
Verry Incestous Relations 3




TITLE – Gorgeous Broads, Girl-On-Girl Incest & Sudden Changes

A. – Waking Up Ravished / Just Like The Good Old Days:

The next morning Cindy was awakened by the sound of her husband Bill taking a shower.

She lay there for a couple of minutes, with her eyes closed, trying to get her bearings. She was so groggy that she felt like she’d been drugged. It seemed like she had a terrific hangover, but without the headache.

Memories of last night began to creep back into her mind and she smiled to herself as she started to remember what a very hot and wild time she had with Bill last night.

She didn’t know what had come over her. She had suddenly turned into a sexually aggressive wild woman and had been all over Bill, acting even more wantonly than she had done when they were dating.

Quickly jumping to the conclusion that she had drunk to much wine, her husband had seized the opportunity to exploit her vulnerability, and had done things to her that he hadn’t done in years. In fact, some of the things he’d done to her she didn’t know that he even knew existed.

His surprisingly lewd use of her body hadn’t really seemed like something Bill would do, at all. His actions had been more like the vulgar conduct of the last two guys she had slept with, before she and Bill had gotten married.

She had met those two gross looking, crude acting bozos at a party she had gone to with a girlfriend. She had been drinking and was feeling no pain when these two guys had started hitting on her. Eventually they had gotten her upstairs and into one of the bathrooms, locked the door and had flopped out their big cocks and had persuaded her to give both of them a blow job.

After she had sucked their cocks and swallowed their cum, they had taken her to an crummy apartment they shared together, where the two of them had spent the rest of the night double teaming her and jointly screwing her in every conceivable way.

When they had completely spent themselves forking her very cooperative orifices, they had called her a cab and then had, unceremoniously, shoved her out the door.

When she woke up the next day she had felt totally mortified at the way she had let the two pigs use her, and at how badly and callously they had treated her.

To her utter amazement, as the days went, by she found that she wanted to go back to their apartment for another round of the lewd and crude debauchery.

During the passing days she had searched her mind for answers that would explain why she was willing to put herself through another night of their disgusting sexual behavior.

Finally, she realized that it had stemmed from the fact that the two dorks had the biggest cocks she had ever had in her.

The endless thoughts of the two big pricks had gotten her so hot to trot that, eventually, she had called them, asked them for a date, and had gone back to their filthy crib, for more.

On that visit, knowing that she was really asking for it by begging them for another date, the ugly pair had treated her even worse than they had the first time, and when they had tired of using her body, they had tossed her out again.

The next day Bill had proposed to her and, wearing her engagement ring, about once a month she would call them like a sex addict and would go back for another demeaning session.

And she had continued to do so right up until two days before she and Bill had gotten married. That night was Bill’s bachelor party, so she took that opportunity to have a bachelor party of her own. She had made the mistake of telling the two assholes that they were her bachelor party, and they had worked her over in the worst ways possible.

After the second session with the brutes, her unspoken arrangement with them was that, she brought them her body and they used it, any way they wanted to, and always simultaneously.

Double penetration became a way of life for her, and the two cocks being stuck in her lower body, at the same time, had been a very demanding event that she always passed with flying colors.

No matter what the two repulsive creeps had made her do, she had enjoyed every bit of the raunchy, dirty, big cocked sex. To them she was just their beautiful plaything, and she played the role of a mindless, bimbo, in order to keep getting their big cocks stuffed into her orifices.

The memory of the lewd and crude, demeaning sex, and the two large cocks were seared in her mind as though it had happened just yesterday.

Putting those embarrassing thoughts aside, she stretched luxuriously, like a big sexy, well fucked cat, and felt the pleasant sensation between her legs, of a pussy that had been vigorously churned.

She spread her legs and reached down between her thighs to stroke her pussy lips and clit, but felt something very hard, instead.

She opened her eyes to see what it was and saw the familiar black rubber disc top of a butt plug. Bill had apparently buried it in her cunt during last night’s sexual romp, and had left it in there.

Looking herself over, she saw that she was naked except that her red leather, knee high boots, with the fringed tops, which were still on.

She tried to swallow, but realized that there was something in her mouth. She reached up and felt some material sticking out past her lips. She grasped it and pulled and soon was looking at her panties.

She shook her head in amazement and thought to herself, “My goodness, we certainly have gotten our second honeymoon off to a fantastic start, but a couple of days earlier than we had planned.”

Her empty gunned, but now clean, husband came out of the shower and said to her, “Honey, I have to get to work. It is the last day before we go to my sister’s wedding and I have many things to get done before we leave for Santa Barbara. Would you fix me some breakfast while I get dressed?”

With a big, satisfied smile she cooed, playfully, “Sure baby, I’ll be right down.”

B. – Starting The Day With A “Porn Show” Breakfast:

She got her, curves piled on top of curves, body onto its feet, pulled the huge butt plug out of her pussy, and then put her wet, cummy panties back on.

Next she grabbed a pair of white short-shorts and squeezed into them, then donned a white halter top.

She quickly brushed her thick, jet black hair until it framed her face, sensuously, then put on some lipstick. She took a quick look in her full length mirror and was bemused by how slutty she looked in the white outfit and the knee length red boots.

The torrid look didn’t bother her at all and she left the room and went to the head of the stairs where she saw her two, nearly16 year old sons standing at the foot of the staircase.

“Hi, guys, what are you doing up so early,” she asked, cheerfully, as she started the undulating trip down from the second floor, a trip of swinging hips, flashing thighs and bouncing breasts.

Her totally mesmerized twins watched the entire erotic descent with a lump in their throats and a second lump beginning to swell in their blue jeans.

She breezed by them and they quickly turned and followed her into the kitchen, eyes glued to the magnificent pair of ass cheeks swaying back and forth in front of them, the mindboggling sight causing the already large bulges in their jeans to swell even more.

Once in the kitchen, Cindy asked, “I am making breakfast for your father, so do you want some?”

“Boy do we ever want some, and real bad,” they both chorused, with big grins.

They got themselves some orange juice, then sat at the round kitchen table so they could watch every move their mother made while she was fixing breakfast.

The walking back and forth and all of the stooping and squatting, had the two boys, squirming in their seats and turned on beyond belief.

When their tantalizing mother grabbed a banana, peeled it, and then put the shaft of soft but firm fruit in her mouth, they nearly lost it. It was a big banana and, each time she took a bite, she stuck it in almost throat deep.

By the time their father joined them, the erotic breakfast preparation, virtual porn show, had been so graphically prick teasing that the boy’s eyes hurt from watching it. That wasn’t the only thing that hurt, their balls were nearly blue.

Their father said to them, “Now, just to remind you two, your mother and I are leaving early in the morning for Santa Barbara. We are going to be gone for five days and we want you to behave yourselves while Aunt Mona is here looking after you. We want you to do everything you can to make her stay with you as enjoyable for her as it can possibly be. You hear me, guys?”

“Yes, Dad, we certainly intend to take very good care of Aunt Mona, entertain her, and make her really have the best time she’s ever had,” the twins promised, as thoughts of their bodaciously built, sexpot aunt crowded into their minds, joining the current visual images of their mother’s mind blowing body.

Their eyes were glazed over with thoughts of the incestuous relations they had planned for their amazingly statuesque aunt, as they dug into the ham and eggs their mother had set in front of them.

They heard their mother say, “Bill, Mona and her daughter Margie are coming over later on this morning to take me on my last shopping trip, before we leave town tomorrow morning. They are going to take me to lunch, too, so I’ll be gone until probably three or four o’clock.”

“Fine,” Bill said, as he pushed his plate aside. “I will be late getting home tonight, myself. I have to make sure that everything is in order at the office, before I leave. So I’ll just see you when I get home.”

He kissed his gorgeous, temporarily satisfied wife on the cheek, and then rushed out to his car. The boys left the kitchen to go back upstairs and finish their plans for putting their meat to Aunt Mona and then sharing her lush body with their, just as anxious to fuck her, dirty old man, grandfather.

C. – A Call From A Sexy Best Friend:

Cindy cleaned up the kitchen then went upstairs to the master bedroom. She was in the bathroom, about to undress and take her shower, when she heard the telephone ring.

A few moments later there was a knock on the bedroom door and she heard her son Jerry say, “Mom, its Sally.”

“Okay, thanks honey” she called out. She walked out of the bathroom and went over and sat on the edge of the bed, dressed like a cheap hooker, picked up the receiver and said to her oldest and closest friend from high school, “Hi there, babe.”

“Hi, darling, I hope I didn’t wake you up,” Sally said brightly. “Oh no, I have been up for a long time,” Cindy assured her.

Sally went on, “I am making my regular, bi-monthly call to see how things are going with you.”

“Well, you caught me at a very busy time. My husband Bill’s kid sister, Celeste, is getting married this Friday in Santa Barbara, and I am the Matron Of Honor,” Cindy informed her, happily.

Sally replied, “Well that is just great. Is your sister-in-law still the gorgeous, redheaded mantrap that I met at your house five years ago?”

‘’She sure is,” Cindy responded. “Well who did that knockout capture for herself,” Sally asked?

She’s marrying a young man from a very wealth Italian family,” Cindy replied. “But, other than that, I don’t really know much at all about them, at all. The father is a very mysterious guy named Carmen Basilio, who I have only met once.”

“I don’t know what he or his son do, but the father must be very successful because he has a huge mansion in Santa Barbara that overlooks the Pacific Ocean. From what Celeste tells me, the father’s business associates are coming in to attend the wedding from all over of the country.”

“I did meet her fiancé, Frankie Basilio, the last time Bill and I visited her. He’s a dark, handsome young man who is really full of himself and acts like a complete jerk around women.”

“Being an Italian male, he apparently feels that it is his ancestral privilege and obligation to pinch every girl’s ass that he sees.”

“Hell, even though he was engaged to my sister-in-law, and knew that I was married, he cornered me in the bedroom Bill and I were staying in, and made a pass at me.”

“He just grabbed me and started feeling me up. I was so surprised that I couldn’t even react immediately. He mistook my inaction to be a sign that I was going to cooperate, so he forced me to my knees and tried to get me to give him a blow job. I finally got my wits about me and jumped up and ran out of there.”

“But, that aside, Celeste has been going with him for a long time and is apparently fully aware of his womanizing ways. I assume that she either really loves the jerk, or has just decided that his family is too rich not to marry into. Either way, she is apparently willing to ignore his wandering eyes and cheating ways and go ahead and be his bride.”

“So, Sally, if it is okay with her, it is okay with me. It is her life to live,” Cindy concluded, resignedly.

“My, that is a hot story,” Sally replied. “Damn if he was that good looking and rich, if it had been me, I would have stayed down on my knees and sucked his cock like a professional hooker.”

Cindy ignored her, always wickedly spontaneous, best friend’s comment and went on, “The wedding is going to be quite the social event in Santa Barbara. Besides the wedding itself, there are pre and post wedding parties, practice session for the bridesmaids, ushers and every one else directly involved in the event, along with all kinds of entertainment. Since I am the Matron Of Honor, I have to attend all of the wedding functions and parties.”

“Wow, it sounds like you are going to have the time of your life,” Sally opined. “But you had better keep an eye out for the horny bridegroom; he may not be through trying to get into your hot body yet, girlfriend, in any port.”

“Oh stop that,” Cindy scolded. “It is going to be a great time, and Bill and I are leaving first thing in the morning. We are going to take a leisurely drive up to Santa Barbara and get in some salacious, cheap motel room, time together, along the way.”

“We plan to make this whole trip a kind of second honeymoon for us. We have been married for seventeen years and we need a chance to get away and try and put a little romance back into our lives.”

“Bill’s business is very successful, but he works such long hours that we hardly ever get to have any quality time alone together. So we’re seizing on this opportunity to spend some sex filled time with each other, faraway from this house and away from the turmoil of having these twin boys under foot. We are going to use this trip to revitalize our sex lives.”

Sally laughed, “Oh, so the new bride isn’t the only one who’s going to get screwed this week?”

“Gosh, I certainly hope not. I am planning on getting in a lot of wild, nasty sex, while we are alone in the motel and hotel rooms. Ummm, the hotel room in Santa Barbara even has a mirrored ceiling so Bill and I can watch ourselves get screwed.”

“Well from the sound of things, it doesn’t look you’ve changed your sexy ways a bit, since we were in high school,” Sally teased.

“And just exactly what do you mean by that,” Cindy asked, trying to sound offended?

Well, honey, as your best friend in high school, I well remember that you were quite the round-heeled sexpot, and that cock sucking was your specialty,” her good friend stated, accusingly.

“Well I’ll admit that I was extremely interested in boys back then, but I was just trying to practice safe sex habits, and I thought that oral sex was the best way of making sure that I didn’t get pregnant,” Cindy responded, offering up a weak excuse for her past, often times wanton, oral sex promiscuity.

“That sounds like a good story now, darling, but just remember, I was on quite a few double dates with you, and I know, first hand, that you had cocks going off quite regularly, in places other than your mouth,” Sally reminded her, emphatically.

Cindy protested with a curse and said, “Well, I will just take the fifth amendment on your accusations, girlfriend.”

Sally chortled in response, “Okay, okay, be that way. But I know for sure that, if Celeste’s fiancé had made that same pass at you in high school, you would have been on your knees, in a heartbeat, snorkeling his cock like a porn star.”

“You’re just awful,” Cindy exclaimed!

Sally went on, “And you have very selective memory, sweetheart. You remember when we went to LA the summer after we graduated from high school, and went into that hotel bar and let those two salesmen pick us up, take us up to their hotel room and then screw the hell out of us.”

“Then we let them talk us into making out with each other on the couch, after which we ended up crossways on the single bed, in the 69 position, and they stood on each side of the bed and fucked our pussy’s and our mouths, and switched ends every couple of minutes so we could get a full taste of everything.”

“Watching them stick their cocks into your pussy, then seeing the cock plow you hard, then watching it come out of your cunt and then be stuffed into my mouth for me to suck, then having it pulled out of my mouth so I could bury my face in your snatch and eat it, all the while knowing that the same thing was happening on the other end. Now that was a real blast.”

“Baby doll, I got to know you very up close and personal that night and the taste and smell of your ravished pussy was really something,” Sally cooed.

“And you must remember that after they finished doing all that to us, they wanted to have anal sex with us, too, and I refused. So you ended up letting them both give it to you up the ass.”

“Talk about two guys getting a piece of tail, they sure did get it from you that night, to the absolute maximum. Damn those were two really big cocks that they reamed us out with,” Sally said, almost smacking her lips.

“Stop it,” Cindy pleaded. “I am a mother now, and those days are far behind me.”

“Okay, I’ll take your word for it, sweetheart, but speaking of your being a mother, that son of yours who answered the phone sounded quite grown up. How are those handsome twins of yours doing these days,” Sally asked?

“Oh God, they are absolute murder,” Cindy groaned.

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