
Unforgettable Summer

A girl’s first time should be special. He made sure it was. Check out my website – UndeniableUrges dot com, and get new stories 30 days before the public release, at Subscribestar/adult/undeniable-urges and Patreon/UndeniableUrges (no pressure).

Unforgettable Summer (Mf, Virginity, Young)

Summary – A man camping by himself meets a pretty, inquisitive, girl.

Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual Fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don’t be a dick with other people’s lives!


Jake Baldwin finished leveling his camper and noticed he had an audience. Two kids on bikes. Looking closer, he saw the long hair and short, tight, pants. They were two young girls.

He had spotted them, and a few others, when he pulled in to his designated spot, carefully keeping watch.

“Hi, mister!” one yelled.

“Yeah, hi mister!” the other said.

“My friend thinks you’re cute!”

Jake heard the sound of an indigent screech. He chuckled as the two girls raced away, with one threatening the other with feigned violence.

He set up a couple of lawn chairs around the fire ring and strategically placed his cooler. He was looking forward to a cold beer, some open fire grilling, and a sky full of stars tonight.

As he unloaded his firewood from his truck, he thought about how nice it was to be alone, and away from the hassles of work and his recent divorced. Things had been rough for him the last couple of years. He only gets to see his two girls every other weekend, but his ex-wife wouldn’t let him bring them camping this week. She was just being spiteful.

He pulled off his shirt, grabbed the ax, and proceeded to chop some kindling for the fire.

One of the girls from earlier rode slowly past him. Then, a few minutes later, she rode by again.

She was pretty. Very pretty. Probably the girl who thought he was cute. She reminded him a lot of his oldest daughter, Kristen.

The third time she rode by, she turned into his driveway.

“Hi,” she said, leaning over her handlebars.

“Hello, yourself,” Jake said. He put his shirt back on, grabbed a soda, and sat down in a lawn chair.

“Want a drink,” he asked. “Help yourself.”

“Sure!” she said. “Thanks.”

She grabbed a soda, struggled with the pull tab for a bit, opened it, and took a long drink before sitting down next to him.

“Ahhhh! That’s good!” she said. “I’ve never had this kind.”

He looked at her. It was a very popular drink.

“My parents don’t let me have sugar and caffeine,” she said, a little embarrassed.

“Sorry about that. I hope you don’t get in trouble.”

“They’ll never know,” she said, like she was used to keeping secrets. “It’s not like I’ve never had soda pop, they just have a lot of rules and stuff.”

“Oh. I see. My name is Jake, by the way.” he said, holding out

“Mary Ann.”

“Nice to meet you, Mary Ann.”

She had another long pull of her soda. Jake watched her. Something was on her mind.

After a long while, “Can I ask you something, Jake?”


“You’re a guy. “

“Yeah. Is that your question?”

“No.” She looked embarrassed.

“I don’t talk to guys much. And, I want to know something.”

She paused and worked her lips, thinking of what and how to ask her question.

“What do guys like about girls. Specifically.”

Many thoughts arose in his mind, and he decided to be truthful.

“Specifically? I can’t speak for every man in the world, but I think most guys like cute girls. Pretty, sexy, you know? And smart. Funny. Fun to be with. A good conversationalist. And if you enjoy doing the same stuff and eating the same foods, even better.”

“Yeah, that makes sense. Do you think I’m cute? My parents say I’m pretty, but there are a lot of girls at school that are really pretty.”

The words came out a bit fast. Jake assumed the caffeine was taking effect.

“Yes. Definitely. You are very cute. Pretty, even.” He wanted to give her a boost of confidence, so he continued. “You have very pretty eyes, nice hair, and a very nice face. Nice smile, too,” he added, seeing her smile noticing her cheeks turning red.

“You said the word ‘nice’ a lot. What about sexy?”

This conversation was taking a dangerous turn. He barely knew this young girl. He had to be careful.

“Every girl can be sexy when they want to. Even a girl like you with dirt on your face and a leaf stuck in your hair.”

Mary Ann quickly combed her hair with her fingers, pulling out the small leaves. She noticed the dirt on her knees and her scuffed tennis shoes.

“Me and Stacy were wresting,” she stated, now embarrassed. “I gotta go.”

“She deserved it,” Jake said. “And, yes Mary Ann, you are sexy as hell.” He winked at her.

Caught by surprise, she looked at him, not knowing if he was teasing her or not.

Mary Ann finished her drink, got on her bike, and rode away.

“Come back anytime,” Jake said.

“I will!”

Jake wondered if he had gone too far, calling her sexy. He had intended to boost her confidence, not hit on to her like a creep.

“Oh, well. What’s done is done.” He hoped his words made her feel better about herself. After all, he hadn’t lied.


The sun was an hour away from setting when Jake started a small fire in his fire-ring. The day had been pleasant, the sun was still shining, and the night’s weather promised to be warm with a nice breeze.

He saw Mary Ann once as she rode to the showers, her towel rolled up under an arm. They had waved to each other but didn’t speak.

Still, he was surprised when she rode up on her bike, dropped it in the dirt, and sat down next to him.


“Hello, Mary Ann. Nice to see you again.”

She was clean from her shower, and wearing clean clothes. A tight blouse showed off her budding breasts and tight, short, jean shorts accentuated her legs. Jake noticed she was wearing make-up. Perhaps a bit too much. He could tell she was inexperience putting it on.

“So, you camping by yourself?” she asked.


“Are you married?”



“Two girls, about your age.”

How old was she? Twelve maybe? Thirteen? Fourteen? Younger? Older? Puberty, of course. But it was hard to tell her exact age. Her breasts were small, but round. Her hips were wide but her ass was flat. He didn’t want to ask. He didn’t want to know. Plausible deniability.

“I see,” she said. “You said I was sexy. Were you just kidding around?”

He smiled at her. “Maybe a little.”

“I knew it.”

“But you are sexy, Mary Ann. Sexy is very subjective. Fun can be sexy. Cute girls with leaves in their hair can be sexy.”

“So, how do I be sexy?” she asked. “Like, when I want to be?”

“Hmmm,” Jake thought. “Well, showing a little skin like you are now, showing off your toned legs. Your jeans are tight, and that accentuates your butt. Your blouse shows off your, uh, breasts. So, you are doing everything right. Even a little make-up helps.”

“I’m not very good at it, I know. Make-up, I mean,” she said sadly. “Mom says I can’t wear any until I’m sixteen.”

Jake said nothing.

“Sometimes I get into her stuff to practice when she’s not home. They are out grocery shopping.”

“I see.”

“Does it look good? My make-up?”

He didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but wanted to be honest. “You look fine. Maybe a bit too much eye-shadow. I think a little is better. Do you know what I mean?”

“I knew it. I look stupid.”

“No. No. Look at me. You don’t look stupid. You just need to practice. Your eyes are so gorgeous, you don’t even need eyeshadow. A little blush, a little lipstick. Hell, you can even use lip balm to put a shine on your lips. Your parents can’t complain about that.”

“Yeah, you’re right! Hey, can I use your bathroom and wash this off?”

“Of course. Down the hall, first door on the left.”

“Thanks.” She stood up.

“Mary Ann? My daughter has a make-up bag in the top drawer of the sink. You can have it, if you want.”


She was gone a lot longer than he thought. About the time he was going to check on her, she walked out of the door, holding the small make-up bag and a magazine. “Can I borrow this magazine? It talks about how to put on make-up.”

“Of course. Keep it.”




“How do you flirt?”


“Yeah, to let a guy know you like him, and stuff.”

“Well, guys can be pretty stupid when it comes to that.

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