
When my dreams came true.

Storyteller’s notes: Hello readers, I know it’s been a while since I posted last, and I’m still working on the ten of them series. Hopefully I’ll not be too long before I finish that post. I do remember at one point I said I was going to in that series but because of its popularity I decided to continue with it. I do have this ready for you to enjoy in the meantime, hopefully. I know I use present tense in my writing, that’s not a mistake it’s just the way I write. My box of crayons, I’ll use the colors that suit me. That’s the thing with artistry, you may not like the paintings from one artist, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder or this case the reader.

As always this is a fictional story, any similarity to names is accidental. I do not intend for this to be representative any person or persons.

When my dreams came true. Writen and posted by hard93

Finding a shared infatuation? Chapter one

Most of the events in my life haven’t always gone the way I would like, when something unexpected yet wonderful happened I won the lottery. The girl that I’ve been dreaming of, well I’ll tell you how it goes, it’s hard to tell it in a short story but if you got time. Here it is, how this all happened had me asking, does she want me for my love or my money? That is a question a lot of wealthy people ask, do you love me for my love or just want my money. Sometimes that question is a very hard one to find the answer to. Sometimes it’s easy, and not always the answer you really want. What would you do to find out, what would you risk to find the truth?

My name is Anthony Carpenter. My friends call me Andy, I’m more or less an ordinary young man except for the fact I’m six foot one with very heavy muscular body because I worked alongside my Dad for years. You might say I’m stronger than the average person. I’m not like a weight builder and spent eight hours a day lifting weights. Normally I spent ten hours a day carrying lumber or other building supplies. I can bench press more than my own weight, I weigh one hundred and eighty pounds and I can bench press two hundred and twenty-five pounds. I do have a six-pack set of abs. My hair will vary from medium blonde to golden blond after I’m outdoors long enough. Mom says I’m a gorgeous young man with my hazel eyes and tan skin with golden blond hair, but I think she’s a little prejudiced being my mother.

My Dad is a carpenter and every summer when school is out I helped him build a house or two. This summer was no exception we started the first house. The gentleman we were building this house for, wanted to use rough lumber just a lower building cost a couple thousand dollars. The lumber was green and uncured and had lain exposed in the rain for the past three days prior to beginning construction. I could carry three of the 4 x 12 that were about twenty to twenty-two foot long at a time. They were water soaked and each weighed over one hundred and twenty pounds. It’s the only way I can keep up with my Dad. Seeing me carrying three he made me stop a said the way too much and the ground was too slippery for him to lose his best carpenters helper. I thought it was too slippery to run with them as well. He took a break and let me carry a half-dozen down to get ahead of him.

That day was my eighteenth birthday, and I would begin my senior year high school in the fall. One more year and I would be free to go or work where ever I chose. I agreed with my father to stay and help him and finish school. I was hoping to get into college but the finances were not there, I was lucky to get a secondhand light pickup truck for my eighteenth birthday. It wasn’t in too bad shape other than having more than sixty thousand miles on it. I knew Mom and Dad scraped and saved a long time to afford the pickup for my birthday. So I am very grateful for the truck.

That evening we began laying down the subflooring having finished with the heavy 4 X 12s. By noon the next day were finished with the subfloor. We took a break for lunch, which is not normally how we work. But mom had left early to work and Dad wanted to get started before the temperature got too hot. We ate our hamburgers and soda that we purchased at a little local restaurant.

Before pulling away from the restaurant I looked at my gas gauge and it was on empty. So on the way back to the job site I pulled into a gas station to fill up. Handed eighty dollars to the gas station clerk a girl in my class named Rachel. Rachel was a beauty. Although her family was as poor as mine, Rachel had the attitude and the appearance that put her in the in crowd with the rich kids. You know the kids that come from well-off families which never had to work at a summer job in their life. Rachel would say she’s doing this just to have something to put on her college entry letter. But I knew she was doing it so she would have the preppy clothing she wanted at the start of school.

Rachel never gave me the time of day from when we started high school, but I always had a crush on her. When we were little, Rachel and I always hung out together at school. We were young and innocent so nothing ever happened. During second grade several other girls begin teasing Rachel about me she stopped hanging out but would always talk with me. We rode on the same bus and occasionally she would set beside me. The same jealous girls started teasing Rachel and then that stopped. All the way through middle school out catch her looking at me on occasion. I always thought she liked me too, but I was too afraid to ask. At the start of high school Rachel went to the preppy click and ignored me from then on.

Their gas pump was running slow I guess that give me a lot of time to think. When my truck was full the total came to $78.37, returning for my change Rachel jokingly said. “I’m out of ones and I’m out of change till the manager gets back from the bank. I only have pennies right now.”

Not wanting to carry a pocket full of pennies I took a lottery ticket for the dollar. I told Rachel she could owe me the sixty-three cents.

Rachel laughed and said. “Good luck with a lottery ticket nobody ever wins those things around here.”

I knew she was right, since the state took this lottery no one had won it in ten years. I just didn’t want to give the dollar away too. Looking at it was for over 120 million bucks in cash. I thought it would be something if I did win. I put the lottery ticket in the ashtray of the truck, and didn’t give it another thought as I drove back to work.

The lottery was the next day and the ticket set in my truck unnoticed and forgotten. Friday we were roofing the house already, and it was a hot summer day we’ve gone through everything we brought to drink. Near lunchtime Dad saw me coming up the ramp with another two packets shingles then sent me to the nearest place I could buy something cold to drink, which just so happen to be the same gas station I purchased gas earlier that week. Walking into the store I noticed a banner above the register, but didn’t take time to read it. I walked to the coolers and picked up a gallon of cold sweet iced tea, and a gallon of cold water. Walking to the register Rachel was there like always. I placed the water and the tea on the counter and start dishing out my cash.

Excitedly Rachel asked me. “Did you see we sold the winning lottery ticket? It was the only winner for the jackpot.”

“Really?” I ask. To which Rachel shakes her head and enthusiastic yes.

Curious I ask, “Anyone come forward yet with the winning ticket?” Rachel just shakes her head no.

In an instant I remember the lottery ticket in my trucks ashtray. “I’ll be back in just a second Rachel.”

Carrying back the lottery ticket I asked her if she can check it. Rachel says. “Only once you sign it the boss is not letting me check any unsigned tickets.” Taking the offered pen, I quickly signed the ticket before I hand it to her. She runs it through the machine and her eyes go wide as the machine starts playing you are in the money.

Shaking Rachel hands me the ticket back very gingerly double checking that there’s no one else in the store she says, “Andy will you marry me?”

I had a crush on Rachel beginning when we were in the first grade and have never got up the nerve to ask her out and she’s just asked me to marry her. You could knock me over with the wind from a falling feather never mind hitting me with it. A chill runs through me as a doubt creeps into my mind, what if Rachel just wanted me for the money? I have a crush on her, but I wouldn’t want someone who is that shallow, someone who doesn’t love me even if I’m totally in love with her. I can’t help but feel the way I do about Rachel. I just wanted to be real, for it to be mutual, us both wanting and loving each other.

I must have the dumbest response ever to that question. But considering all that was going on in my mind the only thing that came out was, “What did you say?”

Rachel shakes her head before saying, “Sorry Andy. I lost my head for a second. I meant to say you won!”

Shaking I ask, “Rachel did you just asked me to marry you because I’m wealthy now?”

Rachel blushes heavily before she attempts to answer, “I… I… I’m sorry Andy. I didn’t think… Before I proposed… I…” A tear starts to run down her cheek seen my annoyance. “Andy I’m sorry I thought I never would see you again now that you’re rich. I’ve been infatuated with you forever. I’m sorry Andy.”

My anger instantly vanishes before I inquire, “When do you get off work Rachel? I’ve had a crush on you also since first grade. I would really like to date you before you ask me that question again.”

She giggles and writing her number down she says, “I get off at five Monday to Friday and I’m free all weekend.”

Grinning I say, “I’ll be sure to give you a call very soon. Can I just call to talk with you?” I really need this time to figure out how this alters the situation between us. She’s always been friendly but standoffish most of the time. Now we’re in high school she is taking onto a different click. I’m pretty sure she realized that I had a crush on her but this is a news flash to me that she’s actually had a crush on me.

Also in her eyes go wide and she tells me, “Andy if you’re not eighteen that ticket isn’t worth anything.”

With Rachel saying that, I act dejected before I inquired of her, “You still mind if I give you a call even if the tickets not worth anything.”

Rachel’s expression displays her empathy before she replies, “Andy, I would like that, rich or poor it doesn’t matter.”

Smiling I say to her, “This will be some souvenir, something we can laugh at when we’re older. I got to get back to work.” After paying for the tea and water I leave. I hope I did my part to keep up the act I want to find out for sure if it’s me or the money. Just before I step out the door I turn to her and say, “Since, well the trouble with the ticket let’s keep this between the two of us.” She shakes her head yes before I turn and depart.

On the way back I can hardly contain my excitement I want to shout, I’m not sure it’s just about the money or Rachel or the combination of both but the day is really going fantastic. It’s a life altering day, a day when I realize that there is nothing I require, I can’t afford. I’ll be able to go to college, if I desire. Hell with this much wealth I could just retire, put my money in the stock market, bonds, or several other investments. Living off the interest for the remainder of my life would be nearly effortless.

Reading the fine print on the lottery ticket it says I have 180 days from date of drawing to claim the ticket. It does say I need to be eighteen or older to purchase a valid ticket, since I purchased it the day following my eighteenth birthday it’s a valid ticket. Rachel doesn’t know that much about me obviously or she would know my birthday, unlike Rachel’s mine is in the summer and hers is October 7th.

I decided to keep this under my hat at least the next three or four months, but still should give me more than enough time to claim the ticket. Hopefully that will be sufficient time to determine Rachel’s true motives.

I put the lottery ticket back in the glove box of my truck. If I can get off a little time today I’ll store it in my safe deposit box, I keep all the important documents in it. My father said it’s better to have them stored safely away in a bank safe deposit box then in my file drawer at home.

When Dad was just a few years older than I am now, he had just left the military and a house fire destroyed all his important documents. Without those documents he was unable to claim any of his veteran’s benefits. He said that a few hundred dollars a month would’ve helped so many times it’s not funny.

I tell Dad, I needed to drop by the bank to withdraw a little more cash out and I needed to go inside. I didn’t have my debit card on me. He said, “Sure give me a couple hours so we can finish this side of the roof. Then you can take a break, and run to the bank. Get some more cold tea on your way back.” I smile and shake my head yes. I continue carrying shingles up to the roof.

It took less time to get finish with that one side than Dad estimated, an hour and forty-five minutes saw me pulling in to the bank parking lot. I made a stop to carefully wash my hands. Once inside the bank I inquired if I can use the copier machine to make two copies of a document front and back. The charge me a quarter a page to make the copies, But they gave me privacy to do it. I quickly duplicate both sides of the lottery ticket. Folded the paper in half with a lottery ticket inside I opened my safe deposit box. Once alone again I remove the lottery ticket from the four sheets of paper. I placed the one copy of the lottery ticket in the very bottom of the safe deposit box and between two of my coin collection boxes I placed the lottery ticket. Call for the assistant and we’ve replaced my safety deposit box back in the vault. I put one copy in the truck.

I’m now no longer concerned about the lottery ticket’s security. I continue to the gas station to pick up another iced tea, and hopefully speak to Rachel again.

As I enter the store, Rachel smiles saying to me, “Oh you again.”

I smile brightly in return, backpedaling toward the cooler giving a playful wink saying, “I just can’t get enough of gazing at your beauty.” That causes Rachel to blush heavily at my complement. Carefully turning to not disturb anything in the crammed store I reached the cooler and another gallon of cold iced tea. Walking to the counter I give her the money to purchase it.

Rachel asks me, “So Andy what are you up to?”

Still smiling I say, “Dad and I are building a house just a little way up the road.”

Rachel asks, “Did you guys start just the other day right after all that rain?”

I simply reply, “Yes.”

Now what she does was totally unexpected, she leans over the countertop and grabs my bicep, encircling my arm with both her hands. I tense up not knowing what she is attempting to do. She squeezes hard but doesn’t shift the rigid muscles of my arm. She giggles saying, “I saw when you carried those boards. They looked heavy and you still carry three of them at a time. You’re just a strong as I thought you’d be.”

When nothing else comes to my startled mind, blushing slightly I say, “Well… Thanks.”

She giggles and then slowly rises up and then slides back onto her side of the counter this gives me a view down her cleavage and I blush even more. Rachel definitely notices, because she had done this intentionally to see where my eyes would remain. Although I couldn’t help but see her cleavage when she looks up she is looking straight into my eyes. She giggles and takes my money and returned the change.

On my way out Rachel requests, “Andy, could I get a ride home from you? I only live just a house down from where you’re working. The boss says it’s too slow, and he needs me to leave early.”

Dad may not appreciate me taken so long, but I can’t pass up this opportunity to spend a little time with Rachel. So I shake my head eagerly yes. Rachel then pulls out the cash drawer of the register and walked into the office, the manager immediately comes replacing the drawer he strikes a number of keys and a tape begins to print from the register. In a few minutes Rachel comes out and doesn’t get very close to me because I was hot and sweaty. She can’t resist putting her hand on my firm bicep as we walked to my truck. Rachel’s hand on my skin is exhilarating. Rachel’s closeness is even more exciting than winning the lottery. I opened the door for her and then quickly get in and begin driving Rachel home.

To initiate a conversation I ask, “So Rachel, what are you going to do after high school?”

I notice the distress in her eyes before her reply, “I was going to try to get into college but my Dad got laid off to save the house they had to dip into my college fund.”

With a knowing smile I state, “The same thing happened to my Father a few years ago; before we started building houses they had to raid my fund to keep a roof over our heads.”

Rachel shows her resolve by saying, “Well, I’m going to work something out. I’m trying for a few scholarships.”

I inform Rachel, “When I checked in on that for me last fall, Dad was making too much money for me to qualify. Not enough really to replace my college fund.”

Rachel asks, “So what are you going to do about college?”

With a chuckle I say, “I guess I can figure out a way to pay for it on my own, I did just win the lottery right?”

Rachel almost has a tear as she says, “Andy, I felt so bad about your luck that you weren’t eighteen yet.”

Pulling up to Rachel’s house, the one she is indicating, I stop. I walk around and open her door and offer my hand to help her out. As Rachel takes my hand stepping out of my truck there’s a sad smile as if she’s trying to say she sorry once again. I’m still smiling when I tell her, “My dream came true today.”

Rachel confused by my smile says, “What dream would have you smiling after finding out about the lottery?”

I state matter-of-factly, “I discovered the girl I had a crush on since first grade likes me too.”

This seems to wash away the sadness from her smile and her eyes light up, showing their happiness at my statement. She simply rises up on her tip toes to kiss me on the cheek before she turns running into the house. Just outside her door she calls, “Don’t forget to call me.”

I smile back closing the door without turning. I happily reply, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

Dad does give me a little grief about taking too long. As I carried more shingles up on the roof three bundles at a time to catch up with Dad. He has completed nearly an eighth of the roof with shingles I had carried up earlier. I hand him the cold jug of tea as he drinks heavily and I continue to carry shingles. Each time I within earshot I began explaining about Rachel, he knows full well who I’m talking about. I asked his advice possibly hundreds of times but never had the nerve to just go up and talk to the girl. Something he always tells me to do. I tell him it’s finally happened I’ve talked to her and found out she likes me. I omitted the part about the lottery and where she asked me to marry her, but I have the feeling I’m never going to let her forget it.

Dad straightens up the next time I’m within a few feet and slaps me on the shoulder to tell me, “It’s about damn time you got around to it.”

I say, “If I’d known she likes me I would have years ago.”

I don’t know if it’s because I’m so hot or just because I want to hurry. I remove my shirt using it only to pad the shoulder between me and the shingles I continue carrying shingles up on the roof until all the shingles now rest on the roof.

On my last pass across the roof I notice Rachel is watching from her window. She realized I noticed her, she waves and smiling brightly I return her wave. She blushes before retreating from the window, but leaves my bright smile as I think of her.

I continue working and about an hour before sundown the roof is finished and just in time as rain is threatening again. We quickly gather our tools and picked up all the remaining shingles as quickly as we can before the rain reaches us. Tomorrow the subcontractors have the house, and Dad comes to oversee their work. Thankfully I’ll have the day off. Usually only get one or two days per house that I’m completely off, sometimes only a few hours a week once the house would become more complete. The drywall seems to take us the most time with several coats of plaster and sanding to get a very smooth finish.

Once the drywall and electrical are completed and most rooms of the house are finished quickly, the notable exception of the bathrooms and kitchen.

I have about nine hundred fifty dollars in the bank. I was planning on saving for clothing, but since I won the lottery. I will probably claim it just before school starts it will not be necessary to save that money. That gives me most of the summer to find out Rachel’s true feelings. Nine hundred fifty dollars should be enough to figure that out plus what I will make off our current job.

I give Rachel a call to ask if she’d like to do something tomorrow. I instigate our conversation by saying, “Hi Rachel, it just so happens that were both off tomorrow I may not get another day off for a while. Would you like to do something with me?”

Giggling Rachel asks, “What would you have in mind?”

I answer, “I love to swim. I like to go swimming at least for part of the day.” Rachel was on the diving team at school before she changed to cheerleading. I figure that might be okay with her.

Rachel still giggling answers, “Bet you just want to see how I look in a swimsuit, that’s okay, I would like to go swimming with you. I get to choose what we do next.”

Smiling I say, “That’s totally fair.”

Rachel suggests, “Okay how about dinner and a movie later tomorrow. I heard there’s a very good movie that just came out.”

I start to chuckle, “Hey that’s actually two things, but okay. I was going to ask if that’s what you wanted to do anyway.”

Rachel giggles, “Well, if that was what you were going to ask, it doesn’t count. I still get to choose the next date.”

At this point I begin laughing and then say, “That’s fine with me as long as we’re together I’m sure we’ll have fun.”

Rachel says, “Before you forget, there is a party next Saturday night. I would like you to go with me, please.”

Chuckling I say, “Does that count for you asking for the next date?”

Rachel giggles, “Well I guess it has to.”

The realization just hits me. Rachel is probably going to one of her preppy friends’ gatherings. I’m unsure if I have anything suitable to wear at one of those types of parties. “Rachel, do you think we would have enough time to do a little shopping? I probably need some new clothes to take you to that party. Most of the parties that I get invited to you show up in blue jeans and a white T-shirt and fit right in.”

Rachel thinks for second then says, “We could do a little shopping if we didn’t spend too much time at the pool. How much money do you think you could spend on something?”

Not wanting to say anything about the lottery I say, “I have about nine hundred fifty dollars in the bank right now. I was planning on buying new clothing with that anyway. Plus spend some on you, you know for our dates.”

“Oh, you’re a big spender.” Rachel giggles and then says, “I’m sure we’ll find something that will fit your budget.”

“Thanks Rachel. You know how I am with clothing. Denim is my favorite fabric. Most of the clothing I purchase has to perform for work and school. I will make an exception for this it can be something that I can wear to school later.”

Rachel says, “Certainly, it should be something that would be good for school as well.”

Chuckling I say, “Yes, it is my senior year and I should look the part, especially if I’m going to be your boyfriend.”

Rachel giggles before saying, “My boyfriend, will I did pop the question. So if you behave right I’ll let you be my boyfriend.”

I let my voice get serious before I answer, “Well I can always say yes, and then you’d be my fiancé.”

Rachel takes deep breath before she continues, “Andy did you just say yes?”

I want to clarify my answer without closing the door on her proposal. I say, “I thought we would just try it out as boyfriend and girlfriend and if we worked well. I’ll get you a nice ring. Then I’ll just get down on my knee. Instead of popping the question I just say yes.”

Rachel giggles, “Well if you get down on one knee have a ring box in your hand I’ll ask you again.”

I chuckle as I inquire, “What time tomorrow should I pick you up?”

Rachel says, “First we’ll go swimming then you have to bring me back so I can get dressed so we can go shopping. We will eat dinner and see a movie after.

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