
Worst Nightmare

I hope you enjoy my latest story. If you do I invite you to click on the authors name above Brokenwing to read my other stories. The only question you have to ask yourself on this story is it real or only a nightmare.

. . . She couldn’t believe it was happening to her, it was something like out of a horror flick but it wasn’t a movie and it felt too real to be a dream. It was so dark, sometime in the middle of the night. She knew she was alone in the house her parents had left just late that afternoon. But it felt too real and he felt too strong as his one hand pressed against her collar bone and the other held the cold metal to her throat. In the dim light from the street lights outside barely shining in her room past the curtains she could only make out something black covering his head, maybe a ski mask or something similar. The grab of her shoulder had been the action that had woken her from sleep. Now even as she tried to blink her eyes awake she was terrified of what she was seeing and worse feeling.

It was only a few moments later that she realized it was worse than she thought as she realized there were three figures in her room with her. The second person moved to take hold of one of her arms and forced it over her head up to the headboard of the antique brass bed. She heard a strange quick clicking as she felt what was probably a plastic tie zip around her wrist and then another around one post of her headboard. The third figure then did the same to her other wrist and she felt her heart pounding in her chest as hard as she had ever felt it as she realized her arms were now helpless to defend against anything.

The only relief was that the metal object was pulled away from her neck once her wrists were secure and it seemed surreal that as he did this the first man lifted a finger as if in front of his lips to encourage her to shush. She decided they all appeared to be men as the size of the frames of their bodies would be extremely large to be a woman. Her eyes then saw number two turn to a dark colored bag he had with him and remove something. She jerked as his hands brought it to her face and he pushed a round object to her lips. He then pinched her nose closed to where she couldn’t breath through it and when she opened her lips to breath he pushed the object between her lips.

She decided to try and resist and kept her teeth closed but then he slapped her cheek softly once and then harder the second time. When he slapped her even harder the third time she decided to comply and open her teeth and as he pushed the object deeper into her mouth it felt and tasted like a rubber ball. His hands then stretched what felt like a large rubber band around her head on each side and secured it behind her. Her mouth was now effectively gagged.

With one hard tug number three pulled the covers off her body and she heard and watched as he tossed both the sheet and comforter against her closet door. For the first time she thought it peculiar the things that come to a person’s mind in a crisis because as she felt the cool air of the night on her skin her eyes looked to where she kept her robe laying over her desk chair. For a short moment she thought of all those times her mother had insisted she put her robe on over her night clothes since she typically slept in a thin light teddy and a pair of panties. She wished at that moment she had the extra fabric of the robe to cover her body because all three of the men seemed to have their eyes locked on her.

Her next conscious thought was of her heart pounding and her mind raced to think what she could do to protect herself. That next moment number three grabbed her tiny lace and cotton bikini panties and tugged them down and off her legs. Everything was so surreal that she wasn’t sure if she really heard something or if it was her imagination but she thought she heard a moan from one of the men.

Her next emotion she couldn’t explain and tried to talk herself out of but she could do nothing as she felt tears begin to trickle from each of her eyes.

Katrina or Kat as most of her friends and family called her, like a lot of young attractive women her age. She was not overly shy and would wear short shorts and tank tops in the summer and a bikini to the beach or swimming pool but like some young women she also was a little self-conscious and modest compared to some of the girls her age so she had never exposed any of her private parts to the opposite sex.

So the feeling of her panties being tugged off quickly and effortlessly left her feeling very embarrassed and humiliated and she hated that any light from the street lights outside managed to penetrate her curtains. She was even more mortified as number one’s hand moved to just above her sex where her pubic hairs would be if she didn’t shave them. She was horrified as his fingers softly traced around and felt the smooth hairless skin just above her sex.

Number two then opened his own knife with a click that she hoped would wake the neighbors but it wasn’t loud enough to be heard outside her room. He brought the blade to the top of her chest slid it under the thin fabric of the teddy and sliced down through the material cutting it open all the way too easily. A quick cut through each of the shoulder straps allowed him to pull the butchered garment away from her now naked body with little effort.

Kat now lay completely naked on her bed in front of three complete strangers for the first time in her life. She heard three little sobs escape from her own throat and felt more tears run down her cheeks. Again number one put his index finger up to his lips to again request that she shush. To make matters worse she now also felt her own saliva run from the corner of her mouth first down one cheek and then the other from the gag being inside her mouth.

The next thing that happened made Kat want to throw up and her stomach became very nauseous as number two and number three each walked to one bottom corner of the bed. Each man then took hold of one of her ankles and slowly pulled each toward the outside edge of the mattress. They then each sat on the edge of the bed still holding onto her ankles holding her legs now spread eagle. Number one then went to another black bag and pulled out a two foot long object that was thin in the middle, had a handle and at the opposite end had a little flat four inch end. He walked back over to the bed and sat down on the mattress beside her to the right of her hip.

He then very softly traced the flat end just below her shoulders on her chest from one underarm to the other. He then began to gently move the flat end around each of her breasts.

Most people would consider Kat as being thin. She had a very small frame, narrow shoulders and was shorter than most of the girls her age. Like most girls Kat had wondered how she would look with larger breasts. She wore a 32B size bra. While some of her friends had much larger breasts, C and D cups, She never felt unhappy with her breast size because while her breasts were a little small, they were very firm and perky. When standing they had very little sag to them and still sat quite high on her chest even without a bra on. What did make her a little self-conscious was the round pink half dollar sized areola that would puff up when she was cold or aroused and even more the slightly larger than pencil eraser sized nipples that would also poke out more with cold or arousal. Even with a padded bra on sometimes the shape of her nipples would be visible through the material of the bra and even a sweater.

To her horror at this moment with the flat end of his object tracing circles around her breasts her nipples began to respond to the stimulation.

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