
When My Dreams Came True. Chapter 4 and 5,

Some people would only see the hole in the ground you got, and not stop to realize it is a gold mine.

When my dreams came true: chapter 4

In our last chapter, Andy and Rachel love grows and they quickly marry both no longer willing to be apart. They spend time together, as their fathers work on building their new home. They are determined to have children as quickly as possible.

Slipping my shoes on, I stand and help Rachel to her feet. I pick up the blanket and shake it out as my back turns to Rachel she playfully jumps onto my back. Like a little kid she asked, “Give me a piggyback ride please hubby.”

Dad and Bill chuckle as I let Rachel ride my back, and they lead us back to the construction site. Once were there, there is deep hole about ten foot square there were the pool is supposed to go. It seems to go straight down, it’s hard to see, it is in shadow just after a few feet. A flashlight doesn’t penetrate its full depth. I asked. “Could it be a mine shaft or a ventilation shaft?”

Bill says, “There’s no mine that we know of around here. This is limestone you don’t mine it.”

We rope off the area, and leave it till tomorrow. We’ll research and see if there was a mine, fall out bunker or anything in this area that could be a reason for that hole in the ground. The property search had not shown any activity like that.

While we’re here we take a good look at how the garage is coming along. The first floor is completed, the basement is also completed with a battery room already being charged by the solar cells, and power inverters convert the power to an AC which is used throughout the garage. The second floor has the outer walls and the roofing completed it will not be long before its ready, Dad seems to be in a hurry to get finished for us. Walking through the inside the rough in electrical and plumbing having completed there’s even the water in a downstairs restroom. The upstairs still just studs but that will be changing very quickly, now that the crew has finished the other house.

Smiling I tell my beautiful wife, “Rachel looks like we will go pick out carpeting and furniture real soon.”

Rachel still clinging to my back kissing under my ear, and then she whispers. “I’ll love to have a home of our own even if it’s only until we have the main house finished.”

The next day we came by to see what was going on with the mine shaft don’t know what else to call it at this moment. It’s definitely man-made the walls showed signs of where were picked or hammered with man-made tools. We placed a flashlight on a rope and lowered it we could watch it for about forty feet by then it was too dim to see. When we lifted it back up it was still dry so hadn’t struck any water but was at the same level as the town. A little dirt was on the bottom of the flashlight so it’s obvious we reached the bottom. We dropped a couple glow sticks and we see a stairwell partially coming up the shaft, a latter cut into the side drops down to thirty or forty feet to the top of the stairwell.

I called Roger, the realtor I used to purchase the place. He informed us at one point there was a house located on the edge of the property, it was condemned. The seller did not want it listed because of the condition. Dad, Bill and I met Roger and he showed it to us. It will likely be just about the right location so we carefully started searching the building. In a room against the hillside be found a hidden door. I forced it open to reveal a shaft as soon as I opened it air rushed through. We left the building for a while with the door open until the air didn’t smell as stale coming through the doorway. Armed with flashlights we started exploring about hundred feet back we found the shaft going up, with the glow sticks still giving off light at the bottom. We tentatively checked the stairs they didn’t seem to be in such bad condition. This far underground no insects bothered the stairs, the passage ways were fairly dry so the humidity fairly constant they wouldn’t be rotten. The board still looks thick and sturdy on the stairs. Gingerly one step at a time I climbed it. At its top is another passageway leading off to the north.

Dad climbed the stairs next he brought one of the glow sticks with him. We left the glow stick at the top of the stairs. When Bill reached the top of the stairs he was a little out of breath but he had another two flashlights.

Down the hallway we found a number of rooms cut in the side of the passage most only had the remains of a few boxes, or an old lantern, one had an old style four post brass bed. The mattress itself was a cotton bag filled with feathers and after all this time it had pretty well rotted and seems to fall apart at the slightest touch. The brass was a deep green color. But it was possibly salvageable.

Further exploring we found an opening on the very back of the property that overlooked the old road that ran into the capital. On our way back we found another room this one had a door with a lock. It was old heavy lock from around the 1900s uses skeleton key to open it. We also noticed another room near this one it had the remains of a distillery, several boilers with copper tubing running to tubs.

Bill and Dad started laughing. They tell me a story they heard when they were boys, about how back in the prohibition era the mob had a hidden speakeasy and brewery in town. The legend has it they all were killed and a gunfight with the police and the FBI. The FBI searched the building but didn’t find any secret doors. The legend has it they had all kinds of money hidden away.

Apparently I got my hands onto the same property that the speakeasy had stood. We broke through the old ceiling from the shaft when we were leveling the earth for the house. That make sense of the debris we found at the bottom of the shaft. The old house that was condemned is where they brought in the materials needed for the making of alcohol. That led me to believe maybe something good rested just behind the door with the padlock. Dad had bolt cutters that we can use to open the lock. We all left to get them. We still went one at a time down the stairs. The stairs were at least nearly ninety years old. Although they seem to be very solid we didn’t take any chances.

We returned with the bolt cutters cutting the lock open the door barely moved its hinges and knob were so rusted they refused to turn. With a little oil we managed to get the door to open. Inside we found what looked like a counting room. There were a few stacks of silver coins. A large early 1900s safe, we discussed how to open the safe. Dad and Bill remember old movies which had safes like this one. It seemed like the preferred method of the old movies was dynamite. I shook my head and laughed knowing that would be no good here.

I finally suggest getting a set of stethoscopes and seeing if we could get the safe to open by listening for the combination. While explaining this to Dad and Bill, I didn’t turn the knob but told them we would slowly rotate the knob while listening for the lock to fall in place and when we got it open turn the handle and open the door. I did I turn the handle and open the door, apparently whoever left the safe hadn’t even bothered to lock it.

Now able to see inside the safe we found shelves with stacks of old bills still within the rappers. An envelope marked to Al Capone caught my attention inside the envelope were thirteen ten thousand dollars banknotes issued 1918. Most people don’t realize it but old bills are sometime valued like old coins. But $10,000 bills have been recalled a very long time ago. I didn’t know if any still remained in existence other than the ones I’m looking at. In the days before wire transfers banks use those large bills to move money around. Very few people ever saw them other than bankers. Save held other old bills $500 bills seven whole bundles. Hundred dollar bills many bundles all issued in the early 1900s. One shelf contained gold coins of the era; I decided right then and there to keep those. We carefully removed everything. Trying not to bend or fold any of the bills. The outer one seemed to be a little more fragile than the inner of the stack. But some these bank notes were over one hundred years old. Even at that age they seemed almost new. We placed everything in safety deposit boxes in several different banks.

When I offered a share it with Dad and Bill they both refused saying it was on my land and I bought it. Checking with the government they had no claim against it so it was all mine. I started with the 10,000 dollar bills I had them certified and graded. None of them got mint graded AC70 that’s when I found out there weren’t that uncommon. They were in really good condition considering their age receiving an UC 63. The fact they were a payoff to Al Capone made the envelope and the money extremely collectible. I had envelope certified with the three of us as witnesses and our statements. Experts confirmed the envelope from the 1920s. When I put them up for auction the bidding went crazy. It didn’t take long before the bidding was over half a million and climbing when it finally stopped I was two million eight hundred twenty-five thousand dollars richer. I looked at Dad and Bill and asked them again. “Do you want to share?” Dad and Bill both shook their head no.

Turns out the other bills are worth a little more than face value no more than ten times on some of the 20s. But we got a little better than averages because of bills were all in very good shape. Other than Al Capone’s envelope, it was about one hundred ninety-three thousand in various bills. So I basically found enough to repay me for the land, and the extra expense caused by the shaft, with a bonus for Bill and Dad, plus plenty left over. I didn’t even touch the gold other than to have it stored safely away.

The architect, came up with a very good idea tear down the old house, we build a garage in its place then reinforce the tunnel and put in elevator shaft. We had to reorient where the house was set to accommodate this, but we are early enough in the building stage to do that without any major delay. That will give us a way to get into the house from the town. It’s a bit of a walk but we don’t have to drive up a snow-covered road in the dead of winter. Also the elevator empties onto the other passageway. I will have some place interesting to show visitors.

I had experts check out the passage ways and tunnels. They made several suggestions and we implemented them. There’s very little we had to do to it, only the wider expanses we had steel reinforcements added to although they were remarkably stable.

The summer seems to run by as much time as Rachel and I could spend together we did.

It was late August and the garage was completed Rachel and I had picked out everything for our new temporary home. We had been living mostly in my house over the summer. We would be moving in today. The upstairs of the garage is completed the furniture being delivered anytime now. Downstairs was being used by Dad and Bill, mostly for storage but they left one parking space open for us to use next to the stairs. There was a restroom downstairs with space for an office. A lot of the building materials were stored in the garage area as the new house began to take shape.

The area around the old shaft, we had taken special care around the heavy machinery wasn’t suitable so that added more time having to do it by hand. But even that didn’t seem to slow us down all that much. The house was just under roof with only skeleton on the inside of studs. Now the house is going to have a single elevator, running to our lower garage level and to every floor of the main house.

All the utilities have been completed, Rachel and I can move in the garage apartment as soon as the furniture arrived, which was today. Rachel is actually pacing back and forth; I guess she’s never awaited a delivery truck before. The truck finally shows up, and then begins packing things upstairs and Rachel is beside herself she is so happy. We already moved most of our clothing and our walk in closet was more than half-full. Rachel is directing where she wants everything set up. Two trucks deliver furniture, first is the master bedroom, and secondary bedroom. The second truck house our living room and dining set on it and shows up nearly an hour later. By early afternoon all the furniture is in place and both trucks leave.

I’ll get a TV set later on it’s more important to have something to set down on right now. Rachel and I had purchased appliances, dishware and cutlery that had already been in the kitchen only days after the cabinets were completed. A coffeepot still brews coffee that our dads drink every morning. They usually bring cups back without too much hassle. But Rachel is threatening to make them start using paper cups for their coffee.

In a little under two hours our apartment has become home, Rachel’s making up the bed as I run the vacuum in the living room area. Our parents show up they brought us dinner. Emily runs into the master bedroom to talk with her sister. Dad and Bill chuckle at me doing housework, Dad saying, “He’s a multimillionaire and he still does housework.”

Mom looks at Dad before she says. “I bet he gets rewarded well for helping.”

Megan giggles and says. “To hear from Rachel, he awards her well too.”

Rachel steps of to me as I turn off the vacuum. Running her hand across my chest she says. “He earns every minute and then some. Rewarding him is its own reward.” She stepped up on her tip toes to give me a kiss on my cheek but I quickly turned and catch her lips.

Mom calls us. “You two get over here and let’s have the first dinner in your new home.” It was fun we talked laughed until it’s time for them to leave. Emily begged to stay over offering to sleep on the couch, but her Mom wouldn’t hear of it to our relief.

After everyone has gone Rachel had me close all the curtains, she disappeared into the bathroom for a few minutes. Rachel came walking up to me nude, she said. “How do you like my new outfit? I’m going to wear it every time were alone together.”

I quickly stripped off my clothing and say. “I have a similar outfit that I will wear every time you wear that one.”

Rachel says in a sexy manner. “Good I was going to insist on that.”

I reach for her, but she playfully backs away. Rachel keeps just out of my reach as she shakes her beautiful ass at me. “If you catch me you can have me.” Rachel says skipping away. I chase Rachel around the house. She uses the furniture to keep me from catching her. Eventually I catch her, only once she wants to stop teasing me. She sits on the kitchen counter and allows me to slide down between her legs and lick between her labia, I give her two orgasms right there on the kitchen counter. I carry her into the dining room and set her on the dining table. When I align myself up to start the push into her she asked. “Don’t you want to take me to the bedroom?”

Playfully I tell her. “Oh we are going to get there.” Hearing this causes her to giggle. I bring her to a shaking orgasm on the dining table. It doesn’t take all that long this girl loves to make love with me. Long deep thrusts for about ten minutes and she’s spasming throwing her legs into the air and screaming a high pitched sound continues for as long as her orgasm goes on. It starts as a yes but ends up along high pitched squeal.

I once asked her if I was actually hurting her she answered by saying. “If that’s pain hurt me again and again and again.” I had to laugh at that.

I had to carry her; Rachel’s legs were too wobbly for her to walk, when I turn towards the living room she forcefully told me. “No way on my new couch.”

So I turn and carried her on into the bedroom. Setting Rachel down to turn down the bed, I move her so she is in the center of the King sized bed. Coming up between her legs Rachel spreads hers wide giggling she says. “I really like being able to spread my legs wide like this and be supported by the bed.” I align myself up and sink into her cummy pussy. Rachel moans. “Oh yes Andy. I love having you in me.”

I began a steady rhythm with long deep strokes that Rachel loves. It doesn’t take her but maybe five minutes and she begins another orgasm but quickly turns into a string of orgasms. I’m not trying to hold back but it takes a lot longer for my second orgasm. At about twenty-five minutes I feel my balls tighten hold back until Rachel begins another orgasm to push hard into her as I begin to pee cum into her fertile womb Rachel goes absolutely crazy feeling it. Rachel screams. “OH YES ANDY THAT’S IT MAKE A BABY I WANT YOUR BABY. YES. YES. YEEEEEE.”

Our orgasms end nearly at the same time but they seem to go on forever. As we catch our breath Rachel and I clinging to each other. After we recover, we begin to talk about our future.

Rachel is laying her head on my shoulder as she asks “Andy what do you think it’s going to be like living in our mansion?”

“I believe it is going to be a lot of fun. We have our own indoor pool. The water should be nice and warm all winter and since it’s indoors this should be no need for us to wear swimsuits if we are alone. We have our home theater where we can watch any movie, and we can afford to buy any movie you want. I know our Dads’ favorite room is going to be the billiard room. And once the grandkids start showing up will never be able get our parents to leave. That’s why I got two extra master bedrooms. In a way I think the garage at the edge of town is going to be nice too. An elevator ride down sixty feet and then a hundred foot walk will put us in the garage. It’s better than the four mile drive we have to take now.

Than once we have those kids that house is really going to be a lot of fun. Each child will have their own bedroom when their old enough. As long as I’m with you I know I’m going to have fun.

I looked down Rachel is sleeping with a smile crossed her face. I can’t help but smile as I say “I love you.”

Without even opening her eyes still smiling Rachel says “I love you too.”

In the middle of the night some dumb ass, pulls up in the driveway. In front of the garage they do a doughnut in a pickup. It doesn’t do any real damage just makes a lot of noise and wakes Rachel and me up. They back up and fishtail out of our drive. He bangs into one of the garage doors leaving a large dent and a paint smear.

It’s just some fool acting his intelligence, it’s a nuisance and would only be dangerous if he really lost control of his vehicle.

Rachel and I talk about it. We decide to put a gate at the very edge of our property starting in the morning. Actually we’ll make a double gate, fairly sturdy outer gate not extremely heavy, but the inner gate much more sturdy and electrified. We will use an electronic sensor and electronic key so we don’t have to leave our automobile to open the gates. We’ll also install a remote entry switch inside the garage and the kitchen area with a video monitor. I want to install an alarm system to both the garage and the mansion.

We try to get back to sleep but it’s already fairly late for that. Rachel and I just go ahead take a shower and I search the Internet for our new gates and a contractor to install it. Early like always Dad shows up shortly before seven coming up for coffee. The pot has just finished brewing and Rachel and I are sharing a cup.

Dad seen the damage garage door asks. “What happened last night?”

I tell Dad, “Some idiot last night in a pickup truck fishtail out after waking us up. Dad, I want to gate put up as quickly as possible I have a contractor I found online that makes the gates but we will have to install it. As soon as we have a gate I want a crew put on it.” Dad shakes his head yes without hesitation. We get a quick e-mail to the architect with what I want for the gate. There was a simple gate there already but dad noticed we began to leave it open all the time. I also told that we need to hire another crew to demolish the condemned building and build the garage at the end of the tunnel to secure that entry as well.

Dad tells me. “I was going to send down a dozen guys work on that this week. Now the house is ready for the electrical plumbing and air conditioning subcontractors to work on. I’ll have a crew replace that garage door this morning. I’ll hire a night watchman to stay by the gate until we can get that replaced.

In September Rachel and I both went back to school, that took some getting used to Rachel and I didn’t have classes that overlapped so we spent a good part of the day apart. But every chance we got we would spend, steel or borrow a moment together. Her friends begin to accept me, it turns out they were not as shallow like most would believe. With only a couple of them proving that they were. Course Rachel giggle when they acted like their money was all that mattered. But all said and done between the monies we found from the old Mafia hideout, what I sold and the value what I kept made me worth over 100 million. This meant I had been receiving nearly $9000 a day in interest. It’s no wonder the rich keep getting richer.

My friends accepted Rachel immediately. We got only a little friendly ribbing. Like Megan had said, everyone knew that we were meant for each other, but us. Of course some of her football friends from her click didn’t feel the same.

At our school seniors are allow lunch off-campus. A notice must be file with the office. I’ve being over eighteen could give notice for myself. Rachel still being seventeen required an adult to give her permission.

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