Author - Squattingeagle
This author has submitted the following adult xxx stories to the Fantasy Fiction Club.
I hope you enjoy my stories. If you do, please consider rating them and leaving a comment 🙂
- Creatures of the night
- Gang Bang Mom_(0)
- Grandma’s Secret
- Incest Roulette_(1)
- Mom’s Motivational Techniques
- My Little Medicine
- My Sister’s Habit
- My Sisters’ Tits
- My torment
- Payback
- Practical Jokes_(1)
- Roofie Nights
- Saving mommy’s marriage
- Sharing a shower with Mom
- Sharing a Shower with Mom – Part II
- Sharing a Shower with Mom – Part III
- Sheepshaggin’
- The Taboo Challenge
- The Wedding Gift_(1)
- Try Me
- Under her Spell