What a Difference a Summer Makes- Part 1
What a difference a Summer Makes- Part 1
I would have thought walking the halls on the final day of sophomore year with my two best friends in the world would have been fantastic, but it was the TOTAL opposite of that.
I recently found out that I would be spending the whole summer with my estranged grandmother. My mother and grandmother have not communicated with one another for about 20-years, in other words my whole life. Why, you may ask. Because my grandmother did not approve of the man my mother chose to be with, my father who is African American.
Yes, my mother is Caucasian was brought up in North Dakota where, I guess, not too many black people live. She experienced a culture shock when she went to college in California, UCLA to be exact, where she got exposed to a multitude of things regarding religion, race and politics.
My mother also got exposed to something else, my dad. The way she tells it, they met at a frat party where he pledged Alpha Phi Alpha and the rest was history. She kept their relationship secret for a long time until her senior year when they got pregnant with me. My father wanted to marry right away when he found out she was pregnant, but my mother wanted to tell my grandmother first. So, they both went to North Dakota to break the news to her. It didn’t go as planned. My grandmother was livid!
My grandmother is not racist, at least I don’t think she is, but she was brought up believing races should not mix. She also thought they were not responsible enough to manage a child, especially a mixed one. She felt they would face too many obstacles and with that she didn’t give them her blessing and my mother felt extremely hurt and betrayed by her. When my mom walked out of my grandmother’s house that day it was the last time they spoke or saw one another.
It’s a funny thing on what you believe in until life kicks you in the ass and opens your eyes to new ideas.
You see, my grandmother won the Mega Millions jackpot of $88-million dollars last year and immediately moved to her favorite place in the world, the South of France. She lived there for about 3-months where she met and fell in love with a Frenchman who, you guessed it, turned out to be black.
So, it was a surprise when she and her boyfriend, Josef, turned up on our doorstep last Christmas. It was the best Christmas of my life as I got showered with gifts from a X-Box 1, 60-inch 4K UHD TV and an assortment of other goodies. I guess grandma was feeling guilty about all the years she missed out with us and wanted to make up for it which I had ABSOLUTELY no problems with. Best of all, mom and grandma rekindled their once close relationship.
Grandma even wanted to give us a $5-millions of her winnings but mom and dad refused saying that was way too much to give which she just scoffed at but conceded after much debate. They settled on putting a small trust in my name where I can get access to it when I turn 27-years old. Grandma also offered to pay for any college I decided to go. My parents and I jumped at that offer.
As Christmas break was ending, mom, dad and grandma planned for us all to take a 2-week summer vacation in France. I didn’t mind; thinking spending a couple of weeks at a villa in France would be exciting. Little did I know things were about to change just a couple weeks before school ended.
“What do you mean the entire summer mom? Don’t I get a say in the matter?” I argued.
“No Squirt, she is your grandmother and wants to spend time with you. It won’t kill you to spend a few months with her” she replied.
“But what about Joe and Kimmie? We made big plans for this summer. Plus, everyone is going to miss my birthday” I countered.
“Do you know how many people would kill to go the South of France for 3 months? I’m sure Joe and Kimmie would be happy for you and as for your birthday we will make it up to you when you get back. I promise”
“Dad, please help me. You know this is not right at all” I pleaded.
Dad sitting on the couch watching a basketball game turned to me and concluded, “Squirt, it’s done. Nothing we can do about it now.”
Putting my hands up in disgust I turn heading back to my room saying, “This is not fair. You guys are not even coming with me. I’ll be all alone”.
“Sorry buddy, but I have some projects that have a deadline and your mom just recently opened the studio so we’re unable to go. You understand, right?” dad reasoned.
“We love you Squirt. It will be fine. You’ll see” mom remarked.
Closing my door, I jumped into bed screaming into my pillow feeling disgusted about this whole ordeal. How am I going to tell Joe and Kimmie that our vacation plans are ruined? We’ve planned it out since February. I sat up on the edge of my bed looking at myself in the mirror and chuckled, “Another fine mess you got yourself into Squirt”.
My name is Chad Lincoln, but everyone calls me by my nickname Squirt. I got this name because my mother loved the movie Finding Nemo and was enamored by the little turtle with the big eyes. She says that is how I looked when I was a baby, so the name stuck with me. I am 16-years old, and as you know will turn 17 over the summer, standing at 5’5” with a pudgy frame, bad case of acne, braces, and a curly mop for hair. You can say that puberty really has fucked with me. I am a carefree spirit and never was hung up on my appearance.
Being too chicken-shit to tell Joe and Kimmie for two weeks, I finally told them on the last day of school.
“Dude, you got to be kidding me! The ENTIRE summer!” Joe shouted.
“Geez, just a little louder I don’t think whole school heard you” Kimmie said sarcastically.
Looking at Joe I could see the hurt in his eyes. As I said before, we had big plans this summer of going to every beach on the west coast of Florida, working out and generally just chilling the days away like every average 16-year-old does on summer vacation.
With him walking alongside me looking distraught I apologized, “Sorry bro, but it is not my fault. My mom is making me do this. I have no choice in the matter”. Kimmie put a hand on my shoulder and with a sympathetic look said, “We understand Squirt.” She gave Joe a light punch in the shoulder and stared at him, “Don’t we, Joe?”
Joe just rolled his eyes up in the air which made Kimmie punch him harder.
“Ouch! Ok, Ok. I understand but I still can be mad, right?” Joe continued, “This was supposed to be our summer Squirt. We were all going to go beach hopping. I had so many parties for us lined up. Especially for your birthday!”
I felt horrible because I know how much he put into planning the perfect summer for all of us.
“I guess I’ll be stuck with this one” Joe sighed as he pointed to Kimmie. “Oh really, Joe? Bring your ass over here” she replied as she chased after him which made him run behind me laughing.
She was hitting him in the arm as Principal Jeter walked out of his office.
“Ahem, Ms. Andrews. Please refrain from physical altercation because it would be a shame to give you detention on the last day of school.”
“Uh, yes sir Principal Jeter. I was just showing Joe here a new wrestling attack for next year” Kimmie quipped.
Joe stood straight up and added, “Yeah, she was just giving me some pointers, sir”
Principal Jeter really didn’t care. He wanted to get the hell out of school just as much as the students did. He just waved us off and told us to have a good summer. With the three of us heading out of school laughing and teasing one another I really was going to miss my best friends this summer.
Kimmie suggested we do something special as it was going to be our last day together until next year. There was a bonfire party at the beach that we decided to go to. We jumped in Joe’s Dodge Charger and off we went.
As we reached the beach, I watched my two best friends walk out in front of me realizing how lucky I was to have them in my lives.
Joe, Kimmie and I have been friends since kindergarten. If you ever seen Sesame Street there was a song called One of these Thing is not Like the Others. That describes our trio. Kimmie and Joe are like Barbie and Ken. The odd one out is me. I’m Mr. Snuffleupagus.
Kimberly Andrews, she only goes by Kimmie, is the All-American blonde bombshell. What makes Kimmie so great is that she doesn’t realize she is smokin’ hot. I secretly had a crush on her for the last 3-years but kept it to myself because, for one, we’ve been friends for so long I didn’t want to ruin it and, for two, she is way out of my league. To give you a perfect example of her, look up Emily VanCamp.
Joseph Poole is an actual All-American. He’s an All-American wrestler for our high school as well as the captain. He thinks he is Captain America. Six foot three chiseled Adonis. It’s kind of disgusting how good looking he is but unlike Kimmie he does realize it. Think of Jacob Elordi, that fits Joe to a tee.
“Ok, even though your leaving bro don’t forget the workout and meal plan we constructed” Joe said. Kimmie rolled her eyes and replied, “Don’t listen to this meat head. Have fun and enjoy yourself.”
“C’mon Kimmie, I’m trying to help our boy out here. I am giving him the tools he needs to make the wrestling team for Junior year and who better to give advice than the captain”
I did want to have a shot at making the team because extracurricular activities did look good on a college application. Even if my grandmother would pay for me, I wanted to know what I could do for myself. This summer was to achieve that goal and Joe was going to help me by being my trainer.
“Joe, I got all the info packed in my suitcase and if I have any questions, we can video-chat, or I’ll hit you up on Messenger”. Giving me a grin, Joe gave a nod and we fist bumped.
With that we spent the rest of the night walking along the beach, listening to some local bands, chatting about what Joe had planned for him and Kimmie, and them teasing me about losing my virginity to some hot French woman.
As the night was winding down, we all sat near the bonfire looking out onto the waves crashing into the sand. Looking over I admired Kimmie as the wind was blowing her hair across her face. Boy, has she become such a beautiful woman. I want to tell her badly how I really feel about her, but I knew there was no chance there. Sometimes I wish I could find another girl to be with to get my mind off her, but it’s not like I have girls beating down my door to be with me. When I do come across a girl that I like I’m usually put into that dreaded friend’s- zone.
Everyone tells me I will find someone eventually but there are times I’m not quite sure.
Not like Joe here, as I turn to him. All the girls in school are in lust with him and he’s fucked most of them. With all his sexual adventures, I live vicariously through him. He has tried to set me up with a few girls, but it has never panned out. With both, the way I look and my extreme shyness he usually ends up fucking the girl he tried to set me up with.
I kind of thought with me, finally, taking exercising seriously this summer, it would help me with my confidence; both externally and internally as well.
As they dropped me off to my house, Kimmie gave me hug and kiss on the cheek. Joe and I just punched one another in the shoulder. “Have fun Squirt and remember to video-chat every Friday. We want to hear all about it, ok” Kimmie insisted. Joe laughed, “Yeah, dickhead. Don’t forget or I’m going to come over there to give you the Rock Bottom!”
Shaking my head, I joked, “Just get you candy-ass off my property, jerk.” Kimmie just rolled her eyes and said sarcastically, “You boys need me more than you know. You both are idiots”. We all laughed.
I was really going to miss them.
As they took off down the road I kind of choked up a bit because we have never been apart from each other for more than a week since we’ve all known each other. This was going to be a rough 3-months without them two.
There is a theory that states certain life events can alter a person’s life forever. Heading into the house I would have never thought in a million years this summer was going to prove this theory correct.
“Remember Squirt, the doctor said you must take this antibiotic every day for 3-months for your acne” mom said. Nodding I replied, “Yes, I know. You’ve told me four times already mom”. Dad gave me a quick nock to the back of my head and declared, “Mind your mother. She’s just making sure you follow through”. Knowing better than to argue with my dad so I just replied, “Yes sir”.
Walking up to my terminal my mother gave me a big hug and told me “I’m going to miss you Squirt. Have lots of fun and remember that we love you”. Dad smiled and hugged me as well telling me to enjoy the summer.
Boarding the plane, I gave a quick text to both Kimmie and Joe letting them know to have a great summer and I will speak to them on Friday.
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