Vitamin-G pt.1
Vitamin-G pt.1
Sex Story Author: | profanity89 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | “Suuuure,” she replied. “I’ll have that last coke.” “Fuck, there’s only one left,” I replied. “I’ll split |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Blowjob, Cruelty, Cum Swallowing, Domination/submission, Drug, Fantasy, Hardcore, Incest, Non-consensual sex, Oral Sex, Rape, Teen Male/Teen Female |
“Fuck! Oh Goooood, Oh Goooood! Fuck me!” screamed the voice of my sister in pure ecstasy from her bedroom as I walked through the front door of the house.
“For fucks sakes…” I whispered to myself as I walked back out the door noticing the red four-wheeled beater parked outside on the street. Who the fuck is she fucking now?
This is the 3rd time this week I’ve come home from work to hear my sister moaning her guts out getting fucked by a random dude. It’s always a different fucking car parked outside.
My parents have been away on vacation for the past week, only to be gone for another week. Seems she was having a hell of a time while they were away.
It was literally the last thing I wanted to hear.
You see, recently I had just broken up with my long-term girlfriend, and a lot of that was actually due to my damn sister. Her and my ex were pretty close. I know for a fact she was the reason my ex cheated on me with another guy. She had a fucking horrible influence on her.
With my parents away, I was really hoping to just take the two weeks and relax at home and just chill and take it easy after work. Yeah, that hasn’t happened.
Hopping back into my car, my phone buzzed. It was a text from my best friend since middle school, Jeff.
Duuuuuude, you sure you don’t wanna come to my party tonight??? Free yourself from this self-loathing shit for the night…
He’s been trying to get me to come all week.
Yeah… ill be there… I replied in need of a damn drink.
It’s been a rough past few months, and by rough, I mean rough. I didn’t get to play in our high school’s final football game due to my parents keeping me home, due to the fact that my snitch of a sister told them I’ve been smoking weed, and where to find my stash. I’m the quarterback that’s lead the team through most of our wins, we lost that last game. God did I get shit about that.
And that’s not it, my sister ‘forgot’ to give me my acceptance letter to the college I wanted to go to. By the time she finally ‘remembered’ to give it to me, the school had already started.
And just to top it off, as I said before, my high school sweetheart of two years cheated on me.
So yeah, I’m still stuck at home, living with my parents, working at gym full time.
My sister, who’s 11 months younger than me, is a little miss goody two shoes around my parents, and a total bitch me, and just a total tease towards everyone else. I don’t know how the hell she gets away with it. Well, her perfect cantaloupe sized tits on her tall slender frame with a perfectly shaped firm ass helps for sure, and she fucking knows it.
Heading towards Jeff’s house, I blared up the music to try and keep my mind off my fucking sister.
Pulling into his street, there were a shit ton of cars parked along the street in front of his house and driveway. Damn, he wasn’t kidding about throwing a big ass party.
It was only nine in the evening and there had to have been a couple dozen cars parked outside.
Making my way inside, the house was packed, music blared, and a light haze of pot filled the house.
“Duuuude!” yelled Jeff from across the room. “Glad you came! I got something special for ya…” He said as he ran towards me giving me a bro hug.
“Here, have my drink,” He said. “Looks like you need it.”
“Ha, yeah, thanks man,” I replied.
“No prob man, I’ve got something good coming a bit later for ya,” he said.
“Looking forward to it,” I replied gulping down the rest of his bear.
Jeff had the best hookup in town for the best goddamn weed ever. That must be it, I thought.
Walking around the house talking with some old friends, I had a couple more drinks.
Coming up behind me, Jeff told me to meet him downstairs.
Leaving the party, we headed downstairs. Jace, our dealer, was already down there.
“You got it, yeah?” Jeff asked Jace, full of drunken excitement.
“Ya man,” Jace replied completely stoned.
“Cool, let’s see it,” Jeff replied.
Pulling out a small clear baggie filled with a dozen or so pills from his backpack, Jace responded, “This shit is gold man, works perfectly. How many you want?”
“I’ll take them all,” Jeff replied.
Slightly confused not to see any weed, I cocked my head slightly, looking at Jeff.
Handing Jace a wad of cash, He quickly responded with a wink, “Just remember, you didn’t get them from me.”
“Thanks, dude, I owe you one for tracking these down,” Jeff replied as Jace made his way back upstairs.
Taking about half the pills out and putting them into a preion pill container, he handed me the baggie filled with half a dozen little white, square-shaped pills.
“What the fuck are these?” I asked confused.
“Vita-G,” Jeff responded.
“Vita what?” I asked.
“Vita-G dude.” he said. “Get laid pills.”
“Ha,” I laughed. “Dude, I don’t need these.”
“Sure you do,” he responded. “Just go find that chick you’ve always wanted to fuck silly and do it, these will help.”
“Hmmmm..” I responded, “I don’t know about this…”
“Like Jace said,” answered Jeff, “These pills are gold. Just grind it up and slip it into her drink. Within 15 minutes she smashed and a bit more ‘compliant’. Then within a couple hours, she’ll be passed the fuck out. When she wakes up she won’t remember a damn thing.”
“That seems way too good to be true,” I said… “I appreciate it and all… but…”
“No buts man, just take them, trust me. You’ll know when to use them.” Jeff said with a conniving smirk.
“Fine..” I replied putting the baggie of pills in my pocket as my sister’s name quickly entered my mind.
“Let’s get back to my party!” Jeff said as he slipped a pill into his pocket, “Come on man, lets drink!”
“Yeah, yeah,” I replied, “Maybe just one or two more.”
“Do what ya gotta do man…” he replied as we made our way up the stairs.
Pouring Jeff and myself a drink from the tap, my mind quickly wandered to my sister. Where my mind was wandering was completely new territory. Yeah, my sister was a bitch and all, but I never really fantasize about her in that way… Fuck did that turn me on.
Passing Jeff a drink, a scene slowly started playing through my head of me between my sister’s legs, ramming my cock deep into that hairless pussy I’m sure she had, hearing her scream in ecstasy.
I couldn’t get my mind off the subject as I downed my drink, zoning out of the conversation in front of me.
“I know what your thinking,” Jeff said as he came up from behind me almost yelling in my ear.
“Ha,” I jumped not expecting the sudden jolt in my ear, “what?”
“I can tell you have your mind set one someone…,” he continued, “I have two words for ya, Do it!.”
“Fuck….” I replied. “Damn you.”
“Your welcome!” he replied giving me a pat on the back heading back into the crowd.
Finishing the rest of my drink I made my way out through the crowded dance floor of a living room.
Hopping into my car, I started the drive home, somewhat tipsy.
Scenario after scenario blasted through my mind as I drove home.
How was I going to give it to her?
How would I know it worked?
What if she remembers?
“Fuck,” I said with conflict as I turned on to my street.
As I turned into our driveway, I noticed the beater was gone.
Well, that’s a start…’
Making my way into the house and down the hallway, I noticed my sister watching a movie in the living room.
“Sup sis?” I asked, spooking her.
“Fuck!” she yelled. “Jesus Christ, seriously?”
“Jesus, sorry,” I said, “Go back to your goddamn movie.”
“Did you fucking drive home tipsy?” she asked. “I’m totally telling mom and dad.”
“Fuck you,” I said. “Do that and I’ll tell them about all the fucking guys that you’ve had over.”
“Oh fuck off,” she said, “Mind your own goddamn business.”
“Fine,” I said. “You let me mind mine.”
“Fine,” she replied.
Taking a seat on the far end of the couch, I couldn’t help but take her in. Damn was she fine. All she had on were these little booty shorts and an old t-shirt. Her tits were bulging from her chest, nipples poking out ever so slightly.
Her long dirty blond hair was a mess, it was somewhat pulled back in a hair clip.
“What are you watching?” I asked.
“Kill Bill,” she replied, “duh.”
“God, I haven’t seen that in forever,” I replied.
“You going to bed or what?” she asked.
“Na, not yet,” I said as I stood up walking towards the kitchen.
Opening the fridge I pulled out the last coke. “What something to drink?” I yelled towards her direction.
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