Wild Child
Wild Child
Sex Story Author: | styxx |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Their whole concentration centred on eating enough to fill their potbellies. Flatulent emissions became a regular occurrence as the mashed |
Sex Story Category: | Bestiality |
Sex Story Tags: | Bestiality, Erotica, Fiction, Non-consensual sex, Pregnant, Young |
Wild Child
Yes, I know that a gorilla’s sexual organs only average 35 -50 millimetres, but in the interests of poetic licence and stretching that to its limits, and for the erotic value, this group are blessed with better than the primate average.
Extract from the London Times.
The Times, 12th December 1981.
Plane crash in Congolese forest.
On Sunday, a light aeroplane piloted by Fred Simpson, CEO of Union Oil was believed to have gone down in the heart of the former Belgium Congo now called the Democratic Republic of Congo. Contact with the plane was lost after government officials received a mayday call. Mister Simpson reported engine problems in his radio transmission that lasted for a few seconds only.
Travelling with Mister Simpson 34 from Dorking, Surrey was his wife Jessica 32 and their five-year-old daughter Emma.
Search teams have so far, found no trace of the aircraft; a six-year-old Piper Chipmunk owned by Mister Simpson. Teams have scoured the area from coordinates given shortly before contact was lost.
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson who have been married for eight years, recently moved to Bumba to take up his £250K position the headquarters of Union Oil. They were travelling to Kindu on business. Mister Simpson was an experienced pilot.
The search continues.
Extract from the London Times
The Times, 16th December 1981.
Search teams are still scouring the area where a light aircraft belonging to Mr Simpson, CEO of Union Oil was believed to have gone down with engine failure. A spokesman for the rescue teams said that unless they are found soon, hope would quickly fade for finding any survivors. The forest can reach temperatures as high as forty degrees during the day and as low as five at night with humidity as high as ninety percent.
John Grant, who has temporarily taken control at the helm of Union Oil, major employers in the Bumba region, said today that, “Every effort and no expense is being spared in the search.”
Extract from the London Times
The Times, 28th December 1981
The search for the stricken light aircraft, believed to have gone down in the jungle between Bumba and Kindu has been called off. “Hope of finding wreckage or survivors was like finding a needle in a haystack,” said the newly appointed CEO of Union Oil, John Grant; 50. He went on to say that “Mister Simpson would be a great loss to the company. It is a tragedy for the family, our thoughts and prayers are with them.”
A memorial service is due to be held in the private chapel of Union Oil.
The news of Mister Simpson’s death has prompted a significant fall in the stock price of Union Oil, falling to $120.60, a fall of $2.80 overnight.
The aircraft, a Piper Chipmunk, was last heard from when Government officials, working at a listening post in an unnamed location, received a mayday call. They reported that Mister Simpson complained of an engine problem. The aircraft disappeared from radar screens soon afterwards. No wreckage has been found at the last coordinates given; rescue attempts have been hampered by dense forest.
Relatives are travelling to Bumba to attend the memorial service.
Extract from the Financial Times
The Times 18th February 1983
Union Oil has called in receivers to administer the company. The share value has recently plummeted to $0.60 since the untimely death of the former CEO Fred Simpson a little over a year ago.
The company has amassed debts of nearly sixty million US dollars. More than 10,000 employees have been locked out.
“It is a disaster for the area which already has high unemployment levels, disease and corruption.” Said a local official. “Many are already below the poverty line and are starving. It is a shock to the community.”
John Grant, who stepped into the shoes of Fred Simpson as CEO has fled the country. Price Waterhouse Limited, who have raised some concerns over financial dealings, but were unavailable for comment, will start an immediate inquiry.
Several years later…
Extract from African Diaries.
Sunday Times: African Correspondent: Tony Roach: Kinshasa: Republic of Congo.
March 2005.
Rumours of a wild woman had been passed from tribe to tribe for many years, but no one has actually caught sight of her. They call her the ghost woman, leaving nothing more than a vague idea, an impression, that she had just been there, but now, was gone without trace. Many years ago, Tribeswomen said they could hear the sound of a crying child in the forest, but even their best trackers could find no trace of the mysterious child. Over time, she passed into legend and was named the white spirit of the forest or Ghost Woman by the local villagers. Catholic missionaries, who working in the inhospitable region of the deep forest, adapting Christianity to live alongside the tribal belief system, played down the myth as nothing more than women’s washboard gossip.
Such rumours abound in a people, steeped in suspicion and local mythology. It is hard to believe that a modern day Tarzan could exist without a support network. The modern man is not equipped to survive in tropical jungle without modern medicines or the means to feed themselves..
The country is at peace for the moment, a fragile condition after many years of civil strife led by neighbouring countries. The government still do not have full control in all areas. It is thought that as many as a thousand people die each day from the HIV virus, disease and starvation. DR Congo is rich with mineral deposits and crude oil, which has been plundered by warring factions…
Familiar stomach cramps woke her from a light doze. They signified the onset of her menstruation and a week of being pestering by the males of the troupe. Slowly, with infinite care, she climbed down from her bedding of twisted and bent branches, dropping to the forest floor soundlessly. Mist still hung around the trunks and underbrush, waiting to be burned off by the shafts of searing sunlight that penetrated the canopy.
She stretched sinuously, feeling the surge of life flow through her body; her yawn heralded the new day.
Her toughened feet noiselessly trod over the detritus of the forest floor to an area, a little way from their sleeping place, so she could defecate and bury her leavings in the soft soil.
Unlike the others, she washed her body in the cool stream that ran close by, splashing her self with the cold water until her blonde downy fur darkened and matted in small arrow shapes directed by the flow of water as it was shed from her skin. She cupped some in her hands and drew it over her face, feeling the refreshing zing as nerve ends responded to the shock. She cupped another double palm full and drank greedily, savouring the coldness as it slid down her throat.
Another pang of cramp momentarily crippled her.
The troupe was waking, grunts and yawns echoed, announcing the start of their day. Perhaps it would be a trek to find a small group of fig trees that should be fruiting about now or a raid on a termite mound, it all depended on the matriarch’s mood. She was now into her fortieth year, a grandmother and very much the leader despite the silverback’s grandiose ideas.
She had only enough time to shake out her matted hair before some of the younger adolescent males found her. Led by their noses, following her pheromone scent trail, it was as if a switch had been turned on. The three young males started to cavort in front of her, beating their chests in a display of strength, pushing each other out of the way in order to be central to her vision and beating with their fists on the fluted roots of trees that looked like flying buttresses.
It was a familiar and common event for her. Unlike the females of the troupe, her ovulation took place on a much more regular cycle, bringing her into heat twelve times a year. She wouldn’t be considered ready to mate for a few days yet, once the cramps started, but then, she would be the centre of attention. Trouble always broke out though when the silver back found the younger males paying too much far too much attention to her. The resultant display of tree thrashing, chest beating and screamed rage upset the whole group for several days. It always ended with him claiming the prize, fucking her repeatedly for three or four days until neither of them had any energy left or were so hungry that the need for food replaced the urge to mate. She had a day or two at best before the onslaught would take place.
Not that she minded the attention, far from it, during these phases; her own body clock was insisting she mate as often as possible. In gorilla terms, at eighteen she was of prime age, with no young to look after. At a fundamental level, she felt time was running out and couldn’t understand why their frantic copulation had, so far, not produced even a pregnancy. Perhaps this time, she would be successful. It didn’t seem to bother the silver back. He continued his imperious day-to-day functions and only took notice of her when she was ovulating or accidentally caught his eye directly where upon, he would frown or huff at her in displeasure.
Eventually, the three adolescents sorted out their pecking order; the winner approached her and tentatively held out his hand, palm up to cup her sex. She batted his arm away but, not before he had drawn her scent from between her legs. He sniffed his fingers closely; a blissful look came over his face as her aroma invaded his sinuses. He knew she wasn’t quite ready, but thought to get in before the alpha male had a chance.
He grabbed her skinny arm and spun her around so that he could attempt his entry from the rear. His hard cock lined up with her entrance while he grasped her hips. In one smooth and fluid motion, he pulled her back and shoved forward, his small cock finding the object of his desire, lubricated by his pre-cum and her own natural essences. He began a rapid staccato of thrusts, driving his whole length as far as he could into her body.
She stayed quite still, knowing that if she fought him off or made any movement signifying her reluctance, his immediate anger was likely to send him over the edge and she would be the target. Bent as she was, she could see her small tits as they slapped around, her nipples hardening with the mounting excitement his fucking was creating in her. She might have reached an orgasm, but, suddenly, the branches of an adjacent tree exploded. The silver back smashed his way though, hitting her lover in the middle of his chest with a massive arm. He flew backwards helplessly from the blow, screaming in frustration and fear as the alpha male went into a tirade of uprooting saplings, beating the trunks of trees and roaring his dominance. It went on and on until, satisfied that he had made his point, the silver back smashed his forearms down on the hapless youngsters head. The single act of aggression signalled the end of the display and that the younger gorilla should disappear. The silver back sat next to her protectively while the three slunk away, mollified.
Once they were alone and his breathing had settled, he too checked her out, pushing a finger into the crevice of her sex before drawing it to his nose and then to his tongue. She would wait he decided, for a day or two yet, but in the meantime, he wouldn’t let her out of his sight.
She rose from her crouching position and headed back to the main group with him only a step or two behind, a position he would be in now until he judged her receptive. The commotion had caused a tension. The females looked at her as she passed them, an enigmatic emotionless glaze over their eyes. Somehow, the indifference was worse than a reaction of any kind. Some of the females turned their backs, the ultimate put down in primate society.
The juvenile males however, were in a state of flux. Her smell was driving them almost to the point of rebellion, but that would be foolhardy, a step too far. Their fear of the silver back didn’t assuage their need to mate. The three had stiff cocks all pointing at her with no release other than to bring themselves to orgasm; hardly a satisfying outcome and in no way fulfilling the basic desire to engender their own young or propagate their own particular gene.
Even the matriarch, who she regarded as mother, treated her with disdain as if she were jealous of her condition and the attention it would undoubtedly bring. Since her very youngest memories, this old lady of the group had looked out for her, fed her and taught her the ways of the forest; what to eat, when and a rudimentary map of the best trees in their home territory. They had grown up together, shared everything until her first season in possibly her twelfth or thirteenth year, six or seven years since being adopted by the troupe. At that time, an abrupt alteration of their bond came about as she became more attractive to the alpha male and was regularly fucked from behind to the exclusion of all others. Perhaps she viewed the strange, almost hairless, white animal as a threat or rival to her hard won position in the group.
They fed from fig trees, spending the rest of the morning gorging on the sweet fruits.
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