Sex Story Author: | jiwjiw11 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | While I’m doing that, I want you to hump your ass against my two sets of fingers and double penetrate |
Sex Story Category: | Ass to Mouth |
Sex Story Tags: | Ass to mouth, Ass to pussy, Blowjob, Cheating, Cuckold, Cum Swallowing, Erotica, Fantasm, Group Sex, Hardcore, Job/Place-of-work, Males / Female, Oral Sex, Prostitution, Wife |
Part 2
Two weeks after her baby sitting session with Peter’s horny, incorrigible, domineering young nephew, her boss, Peter Epstein, called her into his office and asked, “Do you remember seeing Felix Schoenberg around the offices a few times and meeting him once?” “Oh God, yes,” she quickly replied, with a grimace and a roll of her eyes, “Who could forget that creep. What an absolutely disgusting slob he is. Just being in the same room with him made my skin crawl.”
Peter sternly responded, “I appreciate your candor, and the accuracy of your sentiments, baby, but don’t forget for a second that Felix has inherited enough assets to make him the richest man in California and, therefore, he is someone who I would give my eye teeth to land as a client, and lord knows I’ve tried everything to do so.”
“So far I have worked every possible angle I could think of to get Felix to move his business over to our investment banking firm but, unfortunately, nothing I’ve tried has worked. And now, to make things worse, the New York office is putting heavy pressure on me to get the sleazy son-of-a-bitch to give us his business. So, in desperation, I have come up with one last scheme to try to win the bastard over and, since it involves you, baby, I want you to listen closely to what I’m saying.”
“Whenever Felix has been here in our offices it’s been obvious to me that he has a thing for you, sweetheart. I mean a real, deep-seeded lust for your body. In fact, if I am reading him right, he wants some of you so bad that I think he would move his business over here, in a heartbeat, if I got you to lay him.”
Shocked by Peter’s words, incredulously, she asked, “Surely you aren’t suggesting that you want me to put out to that load of crap, just to secure his business for the firm?”
Her boss quickly responded, in no uncertain terms, “That is exactly what I’m suggesting you do, darling. All of us at this firm are very highly compensated, some for generating outlandish profits for our clients, and fees for the firm, and some to recruit new rich clients who will pay us outlandish fees, including assholes like Felix.”
“Now, baby, because you work for me you are in the client recruiting side of the business and are paid an extremely high salary, therefore, I expect you to chase Felix as hard as I’ve been doing to land him as a client. Because of that, I have made your voluptuous body, and sexual skills the key ingredients in my new plan.”
“I’ve got a lunch scheduled with the pain-in-the-ass on Friday and I’m going to take you along with me so that you can flaunt the hell out of that spectacular body of yours, flirt with the slug and charm the hell out of him and then, when you’ve got him so hot to have sex with you that his brain has turned to mush, we’ll bring him back to the office and you can take him into your office/sex crib, where I expect you to treat him to anything and everything he wants, and do whatever you have to do, to close the deal with him and deliver his business to the firm.”
She visibly shuddered with revulsion at the thought of what Peter’s plan would mean for her, both physically and mentally, she asked him, “Are you really sure that he will become a client if I let him ball me?”
“Sweetheart, if you play that splendid prick-teasing game of yours to the hilt, I’d say that the chances are more than 95% certain that he will,” Peter forecasted with a confident smile. “Since nothing else I’ve tried has worked, at those odds, it is well worth the risk because, even if it turns out that I’m wrong, all we’re out is a piece of your luscious ass.”
This shocking, outlandish proposal Peter had made to her was completely different from anything she had done since she had taken the Job as his office mistress. So far her job had been, for the most part, just a continuation of the life of wanton promiscuity she had been leading since her early teens. Between putting out for her boss and partying every Thursday evening with him and a selected client, plus having a new husband, her sex life had never been better, or more titillating fun.
But this demand by Peter was going to be something completely different and would not be any fun at all. It would be just stomach turning sex in exchange for getting the guy’s business, pure and simple. She was being ordered to put out for a slimy, putrid asshole who she couldn’t stand.
She also knew that she wasn’t being given any choice at all in the matter. As usual, it was either Peter’s way of the highway. Of course, the highway was really no longer an option because she and her husband needed the preposterously high salary she was being paid, to be able to put him through medical school while living a very nice life style.
Just then her train of thought was broken by Peter saying to her, “Now to give you a real, added incentive to give it your all, if you are successful in landing Felix as a client, I’ll give you a $25,000 bonus.”
Once again she couldn’t believe what she had just heard and chocked out, “Did I hear you right, $25,000?”
“That’s what I said, baby doll, 25 big ones,” Peter assured her.
She swallowed hard and said to herself, “My god that amount of money would be a sea change event in the lives of her and her husband.” Peter had certainly found just the right stimulus for her, because she heard her voice saying, “Oh Peter, that is wonderful and I promise that I will do everything I can to persuade Mr. Schoenberg to become our firm’s client.”
The excited Peter leaned across his desk and gave her a kiss on the mouth, then said, “Wonderful, baby, now let’s get right down to business and make sure that we do everything to make this effort a real success. First I want you to wear that yellow dress of yours, it is the most risqué one of all of the outfits you’ve bought, so far. Since Felix is hot for your body, that whorishly tight, revealing costume should set the hook and enable you to start reeling in the rotten bastard to be had.”
“Now, during lunch I want you to go after him like you’re a celebrity groupie. You lay it on thick, prick tease him, flirt with him, stroke his cock under the table and, basically use all of your womanly charms to set the big fish up for the kill.”
“Then, when his brain is stupefied with lust for you, we’ll bring him back here and you can take him into your office where I expect you to suck him off, let him ass fuck you, toss his salad, you know, generally curl his toes with the kind of hot, nasty sex that will drive him absolutely crazy.”
Everything having been said, Peter leaned back in his chair and asked, “So do you have any questions, baby.” “No,” she smiled nauseously, “Unfortunately for me, I understand everything all too well.”
Excited, Peter said, “Good, now I’m going to prime the pump by calling our patsy and setting things up for you to nail the prick.” He buzzed Felix’s private line on the speaker phone and when the prey answered, said, “Felix baby, its Peter Epstein and I just found out something that is going to blow your mind. I was going over my schedule a few minutes ago with my sexpot, executive assistant and when we came to the lunch scheduled with you tomorrow, she asked me a whole lot of questions about you and then confessed that she really found you to be a very intriguing man. When I concluded the conversation by telling her that you were the richest man in California, and were single, to boot, I thought that she was going to have an orgasm. “Damn guy, watching her reaction I’d say that she went from finding you to be intriguing to having an outright crush on you.”
“Now, the reason I’m telling you this is because the last time you were here I got the distinct impression that you’d like to get some of her action. Did I guess right about your desire to nail her ass, or was I wrong,” he asked, coyly?
“No, you got it exactly right, Peter. Shit who wouldn’t want some that Anglo hottie’s ass,” Felix responded, “She is the finest and sexiest looking woman I have ever seen in my life.”
“Fantastic Felix. Now, since she is so turned on by you, my suggestion is that I bring her to tomorrow’s lunch and give you the opportunity to make your move on her. If things work out the way I think they will, then we’ll bring her back to my office and you can take her into her office and do whatever you want with her,” Peter gushed with enthusiasm. “Now all I can do is set up the opportunity for you, it is up to you to charm the panties off of her, so how does that plan sound to you, Felix.”
“Son-of-a-bitch, that’s the best fuckin idea I’ve heard in a long time. So, buddy, you really think the gorgeous Cunt is hot for my body, uh,” Felix asked, anxiously?
“I guarantee it, you lucky bastard. And you won’t need any Viagra’s because this Cunt will give you such a long term hard-on that you may need to see a doctor to get it to go down. In the meantime she’ll be letting you nail her hot body every way known to man. You know how these Anglo bitches are, they can’t get enough of a rich Jew,” Peter laughed encouragingly.
“Now, if you get as lucky as I think you will, all I ask in return is that you reward me by moving your business to our firm where the gorgeous Anglo can help you look after your fortune, any time you want her too,” he laughed.
“If that beautiful Anglo Slut does everything I tell her to do, then you can count on it, amigo, you’ll have all of my business next week,” he promised.
Peter said goodbye, hung up, then hugged her, saying, “There you are, baby, I was right and now the game is all in your capable hands. Fuck his brains out and his business is ours.” He smacked her on the ass and, shaking his head in wonder, said. “I never cease to be amazed at what a gorgeous, slutty woman can get from a man.”
With that, he led her into her office, saying, “Shit, that got me so hot that I need to celebrate by getting one of your spectacular blow jobs.”
The next morning Mark was up early studying while she was dressing to go to work. Of course, today she was putting on her little yellow dress that tightly squeezed her magnificent body, displaying maximum cleavage and an abundance of thigh flesh, while cupping under her marvelous, jutting ass cheeks. Fully dressed she looked like a fuck going somewhere to happen.
When she came out, ready to go, Mark whistled as he looked her over and commented. “Wow, wearing that damned dress, you must have a really big day scheduled.”
She looked at him and replied, “Don’t even ask, and I probably won’t be home for dinner.” Saying no more, she kissed him on the cheek, grabbed her purse and left for “work”.
At 1PM, looking irresistibly voluptuous, Peter escorted her to a restaurant table and then seated her between the deplorable looking, drooling Felix, and himself. At the beginning of the lunch it was all she could do to keep from barfing as she felt Felix’s fat, clammy hand grab her thigh and his lips begin nuzzling her neck. Momentarily, she wondered how appalled her husband would be if he knew that his wife was soon going to be having sex with someone as gross looking and acting as this overweight Jew. She was again very glad that Mark never wanted to know anything about the office sex she was having, in abundance.
During Felix’s early pawing she had to keep telling herself that he was very rich until she finally, and thankfully, began to feel that sexual ploy begin to kick in, as her faithful aphrodisiac, as it always did.
As that clit tickling trickery began to work, she also thought about the $25,000 bonus she was here to earn today, which provided an addition stimulus to her sexual desire. Thirdly, she quickly downed two martinis that gave her the final buzz she needed to make her even more willing to be exploited by this slimy beast who was here to have her.
As Peter watched his married mistress, and her filthy rich trick, really begin warming to the occasion, he got to see her throw herself at the ugly potential client, just as though he was a movie star. This even included her unzipping his fly and running her hand down inside his shorts and playing with his cock and balls, while she ate and drank with her free hand. In fact, things reached a point to where Peter began to worry that Felix was going to fuck her right on the table.
When the boozy meal and the fondling period had achieved its super-horny objective, they took the sex crazed Felix back to the office where, with a sickening grin on his face, the loathsome Jew let her grab his tie and lead him, by it, back to her office/sex crib.
Once inside, too hot for any more foreplay, Felix had her pull her skirt up around her waist and then step out of her yellow bikini panties, while he dropped his pants and shorts down around his ankles. He had her lie down on the big couch and spread her thighs pulling her knees up to her shoulders, then crawled on top of her and had her guide his long, thin penis to the entrance to her wet, multi-stimulated vagina, then felt him shove it home and take her. She groaned, not from sexual pleasure, but because she had just been entered by the ugliest man she had ever seen in her life.
For the next few minutes she helped him bang her pussy good and deep as she felt the cock plow its way through the juice in her surprisingly wet pussy. She was grateful that the multiple stimulants had done a good job of preparing her for this disgusting ordeal.
During the fuck, she found herself not only crushed down by his blubberous frame; his open, heavy breathing mouth was right up against her ear and she had to listen to him grunt and groan while his drool ran down onto her neck and shoulder as he humped her cooperating body with a labored effort.
As she lay there under him, getting rutted, she thought to herself, “Thank God the “I’m fucking a rich Jew” aphrodisiac, and the “I need the $25,000 bonus,” stimuli, plus the two martinis, were all working their magic and combining to getting her pussy raging hot and juicy for the beefy Jew to plow.”
For the next few minutes she helped him bang her good and deep, in spite of his flab until, finally, with a loud groan of real passion, she felt his cock begin to swell and start shooting hot semen into her channel, leaving it oozing his thick, creamy cum.
Then the rich, sleazy bastard rolled off of her and onto the floor, on his back, the movement jerking his cock out of her cum soaked snatch. Then he ponderously scooted his large body a couple of feet away from the couch and then told her to get on top of him, in the 69 position.
Doing his bidding, she let her knees unfold downwards then swung her feet onto the floor, bringing her body up into a sitting position, then got off of the couch and mounted his big belly, placing her mouth right over his cum covered cock. His belly was so large that her pussy was left a foot away from his mouth.
Looking over her shoulder she watched him make a fist with each hand, each fist with three fingers sticking out stiffly. Then she felt him shove one set of grouped, pudgy fingers into her oozing pussy and getting them wet with his cum. After a few probes of her hot pussy he pulled pull the cummy, grouped fingers out and quickly shoving them up her ass, knuckle deep. Then, simultaneously, he stuck the other three finger grouping knuckle deep into her cunt, completing a fat, triple fingered, double penetration of her lower orifices.
With the fingers forced in to maximum depth, he yelled at her, “Now stick my cock in your mouth.” She followed orders and grasped the slippery, still rigid member in her hand and promptly went down on it letting him enjoy the pussy to mouth pleasure step.
Feeling her mouth capture his cock, he told her, “Now I want you to keep your head still so that I can hump my hips upwards and drive my cock down your throat, as far as I can get it.
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