
wolves in the forrest part 1

this is only half of a story

My name was Samantha, but my close friends called me Ama. Not sure how it started, because I didn’t start it but one of my friends did back in junior high and it stuck. Anyways, I’m Ama and I have a story to tell. See, right now I’m basking in the moonlight, in the middle of the forest…where exactly I’m not totally sure. I’m still not real good at tracking and direction. But this little meadow, I can find my way here and that’s enough for me. I’m looking up at the moon and thoughts of how I came here flutter in my head. So I start talking out loud, to no one in particular really, just feel like talking. I almost never use my voice to form words anymore so it sounds funny, but again, no one here right? Anyway it goes something like this…

I think it was…months ago? Two…three…one…don’t really know, can’t keep track of days very well in the woods. Anyway I was camping alone. See I had this…secret. No one knew about it, but I secretly read stories and looked at pictures of women having sex with animals. The thought of that aroused me like no guy could ever do. Now I’m only 21, so I’m still young, body firm and attractive, so I never lacked for men but I just didn’t date much. They never seemed to work for me. Anyway I began learning about beastiality and zoophilia, and it just…it turned me on. Now I’ve had sex, I’m no virgin, so when I read the stories, and saw the pictures, I kept fantasizing about what it’d feel like, on all fours, a big furry body pushing me down, thrusting into my wet dripping pussy…

I dreamed of it often, half formed dogs pounding my wet pussy…they were good dreams. Then I started reading stories about women getting taken by wolves in the woods. They were fantasies, but still so good. It turned me on so much, I was always touching myself, playing with my wet pussy when I read those stories. I guess…realistically what I did next was just stupid but I don’t know…I did it anyways. I went camping in an area known for wolf sightings. With a good supply of food and gear, I took vacation time for a week. In the back of my mind I knew what I was doing was stupid and a waste of time, but all those fantasies made up my mind. I was going to camp out in the woods, in hopes of meeting wolves who would fuck my firm womanhood.

At the campgrounds, I knew I would be alone, this wasn’t really an area people usually came to so I didn’t need to worry about being caught or seen or whatever. I stayed at camp the first day, nervous and uncertain. The nights full of odd sounds, I didn’t sleep real well. The next day though I felt calmer, and explored. I found a nice stream and was all too willing to strip off my clothes in the heat and get in, splashing around in the cold water. Well when I was done I didn’t want to put my clothes back on and get them wet, but neither did I want to wait to dry off. Instead I just set off with only shoes on, butt naked, and went hiking. After a good couple hour hike I made my way back to the stream where I rinsed off again, grabbed my clothes and walked back to camp.

The third day I spent entirely naked. Something about the previous day made me feel horny…or thrilled…to be walking around with the wild, giant trees, wild animals…the whole feel…and being naked and exposed to it all…I loved the thrill of it. I got a pretty good look and the land, climbed a small mountain peak in the nude which was exciting. Even did some small scale rock climbing. I admit…the feeling of the rough rock scratching against my bare breasts…my entire body…well lets just say the rock climbing was my favorite part of the day. That night, as I lay curled up in my little tent I thought I was dreaming when it happened. So it didn’t concern me when I left my tent, dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans and boots, and set off without food or water into the night forest. I could hear wolves howling in the far distance…but I didn’t feel scared, at the time this was a dream to me remember? In reality though, I had really just wandered out, I still don’t understand why. Maybe I heard the wolves, and just instinctively went to them. Maybe not.

Anyway, so I was walking in the dark woods, didn’t even noticed when I stumbled, or scratched myself. All I knew were the wolf howls were getting closer and closer. Finally they came upon me. A whole pack, male and female wolves ranging from black to silver, to a mix with some white here and there. I could tell the alpha male, and since at the time to me this was a dream, it didn’t frighten me to see his massive size. His mate was of the same silver/white coloring and was large too, though of course not as large. There were at least seven more wolves though I didn’t know whether they were male or female in the dark. I don’t know how long we stood there, woman and wolves, staring. Finally the alpha male and female turned and walked into the darkness. The other wolves’ game me one look then turned and followed. And for reasons I still haven’t figured out, I did the same. I never looked back that night, but then I thought this was all some elaborate dream. Any minute now I’d wake up flustered in my tent, safe and sound. How little did I realize…
So last I left off, I was following a wolf pack. Now I still felt like I was in a dream, and didn’t seem that bothered that I was following a pack of wild wolves through a forest I didn’t really know all that well. Dawn was fast approaching when we stopped, and I felt like I was going to collapse. Which I guess should’ve seemed weird to me, I mean how can I be so damn tired in a dream right? But I was tired, and joined the females in a huddled group of warmth and fur.

When we woke I got up and trudged on, hungry but for some reason I didn’t really think about it much, other than to acknowledge the fact. We had started off in the late evening, and walked through the night. I knew a couple of the wolves hunted, along with the alpha male and female. I never saw them feed then though. We went far I think. Nothing looked familiar and I should’ve been terrified but again, it was a dream right? Well I believe it was the fourth night, getting close to dawn and the wolves had hunted. I saw them feed, and felt grossed as they ripped away bloody raw meat, muzzled splattered with blood, teeth sharp and eyes deadly. it was at that time that I kinda started to wonder if I was really dreaming or not. Well I was laying by the stream, having drank some water trying to curb the stomach clenching hunger that had come on me. I started wondering if I’d be okay.

I began to think I wasn’t dreaming, the hunger pains so bad, I was so tired and my body felt like lead. I lost one shoe climbing over some rocks, and because it was bothersome, I ditched the other. For the last day about I had walked barefoot. My feet throbbed, scratched and ached. My shirt was torn in so many places, dirty and sweat stained. My jeans weren’t any better condition. That was when one of the young males came to me. Big and black with traces of silver. He was pulling a good size chunk of blood dripping meat. My stomach roiled at the sight, but when he nudged it to me again and again I couldn’t help it anymore. Something in me just…gave up. I was so hungry! I bit a small piece and you know, it wasn’t too bad. I felt the luke warm blood dribbling down my chin as the chunk went down my throat and it was good. But that little piece just made my stomach clench worse. I bit another small piece, and another. I started enjoying it, savoring it’s rich raw flavor.

I began tearing into it a little more animal-like, wolf-like. ripping it as best I could with my blunt human teeth. I found myself growling with the effort of ripping away the meat. That piece soon was gone though and I was still hungry. Blood smeared around my mouth, dripping down my shirt. I looked at the black wolf and he turned, walking away. When I saw he was coming back with another good size chunk, I just…I don’t know. All I know was that before I could really think about it I had ripped off my shirt, struggled out of my ruined jeans and quickly crawled for the black wolf and in great stupidity at the time ripped the meat from him. He growled, but didn’t attack. I tore into it, growling and loving the feel of meat and food in my stomach. Blood running down my chest, over my round breasts, nipples hard in the cool nearly dawn air. As I was most of the way through the chunk something happened. Before I could stop him, before I even knew it was happening, the black wolf was on my, mounting me and I stopped eating…let me tell you!

Anyway you’re right in your assumptions, he was going to screw me! I cried out, but I mean I was in the middle of a wolf pack, in a forest probably many many many miles away from the most remote human population. Plus he was a big wolf, I was a young slender woman…no chance I was forcing him off. He prodded for a few seconds before finding my pussy and thrusting his large thick wolf cock in me. Well actually it became thick after it was inside me, stretching me, throbbing as he thrust and shot himself in me. I felt his hot seed shoot deep in me, I moaned and rocked under his weight. But in some weird twist or whatever, him fucking me just made me feel…wild. This was my fantasy, to be fucked by a savage wolf, taken like the bitch I secretly longed to be. I began eating again, knowing I had to be strong, get my strength. Blood splashing across my face and breasts, his hot seed splashing inside my womb, I orgasmed and howled. I knew the other wolves were watching curious that one of their own would be mating with this strange nearly hairless creature. When he finished with me, and the knot locking us together in a sweaty, furry joining shrunk he pulled himself out and his seed spilled from my throbbing, sore, stretched pussy. I collapsed, legs trembling as I looked to see Black(as I creatively began refering to him as) licking his cock clean. I tried to move, but couldn’t. I knew I had to, the pack would wait forever but…god damn! And then I realized how I must look. mouth and breasts smeared with fresh blood, a belly fully of raw meat from a kill, womb full of hot wolf seed and a pussy still dripping it. I felt dirty and yet…satisfied. Wild and hot. Black came to me then and began licking my pussy and thighs. After a few minutes and this I was cleaned, feeling his rough tounge kinda made me hot again, but at the same time part of me realized he was doing it purely as a practice of cleaning, not anything sexual. Once he felt satisfied he nudged my side and then trotted away to the others.

I quickly got on my knees, crawled to the stream and took a long drink. Then shakily got to my feet and wobbled after them. After a few minutes I was sturdy on my legs again, following the pack. This time Black stayed back near me, protecting me, watching over me. My face turned red, I was flushed at the idea of this wild animal treating me like his bitch. I wasn’t sure why I still followed them…was it the idea of a fantasy coming true? The prospects of more hot, wild, wolf sex? I don’t know…but I followed where they led, watching the sleek powerful frame of Black, and I couldn’t stop imagining his large body on me, his hot, throbbing cock pounding me…I found myself getting wet during the walk, and I couldn’t resist rubbing my pussy, my hair dark and wet from my juices. My own brunette hair tangled and unkempt. We stopped shortly after, truly day time now, and as much as I wanted to be with him, I wasn’t allowed for some reason. I was kept away by the other bitches of the pack, and resigned myself to curling up with them, my thoughts and dreams full of powerful furry bodies and fierce golden eyes.
The going wasn’t easy for me. For one, I was cold. While at the time of my “change” as I was starting to think of it as, stripping seemed like a good idea, afterward it didn’t. But what could I do huh? I just kept moving, hoping the weather would change. At least is was pleasant during the day, or else I don’t think I’d ever sleep. I never went out on hunts, but Black always brought me back enough food. I because use to the taste of raw meat, tearing away at it with as much gusto as any of the other wolves. It was usually after I fed, feeling kinda wild and blood splattered, that Black would mount me. I never resisted, I wanted him badly that I ached for him. I loved his hot cum filling me, running out of me when he slid out, so dirty and yet erotic. He was a great hunter, and I know the other bitches seemed jealous of me but for some reason they never challenged my place as his bitch. Yes, I called myself his bitch. I don’t really see any other way to put it. I was his, it was obvious he claimed me. And while I couldn’t bear puppies I could at least give him primal lustful physical satisfaction.

Days of hard physical labor and raw meat seemed to tone my body some. I felt stronger, and loved the feeling. My body was a little red from the sun, but I was tanning. My brown hair was a mess, and bothersome. I wished I had a knife to cut it with. My luck was with me though the next day, I found a decently sharp edged rock and after satisfying Black, I tore away at my hair. I use to love my long locks, but now they were a hinderance. Savagely I cut away my hair till it was short and jagged above my shoulders. Wasn’t that attractive, but like it mattered right? I carried the sharp rock with me after that, used it to help cut the meat. It made things a little easier.

Finally we came to a halt one evening, and it was still way too early for us to stop so I figured we must have come to wherever the pack was headed. It was a rocky area, which made things rough for me even though my feet were calloused and toughening up. I followed Black to a small cave, having to hunch down to get inside. Once there he pushed me on the ground, and I admit I was a little afraid, his hot wolf breath in my face as I lay on my back looking up at his fierce golden eyes. But instead of biting me he licked my face. It took me a second to realize i wasn’t going to be eaten and I began laughing and squirming against his strong, muscular body. I loved the feel of his rough coat against my naked skin, and this was the best. He twisted his head down and began investigating my breasts. They were new to him, something normal female wolves don’t have. He licked and nuzzled them and I moaned, my nipples were hard almost all the time anyway, but now they throbbed with lust. I wanted him, badly. But he kept playing at my breasts, taking soft bites, licking my nipples. I couldn’t hold it any longer and came, squirming and arching my body against his, moaning loudly. He seemed to enjoy this, and pulled away. I knew what he wanted and scrambled to my hands and knees, not like I had many options in this small cave. But then he mounted me, and forced my upper body down to the gravelly ground, growling as if waiting to see if I’d challenge him.

Of course I wouldn’t, I was his bitch, he needed satisfaction and it was my duty to give him that. But it was rough, his powerful thrusts forcing my body to grate against the ground, my aroused, sensitive breasts rubbed raw against the gravel and dirt till I screamed and moan in a mixture of pain and pleasure I began to enjoy. When he pleased himself in my body, and his knot allowed him to pull out I panted and groaned, leaking his fluid once more. Awhile later, when I felt like moving I exited Black’s cave, as I assumed it was, and found the pack outside in leisure. I found a stream nearby and sank down to drink. After that I went back to the pack and laid down in comfortable companionship, strange to say about a pack of wild animals, wolves no less. My thoughts were scattered and jumpy, going from one idea to another. I wondered if I’d ever get back to civilization. Then a darker…somewhat scarier thought, was that I couldn’t decide if I wanted to go back or not. This life I was living, Black…it was intoxicating and exciting, erotic and pleasing…

I awoke to the gently nuzzling of Black at my breast, and the rich potent smell of a meal, the tangyness of blood, and my mouth watered with hunger. I didn’t have my rock knife, it was back at the cave. I settled for my teeth, blunt as they are, tearing and growling like the animals I kept company with. After finishing my meal I nuzzled with Black, and got into a sporty wrestling match. Of course he won, but there was a good workout in it, much sweating and growling between us both that when he pinned me on my back, he removed himself, and drove his muzzle between my legs where I was aroused and probably smelled good to him. I was ready for his cock in seconds and didn’t think anything of the fact that Black was fucking my hot wet pussy in the midst of the pack, bitches and males alike watching or not. I howled and growled my lust for all to hear and enjoyed it when Black spent himself in me, his breath hot against my neck. After our mating he retreated back to the cave and I slowly followed like a good bitch, curling up with him as he slipped off to sleep, with me soon joining him.
I awoke the next morning cold, because for one I was naked. Which was actually pretty comfortable, at least out in the wild where no one can see me. Second, was because I was alone. And I discovered that I hadn’t adapted as well to rocky ground as I thought. I was sore, and as I crawled out of the cave and stood, I winced and dropped back down to my knees. Maybe I’d just crawl for a little while…get my blood flowing.

Crawling around, I looked anxiously for Black. I was worried, he’d left and I admit, while I was more comfortable with the wolves since I’d been traveling with them for so many days, but she felt more comfortable with Black around, he was kinda her shield. And without him there she felt more exposed that even her nudity could make her. More vulnerable. Her knees were scuffed, her hands and feet roughed but actually starting to grow a little callus, which was a good thing because the terrain wasn’t flesh friendly. As I nervously walked around, I watched the other bitches, and males, of the pack. They eyed me, some more than others. One of the males in particular, a silver with markings of brown. He grinned a wolfish grin of sharp teeth and I scurried back to the cave. Maybe Black was just hunting, yeah…that was it, just hunting. I stayed out the mouth of the cave, eventually standing and pacing to help keep my muscles limber. Then back to laying down.

It was mid afternoon or so I guessed, when Black returned. He woke me from a doze in the heat. My body was hot, and sticky with sweat but I didn’t care, he was back! I was so happy! I got up and nuzzled him, licking his nose, rubbing against him. I can’t believe I was this excited, I mean he was a wolf right? Just an animal? But over the days of travel, he became more. I mean I gave myself to him, that has to mean something right, even for a wolf. It was only after his return licks and nuzzles that I noticed he had indeed went hunting. There was a deer haunch nearby, and I could see a couple of the other males, plus the Alpha, with the another whole deer, left to those who stayed behind. I knew he’d brought the haunch for me, and the thought that he’d brought me a “gift” was so sweet in my mind. I was quite hungry and set to the haunch with gusto. Black nuzzled at me, licking my side and my breasts as they jiggled through my hungry feeding.

After filling my belly I laid back down again, and Black continued licking my sweaty body, his rough tongue making my body tingle, my breath quicken as it ran over my belly, my thighs, my breasts. Oh god that rough tongue on my breasts was incredible. I writhered and moaned, nipping as his neck. I was frisky after feeding. The rich copper scent of blood in my nose, it’s sticky redness on my face and chest…I felt alive and hungry for more than meat. I growled playfully, kicking at his body. He responded in kind, bowling me over easily. It went down to wrestling. Much growling, mock biting. Though he actually left a few teeth marks, I didn’t mind, I enjoyed it. Finally he pinned me and I looked up at him, batting my eyes and loving nuzzling his neck. I wanted the cock I could see starting to emerge. The wrestling must have been a turn on and he didn’t even wait for me to get on all fours. His cock thrust into me, my legs and arms up, legs spread. Thrusting hard and fast into me he swelled, filling my wet pussy, and his seed gushed hot into my womb.

He was nuzzling and nipping at my neck and breasts. I wrapped my arms around his big furry body as he fucked me, and I loved it, bucking against him. When he satisfied himself, his breath hot against my face as we waited for him to shrink enough to slip free. But personally I loved be tied to him, joined by his hot, thick cock. He rested on top of me, and I buried my face into his neck, thinking about what had happened to me, what I was becoming every day I stayed here, every hunk of raw me I gorged myself on. Every time I opened my legs, and filled my womb on his hot seed.
…back under the moonlight in the meadow. That last memories was days ago. Nothing had changed or anything since then really. The reason why I was out here was because I needed time alone, time to think and just be…alone. Not like it was a big deal. My mate was satisfied both by food and sex. So was I I guess, I had made sure to coddle and spoil my sweet Black until even his great animal stamina was spent. No amount of playing would get him stiff for awhile, and he was sleeping it off back at the cave. I meanwhile was also satisfied and full of both meat and seed*blushes*. I got up, stretching stiff muscles, yawning my voice having become hoarse. Trotting easily to a nearby spring I quickly drank my fill and sat back to watch the woods at night. The darkness wasn’t so scary anymore, after being immersed in it for so long. My night vision had improved a little, mostly it was because I had begun to get use to shapes in the night, which helped me see them or recognize them the next time.

I walked back to the glade, rubbing my bare belly, sad. So many times he entered me. So many times I felt full to bursting with his hot seed over these many days. And yet, no matter how much seed gushed into me, it never took. That was really the problem, my problem. Already I could tell the alpha female was with pups, the way she acted, everyone acted. I wanted that. That attention, that feeling. I wanted to give him what I knew he sought, pups. Collapsing into the soft meadow grass I began to cry, sobbing into the darkness. Why! I loved him, I still don’t understand why but I do! And yet I can’t do the most important thing a wolf’s mate needs to do, bear pups! I rolled onto my back, hands over my belly and stared up at the moon through tear hazed eyes. “Please…I just want…want to bear him pups…god I don’t have a clue what I’m doing, I’m not religious. And hell after what I’ve done…no religion condones zoophilia I’m pretty sure…anyway that’s the not the point. I really just have no idea what to do. I…I should just leave. I could…I could find my way back to people, get home…go back to my life…”

I started sobbing again. It was useless, I didn’t want to leave him. It was crazy but I didn’t.

I never realized I had fallen asleep until I felt the wet cold nose against my side, nudging me slowly. When I opened my eyes I saw it was Black, he had come to me, worried I suppose. I rolled over and he licked my face. I couldn’t help but giggle and lick back, scratching his thick coat. It was then that I noticed him stiffening and grinned wider, so that was why! And I thought he was worried! I laughed and rubbed nose to nose and crawled away. We got into a wrestling match, and of course he won. But I let him win, I did. I swear. Crawling up on my hands and knees, I opened my legs more for him and he didn’t need asking. I braced against his weight on my body, his paws around my belly and his cock thrusting into me. It felt so good, warm and stiff, his fur against my bare ass and thighs…I grinned when I felt the first splash of his hot seed in my womb. Again and again and again. I howled with pleasure and was soon cumming myself, pussy milking his thick cock for everything he had while I felt my juices seep out around him. When he finally pulled out I collapsed, content and tired. Curling up to him I fell asleep almost instantly, not caring about the juices sticky down my thighs, I could clean later….

The next morning I woke nausuous, my stomach churning. I scrambled from the protective mass of Black and made it only a few feet before I heaved up last night’s dinner. When I was done I wiped my mouth, clutching my belly. What was this? I never got sick before, and I’ve been eating the meat for weeks…what…?

No, that was impossible. Never…it couldn’t…no. nononononono! I was wide eyed, shocked…it couldn’t be? I was…was I pregnant? With pups? I…I couldn’t believe it! I howled, and Black woke with a start. He started to come to me but I pounced on him first, licking and nibbling and laughing. I couldn’t wait…I was pregnant!
Over the next few days I started learning how to adjust to being pregnant. I wasn’t bulging in the belly yet, though that thought sure was on my mind almost all the time. It was more dealing with morning sickness. And the soreness of my breasts, that was also bad given how they jiggled and bounced around since I was naked out here.

Black was tender to me. I think he somehow sensed my pregnancy, and that seemed to afford me most of the care in the world in his eyes. Which really wasn’t much of a change. I admit I was feeling like…like a leech upon the pack recently. I mean I wasn’t a hunter, so all I did was walk around, sleep, or accept my mate Black’s large wolf cock into me. And now he got me knocked up. I laughed a little at that. Being knocked up…by a wolf! I was outside, having just satisfied my hunger on a choice hunk of meat. Black was sleeping off his meal close by, and I tenderly rubbed my belly, fantasizing about it bulging out, swelling round and large with pups…

I woke with a start, a nauseous start as I turned over and hurled up that lovely meal. Looking around the pack was active, and the sun was lower. I had been asleep for quite awhile I guess. Getting up I wandered back to the cave to curl up in the cool shadows, feeling a little ill, my breasts and now my ankles sore. Damn pregnancy wasn’t going to be fun out here…and the delivery…oh god!
The days past pretty quickly, pretty uneventfully. I started getting rounder, and it was weird. I mean walking became a chore as my belly began to grow. I actually found all fours a little easier, and began to walk around like such. It was an experience. Feeling the pulling wait of my enlarged belly, swollen breasts filled with milk…it was strange. I mean before all this…the thought of being pregnant never entered my head. I mean it did only when seeing a woman and their baby, or a pregnant woman. but more like, “Huh…maybe that’ll be me some day.” but when I thought that, I didn’t think it’d be so soon!

But here I was, living off raw meat and the few berries I’ve scrounged. Naked and wild, and now pregnant with wolf cubs from my mate…it sometimes just…overwhelms me when I think about it. Crawling back into the cave I share with Black, I found him there waiting for me. He licked my face and I smiled, licking him back. Laying down, resting my weary bulging body. He came and licked my belly and I cooed to him. I loved when he did this. Nuzzling and licking my belly felt so nice, and I imagined what it’ll be like together when our litter is born.

He finally curled down against my belly and I rested my head on him, yipping happily.

Coincidently enough, the Alpha female was pregnant as well. And the oddest thing started happening around the pack. The other females started lactating. I guess it had something to do with the alpha female being pregnant, but…it was so strange.

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