
Vicki’s Little Secret

I’m Mike. When I first met Vicki I was 19. I had just moved in with my 5 new housemates, which consisted of: her mother, Rebecca; Paul, Rebecca’s boyfriend; Sam and Kimmy, twin sisters that just happened to be lesbians;and Tina their mutual girlfriend. Vicki was only 13, but even at that age, she dressed like a much older woman. She was short, but beautiful, with hair that natural color of dark red that’s impossible to get by coloring it. She had that early adolecent frame that women practically kill themselves to obtain and and maintain later in life. Her breasts were just starting to bud, little A-cup hills rising off her slender body. She was well aware of herself, and her blooming body, and at most times was more mature in spirit than myself. Not only did she dress like a woman twice her age, she carried herself that way. I had a hard time seeing her as anything but a young adult, until she spoke to me the very first time.

That one word nearly knocked my socks off that first day. I had no idea who this angel in front of me was and it left me speachless. I had just come home from work, and as I walked though the door there she was. ‘how could a voice that sweet and innocent come from such a fox?’ I thought to myself. She was wearing a very sheer white poets shirt, a tiny black bra, and a pair of tight jeans. She looked like a dream. After she greeted me, I kind of just stood there. Then Rebecca walked in.
“Oh, hi Mike,” Rebecca said” Your home. I want you to meet my daughter, Victoria. She’s on visitation for the weekend, and she’ll need your room at night until she leaves. Sorry, but we need you to sleep out here.” She pointed over to the living room couch.
“Mom, really you dont need to…..”
I interrupted, ” Don’t worry about it. Go ahead. I don’t mind.” Yeah like I was going to deny her ANYTHING! She could have told me to eat shit and die to make her happy, and I would have obliged.
“Thank you Mike, we both appreciate it,” said her mom. “Can I speek to you for a moment in the kitchen?”
Slowly I turned from staring at Vicki and said, “sure.” She made her way there and with one long look back I followed. Vicki blushed.
“What’s up Rebecca?”Iasked. She looked me dead in the eye and scowled. I could tell she was serious, and I didn’t like it.
“Mike, that is my daughter in there. She is only 13 [‘shit’ I thought ‘ 13? she looks like a model for Victoria’s Secret’] and if you so much as even think about her the wrong way, you’ll get a vasectomy the hard way.”
“B-b-but…..” I stammered out, shocked at the viciousness in her tone.
“No buts! I saw the way you looked at her in there, and I never want to see it again, capiche?”

I walked away, shaking my head, and stomped off to my room. ‘What right does Rebecca have to jump down my throat.’ I thought angrily. ‘ Its not like I knew Vicki was 13 and Rebecca’s daughter at first.’ I did my best to put the whole incident out of my head, and trudged though the weekend. I avoided Vicki like The Plague the whole time. Sunday came around, and late that afternoon I was reading in my room. Vicki knocked on the door and poked her head in.
“Bye Mikey, see you next weekend!”
I muttered a goodbye, and she walked out to her dad’s car. Just then in registered in my head what exactly she had just said. I stormed into the living room to confront Rebecca.
“Hey Rebecca, whats all this about Vicki next weekend!” I said angrily. I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of another weekend on the couch everynight.
“Do you meen her staying again? Yes, its true. In fact she will be her every weekend from now on. She’ll still need your room on those nights. I’m sure there isn’t a problem with that.”
“EVERY WEEKEND!” I yelled, redfaced. “Of course there is a problem with that!” I started really losing it. “You never said anything about this when you invited me to move in, and I don’t see why she needs the room, she can use the damn couch just as easily.” I stomped back to my room before she could say anything back, slammed the door shut and stewed in my anger for a bit before I decided to head to my buddy Jimmy’s place.

“So what’s up?” He asked, afterIgot there and we had sat down with a few beers. In a tirade, I told him all about my fiasco of a weekend. He laughed.
“Something funny about all this?”I wasn’t the least bit amused.
“Yeah dude,” he said still laughing softly as he spoke” You got a hot chic in your room every night, and your pissed that she’s there.” He gave me the old *wink wink, nudge nudge* routine.
“Dude she’s 13.” Other than at first, I wasn’t thinking of Vicki that way.
“So?!! So, besides the fact that she’s Rebecca’s daughter, who’d kill me; besides the fact I could go to jail, I don’t fishin for small fry. I am not a fucking Pedophile!”
“Quit being such a wuss dude. I wouldn’t complain, plus if I were you I would show her a goo….”
Before he could finish I stood up and punched him the face. As he fell to floor holding his bleeding nose, I walked out the door, peeled out of his driveway and sped home.

That whole week I dreaded the coming of Friday, and when it finally came I was miserable. Once again I walked through the door, and Vicki was right there.
“Hey Mike!” She said excitedly
“What’s up Vicki?” I asked as I took off my tie and plopped on the couch to wind down.
“Mom really doesn’t want to spend any time with me, so I was wondering if you and I could hang out this weekend?”
“There a bunch of kids around here your age, why not go hang with them?”
She pouted at me looking hurt and bothered all at once.
“I don’t know any of them, and plus the boys stare at me. I don’t like it. Please, Mike, I won’t be a bother to you?”
She looked so pathetic that I caved in.
“Sure, we can hang. I gotta head to the Mall tonight, I guess you can join me.” As I finished she shreeked in delight.
“Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou.”
After the house had dinner, we headed out. I showed her through all the stores, and we had a pretty good time. We spent the rest of the weekend doing alot together. We went to a local fair, bowling, movies, and even hung out together while we were home.

This became the routine for about four and a half years. Vicki came up every weekend, and during school breaks (like summer and holiday season). Not much changed (she still used my room at night), except that Vicki grew even more into a woman. She was taller than me(not by much). Her hair grew past her ass, which had grown that ghetto curve guys love. Her breasts grew to an amazing D-cup. Vicki always spent her time doing things with me. Rebecca never really showed any problems with it, probably because it meant she did not have to worry about taking care of Vicki. Vicki practically became the little sister I never had, and she had even taken to calling me “Uncle Mikey”. I’ve been called worse.

I had not hung out with or talked to Jimmy since the day I had slugged him. One day while reading a book in my room, it came as somewhat of a shock that, while answering a knock at the door, I saw him standing there.

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