
Watching Little Casey Next Door

High school girl next door puts on many a show for her neighbor, then takes it to a higher level by seducing him. Takes a while to develop, so please don’t neg-vote it if you’re in a hurry.

Dan Dixon, mid thirties and six years divorced, lives alone and works from home but is frequently on the road. His is the kind of lifestyle that doesn’t lend itself to a stable relationship, and aside from the occasional part time girlfriend, he’s comfortable being single. He’s lived in his suburban house about ten years now, since he first got married, and then after his wife left him for a man who could pay more attention to her. He’s been friends with his neighbors, the Sheridans, from the time they moved in, and has watched their four kids grow up and one by one move away. The last kid left in the house is Casey, now a high school sophomore, who has been his favorite since the time she was just a toddler. And since both the Sheridans worked pretty long hours, he was sort of there to look after her when he could between when she got home from school and when her parents did, even though by now she was at an age when she could pretty much look after herself.

Plain looking with straight shoulder length dull red hair, pale skin and freckles, Casey is a very average young girl, about 5’4” and a little on the soft side. Cute in simple Irish sort of way, but unassuming; the sort of girl who goes overlooked. She’s generally a good kid, does well in school, plays violin in the orchestra, and has a few friends but is far from popular.

She likes to help Dan with his dog Pixie when he’s busy or away. Sometimes she comes home from school and walks her, or plays catch with her in the expanse of their combined back yards. Dan lets Casey come in without knocking through the kitchen to get her if he’s busy working upstairs in his office. Then when she’s done she just brings her back in she’s give a little yell to the house: “Mr. Dan, we played!” Mr. Dan was a name she’d been calling him since she was little, and everyone thought it was cute, so it stuck.

Casey doesn’t have or want a boyfriend, and is still young and timid in terms of chasing boys. But it doesn’t mean she’s not interested, and actually has a secret she’s been keeping. Since discovering her own orgasm three years ago, she’s been continuously fascinated and quietly obsessed with it. She comes home from school and masturbates almost every day, and puts herself to sleep with it most nights as well. It’s something she’s gotten really good at.

She usually starts on the bus on the way home. Since she’s not so popular and her friends live in a different neighborhood, she almost always has a seat to herself. She starts by squeezing her thighs together and gently rocks her hips, rubbing her lips past each other to get herself turned on. She doesn’t really need to fantasize about anything, she just loves the sensations she can create for herself.

Once she gets home she runs up to her room and takes off her pants (or skirt) and undies to get bottomless, then she lays on her bed and begins to play. The feeling of having her top still on with no bottoms makes her feel extra naughty, like she’s supposed to be clothed but is getting away with it, and she loves the way her butt feels naked and exposed to the cool air.

Then she likes to run her hands all over herself. Lightly up and down her thighs, over her cheeks, up her stomach, under her shirt and bra, touching every bit of her happy skin. She likes to play with her nipples, and has a large-ish bosom. Her breasts have developed nicely for her age, and are actually quite big, a compliment to her slightly chubby hips.

But what she likes most of all is tickling her pussy. She has light, wispy soft red hairs that are just beginning to conceal her lips, and she loves to run her fingers just over them to tease herself. She’ll do this for minutes at a time while her other hand caress the rest of her body, until she makes herself ache in anticipation. Then, slowly, she’ll use just the tip of one finger to run up and down her slit, ever so gently opening herself up. She’ll give her finger a good lick now and again to taste her subtle musk and to moisten it better. Once her finger begins to slip inside, she’ll use one or two to penetrate herself as deeply as she can, using her other hand now to rub her clitoris. Depending on her mood, it’ll take her anywhere from a minute to ten or fifteen to bring herself off, panting little pants and grunting tiny sighs as her hips rise up and her legs flex in rapid spasm while the waves of pleasure course through her soft body. Afterwards she just lays still, cupping her vagina with one hand and caressing her body again with the other.

She’s been doing this five or six times a week for the past few years, and she loves it and looks forward to it nearly every day. She doesn’t really think it’s wrong– it feels too good for that– but she keeps it a secret just in case. It gives her a sense of freedom and control being able to make it happen, and it’s fun to feel naughty when she knows no one else would think she is.

But a few weeks before the end of the school year things started getting even better for her. She overheard some boys in school joking about the stash of porn one of them had found in his father’s room. She hadn’t really thought about porn before and didn’t really even care what it was, but the way they were talking about it, and describing what was in it, made her very curious. When she got home she tried to remember the name of one of the movies they were talking about and did a search for it on her computer, but was frustrated when the protection her parents had set wouldn’t let her.

But then she got the idea that Mr. Dan might have some. Since he went our of town for a day or two at least once every couple of weeks, it wouldn’t be long before she could go over to his place and check. In all the times she’d been over to take care of the dog she never really looked around the place, but next time she’d take the time to poke about.

About a week later she got the opportunity. He’d be gone for a day and needed her to come over to play with and feed Pixie. So after school instead of playing with herself right away in her room, she went over to Dan’s house to see what she could see. At first she looked around the area by the TV, but didn’t find anything other than normal movies. Next she checked his bedroom but aside from finding some condoms in a drawer, there really wasn’t anything there. After that she went in to his office, and it was there that she made two discoveries.

The first was that in the one of the desk drawers, in the back, there was a stack of ten or so DVDs which were obviously pornographic. Somewhat to her surprise they mostly had the word ‘Teen’ in the titles. They all had a picture of young girls on the cover in various suggestive poses with names like Teen Party, Teens Together, Young Fun, and so forth. Since she didn’t know anything about porn it didn’t make too much difference to her, but the fact that Mr. Dan seemed to like teenage girls gave her mix of excitement and curiosity. Did it mean he liked her? Did it mean she was attractive to him? Or was it just a coincidence. She didn’t really think of him as anything other than the nice man who lives next door, even though her friends once told her he was hot after they ran into him at the mall one day. This made her start to think. But then, as she continued to sift through the stack, she came to one with a picture of a girl with her hand down her pants called Teenie Solos, and she got really excited by the idea of watching another girl masturbate. Maybe she could learn something about how to play with herself better! So she took it out of the case, turned on the computer and put it in, then sat down in his chair and slipped off her pants and panties, kicking them off her feet under the desk. It was then that she made her second discovery.

Because Dan’s office was in the back corner of the house, one window looked out over the back yard, but the other was right across from her bedroom next door. They lived on a hill in a fairly dense suburb, so the upper story of his house overlooked that of the Sheridans. The windows of both houses had tinting on them, both for privacy and to protect from the southern exposure, and were generally kept closed, since most prefer air conditioning to the hot open air of the southern climate. But through the open blinds she could see how, if he wanted to, he could maybe look right into her room if the windows were open.

When the disc started the first girl that came up was a girl who she could tell was a bit older than her with long dark hair and a slim body and almost no breasts at all. If Mr. Dan likes this kind of skinny girl, she thought, then he probably doesn’t think I’m very good looking at all. The girl was completely naked and sitting in a big chair, touching herself all over just like she liked to do. As the girl on the screen started playing, Casey did the same, trying to mimic what she saw. The excitement of being in Mr. Dan’s office, watching another naked girl play with herself put her right on the edge of cumming in almost no time, and soon she was lifting her hips and pressing her hands tightly to her pussy, tensing her body, and cumming way before the girl in the movie.

As she was catching her breath, she jumped forward in the movie. There were a couple of blond girls, one with really big boobs, then another girl with short brown hair, then a red head. She stopped watched her for a bit, trying to figure out if she looked like this girl or not. She looked like she was a real red head with the same creamy skin she had, but her hair was way more vivid. Then she realized the she had no pubic hair! How could she be so much older and have nothing down there?

While she was thinking about that, and of playing some more while watching, the dog downstairs suddenly started barking like mad. Casey jumped up and grabbed her pants from back beneath the desk and quickly pulled them on. She listened to see if Mr. Dan had come home, but couldn’t hear anything but barking, so she ejected the disc, turned off the computer, and hurriedly put the stack of DVDs back in the drawer, then ran downstairs. It turned out Pixie was just barking through the window at another dog outside, but the thought of getting caught somehow gave her a scare, so rather than go back up she took the dog out back to let her play.

For the rest of the day she couldn’t get the image of the girls on the disc out of her mind, and she was trying to decide if she should go back and sneak one of the discs home to watch in her room. But it wasn’t until later that night, after she had done her homework and was getting undressed for bed, that she realized she’d left her panties under Mr. Dan’s desk. First she laughed at herself for being such an idiot, but then felt a slight wave of panic before she remembered he was out of town til tomorrow. She got dressed again and went downstairs, told her parents she’d forgotten to put water out for Pixie, and went over to retrieve what she’d left behind.

She ran in and up the stairs, flicking on lights as she went, then went straight into the office and crawled under the desk, looking for her discarded undies by the light coming in from the hallway. She found them bunched behind the mass of plugs and wires, and crawled back out and stood up with a huge sense of relief. Then the view out the window again caught her eye. Because the blinds in the office were still open from the day, she could see right across into her room. Her own blinds were still slightly open, and with the lights on she saw that you could see right through the tinting. If the blinds were more open, Mr. Dan could see everything in her room at night! She again felt both excited and curious, wondering if he would watch her at night, or even if he’d want to. Then, remembering the DVDs, she opened up the drawer, reached into the back and grabbed the disc on top of the stack. Quickly, she opened it, put the actual disc in her back pocket, then but the case back in the drawer underneath some of the others. She went back downstairs, leaving the house dark behind her, and went back home with her mind turning schemes.

Back in her room with her door shut, she pulled the blinds all the way up. Because of the tinting, the light in her room against the darkness outside reflected back like a mirror. If she got up close to it she could sort of see through, but from farther back she couldn’t. Her room was arranged in an L, such that her bed was lengthwise against the wall opposite the window, and her desk was against he wall next to it. So if she sat sideways on her bed with her back to the wall, she’d be facing the window, and she could see her computer if she turned it sideways towards her bed, but away from the window.

Taking the disc from her pocket, she slipped it into the computer, then took off all her clothes, and hopped into bed, turning the screen towards her and putting in her headphones. The movie she’d grabbed was apparently called Strawberry POV, and the first thing she saw was the camera following a redheaded girl in a tight t-shirt and panties. She was smiling at the cameraman and talking, asking in a teasing manner if she could suck his cock while lifting up her shirt and playing with her breasts. Then Casey watched in fascination, stroking her pussy while she did, as the girl pulled out the cameraman’s dick, which was really big and hard, and began to suck and stroke it for him. She did this for several minutes before she stood up and took off her clothes, then proceeded to have sex with him in different positions, until finally the man shot his cum onto the girl. It was just incredible for Casey to watch this because it turned her on so much, and she actually made herself cum three or four times during it. She turned her computer off after only watching the one scene, turned out the light, and went to sleep a happy and relaxed girl.

The next day when she got home from school, she saw Mr. Dan’s car in his driveway and knew he was back. She wondered to herself if he was going to find out about the disc she had, and also wondered how often he watched them. She’d been thinking about it all day, and was totally horny by the time she got in, but instead of going to her room, she’d come up with a better idea.

Because he seemed to like redheads, she thought of a way she could give him a show during the day when she knew he would see her. Since one of his office windows faced the back yard, she knew he could see her if she laid out in the grass. So she changed into her modest two-piece swimsuit and took a towel out to sun herself, even though she knew it would just make her freckle more. But she wasn’t going to be out for long, just enough time to get herself off and let him see her do it.

Out on the patio, she had a radio that she turned on deliberately too loud to get his attention, then turned it back down to a quieter volume.

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