
Wishes Fulfilled

Two girls and a boy are kidnapped, but one of the girls has a big suprise for her kidnapper

Wishes fulfilled

By Zenda


Looking back on it now, I never realized that when I bought this old house, that my dreams would be fulfilled so soon.
The house was very old but sturdily built sometime in the 15th century. But when the agent showed me around he never said anything about a secret room, perhaps nether he or the previous owners knew about it.
I only found it by sheer chance one day when I was attempting to light a fire in the old open fire place. It was one of those types that you could stand inside, and had little alcoves at each side.
The paper and wood caught, but although the smoke was going up the chimney something was obviously blocking it a bit, so I put the fire out and looked up the chimney. It looked as though a bird nest had fallen down and partly blocked it.

I stretched up but it was just beyond my reach, so I grabbed at a bit of metal which was sticking out the inner wall, but as I put my weight on it something like a lever moved. There was a grinding noise and the grate of the fire place swung half way round leaving a black hole behind. “Must have been used as a priest hole”, I thought in surprise. I went and got a torch to investigate. I had to duck a little to enter; I thought it would only be small, like most priest holes I had heard of. But as I entered I found a short flight of steps leading down.

At the bottom I found it was quite a large room, it reminded me of an old dungeon and as I looked around I found that there were indeed old chains on the walls with manacles still attached. “Gezz” I thought. “I could have some fun with this room,” but at the time I had no ideas what I would do.

My dog Damion had followed me down and was sniffing around getting quite excited, he’s a Great Dane and a very big dog, when he gets excited he bounds around and gets in the way, so I called him to heel and retreated back up the stairs. Once back in the fire place, I again pushed the iron peg up and the grate swung closed. I looked closely at the grate but could see not the slightest sign that the door existed. I sat watching T.V. that evening, but my mind was turning over my discovery. An old dungeon, what could it have been used for, imprisonment obviously, but for what reason, and why secret? Torture perhaps? It would be handy if it was sound proof, but if it was, would it also be air proof? No, it couldn’t be, not if it was used as a prison. I went and got my ghetto blaster, opened up the room again, and told the dog to stay where he was. When I put the blaster on full strength, it nearly deafened me, so I quickly left and closed the doorway, and as it closed the music faded till I could hear nothing at all, no matter how hard I listened. I think that’s when the idea was born and over the next few days it clarified into a plan of action.

First I fitted in heating, lighting, CCTV, and then several items that I felt would come in handy. Half the room I separated into single cubicles. I installed soft but easy to clean floors, shower and toilet. Also there were movable walls. Then I had to plan the next phase of my plans.

First I had to go to town and have a look around to see if there was anything I fancied and there was…now read on.

Chapter one

It was several months later and I was just bringing in my third guest to my new highly exclusive hotel. I carried her through the opening and laid her on her bed in her cubical.
Her bed was a kind of surgical bench, the sort that doctors use when they are examining a pregnant woman. It had stirrup like fixtures at one end to place the feet in so the legs are kept wide apart. I placed her feet in the stirrups which were set wide apart, and then moved the fixture towards her hips so that her knees bent towards her chest, and then strapped her knees and feet so that she could not move. She was still deeply asleep and would not wake for some time.

I strapped her wrists to posts on each side and behind her head. Then I put the blindfold on her and a strap around her waist to keep her firmly fixed to the table. I got some tape and gagged her so that when she woke she wouldn’t disturb the other guests. She was a really lovely looking young girl, about 16yrs old. She was wearing a pretty blouse which was hiding what looked like a firm juicy pair of tits and a pair of tight fitting jeans which showed every curve, I had taken off her shoes so that I could see her pretty little feet.

Now that she was settled in to her room, I looked in at my other guests to make sure they were comfortable. They were both still asleep, as I had mixed a certain harmless drug in with their drink to keep them docile and asleep most of the time.

The guest next door was a very pretty young lady about the same age perhaps younger. She was in a kneeling position, bent over a cushioned pole with her head and hands in a sort of yoke, like they used in the old days for criminals. Her knees were strapped wide apart so that she was completely accessible. Her bottom stuck out proud and firm. She was dressed in a close fitting white roll neck jumper which showed her figure to perfection and a short skirt which just covered her pert bum.

My third guest was a young lad; pretty, might well describe him, he had an angelic face with blond curls, and maybe he was slightly younger than the others.
He was laying on a cushioned table which was cut to his specific outline; I had placed him on his belly with arms outstretched above his head and legs strapped well apart. The only difference with his table to the others was that there was a circular hole where his groin was situated, also I might add, all the tables were very versatile and throughout their structure had many joints, so they could be moved into many different positions at will. The lad was wearing shirt and shorts. I must say they all looked very relaxed. So I left them to sleep the drug off and would see them the next morning.

Next morning, as I entered the room, I was greeted with a cacophony of various muffled grunts and crying noises. They were all obviously awake and wondering where they were. So I went to each of the open ended cubicles and told all of my guests to please be quiet and I would explain their predicament.

“Ladies and Gentleman” I started “Please listen for I intend only to say this once, if I have to repeat myself it will require punishment!” At this there was another outburst of muffled outrage,
“Quiet” I shouted and they shut up for a few minutes. “There are specific rules in this establishment which you will be expected to obey; any infringement of those rules will be met with instant punishment”.
At this another outcry arose, so I took one of my chastising implements which happened to be a very willowy cane and gave each of them a slash across the bare feet. Now their outrage turned to screams. I left the room, closing the door to cut off the noise, whilst I had a cup of coffee and when I felt they had had enough time to settle down, I re-entered the room. At first there was silence as I stood there quietly, but as soon as I spoke the noise started again, so I went to each one individually and whispered in their ear “Be silent now or you will be beaten until you obey, is that clear” I said these words in a hushed menacing voice so that it would frighten them and it seemed to work because not one of them made a sound.

“Now” I said, addressing them all again. “It is entirely up to each of you how long you stay here, if you behave and please me, I intend to let you leave here relatively unharmed, however you must obey my every word, if I say quite, you will be quiet, or you will suffer!” I waited to see if there would be any reoccurrence of muffled shouting, but as all remained silent, I continued…

“Now these are the rules, remember them because they will not be repeated and any and all infringements will be answered with a thrashing far worse than the little tap you have already received, O.K.?” There was silence.

“One” At all times you will do exactly what I say? Any hesitation will be met with a thrashing.

Two, you will do your best to please me at all times; if you do not please me it will be met with a thrashing.

Three, at no time whilst you are here will you attempt to remove your blindfolds, if you do it will incur a thrashing and if I suspect you have seen me, I assure you, that you will not be leaving here at all.

Four, you will be allowed to go to the toilet and have a shower twice a day, if you defecate or piss yourself at any other time, it will incur a thrashing.

Five, you will call me Master at all times I allow you to speak, any forgetfulness will incur a thrashing or any other punishment I deem necessary.

Six, no one will speak unless given permission; any or all infringements of the rules will incur a thrashing”.

Seven, if there are any other rule which I decide to include to this list, you will obey them immediately or suffer the consequence. Right, is that quite clear?”

I was answered by silence. I walked along the row and gave each of their feet another whack with the cane; they all started screaming behind their gags. “Silence” there was immediate silence except for muffled sniveling. “I said, is that clear?” this time there was a muffled chorus of acceptances. “Good, now let me explain your situation. You happen to be in a room which, as far as you are concerned has no exit. Even if you did get free and tried to escape, you would find you have to get past Damion who is a very, very large dog, Damion say hallo to my guests” I signaled to the dog who was sat beside me “Grrrrrrr” growled Damion. “Now your stay can be reasonably pleasant or as unpleasant as you wish it to be, that is entirely up to you. Meals will be served twice a day depending on how you behave and you will be freed to eat your food, but remember never attempt to remove the blindfold… Well, I think that’s all for now so I will now go and get you your breakfast”. I left the room and my guests to their quandary.

I returned with the breakfasts and placed them on the hotplate I had installed, and went to my first guest who I will call Carol. I lent down by her ear and as I spoke she jumped with fright, “I am going to call you Carol my dear, and I am also going to free your restraints, don’t get any silly ideas of trying to escape otherwise you will suffer, is that clear?” she nodded her head, so I undid the straps and let her stand although I did keep her hands secured for the time. “Would you like to use the toilet Carol?” I asked “She nodded her head again, so I took her across to the toilet cubical which I had installed, untied her hands and stood back as she felt for the door to shut it. “I’m sorry Carol but there is no door, but I promise not to look” I said. She unzipped her jeans and very hesitantly pulled them down and then her black lacy knickers all the time trying to hide her modesty and sat on the seat, there was a tinkling sound as she pee’d and a plopping sound as she defecated which made her blush slightly. Then her hands went to her blindfold as though to remove it “Ah, ah” I said “Naughty, naughty, I lied, and I’m afraid that means a thrashing later”.

Her hands came down straight away as she realized I was watching and her face went bright red. She quickly wiped herself, doing all in her power to retain her modesty and pulled the chain, I let her wash her hands at the sink and guided her over to the table and sat her down on a chair and placed a meal in front of her which I had prepared. I told her I was going to remove the gag and that she must not utter a sound or suffer the consequences She ate it all up and when she had finished I asked if she would like a shower, but she shook her head, she was well aware that I would be watching. So I guided her back to her cubical and strapped her limbs exactly the way they had been, and replaced the gag.

I went to the girl next door and repeated my little speech telling her I was going to call her “Jean”. She went to the toilet very hesitantly, knowing I was watching, washed her hands and ate her breakfast and also refused the shower, she was most unwilling to return to her stocks but after a few touches with the cane she quickly fell into line. Next was the boy, he was more acquiescent and caused no trouble, but also refused the shower. Once he was back on his table, it was time to move onto the next part of my entertainment.

I went to Carols cubical and told her not to move or make a sound, then with the pair of scissors I had, I cut up the seams of her jeans. I did the same with her blouse and removed all the pieces so that she lay there with just her bra and panties. She looked fantastic, she was making little mewling noises and wriggling a little, but I let that past for now, as I clipped off her bra and panties and got rid of them, now she was laying there in all her splendor, beautiful pert breasts, quite firm for one so young, flat little belly lovely rounded hips and because of the way I had positioned her, with her legs up and stretched wide open. I gazed upon her pretty little cunt, split like a ripe peach, all rosy and warm. Then I studied her crotch covered with a slight sprinkle of fair hair. That would have to be removed, so got my shaving mug and safety razor, realizing the position she was in, she started struggling. I advised her that I was about to shave her and if she struggled there may be an unfortunate accident, also that there was absolutely nothing she could do about her situation but except it, that would be the quickest way out of here. She settled down as I lathered her fanny and removed every hair; soon she was lovely and smooth and looked absolutely gorgeous. I ran the tip of my tongue along her proud slit and her hips jumped in the air, I held the lips of her twat open and stuck my tongue as far in as I could, wriggling it around and tasting her as she jump and moaned, I ran my finger through her slit and inserted it into her cunt feeling for the hymen and there it was just about half the length of my finger inside her, I played with it for a few moments while she groaned and fidgeted. I gave her arse cheeks a good slapping and told her to stop moving and no more noise or I would give her a good thrashing. Again she settled down, I then pulled her arse cheeks apart and studied her little bunghole, all brown and wrinkled and clenched tight. I almost stuck my tongue in her there as well, but held myself in check, that would come later. I asked her “Are you a virgin my dear?” She nodded yes “Well you won’t be for long” I told her. When I left she was crying softly at the indignity of her exposure. I went next to the boy who I had decided to call “David”. After he had finished eating, I spoke to him asking, “Well my boy and how are you feeling now, better for a good breakfast I hope?” He grunted something but I couldn’t make out what he said. When I bought him back after he had eaten, I had him lay on his back. He had no shoes or socks on and the position he was strapped in was a large X shape. I sliced through his shorts and under pants at the same time, then the seams of his shirt and threw them all to one side. Yes, I was right when I picked him, he certainly was a pretty little specimen of boyhood, beautiful cherubic face and lovely rose petal lips nice firm chest and a sweet little prick which at the moment had shriveled to almost nothing, I stroked it and almost took it in my mouth it looked so delicious, but again I restrained myself. I pressed the switch that raised the legs until they were pointing straight up and could now see his small rotund firm bottom, I eased the cheeks wide apart and could see his tight wrinkled arsehole almost winking at me in nervousness. That again would be most enjoyable. “Has anybody ever sucked you off David” I asked him, he shook his head, “Has anyone been up your arsehole then David, after all, you do attend a public school, I thought, with a boy as pretty as you, at least one of the older lads or a master may have enjoyed playing with you?” This time he shook his head violently. “Oh good, then I will be the first” I said as he struggled futilely. I thought,
“Fuck waiting, this is too tempting” I went and got some of my special cream, opened his cheeks and deposited a large blob right on his little brown ring, then I greased myself up well, rubbed the blob well into his rectum pushing my finger well up and feeling around to loosen him up.

All this was accompanied by muffled squeals and grunts from the boy who tried to jump away from my intruding digit. Then I tilted the devise so as to give me optimum access, and placed my engorged prick head to his tight little ring. When he realized what I was going to do, he strained against the straps holding him down as I pressed my knob end slowly against his ring. I hunched forward feeling his sphincter ring pushing into his bowels; I could hear his muffled screaming “Uuuuuuhhhhhh-uh-uh-uhhhh”. I sensed a yielding, as the bulb of my cock forced its way past the ring, which snapped tight on my cock stem creating a wonderfully exotic feeling. I stabbed a good four inches up his ass, although it was going to be an uncomfortable corn holing for him it was going to be great for me. I rested a moment as I enjoyed feeling the smooth walls of his bowels molded snuggly around my delving prick, curving around the extra dimension of the bulbous head I then began to invaded his tight scalding virgin asshole inch by inch, going where no other had been before. I could feel his cock, squashed between our bodies starting to harden up with the motion of my stomach rubbing against him.

His inner muscles clenched around my shaft when I started to piston into him, I pulled as far out of him as I possible, then slammed my cock back into him as hard as I could, burying it to the root up his fundament. A smoldering began deep in my balls; I could feel I was oozing my lubricating juices inside his asshole making his passage smoother to glide in. A frenzied ecstasy grew within me as I started to cornhole that wonderfully tight ass, pulling his hips to me as I thudded my rampaging cock faster and faster making a “snock snock” noise as I thumped and pounded into that crack between those spread and innocent cheeks of this beautiful young boy, was like dull but pleasant music to my ears, offset, of course, by the squalling and grunting of the boy himself. His body writhed and lurched and my breathing was coming in short bursts as I increased my coital labors. My prick began to expand even more, as I felt a hot rush of juices leaving my balls to my pounding stem and suddenly I stiffened as shot after shot of creamy jizz splattered his bowels, my arse started bucking as I pumped and pumped wanting to drown, to overflow his innards with my come. I stepped back as my shrinking prick was ejected from his ass ring with a sigh from both of us, me in satisfaction, his in relief that his ordeal was over for a time. I patted him on the head and promising that I would visit that hole again!

Then I then went to my final guest Jean, she looked rather uncomfortable in her position, but that couldn’t be helped, I gave her the same spiel as the other two and removed her clothes but when I removed her frilly panties I was met with the wonderful sight of a glorious round firm bottom and cheeks spread so wide apart that I had no need to open them myself to see that pert brown hole and the sweet cunny which indeed looked not only wet but warm and juicy, what did surprise me was that she had an extra accoutrement, she had a cock as well.

I was stunned, I ran my hand over her lovely bottom slid my finger down the crack of her arse, over the bumhole which I poked a little and found it would be quite accessible, down to her cunt which I felt was almost dripping and then reached under her to her cock which had begun to firm when I touched it. I must admit I was amazed; this was going to be interesting. “Now listen carefully Jean, I am going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer truthfully” I told her, she nodded. “Do you consider yourself a man?” I asked, and she nodded her head. “Do you consider yourself a woman?” she nodded, “Both” I asked in surprise, she nodded again. “OK. Have you ever been fucked?” she nodded, “In your cunt?” she nodded “In your arse?” she nodded. “How old were you when you were first fucked 10?” she shook her head “Younger?” she nodded “8” she shook her head “7” she nodded “Were you raped?” she nodded her head “Did you enjoy it?” she shook her head “Do you enjoy it now?” she nodded “Have you ever been chastised?” she nodded “Do you enjoy it?” she nodded her head “Do you enjoy chastising others?” she nodded “Have you ever fucked anyone?” she nodded “Men?” she nodded “Women?” she nodded. Right I thought this could certainly have interesting connotations for the future. I gave her prick one last stroke and left her

Chapter two

“Right now listen up” I told them “You are going to have a shower now, all of you, whether you want to or not, and you will wash yourselves properly or I will do it for you, if you do not do as I tell you, you know what will happen. If any of you try to thwart me; I will let Damion deal with you, and incidentally whilst you are in the shower you will meet Damion personally because I want him to get your scent just in case you are stupid enough to try something. O.K. Jean, we will start with you”. I set her free of the stocks and removed her gag, reminding her not to speak until ordered, then stood her up, led her to the shower and turned it on to warm. I stripped off my dressing gown under which I was nude, and led her under the shower. I handed her the soap and sponge and said “Right get on with it”. I let her sponge her self for a few minutes then I said as thought displeased “No. no, no, not like that, like this” taking the sponge from her and soaping her front, I dropped the sponge and started to massage her lovely breasts with my hands, screwing them up and smoothing them out, my hands dropped to her prick which was fully rampant, I wanked her for a bit and was beginning to get excited myself, “Are you enjoying this?” I asked her, she nodded and I guess she must have realized that I was nude because she reached down and took my cock in her hand so that we were mutually masturbating each other.

My hand left her cock and moved to her cunt which I rubbed along the crack first, then inserted my finger into her. She was quite compliant and even widened her legs to give me greater access; I tried two then three fingers, frigging her cunt. “You do realize I’m going to fuck you before you go back to your cubical” I said. She nodded and rubbed my cock enthusiastically. “Right let’s get dried off and get too it” I said. In truth I could hardly wait. After she was dry I led her to another room I had made, this was equipped with a double bed. I threw her on to it and grabbed her cock and shoved it into my mouth, it tasted clean and sweet and I started to suck on her whilst one of my hands went to her cunt the other I reached under her and as she raised her hips for me, inserted a finger in her arse, my finger sank into her with no trouble.

I took my mouth from her cock and asked her “Can you shoot come from this cock?” she nodded then held up her hand in a gesture of ”Hold on a moment” and wriggled round until she was between my thighs, then took my cock into her mouth and began to suck me, I in turn resumed sucking her cock. I felt that I was nearing the point of no return, so I stopped her and told her to turn round so she was facing me, then whilst laying on her firm young breasts I slipped my cock into her gash and with her help it went right in to the root, she was a little loose but she used her cunt muscles well and as I began to pump into her she gripped me as best as she could, after a few minutes I felt close again so pulled out, and told her to turn over, she did so without any complaint and she even reached back and held her arse cheeks open for me as I sank my ridged cock into arsehole, it almost slid in like in her cunt, and as she raised her hips to help me I shoved my prick up her a far as I could while my hands slipped under her and captured her two breasts, the nipples as hard as beans.

My prick was going like a steam engine as I felt my juices building up and up, she was enjoying it as well from the noise she was making, suddenly my jizz boiled over and I shot jet after jet up her arse, I felt as though I flooded her. As I finished she wriggled out from under me and took my wilting cock in her mouth and sucked it dry then licked me clean. I was shattered and lay there with her head in my lap. I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew was Jean shaking me awake, I jumped up and off the bed, Jean just sat there. I looked at the clock on the wall and realized that I had been sleeping for an hour and a half. I could tell just by look at her, that Jean had made no attempt to remove the blindfold or gag and I asked her “Have you just been sitting there watching me while I slept”, she nodded, so I made up my mind there and then to give her a chance.. “OK” I said “You can talk until I tell you to stop” I told her. “Let me be your partner in this Master” she pleaded. “What do you mean” I asked her somewhat surprised “Well there’s no one to miss me, and I’ve nowhere to go really, and you have really got me going with what we have been doing. While I was waiting for you to wake up, I could have let all the others go and we could have ganged up on you, because you forgot to bring Damion in, so you must know you can trust me, Master” she said “How do you know the dog is not here” I asked “Because if he was he would have been sniffing round or growling. Please give me a chance, Master” I said I would think about it. I left her on the bed and told her to stay there to see if I could trust her. Then I went and got Damion and put him on guard just inside the door. Went out and turned on the remote camera to watch and see what happened.

I watched her for two or three hours and she was as good as her word she didn’t move a muscle I returned to the bedroom and said to her “Right, I’ve decided to give you a chance, but you will still remain my prisoner until you are as implicated in this as me, OK?” She nodded, with a smile of satisfaction, “Also, although you will be free to walk around, you will remain naked until I say you can dress, you will also still carry out my orders and do anything I want. It will do you no good to try to escape the house, the doors and windows are electronically controlled and I am the only one who knows the password. Furthermore should a window be broken, metal shutters clamp down. Is that understood?” she answered “Yes and thank you, you won’t regret it, Master” I said “Forget the Master bit for now, but I hope for your sake I don’t have reason to regret my decision!”

Then I removed her blind fold and told her to follow me out. At the door Damion sat on guard and growled as she approached “Take her scent Damion” I said. Damion got up and walked over to Jean and sniffed at her, he put his nose between her legs sniffing then he lapped her and got quite excited shaking his head and returning for another lick, he was also licking Jeans prick which was standing at attention again. “Bend over and let him sniff your arse” I said, to see if she would do it, “Oh, and hold your cheeks well apart”. She did what I told her and Damion got his nose well up her bum sniffing and licking and getting more excited until suddenly he jumped up with his legs wrapped around her waist and his prick starting to show, I had to call him off and put him on guard again, but in my mind I had the germ of an idea growing. I closed the grate door and told Jean to go and get a bowl of warm water and a cloth, and sat on the couch waiting for her to come back.

When she did return, I told her to stand in front of me while I washed her cunt making sure my fingers and the cloth reached well inside her then told her to turn round and bend over and did the same to her arsehole sticking my cloth covered finger well into her fundament. She turned back to me and I got up grabbed her prick which seemed always rampant and told her to follow me. I led her to my bedroom and said “Right, now I want to see what it’s like to be fucked myself! How do you want me?” “Are you sure, it’s bound to hurt” she said “but if you’re insistent, then on your hands and knees please”.

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