
Grandma’s Secret

A grandmother’s untimely demise brings to light an unexpected story about an apparently normal family.

Grandma’s Secret

Earlier this month, my grandmother passed away in her sleep. Nan had been only 66 years old when she died, but it hadn’t happened unexpectedly. The doctors had given her two months when they discovered the cancer that was slowly destroying her body, and that was just about as much as she got. At least she didn’t suffer much.

After the funeral and the period of grieving, there remained the task of moving all of Nan’s possessions out of her house and get it ready for sale. Gathering, sorting and storing a lifetime’s worth of possessions is a lot of work, and I decided to take a few days off from college to be with my family and help them as much as I could. My assistance was gladly accepted and mom had kept me occupied pretty much all of the time for the last two days.

Today was a Saturday, which meant that dad didn’t have to go to work and was helping mom instead. I was relieved of my duties for the day and stayed at home to catch up on my assignments.

I had been sweating over an essay all morning and my eyes were hurting from staring at the computer display. Thankfully, I had already made good progress and could spare a little time for a well-deserved break. I was feeling quite thirsty, so I decided to head to the kitchen and raid the fridge for some soda or juice and maybe something to eat as well.

I found some leftover tuna salad in the fridge and I made a couple of nice sandwiches. Then I poured myself a big glass of juice to go with it. As I was taking the spoils back to my room, I heard someone whisper my name. I looked around and finally spotted my younger sister, peeking in from a crack in the door. She lay her finger on her lips and beckoned me closer.
“Are they still gone?” Audrey whispered.
I nodded “Mom and dad went to Aunt Shelley for the afternoon.”

Audrey swung the door open and quickly traversed the room, carrying something bulky and rectangular under her sweater. Intrigued by my sister’s secretive behavior, I followed her.
“What have you got under there, books?” I asked as I stopped her.
“I can’t tell you. It’s a secret” she said
“Come on, I’ll let you have one of my sandwiches”
She looked hungrily at the food. “Is that mom’s tuna salad?”
“Yes, the last of it. Just show me what you’ve got and you can have one”
She considered my offer for a moment. “Okay, but don’t tell mom or dad”
I promised her I’d keep mum and led her into my room.
“So, what are you hiding? Dirty magazines?” I asked as I sat down at my desk.
“No, something much better: Nan’s old diaries!” she said and retrieved a bundle of aged books from under her sweater, unintentionally flashing me her tight stomach and baby-blue bra.
“Diaries? There were no diaries!” I said, a little distracted.
One of the tasks I had been charged with was to gather all of Nan’s books, put them in sturdy cardboard boxes and carry them to the car. Every book, magazine or other piece of writing in the house had been in my hands at least two times. If there were any diaries, I would have known it.

“I know!” Audrey said as she stacked the books on my desk. “Mom hid them. I saw her when I was bringing a bag of clothes to the garage. She was behaving rather suspiciously, like she was hiding something from me. I pretended not to notice it and leave, but I kept an eye on her. When mom thought she was alone again, I saw her tuck this small bundle away in one of the boxes with junk. As soon as she turned her back for a minute, I dug the bundle out and that’s how I found these books. She had them wrapped in an old tablecloth so I swapped them with a couple of phone books and put the books in the bag of clothes instead.”
“And they’re Nan’s diaries, huh?”
“Yeah, I was going to read them. You know, I really don’t know much about Nan. I wonder why mom wanted to throw these away.”
“Perhaps she didn’t know they were diaries?” I asked while munching on a sandwich.
“You think so?” she asked sarcastically, holding up a dog-eared booklet with big golden letters embossed on a faded pink front, clearly spelling the words ‘My Diary’.
“Well I don’t know, Audrey. Ask mom”
“And let mom know I’ve got the diaries? I thought you were supposed to be the smart one? If she wanted to throw the diaries away secretly, she’ll take them as soon as she hears I’ve got them.”
“Maybe the answer’s inside”
“That’s what I thought. Do you mind if I read it here?”
“Just be quiet, I’ve got a lot of work to do”

Audrey dropped her fine ass on my bed, opened the first of the five books and started reading while I sat down at my desk to finish my essay. She kept reading all afternoon, chuckling sometimes and making sympathetic noises at other times. By the time our parents returned and mom called us for dinner, she was already halfway the first volume.

“And, have you learned anything yet?” I asked. I wasn’t really that interested, more like making small talk, but a little feigned interest always seemed to make my sister happy. This time was no exception.
“Have you discovered why mom wanted to get rid of those books?” I added.
“Maybe. Did you know Nan was a very… you know… naughty girl when she was our age?”
“Naughty? Like in a sexual way? What did she do, fuck the entire football team or something? Do you suppose mom’s ashamed of Nan?”
“No, you dog! Nothing like that!” Audrey hissed angry. “Listen, why don’t you come to my room after dinner, and I’ll tell you what I’ve learned so far.”

It was already late when our parents came home, so dinner was take-away in front of the TV. I didn’t mind; I’ve always liked Chinese food and there would be no plates to clean afterward. Less than half an hour later, I followed Audrey to her room.

“So, tell me about the little nympho” I said as Audrey closed the door behind us.
She just looked at me disapprovingly, not even dignifying herself with a reply.
I tried to laugh it off, successfully, so it seemed.

“Well, she writes that she’s… masturbating, all the time. Sometimes five or six times.“
So much there wasn’t much shocking news. There were days even I had managed to top that.
“That’s all?” I said, a little disappointed.
“Let me finish, I don’t mean at home, but at school!”
“What, you mean in the girls’ room, like Anne?”
“Err… Yes, but even in the classroom, with everyone around”
“No way!”
“Yes, here, listen to this bit: She’s at school and has been fantasizing about one of the boys all morning…”
She picked up the book, went back a couple of pages and started reading

“…when I went to pee during recess my panties were all damp, so I thought it would be better to take them off and stuff them in my bag. I didn’t have a fresh pair with me, so I had to go without. The bell hadn’t rung yet, so I stayed there and tickled my kitty a little longer. It was such a relief to finally touch myself and I was just about to feel good when the bell rang. It was quite a bummer because I was so close, but I couldn’t risk getting caught, so I cleaned up as well as I could and joined the others in class.”

“This is so cute, imagine Nan, secretly fingering her pussy on that 1960’s school toilet!” she said, all excited and giggly. All I could imagine was the frail old woman I’d last seen, a few hours before her death. Thinking of her masturbating only disgusted me.

“It was so naughty to be naked under my skirt, but the cool air felt really nice on my damp kitty. When I came in the classroom, Mr. Wilson had closed the drapes and was busy loading a film in the projector. I was glad it was dark in the room, so I wouldn’t have to worry about someone seeing up my skirt as I sat down. And it might have gone just fine if it hadn’t been for Liv.
She saw me holding my skirt as I sat down and asked me if I wasn’t wearing any panties. I told her to forget about it, but of course she didn’t. She grabbed the hem of my skirt and lifted it high enough to see my bush. I yelled out and slapped her hand away. Everybody looked at us and teach gave us a warning. If he could have seen under my desk, he’d have us expelled for sure.
“Stupid Liv wasn’t didn’t back off after that, and when the movie started, she put her hand back under my skirt. I quickly closed my legs and told her to piss off, but she pushed her finger between my legs and touched the folds of my naked kitty”

“Wait a minute, who’s this Liv anyway?” I interrupted my sister.
“Olivia is sort of her BFF. She’s even worse than grandma.”

“Luckily she pulled her hand away before Mr. Wilson saw what she was doing. She didn’t do nothing for the rest of the film, but her brief touch had made me all hot again. I knew there was no way Teach would allow someone to go to the bathroom this shortly after recess, so I would have to sit it out. To make things worse, the movie was the most boring play of Shakespeare ever and all I could think of was how good it would feel to touch myself. Finally, I could stand it no more and while the movie was still playing, I hiked up the side of my skirt and slid my hand underneath. I slumped down a little and leaned against the wall, so nobody could see what happened beneath my desk.
I let my fingers run through the curls and then between my legs. It felt so neat, I just couldn’t stop. I pressed a finger on my button and rubbed it in little circles until I quietly climaxed.”

“See what I mean? And that’s not the only time, she’s done it lots more after that, even with the lights on.”
“Wow, that was really hot” I said. My initial disgust had more than disappeared.
“Yes, I can see that” Audrey laughed, pointing at the bulge in my pants.
“So what. Your nipples are hard too, and I bet your panties are soaking wet” I snapped back.
“Do you think I should take them off, then?”

I knew this was my sister talking, but I never was sure whether she was joking, or actually flirting with me. It didn’t stop me from giving her an equally inappropriate retort.

“Sure, go ahead. I’ll turn off the lights and put on a boring movie so you can finger your pussy while I pretend not to see it.”
A fluffy little pillow hit me in the stomach.
“You should use that one to cover your little dick so you can play with yourself during the next story. Do you want me to read it?”
“Sure, if that’s what gets you off”
“Okay, but try not to cum all over my cushions”
She flipped a few pages, looking for the next part. “Here it is. This is what I was reading just before dinner. It is about a month after the last story”

“Dear diary,
Today I got a look at Donny’s penis, and a really good look too! I had just finished hanging the sheets on the washing line in the scullery when he came in to take a bath. He didn’t know I was there, as the sheets nearly hung to the floor and I was behind them.
“Before I could warn him, he had taken off his shirt and pants. So, I hid and watched as he stepped in the tub, completely naked. At first I could hardly see his penis, but as he was washing it, his penis grew bigger and began to stand upright. He’s got a really nice one, it was really big, even bigger than Spot’s and a lot prettier too. I felt all tingly inside and I just had to tickle my kitty while I was looking at Donny. I don’t think I ever climaxed this quick or this good. I think I will be spying on him a lot more”

“Donny, is that…” I asked as she paused at the end of the page.
“Uncle Donald, Nan’s older brother”
“Her brother?”
“Yeah, but the story isn’t over yet” Audrey said while she flipped the page. “Here, three days later she writes:”

“I am so embarrassed; Donny told me he knew I was in the bathroom last Friday. I really hope he didn’t see me touch myself! He said that showing off his naked body had turned him on and that he had rubbed his penis on purpose, to make it big for me. He then said that he would love to see me naked too. I got a little scared and said I had to think about it.

“I was feeling hot all day today, just because I keep thinking about Donny’s big penis. I wonder what it feels like. Maybe he’ll let me touch it if I ask him.
Oh, dear diary, what should I do? It’s all so naughty! Mom and dad would kill me if they knew, but I really want to see Donny’s penis again and touch it too. I guess I’ll just have to let him see me naked. And even though it scares me, just thinking of showing him my tits and kitty gets me all warm and tingly again.”

“And it gets even worse the next day” Audrey said and continued.

“I did it! Donald was hiding when I took my bath and I pretended I didn’t see him. I took of my dresses and panties and got in the tub. I didn’t sit down like I always do when I wash myself, but I stood up so he could see all of me. I showed off my tits and my bush, knowing Donny was looking at me. It was so naughty!

“When I bent over to pick up the bar of soap, I spread my legs a little and slowly pushed my butt in the air. I could hear a muffled gasp as I showed Donny absolutely everything I had. Then I went even a bit further. While I was standing like that, I ran my fingers through my bush and rubbed my button a little. I heard another gasp and then he ran away. I was afraid someone might have seen or heard us, so I quickly finished and got dressed. Mom was in the kitchen when I came from the scullery, but she wasn’t upset or anything, so I don’t think she knew Donny was in there with me.
It was weird to be naked in front of a boy, even if he was my brother, but I liked it. If he asks me again, I’ll do it. I’m sure he enjoyed it too, even though he ran away before I was finished”

Audrey stopped reading and skipped some lines.

“I asked him why he ran away. He said it wasn’t because he didn’t like to look at me, it was because he had liked it too much. When I bent over and touched myself down there, he had ‘shot his stuff in his pants’ and needed to change before mom would see it.
During recess, I asked Olivia if she knew what a boy’s ‘stuff’ is and what happens when they shoot it. She said she would tell me after school…”

Audrey stopped again and scanned the text with her eyes.
“Geesh, how naive can a girl be?” she muttered. “This is from nineteen-sixty…seven… she’s what, eighteen years old and doesn’t know about a boy’s cum?”
“Not all girls are as easy as you, sis” I laughed, which resulted in another cushion being thrown in my face. Like any girl, my sister had dozens of them.
“I’m not easy!” she replied. “FYI, I’ve only been with three guys. That’s a lot less than your girlfriend”
“EX-girlfriend” I corrected her. “And Anne wasn’t easy, she was a slut.”
A third fluffy pillow hit me. I decided it would be better to bury the hatchet before she ran out of fluffy pillows and would start throwing other things. “I’m sorry Audrey, I was only kidding. Please tell me, what happened next?”
“I don’t know; that was about as far as I got. Where was I?”
Her eyes scanned the page and she started reading again.

“As he came home today, I asked him if he would shoot his stuff for me. He was surprised by my request, even a little scared maybe. He said he’d do it for me tonight, but only if I was going to be naked too. I can’t wait!”

Audrey flipped the page and quickly scanned the next page. I asked her to keep reading. I had to admit I was eager to know how the story of my horny grandmother and her brother was going to unfold.
“It’s just girl stuff about school and clothes, nothing happened. Oh, here it goes”

“Golly, it was so hot! Mom and dad were visiting Uncle Paul, so Donny and I were alone all evening. After we fed the animals, we went to his room and he dropped his clothes on the floor. His penis was already as big as before and he slowly stroked it while he watched me undress. We sat down on the bed and then he let me feel it. The skin was so soft and I could feel the bone inside. He said it felt really good when I held his dick, as he called his penis. Then he taught me how to play with it by sliding the skin up and down.

“I asked if I was doing it right and he said that it felt even better than when he did it himself. Then he said that if I kept stroking his dick like that, he would shoot his stuff real soon. A little while later he groaned again and told me to do it faster. About ten strokes later, his dick began to twitch in my hand and a squirt of thick, whitish fluid splashed onto his stomach. I let his penis go and watched it throb and squirt again. It was soo neat!
After six or eight more spurts, Donny stopped shooting and his penis began to shrink a little. I started stroking it again because I wanted to see him shoot more stuff, but Donny said he had to rest a while before he could do it again. I asked if it would get hard again if I rubbed my kitty for him. He said it might, but just as I got started, mom and dad came home.”

“Hmmm… Poor naughty Grandma!” Audrey cooed
“Yes, too bad they had to stop. I bet he could have fucked her too, if they had a little more time”
“No way! Do you really think Nan would have had sex with her own brother?” she asked, shocked by the suggestion.
“Definitely. Maybe not right now, but she really needs to get laid”
“Well, you’re right about that. She definitely needs to get laid”

“Better find out then” I said and she started reading again. She was silent for another hour, reading page after page. Soon it was almost bedtime.
“So… has anything happened yet?”
“Sure, lots of things happened. They went on vacation, Donny got a new job, their dog Spot died…”
“You know what I mean, has Nan fucked her brother yet?”
“Oh, so you only want to hear about her sexual adventures? I thought you honestly wanted to learn more about our dear grandmother” Audrey berated me in mocked disappointment. “You men are all the same.”
It was time for me to throw back one of the fluffy cushions. She got the hint.

“No, she has jacked him off a couple of times and he has fingered her too, but other than a bit of kissing, nothing else has happened”
“That’s too bad. I would have liked to hear that story.”
“No, you wouldn’t!” Audrey admonished me “That would be Incest
“So what if that’s what they call it. They’re adults and if they both want it, there’s nothing wrong with them having sex. Let them have a go at it. It’s the sixties, you know; the sexual revolution, Flower Power and all that shit”
“Do you really think it is okay for a girl to have sex with her very own brother?” she asked, still a little shocked.
“Sure, that’s what makes it even hotter. Don’t you think so?”
“Would you have fucked her if you were Uncle Donald?”
“Damn right I would!”
“You’re crazy, you know that?” she said, shaking her head.

She knew I was joking. Or was I?

“Yes, well I’m going to put my crazy ass to bed now” I yawned, “see you tomorrow”


The next morning I was woken by my sister. She was still wearing her nightgown and her hair was an auburn mess. I could see she hadn’t gotten much sleep last night, but even in this state she looked beautiful to me.

“They did it! You were right, Nan and Donald had sex together” Audrey said before I could even greet her.
It took a second or two to process what she said.
“Told you so” I yawned.
“Whatever” Audrey said as she sat down on my bed. “Here, I’ll read it to you.”
“Wait, get inside, you’ll get cold if you don’t” I said, folding back the duvet.
Audrey hesitated for a second, and then got in bed with me. Luckily it was Sunday morning and our parents were at our grandmother’s house again.

“Now, you just keep your hands on top of the blanket, okay? There’s gonna be no jacking off until I’m gone.” Audrey said as she crawled next to me and opened the diary.
Her feminine scent was intoxicating. I could already feel something stirring between my legs. “Just start reading” I said.
“Okay, listen. It’s about a month or two after the last story. They are home alone and Nan has just jacked him off”

“He wiped his stuff off my boobs and played a little with my kitty. Suddenly he stopped and looked at me funny. I asked what it was and he said he wanted to have sex with me. I asked him if he knew how to do it.
He said we could do it like Spot did with the neighbor’s dog. He said sex was supposed to be the best, much better even than anything we had done so far. He promised he would pull out before he’d shoot his stuff, so I couldn’t get pregnant. I said I wasn’t sure, but if he really wanted, we could try it.

“He got on his knees behind me and put his hands on my waist. His dick poked at my legs and butt a few times, so I reached out and helped it find my kitty. The next time Donny pushed, the tip nudged between the folds and then it squeezed into me. Donny grabbed my waist even more firmly and as he pulled me against his body, his penis speared deep into my kitty. It hurt a lot and I asked him to stop, but Donny said it was too good and pushed his dick even deeper. The pain got even worse as he started to move in and out. Thankfully he pulled out soon and then I felt his stuff on my back.

“Donny said it really was the best feeling ever and he wanted to do it again later. I told him it had hurt a lot and that I didn’t want him to put his dick in my kitty again. I could see his disappointment when I said that. I hope he is not angry about it and wants to stop playing.”

“That’s too bad” I said. “I bet they could have had lots of fun together”
“Well, this is what she writes the next day”

“Dear diary,
My kitty is still sore and there was blood in my knickers from what Donny did last night. I don’t think you’re supposed to put a dick in there like that. I hope Donny will still play with me if I do not let him put it in my kitty. Just kissing and using our hands is much nicer.”

“So, that’s it?” I asked when she stopped reading.
“Of course not, you didn’t think Donald would give up that easy, now that he’s had his first taste of pussy?”
“No” I said. I knew I wouldn’t.
Audrey nodded.
“So they continued fucking?” I asked.
“Not immediately, but eventually, yes. But they had also a lot of fun in between”
Audrey leaved through the pages and started reading again.

“Donny came to my room again and asked if I wanted to fool around again. I rubbed his dick while he rubbed my kitty until I climaxed. Then he asked if we could have sex again and I said it still hurt. He was a bit disappointed but he wasn’t angry. He said that if I did not want to do it I wouldn’t have to. He’s so sweet! It almost made me sorry I didn’t let him.

“I said I wanted to apologize to his dick and gave it a kiss. Donny said it felt nice and asked me to kiss it again. I kissed again, and this time I got some of the slimy stuff in my mouth. It wasn’t gross at all. In fact, it tastes kind of nice, so I did it again and again, tasting more of his stuff. Between kisses, I licked the tip with my tongue. Donny groaned loudly and said I had to do that again, so I did it a few more times. Then I took his dick in my mouth and sucked on it. Suddenly his penis pulsed and his stuff shot in my mouth.

“I nearly chocked as his first shot hit the back of my throat. Just as I gasped for air, Donny’s dick pulsed again and this time his stuff sprayed all over my face. I quickly closed my mouth again and let him fill my mouth with the thick, gooey stuff. It tasted a little bitter in my mouth, but I was happy Donny loved it this much. Later he said that when I sucked on his dick, it felt almost as good as when it was in my kitty.”

I was getting dangerously aroused now. My cock was as hard as it had ever been and probably leaking lots of precum as well. I was going to have to readjust myself soon, before I would violate my sister with my erection. The little devil on my shoulder was telling me to just let it happen and see how she’d react, while the little angel had been screaming ‘stop’ for so long, his voice was almost gone. Still, I managed to behave and listen to the story.

“He said he wanted to kiss me down there too, like I had kissed him. I said my kitty was not like a dick, which you could suck on, but he wanted to try it anyway. He got between my legs and sniffed. Fortunately, I had bathed just before, and he liked the smell enough to close in and he touched my folds with his tongue. He said it didn’t taste bad at all and licked me again. When he licked the top of my slit and his tongue touched my little button, I gasped. It felt soo neat! He knew he had struck gold and he planted his lips on it and sucked.

“It was like an explosion of pleasure when he sucked softly and moved his tongue around my sensitive nub. Soon I was panting and shaking as powerful waves of unbelievable delight raced through my body. Donny kept kissing and sucking and licking long enough for me to climax another time. It was the best thing ever.
After this, Donny stopped licking and kissed me on the mouth. I could taste my wetness on his lips. I was surprised, as it really tasted nice, a little like the sweet clear stuff his penis had leaked when I first started sucking it.
My kitty was glowing for a long time, long after Donny had gone to his room. I can’t believe something can feel this good. I will definitely have to tell this to Livvy, maybe I’ll try licking her the next time we sleep over.”

“And they stuck to oral sex after that?” I asked, after she stopped reading.
“Yes, well at least for the next few weeks”
“Well… I guess that can be nice too” I said a little disappointed, but hopeful for the future.
“Yes, don’t you think it’s nice to have your pussy licked?” I teased.
“Uh, yes of course” she stammered, embarrassed.
“Maybe your three guys just didn’t do it right” I pressed on.
“They were… Just shut up and listen, okay?”
I chuckled softly.
“So… what about Liv then?” I asked.
“Did they ever…?”
“Oh, yeah. A lot”
“I would love to hear about that”
“I thought so, but wouldn’t you rather hear about when she started fucking Donald again?”

“Dear diary

“Donny and I had sex again last night and it was great!!

“He came to my room after mom and dad went to bed and asked me if we could try to have sex again. I agreed, but only if he made my kitty feel good first and he would pull out if it hurt again. He promised to do so.
He got between my legs and licked me for a long time. It was the best, especially when he pushed two fingers inside me and moved them in and out while he licked my nub at the same time. I never knew it could be this nice to have something inside my kitty, so I got on my hands and knees and said he could try to put it in.

“My kitty was all wet and slick from his licking, so it didn’t hurt at all when he pushed into me. I could feel his hips pressed against my butt and I knew I had his dick all the way inside me. He still stretched me, but this time it felt really nice, and when he started to move slowly in and out, it was just fantastic. His dick reached every good spot and rubbed my entire kitty with every push. I couldn’t help but moan softly.
Donny stopped moving and asked if he was hurting me. I said he wasn’t hurting me, that I loved what he was doing. Hearing this he started going again, a little faster and harder now. I started moaning because it felt so unbelievably good. He was moving in and out really hard, so hard that my arms gave way and I almost fell over. I just lay there with my face in the pillows while he kept going. Soon he was panting and groaning like he does before he’s going to shoot. I wanted it to last longer and so did he, but he had to pull out.
After he had finished shooting, Donny slumped on the bed and said he loved me. I said I loved him too and we kissed.

“I asked Olivia if she knew how to get hold of some condoms, but she didn’t. I had told her about the sex I had with my ‘boyfriend’ and that I had enjoyed it so much. She said she knew I would love it. I told her how much I hated that he always had to pull out, just when it was getting good. I said that if I had some condoms, he wouldn’t have to pull out so soon and then, maybe I’d get to feel good too.

“Olivia said that her sister Eleanor knew a way to have sex without the need for him to pull out, and still not get pregnant. I said I’d very much like to know how to do that. We asked Eleanor and she told us her secret, that there are only a few days of each monthly cycle during which a girl is fertile. If you know these days, then the other days are safe. It sounded like a load of hogwash to me, but Eleanor assured us that she had sex like a hundred times, with eight different boys and she never got pregnant.

“I have decided to trust Eleanor and just go for it. I checked, and it is almost four weeks since my monthlies, so it should be safe right now. I will try it tomorrow morning when mom and dad are feeding the animals. I can hardly wait!

“It was great! I told Donny I wanted to have sex with him again and that I didn’t want him to pull out this time. He didn’t dare to at first, but when I explained him everything Eleanor had told, he said he wanted to try it too. He humped me for a long time, much longer than he would normally have. Then he grabbed me even firmer than before and pushed his dick deep inside me. He grunted and shook and then I felt his hot stuff flowing in my belly.

“As I write this at my desk, it’s like I can still feel him inside me. Sex is so much better when he can shoot his stuff in my kitty. It feels great and I don’t have to clean up afterward. I think I want to do it like this for always.”

“See, I told you. She just needed to get laid” I said.
“Yes, but… Her own brother?”
“Why not, it’s perfect. Nan and Donny clearly love each other and they both like doing it. And the best thing is, they already live together”
“It’s wrong” Audrey said weakly, as if she didn’t believe it herself.
“People who say it is wrong just never had a hot sister” I stated.
Audrey laid the book on the floor and turned around, facing me. She looked at me, her deep brown eyes looking into mine, searching for something.
“Like Nan, you mean?” she asked.
“Or… like you” I replied. As I heard these words leave my lips, I wanted to kick myself. What was I doing? Yes, I was attracted to my little sister and not a little. I had been as long as I can remember, but I had vowed never to act upon it. Now I had spooked her, I could see it.

“Do you really think you could have sex with your sister?” she asked after a while.
“Are you trying to seduce me?” I asked playfully, trying to lighten the atmosphere a little.
“NO!” she yelled, turning red in embarrassment.
There was another uncomfortable silence. Until this moment she too had been joking. Now I didn’t know anymore.
“Well, could you?” she whispered, barely audible. She sounded sincere and extremely vulnerable and, in a way, also extremely endearing. I was compelled to tell her the truth.
“I don’t know. I can’t say I have never thought about it. Do you think you could?”
“If my brother would be as handsome as you…” she said in a husky voice, her hand trailing down the band of my V-neck. Now she was definitely flirting with me. I was suddenly aware of how close her face was. Unconsciously we moved even closer and our lips met. It wasn’t weird to kiss Audrey. My sister and I had been flirting for so long, it was inescapable. It had to happen one day. As it turned out, we both liked it a lot. Our lips locked for at least ten minutes while our tongues played and our hands explored our heated bodies.
At some time during our kiss, Audrey had rolled on top of me and my hands had invaded the forbidden and enticing realm covered by her nighty. They moved over her soft skin, ever higher until they reached her perfect round breasts and her little erect nipples. She moaned softly and pressed her crotch down on my painfully swollen cock as I pinched the sensitive points. Only a few thin layers of fabric separated us and I could feel the heat from her sex as she ground her pussy up and down the length of my shaft.

“I need you inside me” she gasped as we finally broke our kiss. Her eyes were burning with lust.
“I want you too” I whispered back.

It was like a wet dream came true. Still on top of me, Audrey sat upright and with one sweep of her arm she sent her gown flying. She was truly gorgeous, far more beautiful even than she had been in my dreams. Just perfect. Everything about her was perfect; her skin, her breasts, her smile and her eyes. She was the most perfect girl I could ever imagine, and she was my own sister.
My hands reached out and grasped her slender waist, caressing her from her round ass to her firm breasts. She moaned softly as I fondled her tits and tweaked the pink tips. While I was enjoying my sister’s naked breasts, she was still struggling to remove the shirt I wore for pajamas.
A bit reluctantly, I let go of the magnificent pair and sat up a little. Audrey now easily pulled off my shirt and then covered my chest in little kisses as she progressed downwards. She hooked her fingers in the waistband of my boxer shorts and pulled them down. She smiled in delight as my erection sprang up and slapped against my stomach. I knew what she planned to do next, but I wasn’t going to let her. My first orgasm inside her would not be in her mouth.

She looked at me hungrily and licked her red lips, but just as she was about to take me into her mouth, I grabbed her and before she knew what happened, she was on her back on the mattress. Another second later, my sister’s panties were somewhere on the floor and I was between her legs, lapping at her nectarous pussy. Soon Audrey had all but forgotten her intentions and was crying out in pleasure.

As I ate her out I could feel a soft stubble tickling my nose. Audrey’s mound was covered with dark stubble. It told me two things. First, she shaved her pubes, which I loved. I believe there’s nothing more beautiful than a smooth, hairless pussy on a nicely toned girl with firm, perky breasts, especially if she had a golden, all over tan like my sister. Second, she wasn’t sexually active at the moment, nor had she expected something sexual to happen presently. In a way, the week-old stubble gave her an air of chastity which I found highly sexy.

I didn’t spend much time contemplating my sister’s virtues, as I had something more pressing on my mind; making Audrey’ cum on my tongue. Her half-hearted protests quickly died down as I kissed her labia and probed her tight hole with my tongue. When I closed my lips around her little clit and sucked gently, her hands were grabbing my head and a loud groan escaped from her mouth.
Within minutes her legs began to twitch and then the first waves of contractions raced up and down my sister’s tight body. Making her cum had been my goal, but that did not mean I was finished now. I kept her pinned down on the mattress and continued my assault until I had made her scream two more times.

Only after her third orgasm it was ready to move on. I gave her pussy a moment of respite and kissed my way up Audrey’s flat stomach. After that I spent a little more time exploring her flawless breasts. I kissed and licked every inch of her soft mounds and paid extra attention to the pink tips. I quickly learned my sister had extremely sensitive nipples. Every time my teeth grazed the erect points, her body contracted and she uttered a soft groan. It was by far the sexiest sound I had ever heard.

I kept teasing Audrey until she finally grabbed my head again and pulled me all the way on top of her. She folded her legs around my waist and pressed her mouth to mine. While our tongues danced together, she grabbed my cock and guided it between her lips so the head was at the entrance of her pussy. Neither of us could wait any longer, and with a slight push of my hips, the tip entered her silky orifice.

Audrey inhaled sharply as her body welcomed my invading member. She was as tight as a virgin, but plenty moist, and scorchingly hot. As I pushed a second time, my cock smoothly slid in the rest of the way. Just as I bottomed out in her smoldering wetness, my pubic bone came to rest on the soft padding of her downy mound and I felt the muscles at the mouth of her vagina squeeze like a rubber band around the base of my shaft. I was all the way inside her and filled her up completely, it was like her pussy was tailor-made for my cock.

I needed a moment to process and appreciate the sensations that radiated out from where our bodies were united intimately. After a while her legs relaxed around my waist and our bodies started to move. Her eyes were staring up deeply into mine and she whispered for me to make love to her. We started off a little tentative at first, but soon we found our natural rhythm and then we were really fucking.

I could hardly believe this was happening for real. Audrey was the most wonderful and gorgeous girl I knew, more beautiful and sexy than any girl I could ever dream up. And the best thing was, she wanted me as badly as I wanted her. Our lips locked again and she was kissing me with a predatory lust that was far more voracious than I had ever expected from my sweet little sister.

After a few minutes of thrusting into her buttery pussy, another massive orgasm washed over her. Her muffled whimpers melted into a lengthy groan while her entire body shook uncontrollably. Her vagina tightened even more, its muscles frantically trying to milk the cum from my balls. The only thing that stopped me from unloading inside her was a sharp flash of pain as her teeth breached the skin of my bottom lip.

Audrey giggled apologetically as she tasted the blood on her lips and gave a sweet kiss to soothe my pain. Then she pushed me onto my back and began to ride me like a cowgirl. She expertly bounced her ass in my lap, sliding her pussy up and down the length of my slick cock with every stroke. My sister had incredible muscle control and squeezed, almost grabbed, my cock as she rose. Then she would stop, with just the tip inside her, tilt her hips and plunge down again. Loud wet noises sounded as she touched down and ground her clit on my pelvic bone.
She alternated between this energetic and intense fucking, and slowly rocking her hips and kissing tenderly whenever she thought I was getting too close to cumming. I had managed to last a long time, much longer than I ever expected, but still I had to acknowledge I couldn’t postpone it much longer. We rolled over again and I pumped her as fast as I could until my balls contracted.

“I’m gonna cum” I grunted and began to pull out.
“Don’t….” she groaned, clutching me firmly while another orgasm took her ability to talk. I presumed that she didn’t want me to pull out, and it was too late for me anyway. I thrust into my sister one last time and came deep inside her tight pussy. Never before had I climaxed simultaneously with a girl, yet on my first time with Audrey it happened. Our shared orgasm was magnified and lasted longer, racing back and forth between our unified bodies. I had never come this hard or this long. It felt like I was releasing a gallon of sperm over a period that spanned several minutes before I collapsed on top of my lover, drained mentally as well as physically.

Audrey wasn’t doing much better than me, she had all but passed out after her own powerful orgasm. Her auburn hair was sticking to her damp and flushed face. As I wiped the strands of hair from her brow, she opened her eyes again. For a moment, she looked confused and then a smile formed on her lips. She brought her face up to mine and gave me the most delicate and tender kiss. Then she dropped her head on the pillow and stared up into my eyes for a while, still smiling happily.

“What is it?” I asked softly.
“I…” she started, then turned away.
“Tell me what’s on your mind, please”
“Don’t freak out… but… I think I… I love you”
“Why would I freak out? It’s the-”
“But I’m your sister” she interrupted, her voice cracking.
“Yes you are my sister, but you’re also the sweetest and most beautiful girl I know and… I love you too. I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember, and there’s nothing I’ve ever wanted more than to hear you say those words”
“You’re not just saying that, are you?”
“No baby, I absolutely, truly love you. I always have, and I always will.”

We sealed our pledges with another make-out session and then fell asleep in each other’s arms. A little later I woke up again, feeling like I just had a pleasant dream. As I opened my eyes I saw there was a naked girl in my bed, her head on my chest and her arm draped lovingly around me. It took a second or two to realize this gorgeous naked girl was in fact my very own sister and then it all came back; how we had made passionate love together and then expressed our feelings for each other.

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