
Vacation in Portugal

I turned to see what she was looking at just as the man started fondling the woman’s breasts then quickly moved his hand to between her legs. My daughter watched for a couple of moments then stunned me by saying, “I wasn’t asleep that night dad, I pretended to be, but I wasn’t; I remember.”

“Dad? Why are we here, on this beach? Are we supposed to take our clothes off too?” I looked at my daughter, she looked stressed as her eyes darted up and down the beach, from the water to the rows of lounges on the shore. Almost everybody near us was nude, men, women, boys, girls, and even babies. We were on vacation in Portugal and had inadvertently ended up at a nude bathing beach. It wasn’t my intent; we just left the hotel to go play in the ocean and followed some signs to a beach, “Dad!?”

I looked at my wife, my daughter, then back to the sunbathers. My wife Inez and I had been to a couple of nudist beaches before, but that was years before we had a fifteen-year-old daughter and her brother in tow. My son didn’t look so hesitant, he was ogling damn near every female within range of his view with a broad smile distorting his lips. But his sister; she was ready to dig a hole in the sand and bury herself to keep her eyes from straying, “What do you think?” I asked Inez.

“I’m good, it looks like Marco is good, I guess we have to leave the decision up to Beryl.”

I looked at my daughter, “There aren’t any other beaches near, your mother, brother and I are going to join the crowd, if you want to keep your bikini on, that’s your choice, but we can’t tell anybody else to get dressed so you won’t be embarrassed. Stay, or go?”

Beryl looked at me with wide, stricken eyes, “You’re gonna get naked in front of me, you and mom?”

Her mother answered, “Yes dear, back to nature’s full glory, it’s kind of refreshing.”

Beryl sought back-up from her brother, but he was already piling his clothes on a beach lounge chair. Beryl looked to me for salvation but I wasn’t going to offer any. I saw her inflate with a deep breath then she blew it out slowly, “OK, we can stay but I’m not gonna get undressed” she said timidly. Marco whooped a laugh then dashed naked and smiling for the water, directly toward a group of five teen girls. He didn’t stop near them and stare, but dove under a wave and popped up on the far side then pretended to wave at me while ogling a gaggle of tits. My wife and I were a bit more reserved; we causally pulled our beachwear off then folded it all neatly and stacked it on an umbrella covered beach lounge. Beryl tried not to look at me but her feminine curiosity overcame her modesty as her eyes strayed to her beginnings. Inez finished undressing then held her hand to me, I grabbed her fingers then she and I went to join Marco in the water. We left Beryl to wrestle with her shyness.

We were standing in waist-deep water, facing the incoming rollers when our daughter arrived. I glanced at her; she had removed her bikini which made her less conspicuous than if she had kept it on. Nobody except her brother was paying her nudity any attention, and maybe me, just a little, I was mildly interested in how my teen daughter was developing. I noticed Marco damn near drooling, and for a few moments expected him to get a fucking hard-on while he stared at his sister. She didn’t notice where her brother’s eyes were locked onto as she started talking to her mother.

Marco and I left the two women to body surf the incoming waves, they went back to the water’s edge and sat, letting the foamy surf wash over them as they talked. After a half-hour playing in the water my son and I got out to refresh with a snow cone from a beach vendor, Beryl and Inez joined us then we sat in a shaded pavilion, people watching while relaxing. I caught my daughter’s eye movement as she checked out the young men who came past us, she had obviously overcome her reluctance to see nudity or be seen nude. My son was not at all being covert about ogling tits and asses on any female that had such accessories.

After a three hour stay at the nude beach, we left to return to the vacation hotel and dinner. Beryl got to enjoy two glasses of wine with dinner; Europeans are not at all prudent about teens sipping alcohol so my daughter took advantage and got a little happy. Back in the rooms, my wife declared she was tired and went early to bed. Marco locked himself away in a bedroom, pulled out a laptop, and logged onto some internet game with his cloud crowd. Beryl changed from street clothes to a sleeping gown and I got comfortable in summer shorts and T. My daughter and I sat in front of the TV and tried to interpret what was on different channels. The time in the sun and the dinner wine took a toll on my daughter, ten minutes after we sat in front of the TV, she laid lengthwise on the sofa cushions, used my leg as a pillow, and went to sleep. As she slumbered, my mind slipped into the past few hours and I watched my daughter walking nude through my mind. My hand was resting on her hip so as my thoughts about her became more focused, my fingers started pulling the loose nightgown up her legs, baring her from foot to hip. When I felt bare skin under my fingers, I put my hand on her soft smooth thigh and tried to relax.

I surfed through a few more channels of TV, not knowing what I was looking at, but that didn’t matter, my concentration was turning more and more to Beryl. I began to smooth my hand up and down from her hip to her knee, the leg was soft, warm, and gracefully shaped. I looked at her upper leg to where the hem of the shift lay across the round cheek of her ass and saw she wore no underwear. My daughter was covered only by the thin nightgown. I put my hand on her butt then slid it down her leg then back up, about the fifth time I slid my hand up to her hip Beryl breathed a sigh then shifted on the sofa, she twisted slightly from lying on her side to partway on her back. When she was done shifting, my hand was resting at the top of her leg, under the hem of the nightgown. I wasn’t overtly looking for an opportunity to take advantage, but my daughter’s new position, and the location of my hand on her body opened an opportunity to fondle Beryl in ways I had never before imagined. The wine had put her soundly to sleep and my hand on her didn’t seem to disturb her, so I began to stroke her inner thigh, her pubic hair was brushing my arm. My action had a direct effect on my libido, my prick started to swell.

She was smooth, soft, and warm, and as I played with her leg, I could feel her getting warmer, the temperature between her legs was noticeably increasing. Emboldened by hormones, a stiff cock, and her unconscious acceptance of my touch, I positioned my arm so that my hand was rubbing on the folds of her sex. At the first feel of my caress, Beryl convulsed slightly, sighed out a breath then opened her legs further.

When I felt my daughter react to what I was doing, I gave up all concerns about who she was. I became bolder and moved to completely cover her sex with the palm of my hand. Holding her like that I started stroking her pussy without restraint. Beryl moved again, to flat on her back, her head was still on my leg but she widened the space between her thighs, allowing me room to massage her, she was beginning to flex her hips against the pressure on her body. I looked at her face, she looked to be still asleep, not aware of what I was doing. My balls began to tense with lust, my prick caused a telltale tent in my pants. We stayed like that for another few minutes, my stroking my daughter’s pussy, her warming more then she began to whisper soft moans. She was hot between the legs and I felt as she started flowing wetness. Just about the time I stiffened my middle finger to penetrate her, she began to jerk, bounced her hips, and groaned loud enough I got scared her mother would hear. I pulled my hand from under her nightgown then got up, letting her head rest on the sofa cushion, I quickly went to the bathroom to calm my thoughts and rearrange my erection.

Beryl was still asleep when I returned to her so I shook her shoulder, “Beryl, hey girl, you should go to bed.”

She slowly opened her eyes, she questioned me, “I fell asleep?”

“Yeah, you did, get up and go to bed.” As my daughter got off the couch, I was pretty sure she didn’t know what I had done with her.

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