
When Addie became a Woman

Martin pushed the door to his apartment open with a heavy sigh, another long day at the office. He had gone in early long before the sun had risen to cover the shift of another worker; he longed to wring the neck of that inconsiderate manager of his… With an apathetic grunt he tossed his coat onto the lounge chair by the door and dumped his briefcase by the door, sliding out of his shoes and walking into the sanctuary of home. It had been a long 12 hour day…he was pretty sure the amount of time he had worked was illegal but, maybe all the extra time could convince the higher ups to finally bump him out of sales and into accounting or some other cushy job on the floor above him.

“Someday…” he thought to himself, referring to someday being in charge of everything…so he could stop working so much like a damned slave. Martin tugged at his tie, letting it hang loosely from his neck as he ran his fingers through his hair, yawning off the days work, headed to the coffee machine to get himself a mug of the good stuff before Adrianne got home from school. His eyes caught the picture stuck to the fridge…him and his little girl had been at it on their own for the last 5 years after his wife passed away. Martin had tried his best to distract himself from the folly of trying to find another…he convinced himself that little Addie was all he needed. She had grown a lot since then, blooming in so many ways; he was proud of her, proud of how strong she was becoming.

He dropped himself into that same indentation on his couch, grabbing the remote and sipping his coffee before turning on the TV…cartoons had been left on since this morning. Adrianne should be getting home soon…he decided to just leave them on in the background while scrolling through his phone. After about 20 minutes, the door opened, and in stepped his daughter. She had the most beautiful jet black hair that came down to her collarbone, and bright blue eyes. The young girl stepped in, wearing that uniform she loathed so much, that stuffy button up shirt, jacket and skirt with those ugly grey leggings. Martin couldn’t help but smile as she walked in, tossing her back atop the lounge chair his coat rested on, his young daughter skipping over and hopping right into her dad’s lap.

“Hi Daddy!” she smiled, throwing her arms around his neck and giving him a big kiss on the cheek. Martin laughed, dropping his phone and cupping her back while moving his coffee aside for her, “Watch it sweetie, I’ve got lava in a cup here.” Addie giggled, sitting in his lap and bouncing a bit, Martin had most definitely noticed her process of growing…he had bought her some bras just last week, she was developing steadily. As lonely as he was, he forced these thoughts from his head, his little girl was nothing to lust over…Adrianne looked at the TV, cocking her head, “You are watching cartoons?!” Martin stammered, trying to go for the remote, but unable to really move much with Addie on his lap, “Well I…was just channel surfing and I dropped the remote, and then I looked up some funny stuff on my phone and…” he kept going, making his daughter giggle. She rolled her eyes and crawled up off his lap, “Suuuure…I bet you secretly watch anime when I’m not around!” Fixing her skirt, Adrianne stepped over to her bag, scooping it up and turning back at him, “Is today laundry day?”

“Whuh? Oh…yea. I’ll take care of it sweetheart, you just do your homework.” Martin set his coffee cup down, some laundry work would take his mind of this lousy day. Adrianne nodded and sat down at the dinner table not far from the TV, opening up a book and starting to read it while her father stepped away. He hit her room first, picking up her dirty clothes hamper and looking around the room for discarded clothes. A shirt here, a sock there, he began picking up her dirty clothes and putting them in the hamper, stopping himself when he turned and found a pair of panties on the bed…his mind began to race, they were baby blue with a bow in the middle of the waistband, small just like her. What was he thinking? He’d seen her naked plenty of times, from bathing her to the odd swimsuit accident. This was nothing new…why did he hesitate? Martin grunted and picked up the panties, tossing them into the bin and walking to the hall where the washer and drier were kept. His hands slid the doors open, blocking the hall on both sides, the light in the laundry room was the only one on him now, he stared down into the hamper, at those baby blue panties…his little girl wasn’t little anymore, surely he noticed…surely he noticed how much she had grown? She even showed him from time to time, showing off her bras and cute swimsuits, she always wanted him to see how much of a woman she was becoming.

It was like hypnosis, his hands delicately picked up the discarded panties, and before he knew it they were under his nose. He inhaled only slightly, as if he was testing to see if they were actually dirty…then it hit him, they did carry a scent. He looked at the inside of them, there were marks from a liquid in the fabric, he sniffed them again…the feeling hit him like a bolt of lightning, he had caught the smell of Adrianne’s young pussy, it was…well it was pretty startling. Based on the stain, it sure wasn’t urine, Adrianne had gotten a bit excited at one time or another, was she already masturbating…? His mind snapped back from his reverie when he felt himself bump the washing machine in front of him, a bulge had formed in his trousers, “Damn it…” he muttered. He set them down in a pile, reaching into the hamper to separate the colors from the whites. Double damn it! There were only a couple of colors, the rest of the garments had been whites, he set the colored things aside on the dryer while starting up the washer, all the while he could see those panties laying there, his curiosity growing with every moment. “Nnnghh…” he groaned, and shut the doors to the laundry room, sealing them away from his sight while he slunk off to his room in shame.

Adrianne was able to make herself a TV dinner as the evening rolled around, Martin eventually settled down and emerged from the room. He had changed out of his work clothes into some sweat pants and a t-shirt to relax in, Addie nudged him as she walked by with her TV dinner, taking her seat at the dinner table. Martin smiled and sat down next to her, stealing a fry from the tray and eating it. She growled and swatted at his hand, huffing before going back to her book. She was reading some biology textbook, specifically human anatomy, all about things like the circulatory system and bone structure and other trivial things. Martin sat quietly chewing on his fry, looking down at her book and musing, “Human body eh? Looks pretty boring…I mean look at me!” Adrianne laughed and set her head in her hands, “Yeaa…I already know all this stuff anyway, the internet taught me way more than these dumb books…like look at this.” She turned the page, showing more of the anatomy book, the pages detailing the reproductive system, with diagrams of penises and vaginas in large detail. Martin looked over the book, laughing to himself when he saw the diagram of the vagina, thinking: “Well now boys will have no excuse to not know where the clitoris is…” Adrianne spoke again, “I learned about all this stuff a long time ago, I already know how babies are made.”

Martin nearly choked, but caught himself, coughing a bit with his mouth closed, “What? But I didn’t even– I mean we– How did you..?” Adrianne looked up at her father, rolling her eyes a bit, “The internet dad…I mean you told me a long time ago you don’t believe in that ‘parental control’ stuff. I mean, now that I know about it, I’m like the only kid who doesn’t start laughing when the teacher talks about penises.” Martin snorted a bit, Addie glared at him, he may be an adult but his sense of humor regularly was childish. “Anyway…” she continued, “The only thing the books won’t teach you is like…about love and boys and stuff. Or what ‘fucking’ means…” Martin looked at his daughter with wide eyes, and she brought her fingers to her mouth, “Sorry!” She giggled, and he rolled his eyes.

Well she was growing up pretty fast, at the very least if she knew about these things, she wouldn’t be clueless as she got older and got knocked up by some idiot guy before she even turned 18… Martin scratched his head idly, “Maybe when that becomes relevant…either you’ll find out on your own or…maybe your friends will tell you, but Addie please just…be more careful about what sites you go to? I don’t want viruses or worse…some creepy person following you…” Adrianne waved her hand dismissively, “Naah…I stay out of chat rooms, I don’t accept friend requests from anybody I don’t know either!” Martin nodded in approval, looking down at the book again.

“So…how much do you know anyway? About babies…” Martin asked hesitantly.

Addie shrugged and looked up at him, “You put the penis in the vagina and then…white stuff comes out, semen?

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