
Workmates aged 14 and 16 end up ‘working on each other’ alone in a tent! HOT!

This is about Jordan and me; we were (and still are!) close workmates that became very close one particular night alone in a tent! WARNING: SERIOUSLY SEXY! 😀


If you’ve read another of my true stores, you will already know a tad about me. If not, Hi! My name’s Josh, I’m an actor and I live in the south of England. You will probably also know that I like to detail my stories very much, so it may seem very long but if you want the full benefit of it I do suggest you read all of it (if you can last!)

This one is about Jordan and me; we were (and still are!) close workmates that became very close one particular night!

This was actually my most recent ‘gay experiment/experience’ if you will. I am 16, and Jordan is 14. Our birthdays are actually by coincidence on exactly the same dates! Haha

Although his name is Jordan, I will be referring to him as Jordie, because that is the nickname that everybody calls him by.

Although my main job is an actor, there is not a lot of work for that so I have a part-time job in a large pet store. A couple of months ago, a boy 2 years younger then me came on for work experience for two weeks. His name was Jordan, everybody called him Jordie. He really liked it there and the rest of the staff liked him so after a couple of weeks we all agreed to take him on and pay him as a part-timer. Scene as me and Jordie where the closest in age, I was appointed to train him. As I was training him, as you can imagine, we only grew closer. We became very good friends indeed. Not only did we get on when we saw each other in work but we also met up outside of work several times before this event.

Anywho, one week in the summer it was really good weather and I got a new tent for my birthday. I wanted to try out the tent and put it to good use, so on the Tuesday I asked my friend Pete if he wanted to come over and we could camp out in it in the back garden on Friday night. He was willing, which was great. I didn’t intend on doing anything sexual with him.

On the Thursday, me and my dad put the tent up in out huge back garden and put all of the bedding and stuff in it. Later that day, Pete rang me and said that he would have to cancel it because his brother was taken into hospital earlier that day.

Of course, I had already put the tent up and I didn’t want to not stay in it. And I didn’t want to stay in it on my own either! But that didn’t matter – I wasn’t too upset – because I had a good idea! One man’s trash is another man’s treasure!

Jordie was saying the last time I saw him he had never camped out but wanted to, so I thought “brilliant! I will ask Jodie over!”. So I did. I rang him and apologised for it being short notice but asked if he wanted to stay in my new tent with me tomorrow night. Exited, he accepted with both hands. All set!

I chose a Friday because we have a nice dinner of chips every Friday night, and afterwards both of my parents go out every Friday with friends and stay out until early hours of the morning and then go straight to bed. Brilliant! Plus our garden is huge so the house was quite a way from the tent. We have no neighbours either! Literally in the middle of nowhere!

So, 6 o’clock on the Friday night I met Jordie by the local radio station. We walked to the chip shop where we then went back to my place. We ate dinner, quite quickly, and then both of my parents left after getting ready to go out with their friends. So now it was just me and Jordie.

I made sure we had lots of Coca-cola that night! Haha it was part of my plan! 😉
I wanted to make sure we weren’t tired. So there we were, drinking Coke and snaking on junk food whilst watching comedy movies. We talked about the general stuff that teenage guys talk about I guess without even consciously thinking about it much.

After watching a 3rd movie, it was nearly 11pm and I said that I was ready to go out in the tent. He said, “Yeah me too mate, come on let’s go.”

So we did. We switched everything off inside and got ready to go out. Used the bathroom, locked the doors and made our way out to the tent. It took quite a while to get there. We were cold, even though we still had our cloths on along with shoes and a torch. We finally got to the tent, undid the padlock and rushed in out of the cold.

The tent was perfect really.

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