Yes, Nudists do have sex!
Yes, Nudists do have sex!
Sex Story Author: | firstimewonder |
Sex Story Excerpt: | He was so embarrassed that he jumped in the river and stayed there until his skin got wrinkled. Then he |
Sex Story Category: | First Time |
Sex Story Tags: | Fantasy, First Time, Teen Male/Teen Females, Virginity |
I woke and quickly glanced out the window. Damn! It was a bright sunny morning and looked like it would be a beautiful day. That meant that we would be leaving right after breakfast for “Bare River Bend,” the nudist resort where our family had been members since before I was born. It wasn’t that I was bothered by being nude, my philosophy was that I was born naked and that must be how god intended for me to spend my time, it was only narrow minded prudish people that demanded we wear clothes. Up to a few months after my twelfth birthday, I couldn’t wait to get to the resort and get rid of my clothes, staying naked from the moment we arrived inside the gate until Mom would insist that I simply couldn’t ride home in the car while naked.
So, what was different now that made me dread going to the resort? It was pretty simple, last year I would run around the camp, playing with all the other kids, boys and girls alike, and my cock behaved itself like a perfect little gentleman. Toward the end of the season, I began to notice that some of the girls that I had played with since we were babies were starting to develop breasts. I knew they would, after all, all the adult women had breasts, so it wasn’t any revelation that the girls would start to grow them at some point. I was interested, but it wasn’t really a big deal. The girls didn’t say anything about it, although I did overhear Nancy and Kerrie talking one evening, saying that it wasn’t fair that Kellie already had really good sized breasts while they were still just starting to get enlarged nipples.
It was then that I decided to take closer notice at how big Kellie’s tits were as compared with Nancy and Kerrie’s. (Even though we were taught the proper body part names, I thought “Tits and Cock” sounded easier and more descriptive.) As I stood gazing intently at Kellie, I suddenly became aware that my little cock was moving on its own, getting stiff and standing straight out. This had happened before a few times, mostly early in the morning when I woke up having to pee, and it went right down as soon as I finished in the bathroom. However; this time, I didn’t need to pee, and it was still growing. At that time, I still didn’t have any pubic hair, and I probably wasn’t more than about three to four inches at the most. As if that weren’t bad enough, Sandy, one of the older teen-age girls came by and saw what was happening.
“Hi Ronnie, it looks like Kellie is having quite an affect on you!” she said with a teasing grin as she motioned to my straining cock.
For the first time in my life, I was embarrassed at being seen naked by a girl. Up to now, it was so natural that I never gave it a thought, but now standing there with my little cock trying to point to the sky, having a stunningly beautiful teen-age girl laughing at me while Kellie stared with her mouth open, transformed me into a shy and horribly embarrassed kid. I spun around and ran to the river, diving into the water and swimming away from the bank as fast as I could go. I swam across the river, and crawled out on the opposite bank, then sneaked back to the trailer we kept at the resort.
About thirty minutes later Dad came to the trailer and saw me sitting on my bunk reading a book. He didn’t say anything for a few minutes; just went about fixing himself a cup of coffee and went outside to the table where we ate our meals while at the resort. Finally he called for me to grab a coke and come outside with him.
“Hey Ronnie, Kellie told me that she thinks she hurt your feelings and wants you to come back so she can say she is sorry.” I shook my head, and turned away from dad. “Come on Ron, she likes you, and I can tell that you really like her too. She also said that if you wouldn’t come back, she would come here, so it looks like you are going to have to talk to her one way or the other, come on, let’s go, it isn’t that bad, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Yes it is,” I replied, noting that my voice did this funny thing it had been doing for the past few weeks, changing from its normal high pitch to a deeper sound. “They were laughing at me for something that just happened, I didn’t do it on purpose and now Sandy is going to tease me, you know how she is.”
Dad smiled at me, and then softly said, “Well, Ron, I don’t think Sandy is going to tease you, and you can be pretty certain of that.
“She already has,” I replied, “and I know she will do it again, that’s just the way she is.”
“I don’t think she will,” commented Dad with a smile, “you can rest assured that she will never mention your erection again, not ever. And besides, this is the last weekend of the season, the camp closes tomorrow and we won’t be back until next spring, so come on, let’s go see Kellie before she comes looking for you.”
I reluctantly followed him back to the swimming area, and just before we stepped out of the trail, Kellie, Kerrie and Nancy joined us. Kellie grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Dad and off to where the kids usually hung out. Since it was late in the season, most of the families had already departed, leaving just the four of us. Even though we had played together for twelve years, I never really looked at them as “Girls,” just kids who were built differently than I was, so it was no big deal.
As we sat down on our towels, Kellie looked intently at me and said, “Hey Ron, I’m sorry about the way I looked at you, Sandy just surprised me with her stupid comment, please don’t stop being my friend, I will be very sad if you stop liking me.” I could see tears in her eyes, so kind of shrugged and said that I still liked her and she would always be my friend. Then she did something that none of the girls had ever done before, she leaned over against me and kissed me on the cheek.
It was as if someone lit a fire in my face, I could feel the heat rising and knew my face was bright red. AND, my cock sprang into life again! Shit, that is what started the mess in the first place. I tried to pull my towel over it, but Kellie put her hand on mine.
“Ron, you don’t have to hide it, it is nothing to be ashamed of. Mom says it is normal and warned me that it would happen and not to make a big deal about it,” said Kellie with a reassuring smile.
“Yes,” joined Nancy, “see, we are growing breasts, it is just part of growing up. I think it is exciting.”
“Me too,” commented Kerrie, “so come on let’s not waste our last day at camp!”
I let the towel drop and relaxed a little, but did notice that all three girls were stealing little glances at my cock, so I just leaned back a bit and tried to relax.
“I’ll bet Sandy isn’t going to forget it,” I said in a whisper as I glanced around to be sure she wasn’t watching.
“Oh yes she will,” said Kellie with a big laugh.
“What makes you so sure?” I asked.
The three girls glanced at each other giggling, and then Kerrie spoke up. “Well, when we told your mom what happened and that you were embarrassed, she caught up with Sandy. I don’t think she knew we were behind her, but she grabbed Sandy by the arm and jerked her close and told her that if she ever did anything like that again, the entire resort would know about her fucking herself with a cucumber.”
We sat talking for a while, mostly talking about how we were changing, but promising that we would still be friends for life, no matter what changes we experienced. Later that afternoon, I helped Dad close up the trailer for the winter and we went home. I said goodbye to the girls, feeling sad that I wouldn’t see them until next spring. After Nancy and Kerrie left, Kellie and I were alone. I turned to her, and then glanced around to see if anyone else could see us. I was especially nervous, because like most nudist camps, there was a strict rule that nothing sexual, not even hugging was to take place in public. I was aware that most people think it is a continual make out place, but mostly it is just people who enjoy being naked.
We stood facing each other, and once again my cock began rising. Kellie followed my glance down and smiled, stepping closer to me. Taking another quick look around, I took her in my arms and pulled her against me, feeling my cock squeezed between our naked bodies. For a moment I didn’t know just what to do, I knew what I wanted to do, but still hesitated. Just then, Kellie tilted her face down just a bit, looking deep into my eyes. I squeezed her just a little tighter, and then kissed her gently on the lips, more like a little peck. Kellie sucked in her breath and quickly initiated another kiss, keeping her lips pressed to mine as her hand slipped around behind my head pulling me even tighter against her lips.
Suddenly I felt like my cock was about to burst, I had never felt it this hard! I relaxed my hips just a bit hoping to let it straighten out. It sprang upright, between our little flat bellies, so I pulled Kellie tighter against me again. After feeling like I was soaring into heaven itself, Kellie relaxed her grip in the back of my head and stepped back. I could see her flushed face and excited look.
“WOW,” she exclaimed.
“WOW,” I replied.
“I could feel your thing pushing into my tummy,” she giggled. “It feels nice.”
Kellie took my hand and we slipped back to a place where we often hid out while playing games.
I took her in my arms again, and kissed her as hard as I knew how, putting my entire twelve years into it. Kellie responded, wiggling her tummy against my cock and pressing her naked hips against mine. I could feel her tits pressing against my chest, and suddenly knew that I had to touch them. As we broke and eased apart, I looked deep into her eyes and carefully touched her right nipple, while watching for a reaction. I didn’t have to wait long; she didn’t change her expression, but gently grasped my cock with her hand and gave it a little squeeze.
“Let’s sit down,” she whispered.
It didn’t take any convincing, and in an instant we were sitting cross legged facing each other. I reached out to explore her titties with both hands, while Kellie began sliding her hand up and down my sensitive little shaft. A moment later, she gently cradled my balls with her other hand, exploring, massaging, generally exploring my newly discovered “Manhood.” I felt a funny kind of stirring in my abdomen, and for some reason felt as if I needed to pump my cock back and forth in her hand. I had just started to move my hips back and forth when I heard Dad yell for me.
We both jumped up like we had been shot. I looked to see what Kellie would do. She jerked her head to the left indicating she would go that way, and pointed for me to go the other way. I slipped out of our hiding place and down to the river, plunging into the cold water. That proved to be a good move, because in a few seconds, my cock began to return to normal size. Just as I was climbing up on the shore, Dad caught up to me and said we needed to get going.
Over the eight months before the resort would open in the spring, several things happened. First, I had my thirteenth birthday. Secondly, I grew six inches, having to buy all new clothes and shoes a couple of times in the process. The next two things, I now realize, were all tied into the first two things. My voice went from soprano to a rich baritone, and my cock decided to catch up to the rest of my body. Before long, I had a significant amount of hair around the base of my cock, and it had grown to over six inches long while erect. In addition, it seemed as if it was erect most of the time.
The other thing that happened was better than all the rest of the events put together. I knew where my cock was supposed to go and why it went there, but hadn’t had an ejaculation. However; shortly after my rapid growth spurt, I found myself waking up every morning with a huge erection. Inevitably, I began to stroke it, and one glorious Saturday morning, I decided to just stay in bed and keep pumping. After some time I could feel a tickling sensation in the soles of me feet, and at the same time I felt a fantastic stirring in my belly. At the same time, a perfect vision of Kellies titties flashed into my mind and it was as if she was sitting right in front of me. All the while, the sensations increased in intensity, moving up my legs and down my belly until the met at my cock. Suddenly my cock began to convulse, pumping, jerking and twitching as gobs of cum shot into the air and splattered back onto my belly.
After my heart returned to normal beating, I realized two things. First I wanted to do this again! Secondly, I needed to be better prepared in the future, or I would have to explain all the spots on the sheets. I quickly gathered the sheets from the bed and piled them by the door. Then I walked down the hall toward the bathroom for a shower. At that moment, Mom came around the corner, seeing me in all my naked glory, still sporting my cock at about three-quarter mast. I wasn’t really bothered by Mom seeing me naked, since we were nudists, we never bothered very much about getting dressed or wearing a robe between our rooms and the bathrooms, it just wasn’t a big deal. However; this morning was a bit different, I was waving my erection in her face, or at least that’s how it seemed to me.
Mom just smiled and said, “Hi Ron, don’t worry, it’s normal, have a nice shower.”
I kind of turned to the side and hurried to get in the shower. I was sure that she could see the still wet shiny cum on my belly, as I hadn’t cleaned it off since I was going to the shower anyway. I stepped into the bathroom just in time to see my sixteen year old sister Julie, drying herself.
“I’m almost finished,” she said as she gestured to the shower. “I just got to finish drying my feet and toes.” She sat on the little bench we used while dressing and bent to the task. She wasn’t concerned with being naked in front of me, we saw each other naked from the time we were babies and taking baths together. But, this time was different, I saw her really nice breasts hanging free as she bent to dry her feet, and my cock instantly responded by going to full mast. Before I could turn away, Julie saw what had happened, and got a startled look on her face. For a moment I stood as if rooted to the spot, trying to decide what to do.
“Mom and Dad said they couldn’t keep up with your clothes,” she said with a big smile, “But that is really something, way to go little brother, or should I say BIG brother from now on?”
Again, my face was burning hot and I guess Julie saw that she had embarrassed me.
“Hey Ronnie, no big deal, Well, it is a big deal, I mean really big for someone your age, but hey, it’s not the first one I’ve seen,” she said with a grin. “In fact, if you need advice any time, I may be able to give you some tips.”
“Thanks,” I grunted as I stepped into the shower and closed the door. I noticed that Julie lingered longer than normal, and I could see that she was watching me through the clear shower glass. Dad said that cloudy glass was for people who were ashamed of their bodies, but he saw no sense in spending extra money for opaque glass when we all saw each other naked so often anyway.
So, now it was spring and Dad said we would go to the resort today if the sun was shining and it was. I could only dream of the disaster that faced me in the next couple of hours. By now, my cock definitely had a mind of its own. I only had to catch a glimpse of a cute girl, or think of Kellie’s tits and up it came. I realized that once we got to the resort and I took my clothes off, I would have to stay under water until next fall!
When we arrived at the resort, Mom and Dad went to check us in for the season and visit with friends, while Julie and I walked over to our trailer to see how it looked. About half way there, Julie pulled me aside.
“Look, Ronnie, I know that you are not excited about being here, and that is a big first for you. I also know why you are not excited,” she added. “By now, you usually are bare naked looking for Kellie, Nancy and Kerrie, but instead you are plodding along with your sister.”
“Yeh, but you just don’t understand,” I replied bitterly.
“Oh I don’t!” she exclaimed, “and just what makes you think I don’t understand?”
“Because, you are a girl and you don’t have a cock that sticks up in the air every time I think about a girl, which is all the time,” I shouted.
“OK, that’s true, but maybe you don’t remember two years ago when Terry and I both turned fourteen. We were so in love that we couldn’t keep our eyes off each other, but he left after the first day at camp. I cried for two week,” she muttered.
“Yes! I do remember,” I replied, I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with you. What happened anyway?”
“Well, Terry took one look at me and got a huge erection.
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