Sex Story Author: | lesley_tara |
Sex Story Excerpt: | It took a little longer for the Asian girl fully to accept her sapphic orientation, for a part of her |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Asian, Bondage and restriction, Coercion, Domination/submission, Female / Girl, Fiction, First Time, Girls domination, Interracial, Lesbian, Non-consensual sex, Oral Sex, School, Teen Female/Teen Female |
copyright: Lesley Tara, 2012
You can find the pictures in one of my albums on my profile page, but you have to be registered and logged in to see them (I also have some other sexy pictures there, selected to accompany some of my other stories). However, the pictures are not essential, and the story works perfectly well on its own – and it also goes on beyond them. I must emphasise that the models in the pictures are NOT, repeat NOT, the people in the story, which is a fantasy and completely fictitious, with invented characters whose resemblance to any real persons is purely coincidental.
Yuriko was new to Hirstmere Hall, the expensive private girls-only boarding school in southern England, but that didn’t put the arrogant little bitch off her stride for one moment. Why should it? – her parents were very wealthy Japanese-American financiers who were temporarily based in Britain, and Yuriko was so smart that she had already been advanced a grade at her previous high school in California, where she had been the queen bee. So, although she was only just seventeen – and with her slim, under-developed body (like many Asian teens, her breasts were so small that there was hardly any need for her to wear a bra), she looked more like fifteen – she went straight into the Upper Sixth Form with the eighteen year olds.
She was soon thoroughly disliked by almost all of them: it wasn’t so much that she was a new girl, or that she was younger than her classmates, and certainly not that she was foreign, as the school had several overseas pupils who were all quite popular. No, it was her smart-alec attitude, for Yuriko loved to show off how clever she was – and if that meant making someone else look dumb, well, that was their look-out, wasn’t it? But for all her brains, knowledge and sharpness, in many ways Yuriko was a silly girl, naive and unaware of the impact she was having on the people around her – and the trouble that she was storing up for herself.
At nearly nineteen, Alexis was one of the oldest girls in the Upper Sixth. She was tall, slim and quite good-looking, with dark brunette hair that fell straight from a centre-parting to below her shoulders, although her sharp nose and angular cheekbones made her appear more sultry and sexy than conventionally pretty. She was also very fit and strong – not surprising in a girl who enjoyed everything to do with sports or athletics, and who for nearly 18 months had been the very successful captain of the school’s lacrosse and hockey teams. Most of the girls in her class knew or suspected, as did many of the teachers, that Alexis was a confirmed and active lesbian – but she was generally discrete about her tastes and kept her pussy-hunting within the Sixth Form and didn’t seduce any of the under-sixteens, so no one really minded (and many, including several teachers, actively approved). Alexis had been initiated into sapphic sex – which she took to without the slightest hesitation – when she had just turned fifteen by the teacher who coached the Hirstmere Hall hockey team, in a venerable tradition that stretched way back, for that teacher had been eased into lifelong lesbianism by a dyke coach when she had been a teenage schoolgirl, and so on, and so on.
Alexis enjoyed her regular sex-sessions with Coach Saunders, who was pretty hot for a 37 year-old and very experienced in the arts of girl-fucking (Alexis being far from the first pretty schoolgirl to learn the finer points of pussy-eating at her lush clean-shaven cunt). Alexis also willingly lapped and sucked the vaginas of the three other teachers who were part of Coach Saunders’s lesbian circle, and the young apprentice dyke eagerly spread her legs wide whenever they wanted to have her, whether it was with their fingers or with strap-on dildos, and whether it was just one of them alone or all four in a wild group orgy – for Alexis just loved lesbian lust any way and any time that she could get it. However, what she enjoyed most of all was fucking one of the other schoolgirls, because here she could be more dominant and assertive, and plunge deep into their sweet tight holes with the wickedly long and thick strap-on which Coach Saunders had given to her as an eighteenth birthday present (after, of course, a no-holds-barred demonstration from the expert in how it should be used!).
Alexis was quite adept with this now, and her athletic exercises meant that she had the agility, strength and stamina to ride a girl really long and hard – to give her a bone-shaking, mind-blowing, multiple-orgasm pussy-blasting. Her three closest friends in the class were lesbians as well: Alexis had seduced and initiated two of them herself, whilst the other girl had her cherry taken by one of the teachers (who were all women at this school) on the day after she turned sixteen. Her three friends were equally avid for lesbian sex – and, most of all, they wanted Alexis to fuck them any time that she was willing, which was just about every day of the week. In fact, two of the girls were natural sapphic submissives, and Alexis and the fourth girl – her best friend, Miranda – were more and more getting off on dominating them, taking them rougher and riding them harder, even recently adding a bit of bondage to spice the mix.
Maybe Yuriko was a little intimidated by Alexis, but of course she would never show it or even admit it to herself. Maybe it was just that Alexis had been the ‘leader of the pack’ in the school without dispute, until the sassy little Asian bitch arrived and challenged her for it. Whatever the real cause, it seemed that Yuriko especially delighted in showing up Alexis in front of the teachers and the rest of the class – answering the questions that Alexis couldn’t, and pointing out in a gratingly false ‘friendly’ way whenever Alexis made a mistake. There were too many opportunities for such showing off and showing up: Alexis wasn’t the cleverest girl in the year, and it didn’t help that between her focus on sports (with hours spent training on the sports field and in the gym) and her active lesbian sex life (with hours spent pleasuring her coach, the other teachers and her friends), she never had the time to prepare properly for class.
So Yuriko preened, Alexis seethed, and the rest of their class waited in tense and increasingly eager anticipation for the arrogant little Asian bitch to learn a lesson which they thought she richly deserved. Finally, after several weeks of mounting annoyance (during which, to their moaning delight, Alexis taken out her frustration through pulverising pussy-poundings of her two submissive girlfriends), the tall English brunette had had enough, and decided to act. Alexis turned over various plans in her mind, savouring the possibilities until she had one that seemed fully satisfactory. Then she discussed her ideas with her three lesbian lovers, and they quietly warned the other girls. Yuriko’s conduct had made sure that she had no friends amongst her peers, and so no one gave the show-off bitch an inkling of what was in store for her.
At this elite girls-only private boarding school, the Upper Sixth Form pupils had the privilege not only of staying up for an hour longer than the Lower Sixth (the seventeen year olds), but also of seeing themselves to bed and putting their own lights out by midnight. So, rather than a teacher having to remain on duty for this, they were overseen by the Head Girl (who, of course, was Alexis) and a small team of prefects (who, of course, included her lover Miranda and their eager submissive pussy-babes, Jenny and Cecilia).
It was a dark evening in late November, and, after the younger forms had been sent on their way to bed, the teacher on duty signed off and left the supervision of the Upper Sixth girls to Alexis. Actually, as the teacher on duty happened to be Ms. Greig, the sexy twenty-nine year old geography teacher who was one of Coach Saunders’s lesbian intimates, her method of ‘signing over’ to Alexis consisted of taking the Head Girl into a cubicle in the deserted staff cloakroom and getting Alexis quickly and expertly to eat out her pussy until she came. In return, the grinning teacher shoved Alexis’s red tartan mini-skirt (which she wore even shorter than its already-brief regulation length) up around her waist, twisted aside the gusset of her white cotton panties (also much skimpier than the regulation size), and rammed two fingers into the gasping Head Girl’s vagina. Kissing Alexis vigorously, the teacher groped the teenager’s smallish but firmly perky 28B breasts with one hand, and pistoned her cunt-hole with the other.
Normally, Alexis would have relished a quick lesbian fuck like this, but tonight she was saving her pussy-power for other things. With a quiet word, she told the teacher this and asked her to stop; rather disappointed, Ms. Greig complied, looking quizzically at her young protege. Alexis smiled, leaned forward to lick and nibble the busty blonde teacher’s earlobe, and whispered in explanation:
‘It’s Eureka time!’
The teacher laughed, enjoying the pun and understanding at once what was meant by it. She was one of those who knew that although Alexis wasn’t conventionally academically clever, she was well-read and shrewd, with a dry and sardonic sense of humour.
‘Mmmm,’ smiled the teacher, giving Alexis’s moist pussy a final gentle caress; ‘make it a real voyage of discovery for her, won’t you.’ Then she added, for she had seen perfectly well whilst teaching the class what had been going on, and like several other teachers was increasingly annoyed at Yuriko’s know-it-all style and the negative de-motivating impact it was having on the rest of the class: ‘and make it good and hard, honey, that little Jap bitch needs taking down – she needs to learn her place!’
‘Yeah, and I’m sure gonna show it to her, I’m gonna nail her ass real good’, drawled Alexis, who was getting hot and wet with anticipation – this little pussy-fumble with luscious Ms. Greig was getting her nicely in the mood and fired up for what she had planned for Yuriko.
‘Well,’ said the blonde curly-haired teacher, ‘if you do break her in, let us know – Coach and I would like to have some more Asian pussy at our disposal, they’re always so good once they’ve learned that their place is to take orders – in fact, just to take it, anyhow we want to give it to them! Yep, you teach her her place, and we’ll make sure she stays in it!’
Alexis smiled – this was getting better and better! She almost skipped out of the staff cloakroom, aided on her way by a fond but firm smack on her ass (possibly her best feature) from her teacher-lover.
All was set in train, just as she had planned. The Asian goody-goody was in the school’s Sixth Form Library, a study room restricted to the use of the two most senior classes, where she was swotting away doing extra preparation for the next day’s history class, all ready to show up everyone else with her greater knowledge. The flat-chested teen was so pleased with the thought that a smirk had unconsciously spread across her face. Concentrating on the encyclopaedia which she was reading at one of the wooden tables, she was not paying any attention to her surroundings. She did not notice Miranda and Cecilia entering and quietly giving the nod to the four other Upper Sixth Form girls who were scattered around the room. Three of them smiled, gathered up their books and papers, and wandered out; the fourth was Jenny, who moved across to sit next to Cecilia, her long-time best friend. Despite the importance of not alerting Yuriko to anything odd, the naughty pair could not resist the temptation to slip a hand between each other’s thighs and rub on the crotch of their girlfriend’s panties – for they did know what was coming down, and it was gonna be the Asian bitch – real hard.
At last, at just after five minutes past eleven, Alexis slipped quietly through the Sixth Form Library doorway, and winked at her pussy-gang. The trio left, Jenny and Cecilia rather blatantly arm-in-arm, but Yuriko barely even lifted her head from the tome that she was reading. The three girls who had left the room took up their designated position immediately outside the entrance to the library: they were ready to prevent any escape by Yuriko, although they hardly expected her to avoid Alexis’s clutches, now that she was in the trap; their role was more to make sure that no other girl who was ignorant of what was happening should blunder in, and to give warning in the very unlikely event of a teacher hearing Yuriko’s cries (for cries there certainly would be) and coming to her aid. This was because the accommodation for the teachers who lived on site was in another building, some distance away, and not even the loudest shrieks (and Yuriko’s shrieks would be loud) would carry that far. In fact, although the gang did not know this, Ms. Greig had not gone to bed. Savouring the anticipation of Yuriko’s downfall, she had alerted Coach Saunders to her young protege’s intentions, and the two dyke teachers had stationed themselves by the door into this block of the school, ready to deflect or delay any other teacher who might come along.
For a moment or two, Alexis wandered around the Sixth Form Library, glancing at a couple of books in the English literature section in the rear corner of the room. Then, sure that all was quiet and that her Asian tormentor was quite unknowingly at her mercy, she strolled over to the table where Yuriko was sitting, with a self-satisfied smile on her face as she pored over a large book. Alexis leaned forwards from the end of the table – the top buttons of her white school uniform shirt were still undone from the groping which Ms. Greig had earlier given her tits, and if Yuriko had bothered to look sideways she would have seen straight down Alexis’s alluring cleavage. Instead, in her aloof and snotty way, she completely ignored whoever it was who had had the temerity to intrude on her studies.
‘So, Yuriko, working hard again, are you?’ cooed Alexis, her lips pursed forwards and her smile and voice just as falsely friendly in tone as the Asian girl’s classroom ‘helpful points’.
Yuriko smirked, but then registered that it was Alexis who was addressing her. This slightly surprised the younger girl, for normally Alexis never said a word to her if she could possibly avoid it. However, in her arrogant confidence, it never crossed Yuriko’s mind to feel any apprehension.
‘Yes, of course!’ she replied rather snappily, and then she unwisely added in a patronising tone: ‘I’m sure, if you took the trouble, you might do better in class.’
This was the last straw – especially the condescending way in which Yuriko had placed an emphasis on the word ‘might’, implying that even with hard work Alexis was probably too stupid to do well.
Unnoticed by the preening Japanese-American teen, Alexis stiffened and her eyes flashed fire. All her remaining doubts had evaporated – this bitch definitely needed a hard lesson, and now was the time to deliver it – and she knew just what she wanted to do!
‘Oh!’ replied the Head Girl, with a bright sharp laugh, ‘I’ve been learning other things in the evenings – and I think it’s about time that you did too!’
With that, she moved with the lightning speed of her trained athlete’s reflexes. Alexis spun away from the table to stand directly behind Yuriko’s chair, and before the perplexed Asian teen even realised that the bigger girl was there, Alexis had yanked the chair – and its slim occupant – bodily backwards from the table by about four feet.
Yuriko was about to splutter an outraged protest along the lines of ‘What d’you think you’re doing?!’, but she never got the chance to say it. Alexis spun around again, pivoting with the speed and precision of a gymnast, and dropped down to straddle across Yuriko’s lap, trapping the Asian girl’s legs between her own well-muscled thighs, and pinning her in place with her heavier weight. Yuriko could only manage a squawk, as Alexis seized her upper left arm with one hand, and clamped a grip upon her throat with the other. Yuriko closed her eyes, grimacing partly due to shock and partly to a first twinge of fear – what the shit was going on here? She gave her first sound of uncertainty – a faint whimper – as Alexis shook her lightly by the throat, whilst mocking her helplessness:
‘Did you want to say something, bitch? Didya, huh? You got something to say, yeah?’; then Alexis’s tone turned angrier and darker: ‘You could start by saying sorry, you cunt, you fucking snotty little bitch, fucking smart-ass know-it-all fuckin show-off, yeah! Well, now you’re sure gonna show it all off, oh yeah, you’re gonna give it all up, bitch! Your ass is sure going to be a fucking smart ass once I’m done fucking it!’
Yuriko didn’t really follow this, partly because it was poured out in an angry spate, and partly because Alexis was shaking her ever more viciously as her own words stoked her anger. Yuriko yelped, managed a ‘You can’t do …’ before Alexis slapped her across the face, causing the lithe Asian girl to give a shrill scream and then to fall silent, looking at the older girl in wide-eyed shock.
Alexis’s warm weight pressed down on Yuriko’s thighs, and the Head Girl was certainly getting even more aroused from her position of conquest and fact that her own legs were spread wide open. She used the moment of Yuriko’s sudden silence to release the girl’s left arm (as Alexis’s grip on her throat was sufficient easily to keep her subdued), and to run her free hand across the Japanese-American girl’s chest, feeling the small bumps of the rise of her breasts, and the slightly harder little lumps where her nipples were. Then Alexis calmly unbuttoned Yuriko’s plain white half-sleeve shirt, tugging it out of the waistband of the girl’s tartan plaid uniform skirt and away to each side.
Yuriko felt her first taste of humiliation as Alexis gazed down scornfully at her almost flat chest. The Head Girl gave a contemptuous snort, and flicked her fingers – with sharply painful effect – on Yuriko’s nipples, which had almost no protection from the grey cotton fabric bra which covered them.
Alexis changed position, moving with such athletic swiftness and grace that Yuriko had no chance of gathering her scattered wits and attempting to escape, before Alexis had her pinioned again. The Head Girl was once more standing behind her victim, and she pulled Yuriko’s shirt down from her shoulders and over the back of the chair, using it partly to trap the girl’s arms behind her.
‘Wait! Please, hold on – stop it, stop it, I tell you! WAIT!!’ shrilled Yuriko, her voice ascending an octave at the end, for of course Alexis had ignored her instruction – she had not waited at all. Leaning forward, with her straight shoulder-length brown hair brushing across the Asian girl’s bare shoulder, Alexis reached down Yuriko’s front. Like a homing missile, the Head Girl’s hand plunged between Yuriko’s thighs and then jerked backwards, rumpling up the front of the smaller girl’s tartan uniform skirt, and smacking Alexis’s fingers right against the plain thin white cotton of Yuriko’s panties, right on the gusset that cradled her tight slit.
The Asian girl gave a shriek of surprised protest. which was ignored. She tried to twist away, which her much stronger assailant, benefiting also from her position of leverage, easily prevented. Yuriko tried to clamp her thighs together to protect her cunt, but it was already much too late for that – in fact, the effect of her action was to press Alexis’s fingers even more firmly into her pussy, making a real cameltoe groove in her panties for the length of her vagina.
Alexis laughed, and forcefully rubbed her index finger up and down this, as Yuriko’s eyes bugged out and she squirmed futilely on the chair, as if it had suddenly become the hot seat. The disoriented Asian teen was at last beginning to realise that there was a definite sexual aspect to the assault that was taking place – and that there was something shockingly thrilling about that, as an undercurrent below her automatic surface response of outraged dignity and fear. She gave a few little gasps, and then almost without thinking eased her thighs slightly apart, in the process unavoidably giving Alexis even more opportunity. The Head Girl snorted, and thought to herself with some triumph:
‘Fucking slut! She’s giving it away, her body is anyway, that’s for sure! Little fucking tramp bitch – I knew it, yeah, I knew it!
Alexis rubbed the middle two fingers of her hand up and down the neat white front of Yuriko’s panties, forcing the material into her tight slit for at least a centimetre, and then probing for her clitoral hood. The Asian girl jumped as if stung when Alexis at last found her target, and then she gave a howl of anguish as her clitoris was sharply nipped between Alexis’s fingers.
‘STOP! AAAGHH – SHIT! STOP, I SAID!! hollered Yuriko, feeling violated and painfully bruised in her most intimate and personal of places.
‘Stupid bitch!’ grunted Alexis, her breath hot against Yuriko’s cheek and throat; ‘I’ll do what I want – and you’ll learn to take it, yeah, you will – and to be fucking grateful for it, too’.
To drive the lesson home, Alexis pushed her hand down inside her desperately squirming victim’s panties, ignoring the voluble protests, and then pinched hard on the outer labia on each side of Yuriko’s pussy, making the Asian girl fill her lungs and scream shrilly – loud enough to be heard, albeit faintly, by the girls on guard duty outside the library door. They laughed, for they knew that a cry of that volume could only mean that Yuriko was getting her medicine from Alexis, good and strong, and that the superior show-off little bitch wasn’t caring for the taste of it, not at all. They high-fived each other in glee, and Miranda murmured in praise of her lover, using her special pet name for her:
‘Yo, Lexie, go, babe – go for it, grind that snotty little bitch-cunt right into the ground! Yeah, that’s my babe!’
Inside the Sixth Form Library, Alexis took an iron grip on Yuriko’s long braided pigtails, and used them to haul the screeching schoolgirl back to the heavy hardwood table where she had been working. The shock of the assault had undermined the Asian teen’s will to resist, and she knew that she was powerless against the much stronger and more aggressive Head Girl. Yuriko’s hope was that her protests and pleas might be heard by someone passing near who would come to her rescue, but then she remembered that the last girls to leave the room had been Jenny, Cecilia and Miranda – Alexis’s cronies – and her heart sank, for at once she guessed that they were stationed outside the door, ready to forestall any interruption.
Yuriko gave a desperate wail, which suddenly turned into an even higher pitch. Taking instant advantage of her victim’s moment of distraction, Alexis had jerked Yuriko’s tartan mini-skirt above her hips, and then – using the Asian girl’s long braids like a tether rope – had roughly forced the slender teen against the corner of the table, so that its sharp point ground painfully right into the little Jap cow’s cunt. Yuriko’s pretty face scrunched up in agony, as her thin white cotton briefs-style panties gave her young pussy no protection at all. She squirmed and moaned, but Alexis had her pinned mercilessly in place. With a wide gleeful smile – for she knew exactly what effect it would have – the tough dominant Head Girl began to punish Yuriko’s out-thrust ass with hard slaps of her hand, whilst telling the arrogant Asian bitch exactly what she and the rest of the class thought of her. Alexis’s sporty fitness gave her plenty of strength, and her angry feelings imparted an extra viciousness to every blow. Tears streamed down Yuriko’s face, for no one had ever before dared to treat her in such a humiliating way. Her body shuddered with the impact of each spank, and then even more as the corner of the table dug cruelly into the soft flesh of her slit, forcing her bruised labia painfully apart. Yuriko writhed on the sharp point, shocked and horrified as the wetness streaking her face was matched by dampness between her legs, as moisture trickled from her vagina down her inner thighs.
‘Dear God’, thought the bewildered Japanese-American girl, ‘what is happening to me? This can’t be getting me off, it can’t be! I’m not like that, I’m not, I’m NOT!!’
Sensing that her victim was close to passing out, Alexis changed tactics. Giving no warning, she suddenly pulled Yuriko back from the impaling corner of the table. The dazed teen tottered on her feet for a second, and would have collapsed but for Alexis’s firm grip on both of her upper arms. However, the Asian schoolgirl hardly had the chance to draw a breath, for as soon as she had been spun around 180 degrees so that her back was to the table, Alexis lifted her light frame almost bodily and dumped her across it. Yuriko was slammed down on the hard surface on her back – her head fortunately (or perhaps it was due to Alexis’s sportswoman’s judgement of velocity and distance) having its impact cushioned by the large book which she had been reading earlier, but which was now very far from her thoughts.
The pretty Asian schoolgirl was sprawled across the table like a puppet whose strings had been cut. Her breath and all of her powers of resistance had been knocked right out of her, and her arms flopped feebly to each side of her body, not even being raised any more in futile struggles against Alexis’s overwhelming dominance. Yuriko was utterly conquered territory, and a gleam came into Alexis’s eyes as she contemplated the vengeance she intended to wreak on the girl who had so arrogantly tried to take her place and make her a laughing stock.
Alexis’s first move was to tug Yuriko’s bra away from her tits – if either of those things deserved their name. The Asian girl’s breasts were so small that when she was laid on her back like this they almost disappeared from view, and her ‘bra’ was a barely even a training garment, being just a soft strip of lacy grey fabric. Yuriko’s tartan uniform skirt was then pulled right up above its waistband, baring all of her smooth pelvis. Finally, Alexis seized the damp-stained crotch of the quivering Japanese-American girl’s panties, and roughly ripped them down her legs. Yuriko jerked at this denuding of her cunt and let out a fearful wail, for she was filled with apprehension as to what this fearsome dyke intended to inflict upon her defenceless body.
After stripping away Yuriko’s panties, Alexis rubbed them over her own sweaty oozing pussy and then shoved the dirty garment into Yuriko’s mouth – at first, the Japanese girl twisted her head aside and tried to keep her mouth closed, but a sharp pinch of one of her little nipples soon ended that: as the slim teenager gave an involuntary squeal, Alexis jammed the panties in between her parted lips. Yuriko might have tried to spit them out again, but Alexis shifted her stance and clamped a hand across the Asian schoolgirl’s throat, pinning her down with an iron grip and a clear threat. Alexis leaned close to the startled teen’s face, and snarled viciously at her:
‘Stop your fuckin’ struggling, you nasty little bitch, or you’ll regret it even more, believe me!’
Yuriko knew that she was completely over-matched and over-powered, and the last vestiges of any will to resist her Amazon conqueror melted away. Fearful and tearful, she surrendered to Alexis’ rough dominance and lolled limply on the table-top, making no further attempt to remove the soiled panties. Yuriko whimpered and closed her eyes, but offered no physical resistance when Alexis forced her thighs apart, spreading the Japanese girl’s legs so that her cunt was utterly unprotected.
There was no subtlety about what Alexis did next – no foreplay, and no warning at all. This was assault – rape, in fact – and as brutal as Alexis’s long-burning anger and resentment could make it. The tall brunette licked the index finger of her right hand once, and then rammed it viciously into the frightened teen’s vaginal hole, spearing nearly four inches inside her. Yuriko gave an appalled and agonised lurch upwards, which Alex’s greater strength and the leverage of her position easily contained, whilst the violated girl’s agonised hoarse scream was muffled by the gagging panties. Yuriko was so shocked by this finger-rape that she slumped back again to lie dazed and supine, as Alexis, with a grim smile of satisfaction on her face, began to pump her finger in and out, roughly and unmercifully ravaging the small Asian girl’s tight little vaginal passage.
Yuriko was not quite a virgin – she had done it once, with a slightly older cousin during the previous summer vacation, but he had been quite fumbling and had barely managed to rupture her hymen before he came with a gasp, squirting an unpleasant load of spunk over the inside and outside of her vaginal lips. It had not been satisfying in any way and wasn’t something she had felt any particular wish to repeat, now that she could airily state that she was not a virgin. So Alexis’s intrusions entered her with a force and a depth hitherto unknown, and in truth this was the real taking of her virginity.
A moment later, Yuriko gave another agonised wail of distress, for Alexis had changed her angle of attack to a more horizontal one – and had inserted her second digit as well. The pair of fingers was wider and longer than anything that ever entered the flat-chested girl’s pussy before, and she simply did not know how to cope with these violent and pulverising intrusions. However, whilst Yuriko’s mind was in a dazed whirl, her body began purely automatically to respond to the physical stimulus.
Yuriko’s small breasts suddenly felt twitchy and tender, and her nipples hardened in a way they never had before. Worse still, as the appalled victim began to register, her pussy was oozing damp sticky fluids, her labia were engorged and opening, and her body was actually matching the rhythm of Alexis’s finger-fucking, with her pelvis humping upwards in an automatic attempt to make the penetrations even more forceful and deeper. Yuriko gave a deep moan of bewilderment – was she, could she be, actually in some sick way enjoying this? Was she, perhaps, a lesbian? Her thoughts skittered away from the latter doubt, unwilling to face the implications of her bodily reactions, but she could not ignoring the ignition of her sexual arousal, and her moans turned into desperate whimpering gasps of mounting desire.
Alexis gave a wild laugh – the gamble was paying off! She had suspected that Yuriko might be pussy-fodder, that her apparent disinterest in boys and disinclination for anything with sexual overtones was a self-induced shield to obscure – from herself, as much as anyone else – her actual lesbian orientation. Alexis did find the sassy little Asian bitch a turn-on, and in fact that was the cause of much of the trouble between them: Alexis knowingly, and Yuriko unconsciously, were strongly attracted to each other’s type. Alexis had always liked the tomboys, the bright slim girls with trim taut asses – and Yuriko’s was one of the neatest around. Now Yuriko was discovering that her taste was to be submissive to the sexual desires of a more powerful woman – someone more developed, with bigger tits than hers, but most of all someone more powerful, more forceful, someone to command her and use her sexually and take her without mercy …
Yuriko’s thoughts spun inside her head almost hysterically, confusion and certainty chasing each other in ever-decreasing circles:
‘Oh, God! Oh, no, no, no!’ she mumbled into the soiled panties that were jammed into her mouth, simultaneously both repelled and intrigued by their strong smell and taste; ‘I’m not … not a, a pussy-lover …. I can’t be, even if I don’t like boys – and their dicks and their squirty grey cum are just so disgusting – but, really, that don’t mean … no! I’m not a lezzie … no, no, I’m too pretty to be a dyke … like Alexis … oh, help, what’s she DOING to me, oh! … AAAARGHHHH!!’
The yell was the product of Alexis having now brought her thumb into play, and she jabbed it against the younger girl’s clitoris with an abrasive circular motion each time her long fingers smacked home into the Asian teen’s vaginal passage. The effect was devastating and explosive – poor Yuriko, who had never had a proper orgasm before in her whole life, was swept away by the hot flushing sensations radiating from the target zone of Alexis’s attack. The cum-streaked panties tumbled from the whimpering girl’s mouth, disregarded by both the convulsing victim and her ruthless assailant, as Yuriko’s thoughts whirled dazedly, and the sexual response of her slim girly body mounted – until at last her sudden new self-knowledge became overpowering:
‘Oh, shit, what’s the lesbo bitch doing to me?!! It feels so … EEEEKK!!! Ahhh, ooooohhhh, no-no-no!! OH! mmmmm? aahh … yes? oh, please, oh! mmm! mmmmm!! Oh, fuck me! Dear God, what am I saying? Oh, shit, I am a lezzie, I am a girlie-slut, I just want her to fuck me harder, I just need it … you bitch, Alexis, oh, you bitch! you’ve made me a lesbian, oh, well then – c’mon, just fuck me, just fuck me all you want, DO ME! FUCK ME!! I’M GONNA CUM!!!’
This understanding rose to the surface of Yuriko’s conscious mind like a volcanic eruption of hot lesbian lava, burning away in its intense red fire all of her previous assumptions about herself and her sexuality.
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