Uncle Bob’s Gas Station
Uncle Bob’s Gas Station
Sex Story Author: | Lubrican |
Sex Story Excerpt: | But he was able to catch her ankle. Then he grabbed her calf with the other hand, and then moved |
Sex Story Category: | Incest |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, Incest, Male/Female, Male/Teen Female |
Uncle Bob’s Gas Station
by Lubrican
Chapter 1
Lana Masters approached her brother’s service station with some trepidation.
This was her first job, in actuality. She’d married young, when her boyfriend had knocked her up at age seventeen. The following ten years had been good, but then he’d been killed by a drunk driver leaving a bar. The life insurance had carried her and their daughter Mindy through for another four years, but then things began to get tight.
Lana and her brother had been close when they were younger… closer than most brothers and sisters. Growing up in a rural environment, they had only each other to experiment with. In fact, it was Bob who had gotten her pregnant, in one sense.
They had practiced kissing, then they got into petting sessions and finally he had slipped his adolescent penis into her teen pussy, at which time she decided she wanted to do this a LOT.
Bob always pulled out of her and spurted on her stomach, but when she went to visit her grandmother in the city and met a handsome young Marine named David… well… he didn’t pull out like her brother did.
She never would have spread her legs for that Marine if it hadn’t been for the hunger she developed in her pussy because her brother fucked her regularly. Of course when she got married, it wasn’t right to continue her sessions with Bob, so she quit doing that.
So when it became obvious she was going to have to become employed, she felt comfortable approaching her brother Bob to ask if he knew of anyone who might hire her. She didn’t really have any formal skills, though she was good with people and intelligent. To her surprise her bachelor brother had insisted that she come to work for him. The salary he offered would work for her, and while she didn’t understand a lot of what he said she’d be doing, she knew she could learn. Today was her first day.
She was still a young woman, and she looked even younger than her age. She was in good shape, having regained her figure after delivering Mindy. Except for her breasts, anyway. She’d breast fed Mindy, who was a lusty, hungry baby. Her demands had swollen Lana’s breasts, and they had never really gone back to their pre-birth size. They were heavy, and while they didn’t sag too much, they didn’t jut out unsupported like they had in her youth. She had grown up hating bras, and didn’t wear them unless she was forced to. She’d had to wear bras when she was breast feeding, but when she weaned Mindy and her breasts went dry she quit wearing them again.
Now that her boobs were beginning to pull down a little, she thought about starting up with the bras again, but hadn’t taken that step yet. She owned bras for special occasions, but rarely wore one. She found that, like today, a good halter top gave her plenty of support and left her mams free to wobble and move comfortably. It didn’t occur to her that this drove the men around her wild, as they watched her orbs jiggle and shake, or her nipples pop out through whatever she was wearing. Her slim waist swelled out into hips that had delivered one baby and were ready for another any time. She had let her long dark hair grow and she usually just gathered it in a long pony tail, or French braid. Her green eyes made her look like some wood nymph that had left her tree to join the human race. She left raging erections everywhere she went, and didn’t have the faintest idea what was happening.
She remembered sex, but had more or less put that away after her husband died. She was trying to raise a daughter in a rough world, and gave that her full attention.
Now Mindy was fifteen, with a good head on her shoulders. Lana hadn’t kept her away from boys, but didn’t let her get into situations where her hormones and natural urges might produce a repeat of her mother’s history. She had learned how to pleasure herself during her husband’s long deployments, and after he was gone, as the years went by she took care of things that way when she allowed herself to get horny at all.
So, as she approached her brother’s business and her new job, she had no idea that her life was about to change in ways she hadn’t thought about for a long time.
She smiled and waved at him when she went in. It was summer and he had told her to wear whatever she thought was comfortable. so she had on one of her many halter tops and a pair of short tight cargo shorts. Tennis shoes made her look almost like a teenager with her bouncy pony tail and smooth skin.
He put her to work pumping gas at the full service island, where she could use her considerable people skills and suggest that tires were beginning to look a little thin, or it sounded like the motor was running a little rough, or mention the fact that those windshield wipers looked like they were streaking.
They couldn’t know it then, but in the next two weeks his business inside the garage part of the shop would quadruple. Women trusted her to recommend things that were actually needed, and men just wanted her to bend over and talk to them through the window of the car.
Of course Bob pretty well figured this might happen. When she had come to him about needing work it came to him in a flash that having a good looking woman out at the pumps could be a very valuable thing. He wasn’t sexist or anything, and didn’t plan on “using” her, but he knew his customers and he knew his sister, and he thought they were a good fit for each other.
The other reason he wanted her around was because he was still in love with her.
She had been his first love, and when she got pregnant and went off with that Marine it almost killed him. He’d kept a stiff upper lip, and spent what time he could with her, but she was a happily married woman who didn’t need him any more and he’d felt empty.
He’d tried to have relationships with other women, and had actually met some he thought might work out. But they never did. That was why he was still a bachelor. He watched her now as she smiled at the customers.
A few of the women threw her frosty looks, but most liked her. All the men spent WAY more time at the station than they would have otherwise and he sold quite a few snacks and drinks as a result. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on.
She was beautiful.
He felt the familiar ache in his loins as he admired her butt when she bent over and the way her breasts swayed when she walked. She’d never given even a single hint that she wanted to take up their relationship where it had left off, and he assumed those days were in the past. Maybe she was even ashamed of them. Most women would be.
He sighed and went to the back office where he closed the door, hauled out his cock, and beat off.
It was evidence of his passion for her that he produced five long streams of spunk in less than two minutes just thinking back on how she looked. He tried to catch it all in a tissue, but he missed completely with one stream, and the tissue was overloaded when he got done and it was all over his hand, dripping to the floor. He heard a customer come in the front and hurriedly tossed the tissue and another one he used to wipe off his hands into the trash. Then, pasting a smile on his face, he went out to sell a battery.
By the end of the day Lana was tired, but she was also elated. She loved her job. She got to talk to all kinds of people, lots of whom she knew anyway and could chat with about family and the world in general. And she met fascinating strangers. And, she’d begun to realize what was in the eyes of most of the men she dealt with. There was a hunger there, in their eyes, and those eyes roamed all over her body.
At first she was a little put off by it, but when almost all the men did it she admitted that maybe it was because she was attractive. Her husband had raved about how beautiful she was, but she attributed that to husbandly sucking up. During a lull in business, as she reflected on it, she suddenly recognized herself as a woman again. She was comfortable with the concept of being a wife and a mother, but… woman? It had been a long time.
She was suddenly faced with lots of options she hadn’t even thought about for over a decade. The only customer there right then was talking to her brother, so she went into the office, where there was a refrigerator, and got herself a Coke. She sat down to rest her feet and took a swig. Her eyes fell to the floor and she saw a streak of something white.
It almost looked like… but that couldn’t be. How could semen get on the floor? Only Bob had been in here. In a moment of clarity she went to the trash can and found the tissue Bob had soaked. She sniffed it and knew immediately it was her brother’s. She remembered that smell. Looking at the tissue she had a moment of deja vu as she remembered swabbing his spunk off her belly with tissues many a time. She felt a tremor in her stomach, but before she could fully process the information the driveway bell rang twice and she went out to pump more gas.
Over the next week Lana learned how to do more and more things at the station. The mother in her liked taking care of people’s cars, topping off washer fluid, oil, brake fluid and things like that. She liked to make sure tire pressures were right too, and it was amazing how many people, mostly men, requested that she do that for them each time they came in for gas. They got out of the car and talked to her while she bent over to use the little pressure gauge.
Of course what they were really doing was looking at her sexy cleavage in the halter tops she usually wore. When she bent over and her heavy jugs fell down, the cloth caught them, but it showed acres of sweet tit flesh. If the customer was an ass man he got a view there too, since she rarely squatted, and instead bent over, sticking her gorgeous ass in the air.
The fourth day she was there a customer hit on her. He asked her what she was doing Friday night and whether or not she liked the Bar-B-Q down at the Sweet Spot, which was a local girlie club.
She stood up from where she had been bent over checking his tires and arched an eyebrow at him. “Tom Jackson, I’m surprised at you. I suppose Emily will be coming along with us to eat, since I know you’re happily married to her.”
He leered at her. “Well dammit Lana, Emily just isn’t as frisky as she used to be. I need me a hot woman like you. I got an itch in my pants that I just know you could scratch.”
Lana wanted to slap him, but instead she called on a sudden insight and pinched his cheek. “Golly gee Tommy, I’m sure sorry for your pain, but Emily’s my friend, and I just wouldn’t feel right about taking a piece of her pie without asking. Should I ask her Tommy?”
He made haste to leave.
She got her first tip two days later, and that made her mad too. It was a good tip – a ten dollar bill – but it came from Marjorie Weston who handed it to her and said “This is for you dear… so you can buy you something to wear that isn’t quite so trashy.” Then she drove off, spinning her tires.
Lana was stunned. Whatever in the world had she done to deserve that? She started to cry and ran inside so she wouldn’t do it in public. She had tears in her eyes and couldn’t see, which is why she ran into her brother so hard that she fell back on her butt. Then she just bawled.
Bob was astonished to see his beautiful sister crying her eyes out.
“Baby” he said, kneeling down and helping her stand back up. “What’s wrong?” When she came up she went straight into his arms. They hugged each other tightly as she sobbed.
“M… M… Marge Weston… told me… I looked… TRASHY!” she sobbed into his chest.
Bob grunted “Huh! That dried up old prune? She only said that because Howard hasn’t given her any dick in over five years.”
Lana pushed him back “What?” she said, sniffing.
Bob didn’t want to let her go. “Lana, honey, you’re a beautiful young woman. You’ve got half the guys in town coming in here every other day to get five dollars worth of gas just so they can see those fabulous breasts of yours bobbing around in those halter tops you like to wear. Then they go home and do one of two things. They either jump their wives bones, or they lock themselves in the den and whack off thinking about you.”
Lana said “No they don’t! That’s not true Bob!”
He went on “Now, in the first category, some of the wives have figured out that their husbands always seem to be horny after they get gas. Those women bring their cars here too, and they see first hand what got their men going. The second category turns out to be even worse, because Momma isn’t getting any and you look like you just got laid most of the time.”
Lana was beside herself. “Bobby Vaughn! You are a liar! And where do you come off saying I look like I just got laid? Why in the world would you say that?” Bob pointed to a chair and made her sit down. “Lana, how have you felt for the last week? I mean do you like working? Do you like the job? Are you having a good time?”
She frowned. “Of course I like my job and yes, I’m having the time of my life. What’s that got to do with anything?”
“Because,” he said “you look relaxed… happy… smiling… sexy… satisfied… like a woman who’s just had two or three orgasms. So naturally, some of these dried up biddies ASSUME you’ve been on your back with your legs spread. They’re JEALOUS of you baby! That’s what Marge was REALLY saying. She wasn’t saying you were wearing something too revealing – she was saying that she can’t wear things like that and it pisses her off!”
If anybody else would have talked to her this way she would have been too embarrassed to sit there and listen. But Lana remembered quite clearly the relationship she had enjoyed with Bob before she got married. When David asked her to marry him she knew it was because she was pregnant, and that he probably wouldn’t have asked her if she wasn’t pregnant.
She quit having sex with her brother after that. After all, she wanted her husband to be faithful to her, so she meant to be faithful to him. After David died, she missed him so much that she refused to let herself think about sex, and other men, including her brother. So she knew that Bob was being truthful with her when he said she was sexy and all that stuff. And he was probably right about Marge, now that she thought about it.
“Did you know that Tom Jackson tried to get me to go out with him the other day?” she commented.
Bob grunted “Doesn’t surprise me. Tom’s an alley cat. He’s probably got Herpes or something. I hope you shut him down.”
She nodded. “I did, but it seems to me I remember, way back in High School, that if a guy tried to get something from a girl and she wouldn’t put out… he spread rumors about her. You don’t suppose Tom would stoop that low do you?”
“Well, he might. Everybody knows that the guys who brag the most about all that pussy they get are the biggest liars, but when the women hear these things they tend to believe them. Women are some nasty characters sometimes.” Bob shook his head.
Lana sighed. “What am I going to do Bob? I don’t want the whole town to end up thinking I’m a slut. But I don’t want to give in to a bunch of – what did you call them? – dried up prunes?”
“I’ll tell you what I think,” he said. “I think the next time you see Emily you should say something like” he cleared his throat and affected a high falsetto voice “Emily, dear! I believe you need to wear that husband of yours out more often. Why he actually FLIRTED with me Emily! Well I tell you, I set him straight. I wouldn’t have said anything Emily, but you’re my friend and we girls need to stick together.”
By the time he was finished Lana was holding her stomach and laughing.
“If I said that she’d be home smacking him with a frying pan inside ten minutes.”
“That’s the point” said Bob, more seriously now. “The women of this town need to know you’ll level with them. And even more important is that the men need to know that too! Then they’ll just lust after you secretly, and any rumors they try to spread will be seen as false right away.
About then the driveway bell rang. Bob told her to sit there and get herself back in order. Then he went out to see what the customer needed. When he came back in he said “That, my sexy assistant, was Charley Frost. The first thing he wanted to know was why I was pumping his gas and where was that good looking sister of mine? When I told him you were inside he said something about needing his tires checked.”
“What IS it with these guys who think they’re losing air or something?” she said.
Bob laughed. “You really don’t know?”
She looked perplexed and he said “Bend over, like you’re checking a tire.” She did and he whistled. “My my those are some pretty titties you got there ma’am.”
She colored and stood back up. Then she smiled “You always did like my boobs Bobby”. Suddenly she remembered that streak of semen on the floor of the office, and the soaked tissue in the trash can. Bob DID still like her boobs!
“And so does every other man in town, little sister, and I’m gonna get to retire sooner than I thought because of it.”
Lana laughed. “Well, poor old Mr. Frost out there doesn’t have a dried up old prune any more since his wife died. I think I’ll just go out there and check his tires for him.” She went out, her sunny disposition back.
That night, when they closed up, Lana said “Bobby, when was the last time you had a home cooked meal?”
He posed like he was trying to think. “I believe it might have been back in February of seventy-two, but my memory’s getting a little unreliable lately.”
She laughed. “Get cleaned up and come on over to the house. Mindy will be glad to see you and I’ll feed you something that doesn’t come out of a can.”
Chapter 2
Bob knocked on the door two hours later, with flowers in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. Mindy flew to the door and screeched “Uncle Bob! My FAVORITE Uncle!”
Bob laughed and hugged her. “I’m your ONLY Uncle princess.”
She pressed herself against him. “I know. You smell good” she said, pushing her nose against his chest and inhaling deeply. “You smell like you’re going on a date.”
“It’s just after-shave silly girl” he said. “I shaved so I wouldn’t rub your face off when I did THIS!” He stuck his face into her neck, between her shoulder and head and sealed his lips on her throat. Then he blew a gust of air that made a farting sound as it broke the seal. Mindy shrieked and pushed at him, trying to get away. Bob picked her up and slung her over his shoulder, and then walked into the kitchen with her kicking and screaming and laughing all at the same time. He had to hold onto her to keep her from falling and his hand slapped down on her pert bottom. He couldn’t help but notice how firm and round that teen bottom was.
Lana was standing at the stove in shorts and a tube top, with an apron covering her from neck to thighs. Printed on the front was “Kiss the Cook!”.
Bob leaned over and put his niece on her feet. She was still laughing and tried to tickle him. He tickled back and stuck his fingers into her ribs. As she wriggled his hands tickled her breasts too and she giggled hysterically, but didn’t bat his hands away.
Finally he gave the sports sign for “Time Out” and she paused, gasping for breath. “I gotta do something” he said. “Be right back”.
Then he went to Lana and bent her over backwards, kissing her on the mouth. She had to hold onto him to keep from falling. It was a powerful kiss. Before she could react he brought her back up and stood back. She was blushing and sputtering.
“MOM!” gasped Mindy “You KISSED Uncle Bob!” She sounded scandalized.
“I most certainly DID NOT!” said Lana. “HE kissed ME!”
“Yup!” cracked Bob. “I HAD to! It was a RULE! See… it says so right there!” He took his two index fingers and underlined the words on her apron, pressing the cloth. It looked like he was underlining her breasts, because his fingers drew lines on the undersides of both breasts.
“MOM!!” Mindy yelped. “Uncle Bob TOUCHED your BREASTS!!”
“Yes Ma’am I did” growled Bob “And I’m gonna touch YOURS next!!” He stuck his two fingers out and advanced on Mindy. Her initial look of panic was immediately replaced with calculation, like she had a plan, but she backed up, her hands waving in front of her.
“Oh no you don’t you horrible old man” she cried in a voice that made it obvious that she thought he was neither horrible nor old. “No man has ever touched my breasts… and YOU shall NOT be the first!”
She darted to one side and as he lunged for her she stopped and dove TOWARD him, diving through his legs.
She almost made it too!
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