
Vampire Omicron: Chapter 7 – Bonfires & Baptists

New strain of COVID, villain is now a disgusting vampire. In this one, he and his daughter continue their nighttime hunt for his pregnant cousin among a church-group campfire on a farm, picking them off one by one and enjoying yet another girl. Kind of like a teen slasher movie, ending with a brutal NC scene. READ DISCLAIMERS FIRST!

Start at Chapter 1.

See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story

Each chapter is like a ‘stealth mission’, with lots of slow build-up and pervy creeping around. The protagonist’s mission is always to rape and abduct his victims, adding to his harem of vampires. Then occasional chapters show his sexual family lifestyle with his mind-controlled free-use slaves. Then right back to another stealth mission.


In this series, I write from the perspective of the VILLAIN. That means I don’t agree with his choices, and you’re not supposed to either. We’re all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! Please be mature adults and separate fantasy from reality. This SHOULD evoke visceral, icky feelings. That’s the POINT. This is HORROR.

This is more PORN than PLOT.

All characters are 18+.This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to events, locales, or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.


-Death / Blood / Gore / Murder (he’s a true vampire villain)

-Gross Sniffing/Tasting (bodily fluids, piss, armpits)

-Creeping around (lots of this, sorry if it’s boring)

-Slow start, builds to brutal ending

-Non-con / Sadism / Violence

-Dog will never be harmed lol


Chapter 7 – Baptists & Bonfires

We wait calmly, two quiescent shadows just beyond the treeline. Enshrouded in ethereal mist that blackens the starry night sky. The power coursing through my veins, fueled by my recent feast, allows me to control the very elements around us. Nature itself submits to my will.

I exchange a furtive glance with Eva, who crouches behind a nearby tree. She nods, understanding my wordless expression silently instructing her to remain patient. We see perfectly through the mist, through the pitch-black night. Biding our time. Waiting for the right moment to strike.

Eva’s eyes glow a sinister red as she flicks a mischievous little smile back at me. She feels it too. So much potent virgin blood. The purity of innocence, but the strength of adulthood. We’ve drunk so many tonight, one after another. It’s unlike anything we’ve ever felt. She licks at her claws, like little daggers extending from her fingertips. I can tell she’s itching for more.

But although I feel invincible, though any wounds would heal almost instantly, I don’t truly know our limitations. And I’d rather not test them by having a bunch of rural conservatives pull guns on me tonight. So the stealth approach continues for now. Plus it’s more fun this way. Picking them off one by one. Harvesting them from their own farm.

The Christians are oblivious to the threat that hides nearby. Completely unaware of how much death has occurred tonight, not yet realizing some of their friends are missing. They just continue on in their merry festivities. A roaring campfire far back in their massive property. A church group event for young adults. Laughing and chatting through the chilly autumn night. I suck the last bit of one of their friend’s blood from my teeth and watch them silently.

We overhear someone asking where ‘Zach’ went. Someone else replying, “He went inside a while ago.” Their voices don’t sound worried exactly, but there’s a general tension growing in the air. The names ‘Taylor and Joseph’ are mentioned too. “I think they went for a walk on the path.” People are noticing those missing from their ranks. It’s a large group, and people wander about the farm freely, so no one seems too concerned. But the longer they go without seeing certain people, the more they’ll catch on.

Just then, the blonde girl that lives here at the farm gets up from her chair at the fire, and someone nearby calls out to her, “Hey Grace, are you heading in?”

“Yeah just for a minute.” Her voice is velvety, honey-sweet. I’ve been eyeing her all night. Soft-spoken, yet the center of attention. Cute glasses, pinkish almost ginger skin-tone. I lick my lips.

The big black dog gets up to follow her automatically, but she snaps her fingers, “No Samson, stay here buddy.” The dog obeys with unwavering loyalty. Bad idea, Grace.

“If you see Zach in there, can you tell him to come back out?”

“Sure!” And just like that, the growing confusion among the group is quelled. They unknowingly just bought us even more time. And better yet, Grace is heading toward the house alone! One of the only other females worth exploring, just casually walking into the mist, into my realm, all by herself. So strange to think I just witnessed, without a doubt, the single worse decision this human has made in her entire life.

We follow at a distance, but as Grace rounds a corner, a shed and some trees break the line of sight between her and the bonfire. So we close the gap quickly. With my senses heightened even more than normal because of all the feeding tonight, I catch a whiff of her sweet scent on the air as we follow her. A predictable smokiness from the fire, but also a freshness, like a summer breeze. Citrus, oranges. My groin tightens even as I walk.

I motion to Eva, and she silently circles around through some trees to flank from the side. And I gaze at the flowing strawberry-blonde hair ahead of me. Fancy, carefully crafted spirals that flow down over a black jacket that’s a bit too big for her. Maybe a boyfriend’s, brother’s, or dad’s. Short, girly body bundled inside it. Wide hips swaying hypnotically from beneath a dark green skirt, modest and long, hiding everything but her little furry Ugg boots peeking out the bottom. She’s a mix of country ruggedness and ladylike delicacy. Not a hair out of place, a classy sort of wealth about her. But also down-to-earth, a worker, a girl that knows how to handle animals and get her hands dirty.

Like the other ladies from this church, she walks with a confidence of knowing her place in the world. Knowing her beliefs, her purpose. That she’s ‘saved’, that her Lord walks with her. To outsiders it looks like pompousness, a bunch of smug prudes who think they’re better than others. But I see a false sense of security. A facade that hides fear and darkness inside just like everyone else. She does what the other girls do, does what’s expected of her. But she’s weak, a little lamb I could so easily eat up. A new ‘Lord’ walks with her now, behind her, closing in.

A twig snaps under my foot and Grace whirls her head around, blue eyes darting about, scanning the eerie mist. She catches a glimpse of my movement before I can scramble behind a tree, her eyes going wide then squinting. She pushes up her glasses adorably, not exactly sure what she saw. Her round cheeks look rosy from the cold. She turns back around and keeps walking, her pace quickening significantly.

But there’s no escape. The perfect spot is straight ahead. Halfway between the people at the fire and the safety of the house, we reach the pretty little wooden bridge crossing over a creek that dried up in the cold season. The area is dense with trees. My unnatural mist makes the darkness even worse on human eyes. We’ll have our fun here.

I let out a sharp whistle. Grace whips around, only to be tackled by my daughter. Wind knocked out of her, forced to the ground, only a weak peep! escaping her little mouth. Eva plants her fangs deep into a shoulder, and the girl goes limp almost instantly.

I whisper paternally at my daughter as I casually approach, “Perfectly executed, Kitten.” I caress Eva’s back lovingly as she stands back up, flashes me a proud little smile, then proceeds to start dragging the girl off the trail through the mud.

We move her a good ways down along the dried up creek. “This is fine here. So what do you think? Does she taste good?” I ask, grabbing my daughter by the back of the neck and pulling her into a sensual kiss, my tongue flicking into her mouth to taste the remnants of blood.

Eva moans with delight at the embrace, “Oh she’s delicious, daddy! I can’t wait to rip into her!”

I pull away from Eva and pace like a lion around a wounded gazelle, inspecting the dazed young lady rolling around at my feet, “Hmm. Well, leave the outer clothing intact if you can.” Then I give Eva a smile and a nod, as if to say ‘have at her’. She giggles wickedly and pounces down on the girl.

First Eva drops her backpack and pulls from it a strip of cloth. She kneels with Grace’s head propped in her lap and quickly ties the cloth tightly between the girl’s teeth, securing it behind the head. Grace is barely conscious, but it suppresses any sounds she does manage to make.

My Kitten wastes no time beginning to grope at the girl’s clothing, stripping off the black jacket to reveal a classy white sweater. Grace lays on her back on the muddy ground, head still propped in her captor’s lap. Eva reaches forward and pulls up the sweater. A simple gray undershirt. My daughter glances up at me, smiling, making sure she’s giving her daddy a good view of the unveiling process. Then the shirt is pulled up as well, revealing the young lady’s pale belly. She’s thin and small, but has a soft, fleshy body, which Eva can’t resist squishing her fingers into. Grace squirms, pathetically failing to roll away, and my daughter slaps at her delicate belly as punishment. Red handprints begin to flare up immediately.

The undershirt is lifted even higher, and out pops a big boring beige bra. Shockingly sizable for the young woman’s small stature. In fact, the girl gives off a stocky, almost pudgy first impression, but the deeper we inspect, the more of a wonderful hourglass figure is uncovered. It’s as if this prudish Christian lady has no idea how to showcase her body. Wears cheap and baggy clothing, absolutely no intention of displaying her womanly curves. No interest in looking sexually appealing for the enjoyment of others. Doesn’t yet realize this is her purpose in life.

Eva waits for me to nod, then continues, this time extending her razor-sharp claws and cutting away at the fabric. The bra falls aside, and big boobs pool out from within them, sagging ever so slightly out to either side from their own weight. Eva grabs at them roughly, pressing them together, jiggling them, fingernails scraping dangerously against the fragile skin. Such big handfuls for my daughter, so floppy, so pliable. Eva’s little fingers almost disappear entirely into the sides of them as she squeezes.

Large areolas cover a big portion of the breasts, but their light pink color goes beautifully with the girl’s fair skin, and they just make the tits look delicious. One breast has a puffy little nipple sticking up at me. However, the other nipple is mostly inverted, a cute little winking divot of pinched-in flesh. Eva looks up at me, her mouth slightly open in a shocked smile. Then she bursts into giggles as I pull out my raging cock and begin stroking it, standing towering over the girls.

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