


Washington, D.C. was in the throes of a rape epidemic. Perhaps 50 women had been kidnapped and mercilessly raped by a gang of ruthless hoodlums.

From the post-rape interviews of the victims, the police had been able to establish that the rapists were a pack of young boys, who were apparently in their mid-teens.

There was a large, but undetermined number of them, and it wasn’t known whether they were school boys or degenerate juvenile delinquent drop outs.

Like their many rape victims, the boys were reported to be of various nationalities.

What had been clearly established by the investigations was that the young punks were particularly dangerous and vicious and had absolutely no regard for women’s rights.

The problem had gotten so bad that the D.C. Police Commissioner had contacted the head of the CIA and requested that Wonder Woman be assigned to lend her assistance to a special task force that had been set up to help the D.C. police department find and arrest the nasty, depraved gang of lowlife teen thugs.

For the last couple of years, in order to keep Wonder Woman’s identity a secret, her civilian persona, Diane Prince, had been working in a special CIA research unit in the D.C. area, where she performed a mundane government job.

The CIA Chief contacted her immediate supervisor, Bret Hart, and advised him that Diana was being temporarily reassigned, for a few days. When Hart had hung up from the call he buzzed her extension and asked her to come to his office.

She strolled in, dressed in a form fitting, and somewhat tight red dress that showed off her wonderfully statuesque curves to perfection. The garment’s stretch material molded itself to her magnificently curved body, especially tightly encasing her fantastically rounded ass cheeks.

Having a hard time controlling his wandering eyes, Bret advised her of the temporary assignment, then watched her undulate out of the room, ass cheeks swinging, the gritting of his teeth causing him to bite off the end of his cigar.

Diana immediately went to the D.C. Police Commissioner’s office and was fully briefed about the lurid details of the problem by the Police Commissioner himself.

He told her that all of the rapes had taken place in the lower class east side of the city, so that was the area where she, as Wonder Woman, was being assigned to patrol tonight.

He advised her that, along with her regular super heroine costume, she would be equipped with a special silent alarm that attached to her golden power belt.

Whenever she came upon the gang of rapists in action, she was to immediately set off the alarm, and the police cruisers that patrolled the east side, would respond immediately, and rush to her assistance and help her apprehend these demented, despicable outcasts from society.

Everything having been readied for a successful police action, Diana Prince left the commissioner’s office and went to her apartment. Because most of the rapes had occurred after midnight, she would not be leaving her apartment until 11:00 P.M.

She had something to eat then watched TV until it was time to leave. Precisely at 11:00 she spun herself into Wonder Woman, and then paused in front of her full length mirror to make a few last minute adjustments to her hair and make-up.

Her natural woman’s vanity required that she look perfect for all of her super heroine outings so, after her final primping, she looked herself over, from all angles, then smiled into the mirror, completely satisfied that her marvelously sculptured form, curve hugging tiny outfit, and the halo of long, thick, luxurious black hair, that surrounded her movie star face, looked absolutely perfect.

She ran a hand over the crotch of her uniform, smoothing out the snug fitting material, one last time, visually noting that the last few opponents who had defeated her, and then had callously gangbanged her, had caused her crotch to develop a distinctly visible camel’s toe.

It was obvious to her that, after this assignment was completed, she was going to have to make a call to her mother, the Queen, and have her see that her staff put heavier material in the crotch of her star spangled, blue tights, in order to better hide the embarrassingly protruding, puffy lips of her labium, and her large, extremely sensitive clit.

Taking one last look at herself and giving her crotch one more smoothing press, she sighed and said to herself, “Well there was nothing to be done about it tonight.”

Besides, from experience, she knew that the pronounced camel toe had proven to be a helpful distraction to several of her recent antagonists, their pausing to stare at the fleshy folds having given her a welcome momentary advantage, in some very tough situations.

She left her apartment and went to the city’s dingy, dilapidated, filthy, virtually abandoned warehouse district, where she began walking the area in the shadows cast by the buildings.

After an hour had gone by her superior Amazon hearing detected a woman’s scream from a few blocks away.

She quickly ran towards the source of the scream noting, as she neared her destination, that the area was apparently so un-safe that there was not a single soul to be seen on the streets.

Getting close to the sounds of the woman in trouble, she slowed and turned into a trash and debris strewn alley.

She strode down the shadowy passageway towards the source of the plaintive female wail, and then saw a large group of young boys standing around watching other young men who were in the process of stripping and slapping around a woman who was on her knees, moaning in terror and begging for them to stop.

Wonder Woman paused about 30 feet from the circle of boys and said in a strong, authoritative voice, “Please unhand that girl, right this minute, and let her go.”

The boys who weren’t currently involved in molesting the victim, casually turned around to see who was talking.

“You heard me, let the girl go, immediately,” Wonder Woman said firmly, in an even louder voice.

One of the insolent boys who were looking at her said “Hey guys, turn that little tramp loose; we’ve got a fantastic looking piece of ass standing here who sounds like she wants to take the bitches place.”

Even though it was a gross comment from an even grosser little punk, Wonder Woman’s vanity appreciated the compliment on how shapely her assets looked.

As all of the boy rapists turned to take a look at her, she scolded them, “You boys should be ashamed of yourselves. Just because you are too repulsive looking to get dates on your own, you shouldn’t be forcing yourselves on others.”

The three boys clutching the victim, released her and joined their buddies in brazenly looking Wonder Woman over, practically drooling at the sight of her full, ripe, superbly curved body, clothed in the small, tantalizingly sexy costume.

They quickly began whistling and hooting in appreciation of the spectacular display of feminine pulchritude standing before them, as their victim got to her feet, grabbed her clothing and ran away.

Wonder Woman now found herself staring at eight juvenile delinquents who were now arrayed in a semi-circle in front of her.

They were a particularly nasty looking group of young punks; ugly, un-bathed, dressed in dirty street gang clothes. All in all, a very unsavory group of vile miscreants

As she stood there confronting them, she could see that they were the absolute dregs of society, very young boys too dumb, depraved and dysfunctional to compete fairly with other members of civilized society.

Except for one tall boy, all the rest of them appeared to each be shorter and weigh less than she did. She didn’t think that any of the boys could be more than sixteen years of age and most of them appeared to be even younger.

There was absolutely no question in her mind that this group of boys was the gang of rapists she was out to apprehend.

Even though there were eight of them, she was sure, from the looks of the skinny, sorry looking group of losers, that she could handle them until the police backup arrived.

Doing as she had been instructed by the head of the rape task force, she pressed the emergency button on her power belt and set off the special alarm in each of the three patrol cars that were on duty tonight.

Forthrightly, the spectacularly built super heroine said, “Alright boys, you are under arrest.”

The tall one, who was apparently the leader of this raunchy group of losers, asked “For what, bitch?”

She responded, “For attempted rape.”

The leader of this filthy band of animals laughed, disparagingly, saying, “And just who the fuck is going to arrest us, bitch?”

Putting her hands on her fully formed woman’s hips, and spreading her feet, in her most defiant Amazon pose, the mighty maiden announced, “I am.”

“And just who the fuck are you, Big Tits,” the leader asked in distain?

With forcefulness, the magnificently proportioned heroine said, “I am Wonder Woman, and I have been specially deputized by the police department to arrest you rotten little brats.”

The leader looked over their confronter’s incredible body, and said “So you must be that super heroine we’ve been reading about in the newspapers, who’s been especially recruited to put us in jail.”

“Yes I am” Wonder Woman responded aggressively, “but I’m surprised kids as dumb as you can even read.”

The leader said, “You better watch your sassy mouth, hot stuff. If you don’t, you are going to have to pay, big time, for making insults like that.”

Wonder Woman replied, confidently, “The only ones who are going to have to pay are you and your vile gang of boy punks.”

“You are going to be put away a long time for the acts of atrocity you have been committing on the women of this city.”

The tall, skinny head boy retorted, “You are scaring the hell out of us, you fuckin’ slut. You are the one who’s going to be paying, you stupid bimbo, and when you do pay, you are going to find out that we are a lot more than boys.”

“And now that we’ve all gotten a close-up look at that super stacked, half-dressed body of yours, I can see that making you pay is going to provide us with a hell of a lot of good old dirty, lewd sexual gratification.”

“You know, dressed in that sexy little costume of yours, you look more like a high dollar hooker, than a representative of the police department.”

“You really shouldn’t be out on the streets showing off your stuff like that, cause eventually you are going to run across someone who’s going to make you back up your prick teasing with some real action.”

“And who might that be, you sick freak,” she retorted?

“Like us for instance! Man we’re going to have a blast fucking the hell out of those spectacular assets, ain’t we boys?”

The thoroughly prick teased, and turned on, gang of teenage punks let out a guttural roar of testosterone inspired approval.

Now on a roll, the leader went on, “We’ve been getting bored raping students, teachers and MILF housewives. The bitches cry and then pass out, just when the abuse gets to the level of being real crude, nasty and gratifying to us.”

“It’s going to be great to fuck someone who is really built to be gang banged. I’m betting you can go through everything we’re going to do to you, without passing out on us, even once.”

‘And, believe me, you sure are fixing to get the chance to prove that I’m right about that, you smart mouthed Cunt”.

The world’s mightiest woman then watched the teens begin to edge forward.

A couple of them made a feint to charge her from her left, as she stood confidently, with hands on magnificent hips and her breasts thrust forward in her best super heroine fighting stance.

She assumed that they would rush her as a group, in order to improve their odds of overpowering her.

She was also very sure that, if she stayed perfectly focused, she could defeat the band of skinny kid rapists, easily.

Four of the punks then made a feint to charge her from her right side and, as she was concentrating on them, she heard the air swish behind her.

Before she could react, she felt something very and heavy crash against the back of her head, the crushing blow immediately driving her to her hands and knees in the dirt of the alley.

A previously unseen, ninth member of the gang of rapists, a lookout nicknamed Cowboy, had stepped out of the shadows, behind her, and taken a full baseball bat like swing with a 3 inch in diameter, 5 foot long, lead pipe, blasting the fabulously proportioned Amazon’s head, hard.

The power of the forceful blow put a severe dent in the heavy pipe and also put stars in Wonder Woman’s eyes, as the dazed superwoman stayed on her hands and knees for a few moments, stunned, the powerful blow causing drool to drip out of her open mouth.

As the dazed super heroine knelt on the ground, trying to recover her wits, Cowboy, nick-named that by his fellow rapists because he always wore cowboy boots that had extremely long pointed toes, stepped forward and swung his leg, like he was kicking an extra point in football, the old fashioned way, and planted the pointed toe of his boot squarely into Wonder Woman’s exposed, camel toed crotch, driving the sharp point of the dirty boot several inches up into her pussy, the width of his foot, at the instep, finally stopping the obscene insertion into her womanhood.

The sharp toe of the boot had taken the crotch of her star-spangled tights along with it, right up into Wonder Woman’s cunt.

The force of the devastating crotch shot was so great that the boot, with foot still in it, got wedged firmly into the Amazon’s pussy.

When her snatch clenched in reaction to the cruel invasion of her sex channel, it trapped Cowboy’s booted foot in her vagina and, as she pitched forward, her beautiful face was driven into the alley dirt, the forward motion of her body dragging Cowboy off his feet.

Seeing the outrageously endowed super woman go down, flat on her face, the other eight hoodlums rushed forward.

The first ones who got to her prone body kicked and stomped her, from all sides; primarily to her thighs, ass, and torso, causing her to writhe in pain.

They then fell on her prone body, with a fury, and began brutally pummeling every part of her sumptuous bundle of curved assets.

Though being viciously pounded, for what seemed like an eternity, the mighty Amazon’s head soon cleared, and she rose up to her knees, lifting all of the boys with her, then stood up.

The standing up was made particularly difficult by the fact that she had to also lift the weight of Cowboy’s leg, because his boot was still stuck in her cruelly violated vagina.

The leader of the group of teenage rapists, and one other boy, an Arab, were standing close to the squirming pile of bodies, watching guardedly, rather than joining in on the fray, the ever alert leader holding a baseball bat at the ready.

While Wonder Woman was distracted and looking down, trying to push Cowboy’s boot and foot out of her aching, stretched and lubricating snatch, the Arab gave her a savage punch to her perfectly rounded stomach, burying his fist in up to the wrist, driving the wind out of her, and dropping her back onto her hands and knees again.

The leader then swung his bat, overhand like an ax, and gave Wonder Woman a full shot to the back of her magnificent head, the force of the crushing blow plowing her gorgeous face into the hard, dusty dirt of the alley, again.

“How did you like that Wonderslut,” asked the pleased and smirking leader?

Wonder Woman lay trying to regain her senses, an effort not helped by having to breathe in the un-bathed stench emanating from the pile of nasty, sweating rapists, who were again piled on top of her, punching her some more.

Finally, she was able to push Cowboy’s wet tipped boot out of her vagina as she began to try and clear her head.

The distraction of the painfully imbedded boot, and the related sexual murmur it had stirred within her, had temporarily dulled her thinking, almost as much as the wickedly hard blows to her head and body.

The boys who were sprawled on top of the fallen super heroine had momentarily lost interest in just punching her, and had now gotten very busy exploring her lower orifices and huge breasts, as she squirmed under this lewd sexual assault of her heaving and bruised body.

But this sexual diversion by the boys was giving her a respite to allow her strength to return and her head to fully clear.

Her recovery was being somewhat impeded by the cuntal wetness she was experiencing, that was being caused by the hands that were exploring her incredibly curved body.

Then she felt two fingers go into her anus.

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