Wendy’s Story (edited)
Wendy’s Story (edited)
Sex Story Author: | Red Czar |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Now that I was actually looking at her, she was an incredibly sexy girl. She was tanned a golden bronze. |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Fiction, First Time, Oral Sex, Teen, Teen Male/Teen Female, Virginity, Young |
Wendy’s Story
Ben is a very good friend of mine. We met in scouts when we were younger and became fast friends. As well as all the normal scouting trips, we also would get together during the summers whenever one of our moms was willing to give us a ride across town. Ben went to a private school so weekends and summers were the only times we really had to hang out.
Wendy is Ben’s little sister. Wendy was always the cutest little kid. When I first met her she was maybe six years old, and she was always bubbly and bouncy and cheerful and absolutely adored her big brother… AND his friend. She had a huge crush on me at that time and would always cuddle up to me and call me her “boyfriend”. Any time we were there she wanted to do whatever we were doing, go wherever we were going, play whatever we were playing. In truth, we didn’t really mind. She was never a pain in the ass, just a fun kid who wanted to hang out with her big brother and her “boyfriend”, and she never cried or whined when we told her no.
Most of the time Wendy was a perfect little girly girl. Her bedroom was bathed in pink and purple. Her clothes were frilly and lacy and covered with unicorns and rainbows. At the same time, she was also the perfect little tomboy. Any time Ben and I were in the woods behind their house riding four wheelers, Wendy would be right there in pink shorts and a short top sitting behind one of us holding on for dear life, and screaming her excitement the whole time. She never had any trouble keeping up with us.
As she grew up, Wendy just became cuter and cuter. She has bright blue eyes and a big, ever present, laser smile. By the time she hit high school she stood about five feet tall. Her hair was brown and wavy, down past her shoulders, on the verge of being totally frizzy, but it really worked on her. During the summer, the sun would really bring out the highlights. She was also very petite, but strong and powerful. She still had that naturally bouncy bubbly personality, and all that energy turned Wendy into a very fast and driven athlete. She was on any team where she could run or jump or just explode. Track, field hockey, softball, volleyball… and all that working out showed.
Still, after all those years, I never really saw Wendy as anything more than Ben’s little sister. As we got older Wendy developed her own social life with her own friends and would not be there as often when Ben and I were hanging out. When she was there, well, she could ride the four wheelers by herself now so she didn’t really have to hang on any more. She still adored big brother, but didn’t cling to us like when she was little, and she rarely called me her boyfriend anymore.
Swim Club
One of our other favorite summer activities, besides riding quads, was hanging out at the swim club. Ben’s family didn’t have their own pool, but belonged to a local swim club. During the summer we would spend entire days there with his family. This was a one of those exclusive clubs with the big pool and slides and Jacuzzis, and all sorts of other activities to keep the stray children busy while their parents sipped Margaritas on the deck.
On this particular day, it was already hot as hell by nine o’clock in the morning, and the forecast was that it was only going to get hotter. Ben and I were roaming around like we ruled the place. We were the oldest of the school kids after all. As far as we were concerned, this was our kingdom, and all of the young ladies were ours for the taking, not that we ever took any.
Wendy was also there spending all her time on the water slides with her friend Gracie. Gracie was another club kid and the two of them were very close, especially in the summer. Occasionally Ben and I would stumble into Wendy and Gracie in the pool and the inevitable splash fight/dunking war would ensue. Laughing, screaming, dunking, grabbing… standard swim club fun. Our only plan for that day was to keep out of the heat.
Gracie’s Story
At one point, I found myself just lounging in the water on the side of the pool. I’m not sure where Ben or Wendy were at the time, but the next thing I know here comes Gracie swimming up to me all by herself. Gracie was a beautiful little blonde with clear blue eyes, even in all that chlorine there was never a hint of red. She was short, but had a great body for a freshman, especially when she presented it in a bikini that was definitely a size too small. She was damned nice to look at.
I knew that Gracie had at least a little crush on me. Every time she spoke to me she would be a constant stream of flirty little comments and big bright smiles, and she would laugh at literally anything I said. Today however, something was different. As I look back on it now I would say that, as she swam up to me, the look on her face seemed to be a mixture of awe and pure lust, knowing what she thought she knew at the moment. I didn’t recognize it as that at the time. Then she spoke.
Gracie swam up close in front of me and stopped. She was shoulder deep in the water so I didn’t get to check out that tight little body as I would have liked. She hesitated for a moment, her face turned a deep shade of red, and then she said to me…
“Wendy told me what you did”
I didn’t have the slightest clue what she was talking about. My initial response was total confusion. What I said was,
“She did? What did I do?”
She looked at me, her face still blushing red, and said
“What you did with her, at her house. You know…”
I did not know.
Wendy and I had never done anything at her house other than riding quads in the woods or maybe watching TV or sharing lunch. We certainly had never done anything worthy of a teenaged girl getting this embarrassed over.
I pushed her some more and eventually Gracie told me the most amazing story that I had never been a part of. By the time she finished telling me what, apparently, Wendy had told her, all I could do was float there in the water with my mouth hanging open. I was dumbstruck. I would never have thought that such a story could have come out of our sweet, innocent little Wendy. But I also didn’t think for a moment to doubt it.
I had never looked at Wendy with any kind of romantic or sexual interest at all, she was just Ben’s cute, bubbly little sister. Now I scanned the pool to find her, and when I did my cock shot up like a rocket and aimed itself right at her. Gracie kept talking but I’m not entirely sure of anything she said after that. My mind was watching Wendy, and my penis was already taking control of the thinking.
Somehow, I had to make this story come true. For her.
But mostly, right now, I had to make this story come true for ME. Right now it was the ONLY thing I could think about.
I left Gracie and moved like a shark across the pool stalking Wendy. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her, covering her eyes…
“Guess who?”
It wasn’t much of a game, she knew exactly who it was immediately. She giggled and turned around to face me and when she did I leaned forward and just planted my lips on hers. Not a friendly little kiss. Not a “my big brother’s friend” kind of kiss. This was a full-fledged “damn I wanna fuck you hard” kind of kiss. I pulled away. Wendy stood there in the water, now she was the one with the shocked look. I flashed a big smile, dunked under the water and swam away, leaving her staring after me.
You wanna play?
Ten minutes later we were all sitting around a table for lunch. The only thing I could think of was, how can I get her out of here? Wendy didn’t say a thing about that kiss, but you could tell she was thinking about it. She just sat there staring at me, turning a little red every time I looked at her. I would lock eyes with her and just smile. In the meantime her nipples were making a noticeable effort to rip right through the little bikini she was wearing. Her mother noticed too and told her at least twice to put a shirt on, but she never did get the hint, and that was fine with me.
As I was trying to figure out how I could whisk her away from here and get her all alone, the whole situation sorted itself out for me. Gracie’s mom, who had joined us for lunch, announced that she was going shopping or some such thing and Gracie would be going with her. One down. Then Ben told us that he had some pointless project he was working on with another friend from school, so he would be going to that friend’s house for the rest of the day. It was like the stars aligned perfectly just for me.
That left Wendy and I. Even though it would not have been a problem with their mom, I was not going to hang around their swim club with Ben not there. Trying to think of something really quick, I said that I was going to play softball with some other friends, so I would be leaving too. Wendy’s reaction was perfect. She instantly started whining to her mom that she was going to be here all alone for the rest of the day and no one else was around.
Naturally I offered up a solution, “Do you want to come play softball with me?”
Her face lit up. “Really? Can I? Mom can I?”
Her mom made the obligatory objections of “I don’t know… Your friends won’t mind? Will there be any other girls there? Is it just you and your other guy friends? Will you be okay? Will you be able to get home?” blah blah blah.
I assured her that there would be other girls there and my friends wouldn’t mind. Wendy was a better player than most of them, they’d love to have her on their team. I also assured her that I would be sure to give her a ride home, everything would be fine. Mom had no problem with Wendy hanging out with me. Mom trusted me. Heh heh.
That settled that. Mom was going to stay at the club until their dad met her there for dinner. That gave us well into the evening to… play ball.
Wendy quickly changed into some shorts and cute little pink halter top and met me at the front door.
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