Witch Hex
Witch Hex
Sex Story Author: | WildUntammedFluffy |
Sex Story Excerpt: | "Thank you Mr. Wiccan. When you see him let him know we need to talk." It was almost midnight |
Sex Story Category: | Bestiality |
Sex Story Tags: | Bestiality, Consensual Sex, Exhibitionism, Fantasy, First Time, Hardcore, Lactation, Pregnant, Teen Male/Teen Female, Virginity, Young |
For those of you who think the story too long and simply want the ‘good parts’ skip ahead to the word ‘ Cadillac’. Then come back and read from the start if you liked it. For the rest of you please enjoy and let me know what you think. Also be sure to check the story tags. If you do not like one of them do not read the story.
Please note the following story tags: Beastiality, Consensual Sex, Creampie, Exhibitonism, First Time, Hardcore, Lactation, Pregnant, Teen Male/Teen Female, Virginity, Young,
Coughing and eyes stinging the small boy tried to wave the blue smoke away.
“Taro? What are you doing?” came the suspicious voice of his master.
Kendra walked in and with a click of her fingers her gold bracelets jingled while at the same time cleared the noxious clouds. A quick survey of the scene told her all she needed. A table with an assortment of strange vials shimmered under the dim light of the candles. Next to these a strange amulet with a sold blue spherical crystal orb and a tiny glass cage occupied by a large green lizard. The poor lizard scurried and desperately clawed at the sides for a an escape but did so in vain. The small boy backed away from the table wearing his sparking purple wizard robes and tall pointy hat.
Taro held his hands behind his back and looked sheepishly down at his feet. He shuffled his feet awkwardly as he answered his master. “Just a little magic…”
The witch Kendra crossed her arms and looked sternly at the boy. The candle light flickered in her black eyes and shone on her long black hair and earrings. The naughty boy would certainly need a lesson for this.
Making up her mind she walked to a shelf with many more strange devices. Any of which would most likely be unpleasant if she want it to be. She reached her hand out and flicked the light switch. With the lights on the room light up losing its gloom.
“My dear boy,” said Kendra as she approached the small boy.
Taro continued to look at his feet and Kendra snapped her fingers for his attention. “Look at my nose,” she said pointing to her slender nose. Her way of getting him to make eye contact. He looked into the kind eyes of his mother. His eyes were a warm brown unlike his mothers dark black eyes. She was not old but no longer young either. The eyes had just the hint of wrinkles appearing around the edges and her smile had permanent laugh lines.
Now that she had his attention Kendra continued, “what have I told you about magic?”
He started to look away again and she snapped her fingers for his attention. “I ain’t suppose to do magic without adut supvison.”
“You are not suppose to do magic without adult supervision,” she corrected him. “Pronunciation is important too. Also the candles and wizard robes are not needed.”
“But I am a wizard,” protested the little boy puffing up his chest with pride.
“Not yet you’re not and even so wizards do not need robes. Now off with that hat,” she said.
“Ok,” he said a little sad. He took off his hat revealing his short messy red hair and gold studded earrings. Unlike her son Kendra did not wear fancy robes when doing magic unless she had a customer. She was perfectly content in a blouse and a knee length skirt. She liked her jewelry but dressing up, there were occasions to dress up, but certainly not for the casual every day wear.
“Well since you are so eager for magic right now, show me what you were doing,” waving her hand.
Taro beamed with delight only too happy to show her. He rushed to the lizard in the cage again and furrowed his brow in concentration. He then clapped once.
Another blue cloud swallowed the boy and the lizard.
Now coughing with her son Kendra snapped her fingers and cleared the smoke again.
“Well,” she choked. “You are getting closer. It is still a lizard but it has changed color at least.”
The once green lizard scurried frantically in it’s new blue scales. “It is more than knowing what you want to change it into. You must also consider what needs to change in order to make any sort of transformation.”
She snapped her fingers and a small puff of pink smoke appeared where the lizard once stood. Now replaced by a turtle. She snapped again and with another puff of pink smoke emerged a skink. Another snap a gecko and with one final snap the green lizard returned.
Taro watched the transformations with his mouth hanging open and eyes wide. He loved watching his mother’s transformations. However, when the lizard returned his shoulders sagged and he let out a sigh.
“I’ll never get it,” he said.
“Oh you will. It just takes practice. You have only been doing it for few months. I have been doing it for years,” said Kendra. “Besides a lizard is a bit too intelligent for you at this point. The smarter the subject the harder they are to change. If too smart you may even need their essence and even their permission if too intelligent.”
“Esensnse?” wrinkling his face at the strange word.
“Essence. We will speak more of this later. Why don’t you take a break. Come with me I will make us some lunch and tell you a story about it.”
“A magic story?” eyes lighting up again.
“Yes,” she put the lizard back in it’s proper cage.
“A real one?” with more excitement.
“Yes,” she put out the candles with another snap.
“One of yours?” he jumped around.
“Yes,” smiling at the child’s delight then turning out the lights she led the child out.
“What it be bout?” the questions seemed endless.
“Hmmm, how about you?” they entered the kitchen.
“Bout me? Wow, I didn’t know any magic stories bout me,” he stopped his jumping to ponder the idea.
Kendra laughed. “Well I have one. I am going to leave out some of the details for now but this one is about you.” She reconsidered for a moment, “kind of at any rate.” She opened the fridge for some vegetables to start lunch and began her tale.
Cale had missed the bus so, he walked home however, this did not bother him in the slightest. With the sun shining and the birds chirping, he could not have asked for a better day for a walk. Not to mention the bus did not really save him much time any way. About half way home he passed the purple and gold shop sign ‘Magic for all Occasions’. Cale had passed the place many times but never gone in. Not because he did not believe in magic but mainly on account when he passed the place he had always been in a car or a bus. Except for today. He had not planned on going in at all and had just passed the shop when he remembered something. Months back he had won a small prize for an art contest for Halloween. A one time redeemable fortune telling at ‘Magic for all Occasions’. Not sure if he even still had it, he opened his wallet searching for the ticket. After a moment he found the pink card. A bit wrinkly but legible and it did not appear to have an expiration date. He turned around and headed back to the shop. Why not? It could be worth a laugh, he thought. Not like he had anything else going on today.
He opened the shop door and a small bell jangled as he entered. Dimly lit and shelves full of oddities he entered. Among the shelves he saw decks of cards, some normal some not, beginners magic trick kits and so on. The further in the more interesting the items became. Crystal balls, magic wands, strange vials, and ingredients claiming to be all kinds of things ranging from bore bristles to barnacle slime. Then there were the books. ‘Improve your luck in five easy steps’, ‘Potions 101’, ‘Anti-Magic, Prevent Hexes and Curses’, and the last one he read, ‘A Magic Guide to True Love’. Hard to believe people were gullible enough to buy any of this. He would have kept going but he heard a pleasant voice call to him.
“Can I help you?” asked what he guessed to be the shop keeper.
He turned to see a lady in a long black dress and a purple shawl. She had large hoop earrings, many gold bracelets, and a strange amulet with a sold blue spherical crystal orb. She kept her long and black and tied back with a purple and yellow scarf. Her eyes were dark like her hair but they appeared friendly like her smile.
“Um, yes,” said Cale as he fiddled with his fingers. “I have this one time redeemable fortune ticket.”
She frowned as she thought, “really? I did not think there were any left. Where did you get it?”
“An art contest,” he said.
“Awe yes, I remember. There were several prizes awarded for that. Which was yours?” said Kendra as she looked up recalling the contest.
“I did the Cerberus one,” Cale replied.
“Oh, I did like that one,” she said with a smile. “Well let’s see that ticket.”
As he fumbled for the ticket he dropped his ID. His ears turned pink as he bent down to retrieve his ID. The shop keeper was quicker. She picked up the ID and handed it over but not before reading the name Cale Wiccan.
“Sorry,” he said trying to avoid letting his voice squeak.
“No, problem,” she said pleasantly as they exchanged ID and ticket.
Although worn and wrinkled it was legible and she recognized it as one of hers. She looked up from the ticket to study the boy more closely. He was young for sure, simple attire blue jeans and T-shirt, dark hair not quite black but close, warm brown eyes, nervous, and an aura of skepticism. Nothing she had not seen before.
“What is your name boy?” the lady asked. Though she already knew it was polite to ask.
“Cale,” he said after clearing his throat.
She held out her hand, “nice to met you Cale. I am Kendra the Witch. Would you like to redeem this now?”
Cale shook Kendra’s hand gingerly. “Sure, if you do not mind,” he said softly. He briefly wondered if she always introduced herself as a witch.
“Alright, let me just lock up real quick,” Kendra said as she walked to the front and to lock the door.
“Why would you need to lock up?” asked Cale. He did not like the idea of being locked up with a girl even an older one.
She put up a ‘will return’ sign up for thirty minutes before she replied. “I am the only one here and do not want to be interrupted when I am doing a reading.”
It made sense so he followed her to the back of the shop threw a curtain door way to a small room. Kendra lit a match and went about lighting the many candles. Even with the many candles the room still seemed eerie or perhaps he thought that was the whole idea. In the center of the room stood a single small circular table with a black table cloth that went to the floor. Two red chairs sat across from each other on opposite ends of the table. On the far wall from the curtain door set a small shelf with a faintly glowing crystal ball, some cards, Cale guessed taro cards, some pouches, and an assortment of jewelry.
“Take a seat,” said Kendra.
Once seated she took his hand examined the sweaty palm. Cale could not believe she could really see anything in the dim light and hoped she would realize this and give him his hand back. After a moment she seemed satisfied with what she saw.
“Hmmm.” she said as she studied his hand. “A long life line, good fortune, and you will marry some day. If you ever get over your trepidation around girls that is.”
“Oh,” he said. He rubbed his hand on his pants trying to dry it and after a pause asked, “is that it?”
“Pretty much I am afraid,” said Kendra. “Palm reading normally does not indicate a whole lot.” She stood up and went to the shelf. After looking it over a moment she gently lifted the crystal ball.
Placing the crystal ball in the center of the table she continued.
“Tell me Cale, what do you see?” she asked.
He did not expect much but looked as instructed. Probably part of the show but he assumed that may have been pretty much all fortune telling was any way. He stared into the orb for a while and squinted his eyes. Just swirling clouds.
“I don’t see anything,” he said.
“Perfect,” she said smiling. “It is far easier to read when people are being honest. Now let me have a look.”
She peered at the orb turning her head from side to side as she stared. “Hmm, she is pretty but, you don’t have a girl friend do you?”
“No,” he said slightly blushing, hopefully not visible in the dim light.
“Well you two would certainly be happy if you got together and what is this?” she continued. “The two of you have a…” she stopped and her eyes widened.
How unexpected. It is not possible to see one’s own future but Kendra’s seemed to be strongly connected to this boy. She did not know how so but if it meant she could peer into her own future it would be worth investigating. This would require some real magic though.
She looked up at Cale for a moment and pursed her lips as she examined him again this time more closely. Though she would consider herself one of the most powerful witch she knew of, she rarely used real magic around others. This however was a special occasion.
“You have a very interesting future with this girl, Cale. However it is obscured,” Kendra said.
“What does that mean?” leaning forward to examine the meaningless swirling clouds. Him with a girl? He could not even imagine it. The closest thing he ever had to a girl friend had been a secret love letter he left in a girl’s locker back in middle school and that had turned out horrible when everyone found out he did it.
“It means I cannot tell you any more without a little extra help.”
He sat up. This was not a trick to get money was it? A promise about a future with a pretty girl but you have to pay to see what that future is? Seemed a bit dodgy. “What kind?” asked Cale backing away a bit more.
She rubbed her chin looking back into the crystal. She came to a decision and grabbed something off the shelf from the jewelry and another small black box. Cale did not get a good look at what she pulled out of the box but he smelled it when she opened it and it smelled familiar. She then showed him the long silver needle adorned with a blue gem on the head. The smell he reveled as well, alcohol. She had opened a small hand sanitizer packet and proceeded to clean the needle. Certainly did not look like magic he thought.
“What is with the needle and the alcohol wipes?” lifting an open palmed hand with the question.
“Even with magic there are times when modern conventions are more than adequate. I just want to make sure the needle is clean first,” she said as she finished disinfecting the needle. “Your future is very interesting but we will need something a little more powerful to see it more clearly. I would need some blood. A single drop will do.”
Well that changes things. She sure put on a good show. “This does not cost extra or anything?”
She smiled and shook her head, “no, you had a voucher remember?”
Why not he thought. She was not asking for money after all. Even if nothing came of this story about a possible girl friend he was too curious not to continue. He held out his hand for the witch and braced him self for the needle. She took his hand and quickly pricked his wrist, much less painful than he had expected.
Expecting her to prick his finger he asked, “Why the wrist?”
She raised an eyebrow. “I need blood not pain. Finger tips hurt.”
“Oh.” That actually made sense.
With the tiniest drop of blood on the end of the needle, more than enough for what she wanted, she touched the blood droplet to the top of the crystal ball. When it touched the whole room lit up bright red as the crystal flared the same color. The previously slow moving clouds of the crystal churned violently. Cale jumped back at the sudden activity from the crystal. The witch however appeared unconcerned and leaned in for a closer look.
“Amazing,” Kendra said after a moment more to her self than to Cale. “I didn’t think I would ever see this.”
“What? What do you see? Is it the girl? Who is she?” asked Cale forgetting he did not believe in magic and caught up in the theatrics.
They were not theatrics though. She looked up and pursed her lips again while she took a moment to chose her words carefully, “You…you have the chance to have a very special love life but you are going to need my help and the help of your dog?”
“Really? I don’t even have a dog,” he said starting to return to Earth. Too good to be true he thought.
She did not know what the dog meant but she needed this to work. How could she ask this without scaring him off? Maybe she could down play it or maybe… She bit her lip while raising her eyebrows. Fluttering her eye lashes Kendra spoke softly, “you know, it is too bad you are so shy around women.”
“What?” asked Cale with a slight jump. Something had changed as he looked at the witch.
Kendra leaned forward planting her elbows on the table. She then intertwined her fingers and rested her head on her hands before continuing. “You could miss… a great opportunity,” she said with a smile.
Cale’s eyes lit up and his palms started sweating again though for different reasons this time. Kendra extended her slender leg letting the dress fall to the side reveling her smooth skin and Cale could not help but follow the movement as she slowly stood. Kendra continued as she did so, “a hansom man like you could have any girl you wanted.”
Gently tracing her fingers along the table, Kendra walked to her pray swaying her hips as she went. “If only you had a bit more…confidence.”
Cale tensed as the seductress approached. She was defiantly coming on to him and he did not know what to do. It was so sudden. He could feel his heart pounding and a fire in his skin he did not know. This could not be part of the show could it?
Kendra leaned over so close Cale could feel her warm breath as she whispered right in his ear, “I could help you.”
Cales finger nails dug holes into his palms as his white knuckled fists clenched, he did not notice it though. His entire focus on Kendra as she gently turned his head with her delicate fingers on his chin.
With his eyes glued to hers Kendra had him right where she wanted him. “I just need one little thing from you,” she said with a tiny smile.
He fell into the untold depths of her dark eyes. Unable to think at all he would have done anything she asked. “Give me your first born and I will give you the girl of your dreams,” Kendra whispered.
Cale tilted his head in agreement. The primal part of his brain, the only part still functioning, could guess what these words meant. If she wanted his baby she could have it.
She put her fingers through his hair and slowly started pulling him to her warm embrace. As their lips approached she said one last thing, “I need you to say, yes.”
Cale could not feel his body any more as if suspended in air. Without realizing it he answered while under her spell. “Yes,” he said. She could have all the babies she wanted. His nerves were so fried he did not feel the second prick in his wrist as the witch acquired her second drop of blood.
Cale closed his eyes expecting his first kiss. Instead he felt her soft finger touch his lips. “Its time,” said the witch.
He blinked his eyes, “time for what?” he breathed heavily.
“It is time to go. You cannot keep a girl waiting,” she answered as she helped the dazed boy out of his chair.
Cale allowed Kendra to lead him out through the curtains to the front of the shop his mind slowly clearing as he walked. Once they reached the front the witch turned and smiled at him.
“You will met her very soon. Try not to be nervous,” she said again with a smile. She opened the door and let Cale walk out still dazed.
“Well, Cale Wiccan, it has been a pleasure. We will met again I am certain,” she said with a wink.
Once he left she shut and locked the door and put up the closed sign. ‘Wow, what was that?’ thought Cale as he slowly walked off. Was that a spell or something? He had never felt like that before. He could have swore the witch had asked to make a baby with him. It all happened so fast.
The blind and sharp street corner blocked his view so he did not see them and lost in thought he did not hear them either. After rounding the corner and found himself flat on his back. Luckily he landed without hitting his head. Someone laying on top of him pinned him to the ground. He reached up to push them off and instead felt the soft breasts of a girl. Too late he realized he had copped a feel without intending too and instantly turned red.
New to the area Trixie had no idea about the blind and sharp corner and missed it entirely. Noticing too late while running she slammed straight into him. She fell flat on top of him effectively pinning him. She rose as quickly as she could but not before the boy had unintentionally grabbed her breast which only made her move faster. Once on her feet again she apologized and extended her hand to the boy.
“Oh, I am so sorry!” said Trxie as she helped the boy to his feet.
“I am sorry, I am sorry, I didn’t mean too,” repeated the boy quickly as he began to blush.
“What are you sorry for? It was my fault.” replied Trixie.
“I didn’t mean to grab you.” pulling his hands away as if afraid he might touch her by mistake again.
“Grab me?” realization struck. He was embarrassed about touching her breast even thought it was her fault. “Awe, that’s cute,” she sighed as she smiled and tilted her head. “Don’t worry about it. More importantly are you ok?”
“Ya, I am fine,” said Cale quickly. Relieved the girl would not be slapping him for sexual assault. He then had a chance to look at this girl. She looked to be about the same age as himself with red hair tied back in a long pony tail reveling her the many piercing in her ears. She wore tight fitting little black running shorts and a matching black top. The top although not short did reveal her pierced belly button and toned abbes. Something he had not seen before.
“I’m Trixie by the way. What’s your name?” she said.
“Um, Cale,” he replied.
Something about this shy boy resonated with her. The longer she observed him the more she liked him. “Well Cale, where are you from?” she asked.
“Here, I guess,” he replied vaguely waving his hand.
“Do you have time to show me around than? I have only been here about a week, still learning my way around,” she said hoping he would and unintentionally leaning closer.
“Sure, I guess,” he said with an awkward shrug. How did this happen? It seemed like this girl came out of nowhere and now wanted to hang out. He would not complain though and hoped he would not make a fool of himself.
From there the two set off down the road. Cale did not know what to show her first, he had never been a tour guild. He soon learned it did not mater. There was no end to Trixie’s constant chatter. Despite the chitchat he found himself enjoying her company and even liked hearing her talk. This suited Cale fine as most of the time he was too self conscious to say anything any way.
Trixie did not like gossip or mindless prattle if she could help it but she did enjoy talking and this boy seemed content to listen so she did a lot of it whether she meant to or not. About an hour later she apologized yet again for her non-stop chatter.
“Sorry Cale, I must be boring you. I don’t mean to talk so much. I can’t help myself some times,” said Trixie.
“I’ve noticed,” said Cale with a smile. A dog barked near by.
“What was that? I have been hearing dogs a lot the last few minutes.”
“Probably the pound. It’s just across the street,” Cale pointed out the building about a block away.
Trixie looked sad, “awe, the poor things. I would take one home if I could. Always wanted a dog.”
“Really? Would have guessed you more of a cat person,” raising an eyebrow.
“A cat would be nice too but you can’t really go jogging with a cat.”
“I suppose not.”
“Listen it’s getting late. Let’s see the doggies and then head home.” said Trixie as they waited at the cross walk.
A black truck with a couple inside stopped and let them cross. After waving their thanks to the couple, they went to the pound. The door chimed followed by many dog barks. A door chime seemed a poor choice for an animal shelter but they had it none the less. The two were there a good twenty minutes petting the dogs and speaking with Norman the current care taker. Not surprising Trixie did most of the talking. Another twenty minutes later and the two stood outside Trixie’s house exchanging phone numbers on paper.
“Now don’t feel shy to call, ok,” said Trixie with a smile and a wink.
“I’ll try,” said Cale.
“Try?” she raised an eyebrow. “If you don’t call then I’ll call.”
“No, no, I’ll call,” said Cale quickly.
Trixie squinted and smiled. “Hmm, we’ll see.” She surprised him as she leaned forward and stole a quick kiss on the lips. She giggled as his whole face went bright red.
“I’ll see you tomorrow than,” with a wave and turned to leave.
Cale put a finger to his lips, his first kiss. It had happened so fast but he could not help but smile as he watched the girl who stole it prance up the steps to her house.
Once the door shut Trixie turned her back to the door and jumped while squealing with delight. ‘I cannot believe I kissed him,’ she thought. She did not enjoy the moment much longer as her mother called to her soon after hearing the door shut.
Trixie explained where she had been for the past few hours leaving out no details.
“And so you kissed him. Just like that?” said Wendy.
“But he is so cute mom,” said Trixie with doe eyes.
Wendy let out a sigh. She had known it would happen sooner or later. She had always been very open with her daughter and let her express herself. She had even let her pierce her navel despite the objections of others. This was a bit different though. Up until now she had shown no interest in boys. If her Trixie would be anything like herself she knew what would happen whether she liked it or not.
“Do you have condoms Trixie?” said Wendy flatly.
Trixie’s eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. It took her a moment to recover and reply. “MOM! It was just a kiss! I am not having sex!”
Wendy smiled at the reaction. ‘There is some hope,’ she thought. “Good, and it better stay that way. If it were my choice you would never have sex.” She let out another sigh and tilted her head as she looked down, “however, that is an impossible expectation.”
Trixie bit her lip and remained silent. She had of course spoken to her mother about the birds and the bees but never anything like this. It had not even been on her mind.
The unusual silence of her daughter prompted Wendy to look up again and continue. “I don’t like the idea of my precious little girl dating and I certainly don’t like the idea of her having…” she stopped and could not bring herself to say it. The implication clear enough.
“I told you mom. I just met him. He is not trying to get in my pants,” said Trixie indignantly folding her arms.
“Even so it would be neglectful to not have precautions, just incase,” said Wendy as she looked up at the ceiling pondering a moment.
“Well what do you want me to do about it?” she rolled her eyes.
Wendy smiled widely as the idea came. She looked at her daughter, “Tomorrow, you and I are doing some shopping.”
Cale on the other hand had not told his parents anything. The idea of a girl friend too surreal. He told his parents he had missed the bus and had decided to hang out with a friend before walking home. Which was true of course. He just happened to omit the fact this friend was a girl.
‘Let’s see…third house on the right…around the back next to the AC. This must be it,’ thought Trixie as she surveyed the window.
*Tap Tap*
Cale rolled over trying to ignore the sound but it came again.
*Tap Tap*
He covered his ears but the sound persisted.
*Tap Tap*
Finally accepting he could no longer ignore it he rolled out of bed. Still sleep drunk he stumbled to the window. Trixie beamed at him as he opened the window.
“Wake up Cale!” though she whispered Cale could hear her excitement.
“What are you doing here?” rubbing his eyes.
“Running, you silly.”
“Oh, ya,” remembering from yesterday. He had called her and by the end of the call had agreed to go running with her this morning. As his memory came back he answered his next question of how she made it there. She had asked some specific questions about where he lived including which room was his. She had shared the same information of hers.
Cale looked at the clock, “it is not even 5:30”.
“So I am a bit early. I couldn’t wait,” still smiling.
“Alright, I will be out in a few minutes,” he closed the window and got dressed. And here he figured he had been planning ahead by setting the alarm for 5:30. ‘So much for that,’ he mused.
The dark sky gave no indication the sun would be rising any time soon. Cale shivered in his sweater and sweat pants. If he knew it was going to be this cold he would have grabbed his jacket. Trixie on the other hand wore the same tiny shorts and shirt from yesterday. She did however have an additional windbreaker.
“Ready?” said Trixie.
“How are you not freezing?” said Cale as he attempted to keep his teeth from chatting. Looking at her bare legs made him feel colder.
“I am use to it,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “You will warm up soon enough any way.”
She was right of course. As the two ran Cale began warming up and Trixie took off her jacket. They had been running for about ten minutes before Cale needed a break as he the running took its toll, not use to running like Trixie. It did not seem to bother Trixie and she encouraged him the whole time.
They walked along a long straight path. At the half way point there stood a tall willow tree Cale knew well. On the other side there could be found a small sand pit. While Cale caught his breathe he pointed this out to Trixie. She saw it as a nice little place for a picnic and the like. Just off to the side of the willow tree, it could be seen from the path but only if you knew where to look. Once Cale caught his breathe the two started off again.
The sun, though not yet visible, lit the sky by the time they made it back to Cale’s home. After agreeing do this tomorrow the two parted but not before another kiss. This time Cale was not surprised by it although, it had been short his lips tingled long afterward. Trixie waved goodbye and as Cale watched her run home he could not help but think how lucky he had been to run into her or rather for her to run into him.
Wendy waited for her daughter after school and as soon as she came in she whisked her back out for her special shopping. She drove her clear across town to a pharmacy neither recognized which was exactly what Wendy wanted. She parked the car and pulled out a shopping list. Trixie had been asking many questions through out the trip but Wendy had refused to answer until they arrived.
“Ok Trixie here we are,” said Wendy smiling.
“Uh, I thought you said we were shopping. Why are we here?” said Trixie puzzled.
“We are shopping. No, actually you are shopping,” as she handed the shopping list and small wad of cash to her daughter. “Now I want you to go in and purchase everything on the list.”
Trixie hesitated a moment before she took the list. Then her eyes grew wider as her jaw dropped further with every item on the list.
Pregnancy Test
Morning After Pill
Birth Control Pill
“Mom! What the hell is this?” she turned red and faced her mother but could not met her eyes.
Wendy laughed, “If you are going to have sex you better be prepared.”
“I already told you I am not having sex!” turning redder as she spoke.
“That is great. You are still buying these,” said her mother with another laugh.
“Why me?” she looked back at the list.
“If you think it is embracing to purchase these when you do not need them imagine how hard it will be to do so when you do need them. Now get in there. We are not going home until you do,” turning off the car with a finality to her voice.
Trixie bared her teeth and kept her jaw shut, “Fine.” With that she left the car and went in.
As Trixe went in her mother called to her, “if you cannot find them do not feel shy to ask.” She had to keep from laughing at the outrage from her daughter.
Trixie clenched the list tightly as she made a few rounds in the store trying to discreetly locate the items. She found the condoms and pregnancy test rather easily the rest of the list eluded her. She though she found the lubricant but her nerves betrayed her every time she attempted to look closeler and never long enough to tell.
After ten minutes of wandering around and making little progress she finally decided to go through with it. She went to the lubricant and reached out to inspected it properly. Before her hand touched it she heard a young man.
“Find what you are looking for?” said the clerk.
She turned to the clerk who looked probably in his early thirties. She opened her moth to speak but no sound came out and she instead turned red. Frustrated she shoved the list at him and could not look at him as he took the list and read it.
The clerk’s eyes lit up for a moment and he stifled a short laugh before he regained his composure. He then reached for the same bottle of lubricant Trixie had been about to inspect and handed it over.
“This will work,” he said as she took the bottle still blushing. “And these two,” pointing to the condoms and pregnancy test, “are at the end of the aisle. These however you will need to ask for at the counter,” he said and handed back the list.
Trixie nodded her head and quickly scurried away unable to even say thank you. She quickly grabbed a random box of condoms and a pregnancy test and tried to hide them under her arms. Then she headed to the pick up counter where another man in a white lab coat about forty she guessed asked how he could help.
“What can I get for you?” said the man.
Still unable to speak she let out her breath and handed him the list.
He inspected it quickly before replying, “I can get you spermicide but the rest of this will require a pre***********ion or doctor’s note.”
“K,” was all she could say.
“One moment,” he said as he walked off. He soon returned with a bottle. “Anything else for you today?”
She shook her head and walked off with the bottle to the cash register where another man worked. This one the youngest yet probably not even old enough to drink. ‘Why the hell were they all men?’ she thought.
As he rang up the items he could not help but smile at the pretty girl. She blushed redder if that were possible. Trixie paid for her items and ran out of the building ignoring the wink the cashier gave her as she left. Her mother was no help at all.
“Did you get everything on the list?”
“No, I need a pre***********ion,” replied Trixie.
“Of course you do but you did get a few items,” as she looked in the bag her daughter brought out.
Embarrassed Trixie pulled the bag away, “why did you send me in for things you knew I couldn’t get then?”
“So you know how difficult it can be to get birth control. Better to know how to get it now rather than trying to figure it out when you need it.”
Once home Trixie tried to forget the special shopping she had with her mother and enjoyed her time with Cale as they ran. It soon became a routine for the two. They would run in the early morning meeting at either Trixie’s or Cale’s house and often times after school. This continued for almost a week before Cale’s father intervened. That morning as Cale headed out to met Trixie his father waited for him.
“Where do you think you are going?” asked Douglas.
Cale froze as the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He turned to his father who sat in the shadows across the room. No wonder he had not noticed him with the lights out and before sunrise.
His father turned on a lamp and beckoned his son over. With a single light source most of the room remained shrouded in darkness as Cale approached.
“Well?” said his father never taking his eyes off his son.
“Running,” said Cale as he fidgeted.
Douglas stroked his black beard, “I kind of guessed that. I want to know why?”
“Um, a friend wanted me to start running with them?” he lifted and shrugged his shoulders hoping his dad would not ask for details.
“Really? Then why so secretive about it? Tell me about this friend,” narrowing his eyes in the darkness.
“Um, they just moved in and they like running is all,” he started to sweat.
“They? So you are running with a group of friends than?” asked Douglas.
“No, just the one. They are really nice and they just like to run. They asked me to run with them is all,” said Cale.
They, again why the plural and why was Cale so nervous? He had only seen him act like this around… girls. Douglas smiled as the thought came to him. “So what is her name?” he asked with a toothy grin.
Cale’s voice went up a few notes and his eyes bulged in shock. How could his father always read him so well? “Um, um, Trixie,” he replied dumbly unable to think up a lie.
Douglas let out a bellowing laugh as he raised from his chair. Slapping his son on the back, “Well done Cale. You finally managed to get a girl. I didn’t think you had it in you.”
Cale scowled. It was not that unbelievable. It was not like he was petrified around women at least not so much now. He opened his mouth to protest when his father interrupted him.
“So tell me, is she pretty? Is she nice?”
Douglas waited and after a moment rolled his hand and said, “Oh come on you have to tell me a little more than that.”
“Um, well she is pretty and nice…” said Cale shrugging.
Douglas stared at his son. It was his own fault for expecting him to elaborate further. Letting out a sigh he said, “fine just go run off with your girl friend than.”
That had been easier than he expected he thought. “Thanks dad,” said Cale as he went to the door. As he reached it he heard his dad again like he thought he would. So much for being easy.
“One thing, see if you can bring her over tonight. We would love to me her.” again with the toothy grin.
“Fine dad,” he started to open the door.
“I mean it Cale or I might just go running with you,” driving the point in.
“Ok, ok, I will ask,” he shut the door behind him.
Minutes later he met up with Trixie.
“Your late,” but she still had a smile when Cale arrived.
“Sorry, my dad held me up,” he also smiled when he met Trixie.
“Oh, your dad? Do you think I could met him?”
“Wait what? Really?” Maybe it would be easy.
“Ya, it would be fun to met your family and then you can come over and met mine,” she certainly liked the idea more than Cale.
“Sure,” said Cale frowning. “I suppose we could today after school.”
“Its a deal,” partially jumping with joy.
Cale smile, “you could try to contain your enthusiasm.”
Trixie smiled in turn, “and you could try to show some enthusiasm.”
Once they had met one another’s parents they become inseparable. It became common to find them either hanging out at Cale’s or Trixie’s house if they not out running. One day hanging out in Cale’s room and talking, mainly Trixie, she noticed Cale acting a bit weird.
“What is on your mind?” said Trixie.
“Nothing,” said Cale more defensively than he meant to.
Trixie put her hands on the bed and leaned in and in a sweet voice said, “reeeaaalllyyy?”
Was he really that transparent? He let out a sigh. “I have been wanting to give you something for a while but just didn’t know how.”
“Awe that is sweet. What is it?”
After a moment of hesitation he went to the closet and pulled out a large poster board. Slightly red around the ears he turned the poster board over revealing the picture he had been working on for the last week or so. The picture depicted two people crashing into each other. One a red headed girl with short black running shorts and top running head long into a very surprised dark haired boy as the two fell to the ground.
“Awe,” her eyes softened and she rose from the bed to look at the picture. “It is how we first met.”
“Do you like it?” said Cale expectantly.
She took the picture and hugged Cale, “I love it. I think I have just the place for this.”
Soon after the two were walking back to Trixie’s house but she decided to take a slight detour on the way.
“It was right here,” she said as she held up the picture comparing it to the blind and sharp corner they had run into each other at a month prior.
The two were not alone though. At that moment a woman with long black hair and many gold bracelets exited her shop and spotted the two lovers. She waved and smiled pleasantly to the two. Trixie, who had no idea who the woman was, waved back enthusiastically as she always did. Cale on the other hand swallowed nervously. He had had forgotten the deal he had made with the witch and how he had met his current girl friend because of it. Up until then at any rate. Cale hurried Trixie home trying to get away from the witch.
The two entered Trixie’s room and Cale shut the door. Moments later the door creaked open as Trixie went to her bed looking for a place to hang the poster. Cale about to walk back to the door and shut it again when Trixie called him over.
“Forget the door. You know that door never shuts properly,” leaving the door open he went over to Trixie. “It looks nice,” she commented going back to the picture.
Later that night after Cale had gone home, she came to a decision as she studied his art work. She would make her move the next morning. She knew she would need to do it since Cale never would.
The two kissed when they meet as usual in the cool morning air. Today however Trixie embraced Cale more closely than normal making sure to press her soft breasts into his chest as her body warmed up in his arms. ‘This is different,’ thought Cale but he did not mind and eagerly returned the affection. The two had not started running yet but when they broke off they felt like they had already run around the block at least once.
“Wow,” said Cale when they finished.
“Wow, yourself,” said Trixie. “You are getting pretty good with that tongue.”
Cale smiled sheepishly and turned slightly red but said nothing.
“How would you like to try it out on the rest of me?” Trixie said with a wink.
“Well I would be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about it,” he could not believe he had said something so lewd. Turning redder he looked away.
“Oh, you are getting bold,” after which she started running down the street leaving Cale to catch up.
After the run however she surprised him again, “you know I wasn’t joking when I asked you to use your tongue on me right?”
“Wait what? You weren’t just teasing?” Cale took a step back.
That was the reaction she had expected earlier. She suppressed a laugh, “oh I was defiantly teasing but I was not lying either. How about tonight?”
Cale took another step back, “t-t-tonight?”
“You are so cute,” she stepped closer. “My place tonight. Out back in the shed we have a spare bed that we have yet to move into the house. It will be perfect.”
Before Cale could further protest she gave him another quick kiss and pranced off.
Cale could think of nothing else all day and would have been unable to provide even the most remote of details from school by the end. Once the final bell rang he ran home but not before making a detour. Cale bought some condoms at a truck stop before heading home. ‘Thank god for restroom condom dispensers,’ he thought. He would have been too shy too purchase at the store. Once home he spent a long time in the shower getting ready and shaving. Something he had not done before. It was in porno right? So it must make things better. Swallowing and thinking of nothing else to postpone it any longer he dressed to leave. His heart pounded with anticipation and he had not left the house yet. After telling his dad he would be going to Trixie’s to ‘study’ and not be back until late he headed out. Unfortunately his heart stopped when he opened the door.
The witch Kendra stood there with her hand poised to knock. They looked at each other in surprise. Kendra was surprised at least Cale however was frozen.
“Oh, hello Cale, just the one I was looking for,” smiled Kendra.
Cale however could not bring himself to say anything so Kendra continued, “I am here because of the deal we made. Honestly I had not expected to collect so soon.”
After regaining some of his faculties Cale replied, “look that was just part of your magic show and has nothing to do with me, what do you want?” The crack in his voice made it obvious he did not believe his own lie.
Kendra bit her lip and furred her eyebrows, “I am here about the baby, have you…”
Cale cut her off, “look if you want a baby there are sperm banks for that. I can’t just…give you one.” He finished with his face blushing at the thought of impregnating this cougar. A month ago under her strange spell he might have done it but not now. Not with Trixie in his life.
Kendra sighed. It was her own fault it had come to this but she could not think of any other way for him to enter the blood pack. “I don’t want a baby. I want yours.”
Cale staggered a step back as if he had been slapped. “Wh..why? Why mine?”
Kendra crossed her wrists near her pelvis while lowering her head and shifting her gaze to the side, “Because yours will be special.”
At that moment Kendra looked so incredibly venerable Cale almost agreed. Before he did though he recalled how easily he had been swayed last time they met. “No, I can’t. I won’t.”
Kendra met his gaze and gave him a sad smile, “I tried but, I am afraid you don’t have much choice.”
She slowly raised her hand with fingers poised. Before Cale knew what was happening the witch snapped her fingers and Cale’s world disappeared in a pink cloud of smoke. Cale tripped then fell but did not really fall. Instead it felt like he caught himself at the last moment and got tangled in something around his legs while something constricted his chest. He kicked with his legs as he tried to grapple the constricting thing on his chest but he could not reach it. His arms moved awkwardly as he attempted yet again to remove the thing from his chest. What ever it was as he struggled it obscured his vision and he began to panic and thrash about wildly. Cale cried for help as he struggled but no words came. His panic increased as he heard an angry dog approaching. He shouted louder as the dog approached. Still unable to see he finally managed to kick the thing, what ever it was, on his legs off and bolted. Cale hit his head and heard something rip. Now also in pain he rolled over and saw what looked like the coffee table and the couch above him. He could see again, he twisted about as he tried to find the angry dog but saw no sign of it despite the loud barking right in his ears.
“What the hell is the meaning of this?” shouted Douglas running into the room.
Cale turned and had to look up to see his very angry father charging him with a broom. Cale yelled for his father to hold up and help this however seemed to have an opposite effect. Douglas slapped Cale across the face shouting, “GET OUT OF HERE.”
Cale froze, his father had hit him. He had never hit him before. Then he hit him again. Cale jumped up and ran for the still open door before his dad could hit him a third time. Douglas continued to chase him to the edge of the yard and as Cale continued to run he heard his dad shout, “DON’T COME BACK HERE AGAIN YOU STUPID DOG!”
Trixie waited in vain. An hour passed, then a second, and finally a third. She lost her patience. She stormed from the house telling her mother she was going running when asked. Figuring Cale had been to nervous to go through with it, her anger had subsided a little by the time she banged on Cale’s house.
Douglas greeted her at the door with a big grin, “Hello, Trixie.”
She returned a thin smile Douglas had learned to recognized with women long ago, “What did he do?”
“Where is he?” maintaining the dangerous look in her eye.
“He is not here,” Douglas paused as he stroked his beard, “in fact I thought he was with you. Left about…three hour ago?”
Trixie clenched her fists, closed her eyes, and took a deep breathe. How dare he chicken out like that. If he was scared of further intimacy he should have at least told her.
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