
Upsetting the apple cart part2

Daughters new boyfriend causes havoc

Steve had cancelled his only job scheduled on friday, he couldn’t wait for dinner with Jane’s family this evening. he went to work with a big smile on his face.
Jane couldn’t wait for college to end, so she could see her sexy boyfriend and show him off to her parents.
Lynn had slept a little better, resigning herself to the fact she had to act normal and conceal her sordid secret from her family.
For the sake of harmony, she would live with the guilt, the shame, the humiliation, until she could come up with a solution to the nightmare that had become her life.
As the evening approached Lynn prepared the chicken meal with trepidation, the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach gradually increasing as the minutes ticked by. Mark had come home, showered and changed for dinner. Tom had done his homework and was looking forward to meeting Steve again.
Jane was in her room making herself look beautiful for Steve.
Mark entered the kitchen as Lynn was putting the final touches to the dinner. “Are you going to change for dinner ” Mark asked her.
“Why, what’s wrong with what i’m wearing ” she asked a bit irritated.
“Well nothing, but i thought you might want to dress up a bit to make more of an impression on Steve “.
Lynn felt like she was caught between a rock and a hard place. She had no intention of dressing up nice just so that vile bastard of a boyfriend could lear at her. But if she didn’t change into something a bit less frumpy, Mark would get suspicious and Jane would be disappointed she had not made an effort.
“Ok ” said Lynn,” dinners almost ready i’ll go and change”.
“That’s a good girl, i’ve laid out that nice summer dress that makes you look so pretty on the bed for you ” said Mark, thinking he was helping his wife.
Lynn left the kitchen for her bedroom seething, is that stupid husband of mine trying to sabotage me on purpose. She’d had no intention of wearing that dress , it was the only one of her dresses that showed off a bit of cleavage, as well as being the shortest, the hem stopping just above the knee. Now she had no choice, she had to wear it. After changing and fixing her hair, Lynn looked at herself in the full length mirror, she could feel herself blushing as the dress showed off to much leg and cleavage, it made her breasts look huge. She had only worn it once to a family wedding and avoided wearing it again, as she felt like her body was on display.
Damm my bastard husband and damm that bastard boyfriend of Jane’s , were her thoughts as she left her bedroom and headed down the stairs. She got to the bottom of the stairs just as Steve knocked on the door. Lynn felt the knots in her stomach tightening as she opened the front door door to let him in.
” Well don’t you look like a hot fuckable bitch” Steve said, taking in the site of Lynn wearing something that showcased her sexy body.
“That’s the way you should be dressing with a beautiful, sexy body like your’s, sophisticated but not slutty”. Steve added
Lynn blushed instantly, how could he insult me and complement me in the same sentence, thought Lynn as she closed the front door and headed for the dining room. Before she had taken two steps, Steve, who was right behind her, patted her arse a couple of times and said “Fuck me Lyndi Loo, your arse is like a peach, i could smash your back door’s in right now “.
Lynn quickened her pace in terror as she glanced at the toilet door, fearing he would drag her in there again and make good his word.
Entering the dining room Steve was greeted by Tom.
Mark strode to meet him with a warm friendly handshake saying “It’s so good to meet you at last. i’ve heard nothing but good things about you “.
Steve first impression of Mark was pretty much how he had imagined him to be, about average height, a bit overweight, glasses, balding and a moustache.
“The pleasure is all mine ” Steve said, and using all his charm and giving Mark a big smile,added “You have a lovely family, a fine son, a beautiful wife and daughter, you must be very proud of them”.
“I certainly am, there’s nothing in the world more precious than family ” Mark replied.
Lynn cringed as she heard Steve turning on the charm and her gullible husband lapping it up. If only he knew the truth about this sexual predators intentions towards his ‘precious wife and daughter ‘ that would wipe the stupid grin off his face.
Just then Jane made her entrance, she looked hot thought Steve, seeing her with a bit more makeup than she had ever worn before and a dress similar to Lynn’s, showing slightly more cleavage than her mum’s. Steve greeted her with a hug and a small kiss on the lips saying “You look amazing “.
Mark and Lynn looked at their daughter in a new light, for the first time she looked like a woman, all grown up.
‘Boy, she must really like Steve to make this much effort ‘ Mark thought.
Even Tom couldn’t help but notice the change in his big sister.
“Dinner is almost ready” Mark announced, shall we be seated. ” Lynn will sit in this chair as its nearest the kitchen, the rest are up for grabs.
Steve quickly surveyed the round dining table and claimed the seat to Lynn’s left, Tom sat to her right, Jane sat next to Steve leaving Mark to sit opposite Lynn, between his son and daughter.
“Now can i get you something to drink Steve, while Lynn dishes up the plates?” asks Mark
“A beer would be nice, if you’ve got one please. I’ll only have the one as i’m driving ” Steve replied.
“One beer coming up ” said Mark, asking Jane and Tom what they would like before heading out to the kitchen to join Lynn .
“What an absolutely charming young man that Steve is, polite, well mannered and a hunk to boot. I know it’s early days, but what a fine son in law he would make, don’t you think Lynn ” said Mark
” yes, wonderful ” Lynn replied, knowing he was the exact opposite to all those things, well, apart from the hunk bit.
” I see he hasn’t had the usual effect on you” Mark joked, pointing to her chest. ” No full beam today “.
Lynn shot Mark a disapproving look. She could feel her nipples were rock hard, they had been since Steve had called her a ‘hot fuckable bitch’, but had taken precautions when dressing by wrapping two pieces of cardboard in tissue and placing them inside her bra .
Drinks and dinner served, they all tucked into their feast.
Steve told Tom that West Ham were not playing at home this weekend, but were at home next weekend , playing Spurs, he and his group of mates had season tickets. One of them was away on a work do and Steve had got his ticket for Tom.
“If that’s ok with you two ” Steve asked Mark and Lynn.
” That would be great, couldn’t have been better timing as Tom is staying over with his aunt Sandra this weekend” Mark replied.
“Perfect, it’s a deal ” said Steve, shaking a beaming Tom’s hand.
” Let me know how much the ticket is and i will reimburse you ” said Mark
” No need, whenever one of us can’t make a match, we give the ticket to one of the others, so they can treat someone, no money ever changes hands” replied Steve
” we’ll that’s thoroughly descent of you ” said Mark
Steve thought about the fact Tom was away for the weekend, just Jane and Lynn ‘touch ‘ he thought.
Jane was sitting there so proud of her boyfriend and the way he had gained such approval from her family.
Steve had finished his dinner first and lowered his right hand below the table and placed it on Lynn’s left knee. Lynn was paralysed with fear. Steve began to edge his hand and the hem of her dress up her thigh, until it was nestled up against the mound of her virgina, his fingers squeezing her inner thigh. Lynn couldn’t believe that even he would contemplate sexually assaulting her with only the table cloth to conceal his latest abuse.
Steve could feel Lynn physically trembling as he moved his hand over her cunt and found the top of her cotton panties, sliding his hand inside and fighting his way through the biggest hairy bush he had ever come across, even hairier than Jane’s. His fingers found her pussy lips and he edged two fingers inside her wet sticky cunt. curling them up to search out her g spot.
“That was a beautiful dinner Lynn, your meat is so moist, what makes your meat so moist and juicy?” Steve asked her as he moved his fingers in her cunt in a tiny vibrating manor.
The cruel bastard was humiliating me in front of my family, knowing i was unable to do a thing about it .
Lynn felt everyone’s eyes on her as she tried to appear normal, as this brute was fingering her virgina , with her husband and children all sitting within five feet of her. ” Thank you , i don’t think i do anything special ” Lynn managed to reply, wishing she could just vanish from this latest nightmare.
” You underestimate yourself, you must have hidden talents to get your meat that succulent and juicy Lynn ” said Steve as he speeded up his finger fucking of Lynn . He could feel her cunt juices starting to flow and realised if he carried on much longer her cunt juice would find it’s way through her cotton panties and give the back of her dress a nice big damp spot for all to see.
Her family took her flushed look, as embarrassment to Steve’s complements.
Lynn and Steve knew she was close to having the biggest orgasm of her life. Steve could feel her wet cunt betraying her, Lynn could feel the same. Panic was setting in as she could feel her orgasm getting closer, despite all her efforts to fight it. Just as she thought the ultimate humiliation was about to happen, she felt his fingers exit her virgina and panties, she could feel him wiping his fingers on her panties before his arm and hand reappeared above the table.
Lynn felt both relief and disappointment in equal measures. That vile bastard had just used her to fuel some sick and twisted game. He had degraded her in front of her family with his actions and words. Lynn just wished the night was over.
Steve lowered his left hand onto Jane’s knee, he felt her flinch, but knew she would style it out as he slid his hand up under her dress. Lynn was the only one who noticed his hand disappear followed by Jane flinching. Steve looked at Lynn and gave her a knowing wink as he slipped his hand inside Jane’s smaller panties and noticed her bush had been trimmed a lot shorter, his fingers finding her wet snatch easily. Once Steve had buried two fingers up her wet cunt and was giving her the same treatment he had given Lynn a minute earlier, he began to engage Mark in conversation again. “What line of work are you in Mark?.
Lynn was horrified as she watched Steve talking to her husband while fingering his daughter, knowing her mother was aware he was doing it. Lynn was even more horrified as she felt his hand start a repeat performance of a few minutes earlier, his two fingers slipping easily into her already sodden virgina.
“I’m in shipping insurance , i deal mainly with blue chip companies , which means a fair amount of meetings away from my lovely family ” he said smiling mainly at Jane and lynn .
“How about you ” asked Mark.
” Oh, i have my fingers in a couple of sticky pies” said Steve “my main trade is an electrician , but i don’t mind getting my fingers wet and help my mate who’s a plumber, so there’s always plenty of work ”
Lynn couldn’t believe how this evil bastard was sexually abusing her daughter and her, while taking the piss out of her husband, all at the same time.
“Well that is good, a proper trade will always stand you in good stead for life and if that gets a bit slow you can get up to your elbows in someone’s plumbing “.
If it wasn’t for the fact that Steve was concentrating on Jane and Lynn’s wet cunts, he would have pissed himself laughing, he intended to get up their plumbing, but up to the elbow might be pushing it a bit far.
Steve could feel Jane and Lynn starting to squirm on his fingers, their juices flowing a bit too freely, he first removed his hand from Jane’s panties leaving her frustrated, horny as hell and very relieved, orgasming in a cinema sparsely populated with strangers was terrifying enough, but having an orgasm at the dinner table in front of her family would have caused her to drop dead on the spot with humiliation. She was now hoping Steve would find a way to fuck her stupid later. Jane’s nipples were now rock hard and clearly visible poking through her bra and dress. Steve noticed, smiling to himself.
Tom noticed and was quite uncomfortable in the trouser department.
Her father noticed and wondered what it was with the woman in his family when Steve was around.
Lynn noticed it, but right now she was on the verge of panicking, she had noticed Steve withdraw his hand from Janes virgina but continued to stimulate hers, where once again she was fast approaching the point of no return. Steve looked at Lynn with a challenging look, Lynn could only look back at him with a desperate plea.
” I’ll help Lynn clear the dishes ” said Steve as he withdrew his fingers, much to the relief of Lynn.
“What a thoughtful young man you are ” said Mark, continuing ” will give me a chance to catch up on the latest news wth Jane and Tom while your both busy in the kitchen “
Steve began collecting the dishes with Lynn. Steve glad his hard meat was well concealed in his tight pants, while Lynn was relived she hadn’t embarrassingly soaked her dress for all to see, luckily Steve had removed his invading fingers from her virgina moments before she was about to explode in an orgasm that she would have had no control over.
Once they were both in the kitchen alone, all the trapped, helpless feelings of terror returned to Lynn.

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