What a Difference a Summer Makes- Part 2
Sorry for the long wait. Constructive criticism is welcomed as I want to improve. Hope you enjoy!
What a Difference a Summer Makes- Part 2
I started to drift off to sleep as the music was playing until…
A sudden feeling of pressure on my crotch startled me as I groggily open my eyes seeing a small hand placed right on top of my dick. As the hand removed quickly, I followed it to my right which made me come face to face with a stunning young woman staring at me with an embarrassed grin.
“Oh, I am so sorry. I tripped while I was trying to put my bag in the overhead compartment” the young lady explained as she stood up.
“Not a problem. Do you need help with that?” I replied pointing to her bag.
“Oh yes, would you be so kind?”
“Of course. I got it” I responded with a smile.
The first thing I noticed was the bag was heavy and probably should have not been allowed as a carry-on, but I just chalked it up to business-class privilege.
“Thanks for your help and sorry about that mishap earlier” she leaned in and whispered.
“Oh that. Not a big deal. It’s not every day that I’m woken up by a pretty lady grabbing my junk. I should be the one to thank you” I joked which brought out a chuckle from her.
That’s when I really took notice with how pretty she really was as she stood there smiling. But what really caught my eye was what she was wearing. She had on a white Gucci t-shirt with a picture of Marilyn Monroe on it, a pair of red high-top wedges with Velcro straps and skimpy jean shorts. She had on the jean shorts that you can basically see the bottom of her ass cheeks and she had a cute little ass on her.
Just then the flight attendant stated on the microphone that we must all take our seats. As we both took our seats, she introduced herself.
“My name is Taylor by the way” she said extending her hand.
“Chad, nice to meet you” I replied shaking her hand.
“Pleasure is all mine. You are quite gifted, you know?”
I looked at her with a puzzled expression to which she giggled. She put up her hand that touched my cock giving a squeezing motion. My face instantly felt warm as Taylor bubbled, “You’re blushing… AWW”.
“Oh, you’re funny. Ten hours with you is going to be a breeze and thank you for the compliment” I laughed.
“Like you said, it is going to be a long flight and we are stuck together so we better make the best of it, right?” she remarked.
Taylor was a great conversationalist. She is one of those people that talk a lot, but it doesn’t seem like it because she is very engaging, energetic and just made you feel at ease to talk with her. We both talked about our vacations in France in which I found out she was there longer than I was.
Not just there for vacation but she also was there for work. I came to find out that Taylor was a Linguist and her job paid her to go to France to learn the language.
Getting paid to go to such a beautiful place for 5-months! Sign me up!
She let me know that she now speaks 7 different languages which includes: Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, French and English.
“Very impressive. Are there any other languages you are interested in learning?” I wondered.
“The next one will probably be Chinese. It will probably the most difficult as my job will send me to China for a year to master it. Probably next year I will go. Not sure yet”
With that she told me she had to excuse herself because she had to go to the bathroom. Watching her get up and walk as her ass moved from side to side down the aisle to bathroom was a treat not just for me, but for the other men who ogled her as she walked by as well. The guys looked back at me and just mouthed ‘WOW’. Raising my eyebrows in agreement with the guys, I sat back and smiled.
Like I said before, Taylor had a cute little ass on her. She is what you would call petite. She is brunette, brown eyes, olive complexion, slim build, standing at 5’6”, and A-cup breasts. What I liked the most about her was the freckles on her face. Very cute. Comparable to Alice Greczyn. Look her up.
Perusing the Sky Mall catalog, which I’ve become addicted to, checking out different electronic stuff I stumbled on some cameras that caught my eye. Looking at each one and comparing prices I didn’t notice Taylor come back until she flopped down on her seat then asked, “What you looking at?”
As she leaned over to me, I replied, “Oh nothing much. Just checking out some cameras. I’ve been thinking about taking up photography when I get back home.”
“Oh yeah? That’s cool. What peaked your interest in that?” Taylor inquired as she looked over the catalog with me.
“Being in France I witnessed a myriad of beautiful things from the architecture, the beaches and the people. I just want to start capturing things like that.”
“And by the people, you mean the women?” she replied coyly.
Taylor noticed my face light up when she asked that question.
“There is a story behind that look Chad, do tell” she implored while turning her body towards me.
Looking at her I blushed again, and Taylor knew she struck a chord in me, so she asked me again about my summer vacation.
“Tell me everything. Start from the very beginning and leave nothing out. You have a story and I want to hear it all” she insisted.
Listening her say that made me realize that I never told anyone about what actually happened with Kimmie and Joe. Not my mom, grandma, Josef or even Bianca. My mood suddenly changed from joy to sadness as I put my head down and that did not go unnoticed by Taylor who grabbed my hand.
“Chad, are you ok? You don’t have to talk about if you don’t want to. I’m sorry, sometimes I just get ahead of myself. I didn’t mean to pry”
Turning my head to Taylor I gave a warm smile and assured her that it was ok, and it was nothing that she did, but it was something I haven’t discussed with anyone as of yet.
She nodded her head and with a sympathetic look let me know that it might do me some good to tell someone and get it out because it’s not good carrying all that negative emotion inside. Plus, she said, telling a complete stranger could be good because they would have an unbiased opinion on the matter.
“OK Taylor. You ready for this?”
Giving that cute smile of hers which could light up a room she answered, “Yes sir. Tell me”
She was right. I’ve been holding onto this deep sorrow for so long that I needed to talk about it with someone. I gave Taylor the complete story of my vacation from the Joe and Kimmie incident, my transformation with Josef, losing my virginity to Chloe and her best friend Olivia, and of course Bianca.
Taylor listened intently and would ask questions periodically to gather further information on how I felt on each moment I discussed. Taking it all in as I finished, she sat back in her chair and just gasped, “Wow!” looking over at me she continued, “That was one hell of a story! You definitely had a summer to remember!”
Nodding my head in agreement with a grin I replied, “Yep, I did”
Tapping the top of my hand Taylor sat up and exclaimed, “Before we get to anything else. Tell me more about your first time with Chloe and Olivia”
With a puzzled look on my face and a raised eyebrow I jested, “Out of all the things I told you, that’s what you want to focus on that”
“Yes! It was your very frst time and it was a threesome. You do realize ya kind of skipped over that part. I love that type of stuff” she beamed then gave me a pouty face and continued, “please Chad?”
Shaking my head and laughing I gave in.
“Alright, if you must know, but I’ll start from the very beginning” I reluctantly said.
Taylor’s eyes lit up like a child getting a toy as she clapped, moved closer over to me and bubbled, “Yay! Tell me, tell me!”
I couldn’t help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. So, I began:
Josef thought it would be good for me to hang out with people my own age instead of just him and grandma all summer long, so he asked his good friend Gabin, who is the local baker in town, if one of his children would show me around Marseille. Gabin, who met me on my third day in France and did take a liken to me, readily agreed. He had three daughters Alice, Sarah and Chloe.
Alice was more like me as she was into computers, video games and anything related to tech. She was a tomboy and we hit it off well, but she was only fourteen, so she couldn’t really show me around too much.
Sarah was a bookworm, fictional stories were her thing. She would lose herself into a novel for hours upon hours. She was currently wrapped up in Stephen King’s latest offering, The Outsider. With her being the same age as me, seventeen, Gabin thought she would be a good choice, but Sarah politely declined because she was not the out-doorsy type.
So, that left Chloe and she wasn’t too thrilled at first because as she explained to her father, she wanted to spend the time when she wasn’t at work to be with her boyfriend.
“She had a boyfriend?! Ah, you devil! You’re a homewrecker, aren’t ya?” Taylor jokingly interjected.
“Are you going to let me tell my story or are you going to be like one of those people who talks during a movie disturbing everyone?” I teased.
“Oh, hush and continue. I promise I won’t say another word” she smiled then stuck out her tongue at me.
So, where was I… oh yes…
Remember, this was near the early part of my vacation where I was still pudgy, filled with zits on my face, wearing clothes a size too big for me, basically I was a REAL mess. Did I forget to mention that Chloe was gorgeous? Standing at 5’2″, caramel complexion, with sexy green eyes, natural black hair, B-cup breasts and a nice booty. Nothing too big or small. Perfect for her petite frame. Google Kat Graham, that’s her.
“You and she are very similar” I said as I showed Taylor a picture of Chloe from my phone.
“She IS hot! You seem to be attracted to petite women Chad.” Taylor smiled.
“You think so?”
“Remember, I felt him twitch when you saw me the first time” we both looked down at my groin, she continued, “so I have it under good authority that you are”
Staring in her eyes I took a big gulp, not knowing what to say. Taylor was in full control and she loved it as she gave me a sexy grin and wink.
Snapping me out of my trance Taylor urged me to continue.
Umm… so where was I, oh yes…
Chloe did, even though reluctantly, showed me around the first few days as well as introducing me to her friends and boyfriend. I was nervous around her at first because of how shy I am around beautiful women, but she had a laid-back personality that put me at ease. She was very nice to me and made feel welcomed which I was very appreciative of. Plus, Chloe was a great tour guide as she showed me a lot of the ins and outs of Marseille.
We didn’t see one another for weeks after, maybe, the third day we hung out when she took me to a party her friends were having.
“What do you mean that you didn’t see each other for weeks after? What happened?” Taylor blurted.
Staring at her with playful annoyance then putting my hand over my eyes and shaking my head she realized what she did.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…that’s just how I am. I promise…last time”
Umm… so where was I, oh yes…
It was at some small club which I don’t remember the name of, but I do remember how loud it was in there. Deafening loud. They were playing techno music, which I’m not a big fan of, but I was invited so I sucked it up and tried my best to enjoy. Chloe and her friends showed me a good time as we all danced and drank together.
Later, that night while dancing with her friend Olivia I noticed Chloe being led to the bathroom by her boyfriend, Remy. Feeling a tinge of jealousy, as I was becoming infatuated with her, but I knew there was no chance there because Remy was a typical French good-looking guy. Chiseled face, beautiful long hair down to his shoulders, blue eyes. Picture Gaspard Ulliel. I couldn’t compete with that.
“Don’t ever say that again Chad. You are sooo fine” Taylor blurted out unexpectedly then put her hands to her face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to” she stated embarrassingly as she shook her head.
Smiling back at her and squeezing her hand, “That’s how I use to feel Taylor.
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