms wrapped around my back she scooted forward until her firm breasts were pressed against my chest. We kissed again.
While the girl was seated in my lap, she unzipped her pleated skirt and took it off. She hugged me even tighter and pressed her pussy against the underside of my cock. My hands were holding her naked ass, cradling and fondling the firm round buttocks. I was fully aware that if I lifted her just an inch or two into the air, my cock would be poised for penetration, and that I would only have to lower her again to be inside her. From the impatient way she was dry-humping me, I knew she must be thinking something similar. The downy fur on her cushiony mound tickled my shaft as she rubbed against my throbbing erection. Every now and then she would tilt her hips a little and her pussy would give my cock and balls a hot, wet kiss.
It was around that time that I discovered what had been tickling the back of my hand earlier¬. Tied around the girl’s slim waist was a small ribbon, and attached to it was a woolen tail, a sheep’s tail to complement the ears on the headband in her hair and the black make-up on the the tip of her nose and upper lip. I let the soft, furry tail run tail through my fingers. It was only a little detail, but I liked it. While I was wondering what other surprises this girl had in store for me, she grabbed my hand and slipped something in it. It was a square wrapper with jagged edges and a flexible, ring-shaped object inside. I easily recognized what it was; a condom.
Thinking straight had become an impossibility, it was like my body had already chosen for me. The blood had drained from my brain and inflated my cock, which by now was so hard, it felt like it was going to explode if I didn’t get inside this girl soon. With trembling hands, I tore open the package and pulled out the condom. I could hardly see my own hands, but I managed to put it on. Nothing was gonna stop us now.
The girl rose onto her knees and wrapped her arms around my neck to steady herself as she lowered herself down onto my lap. My cock needed no guidance to find its goal. Like a heat-seeking missile, it homed in on its target and pierced her smoldering pussy. She inhaled sharply as the tip of my cock parted her lips and penetrated her inner sanctum.
She held still for a moment with my cock an inch or so inside her pussy. I could feel her struggle to take me in. I know I’m no porn star, but I have nothing to complain about when it comes to size, particularly in circumference. The girl discovered this when she reached inside my boxers earlier and now she knew what it was like to feel it inside her. She was very tight, but I don’t think I was hurting her too much, and if I did, it didn’t stop her.
Finally, the girl was sitting in my lap, having accepted every inch I had to offer. She sat still for a moment as she needed a little time to get used to having her intimate tissues stretched by my cock. Her pussy was deliciously hot and wet, and incredibly tight. I could feel the muscles of her vagina ripple and twitch, trying to contract around my cock. Even without moving, being inside her was nothing short of sensational. Finally, she sighed contently and kissed me again. It was only a quick kiss, merely a nonverbal way of conveying her appreciation. I wanted to kiss her back and return the compliment, but she was gone again.
The girl rose onto her knees, taking nearly all of her weight off my lap and started to move. At first she was only rocking her hips, but it wasn’t long before she progressed to moving her entire body up and down along the length of my cock. Each time she went up, the muscles in her already tight vagina grabbed my shaft, as if her body was reluctant to let me go. Then she’d come down again, and the silky tissues eagerly yielded and sucked me back in, making soft squishy noises as she dropped in my lap. I renewed my grip on her butt and thrust up into the delightful depths of the horny little lamb on each downward movement. Our bodies instinctively found the right tempo and soon we were truly fucking. The memories of my missing girlfriend were fading fast, hopefully to be replaced with new memories the girl and I would make tonight.
Having sex with this stranger filled a need inside me I didn’t even know I had. It is difficult to describe, but it was beyond mere animal lust, it somehow transcended my physical needs. I know it sounds cliché, but it was like our souls were meant to be together, like she was a part of me, and I was part of her. Until tonight I would never have guessed I was incomplete, but now I suddenly was whole, and it felt good.
After riding my cock for some time, it became evident the girl began to tire. She tried to continue at the same pace, but inevitably had to slow down and ultimately stopped moving altogether. She draped her arms around my neck and moved in for another hot kiss. I could hear and feel her rapid breathing as her lips sought mine. Then, as our lips met, she leaned back and pulled me along with her until she was lying on her back on the ground, and I was on top of her.
Now that we were lying in a missionary position, it was up to me to do most of the work, but she wasn’t just lying there.
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