
Uncle Bob’s Carwash

Megan was so excited to be able to go to work for her uncle at his car wash. There was so much she wanted to learn. But he taught her much more than she expected.

Uncle Bob’s Carwash

by Lubrican


Megan skipped along happily on her way to her very first paying job. Not counting babysitting, of course. She had eagerly been awaiting her 16th birthday so she would be old enough to work at Uncle Bob’s car wash. It was a big bustling business down on the bay by the beach, with 30 employees, almost all High Schoolers, and five lines in which cars could be washed, waxed and detailed. When a car came out of Uncle Bob’s, it looked brand new. Bob’s always seemed to be hopping. It was a loud place, with music blaring from speakers all over. And with that music, a lot of dancing went on at Bob’s too.

Megan looked at the place as she approached it. She’d been there hundreds of times, hanging out, or visiting with her favorite Uncle, but this time she looked at it differently. She didn’t know what it was before it was a car wash, but now it looked like a light house, with the car wash at the bottom, and the tall tower going up four or five stories. There was actually a light at the top too. Every New Year’s eve Uncle Bob or somebody turned that big light on and made it do one complete revolution to mark the new year. That light sparked different colors as it went around, and it could be seen for miles. Everybody in the county came to watch it light up. That tower was the only part of the Car Wash Megan had never been in. The door to that was in Uncle Bob’s office and had no handle. It was always locked, and Megan never could even figure out how anybody could open it.

When she got there she went straight to Uncle Bob’s office. Everybody there knew her and lots of people said “Hi” as she went in. Her Uncle was sitting behind his desk and he looked up. “Hi pumpkin” he said, writing something on a piece of paper.

“I’m ready Uncle Bob!” Megan said excitedly.

“OK, I’ll bite … what are you ready for?” he said, smiling at her. She noticed that his eyes slid down her body and then back up. He’d been doing that a lot the last couple of years. She knew he was looking at her body, but she liked it. It made her feel special … pretty.

“UNCLE BOB!” she stamped her foot. “I start work today! You know that!”

He grinned. “Ah yes, the most beautiful girl in town has decided to entertain my customers.” His grin got wider.

Megan blushed. She knew what he was talking about. The employees wore uniforms at Bob’s Car Wash. They were based on a pirate theme, with tight blue shorts below a thin shirt with broad horizontal red and white stripes on it. It highlighted every muscle, rib, fold of fat and anything else on your body and, when wet, was fairly transparent … at least on the white parts. The guys’ shirt was a normal T shirt, but they had to wear a stylized pirate head bandana that looked fairly ridiculous. The girls had to wear huge hoop earrings. The shorts were gym shorts, for all intents and purposes. They were tight. Bob said they had to be for safety reasons, so that the machinery couldn’t catch loose clothing and drag somebody around or hurt them. Every guy wore a jock strap under his shorts, for reasons that will become clear in a few sentences.

The girls’ top had one shoulder strap. The neckline then swooped down and under the other arm, leaving that shoulder bare. So if you wore a bra it had to be a strapless one. With all the leaning over, stretching and all that involved in washing cars, those bras were uncomfortable. So most girls just didn’t wear one. That meant there were a lot of wet shirts, with stiff nipples under them. Then there was the problem with the shorts riding up into pussy cracks, making delightful camel toes, especially if a girl didn’t wear panties under the shorts.

All THIS meant there were a lot of teen aged hardons around, firmly encased in the strongest jock strap a boy could find. Bob’s Car Wash was a place that fairly reeked with the smell of teenaged hormones. Megan’s tender teen breasts were naked under her shirt. She didn’t plan on wearing a bra and she was looking forward to feeling sexy and having all the boys sneak peeks at her chest.

But there was more.

Famous for counties around, there were what had ended up being called “Speedo Days”. Bob’s had a tradition of proclaiming one Saturday a month “Speedo Day”. It was a blatant business promotion through sexuality, and everybody in town knew it. But it wasn’t illegal, and it was extremely popular.

There were two kinds of customers on “Speedo Day”. First, there were the customers who stayed away. They were the soccer moms, the up tight types, and the moralists. Just about everybody else showed up on Speedo Days because the boys were dressed out in little blue Speedos and the girls all wore bright Yellow string bikinis. Most customers on those days stayed in their cars during the wash, because all the hard bodies doing the washing pressed their scantily clad bodies up against the glass in the process. A lot of wives just happened to stop off to get the car washed on Speedo Day, bringing their husbands along, because all those wives invariably got a nice hard prick shoved in their pussy when they got home. There were two actual cases where people inside the car got naked and fucked while the car was being drawn down the line through the car wash!

So Bob’s was a highly charged atmosphere, that attracted teens in prime shape, in the prime of their lives and under conditions that encouraged, rather than suppressed sexuality.

Some parents wouldn’t let their kids work at Bob’s. But, because Bob let the kids keep 100% of their tips, and because kids had been known to pay their way through college on those tips, jobs at Bob’s never went unfilled for long.

And Bob didn’t refuse to hire somebody just because they were fat, or didn’t have a gorgeous face. As anyone who frequents porn sites on the web will attest, there are all sorts of appetites out there. All employees were required to wear the uniform, and if they didn’t like the way they looked in it, they could quit. Most didn’t. And, tips were good for everybody at Bob’s because he trained them to do good work above all.

Megan went into the locker room and changed into her uniform. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed happily. She’d wanted to put this uniform on for years. She stared at her pale, almost white hair, drawn back in a pony tail. Her proud round breasts pushed out nicely on the top, and she knew that when the cold water hit her nipples they’d shoot out half an inch. She’d had to promise her parents she’d wear the bra that was in her bag.

Feeling somewhat guilty, she put it on over her outfit. Then she looked at herself in the mirror and said “OK, I wore it.” Then it went back in her bag. She planned on putting it on before she went home, but she was too excited about being all grown up and sexy to put it on … and leave it on at work.

She went out on the line and was introduced to her ‘mentor’ a senior named Mark, who was going to teach her how things were done at Bob’s and assign her to a team. His job was easy. She’d hung around Bob’s for years and knew every procedure inside and out. He knew she was the Boss’s niece, so he kept his hands off her astonishing body, something he rarely did with the others. It was hard. HE was hard by the time he assigned her to line number three, where he knew Lori and Chrissy would keep an eye on her.

It was everything she dreamed it would be. From the minute she got on the line, she was soaking wet. Being short, she had to lean to get to most places on a car, so her body rubbed up against the cars constantly. Her sensitive nipples loved the feel of sliding across the wet car bodies. The boys on the team stared at her. Lori and Chrissy rolled their eyes at each other, knowing that Megan was going to get hit on by ALL the guys.

That was OK, though. There were plenty of guys to go around and both girls had steady boy friends.

Megan knew she was busted when she saw the familiar car emerge from the mist of the prewash spray. It was her dad’s car and he was in it. Her assignment was the front left quarter of the car, so she’d be working right where he would have an unobstructed view of her. She decided to make the best of it though and grinned and mouthed “Hi Daddy” through the glass at him. Then she washed her part of the car, pressing her lovely teen chest against the glass an inch from his face, just like she had on twenty other cars already. Her brother came through in his Mustang about an hour later. She knew both men got a good look at her stiff nipples while she washed their cars, so she knew her mother would be yelling at her that night.

But she didn’t.

The only comment her mom made when she came home was “How was your first day at work honey?”

Megan answered carefully. “It was great. I got $40 in tips! Daddy and Boo brought their cars down and I got to wash them both. She called her brother “Boo” even though his name was Blaine. She had ever since she was a toddler. Boo was a year older than she was and they were the best of buddies.

Her mom smiled “Yeah, they told me. Said you did a good job too. Set the table for me, OK?”

No explosion. While she was setting the table her father got home from playing golf. “Hi Daddy!” she said brightly.

“Hi peaches” he grinned. He gave her a hug and whispered in her ear “I didn’t rat you out.” Then he grinned again and went to put away his clubs.

A little while later her brother burst in through the back door. “Hey mom … hey Bumps” he grinned. “What’s for supper?

“BLAINE ALLEN MILLER!” barked Megan’s mother, putting her hands on her hips. What have I told you about calling your sister that?”

Boo had taken to calling his sister “Bumps” when she turned twelve and began to grow breasts. He’d made a habit of poking them, touching them and squeezing them every so often, telling her he had to give her ‘reports’ on how they were doing. Megan, indifferent at first, had nonetheless refrained from complaining to her parents that he did this. Over the years she got to where she kind of liked it. It was a little like what she felt when her Uncle’s hot eyes raked up and down her teen body.

The fact that her ‘bumps’ were now 36 Cs hadn’t stopped him. He had called her that so long that neither of them noticed it any more in particular. When people outside the family wanted to know what it meant, they both just said it came from all the bumps and bruises she got as a kid, trying to keep up with her big brother.

But while her nickname didn’t bother her, it bothered her mother. “I told you that is no fitting thing to say to your sister. She has a name, and your continued reference to her breasts is sexist. I don’t want to hear that again. Is that clear?”

“OK Mom, I just forgot. Sorry. Don’t have a cow. It’s just a nickname. I won’t forget again,” he said meekly. Megan stared at him. This wasn’t the brother she knew.

But as soon as her mother turned back to the stove with a “That’s better” comment, he grinned broadly, licked the two first fingers of both hands, put them on his shirt, on top of his own nipples and then rotated them in little circles, like that goofy guy on Saturday Night Live. Megan had to leave the room to keep from laughing out loud.

She’d changed back to street clothes in the locker room at Bob’s, but she needed to dry her hair, so she went up to the bathroom she and Boo used. She was combing out her hair when Boo came in behind her. Both her hands were up, dealing with her hair. She saw his hands appear in the mirror and cover her ‘bumps’ as he cupped her thrusting breasts in his hands. She hadn’t put on the bra, figuring she could always claim she’d forgotten it, and his hands felt her loose heavy tits.

“Mmmmmmmm Megan” he moaned. “Your bumps looked sooo good at the car wash today.” He squeezed them and ran his hands over the stiffening nipples. They popped up, wanting to be played with.

“I know” she said, enjoying the feel of his hands on her titties.

“It made me want to see em … and suck em.” he rasped.

She stopped brushing and looked at him in the mirror. “You know that’s not allowed” she said. She’d told him lots of times that only perverts touched their sister’s breasts. She hadn’t made him stop doing that, though every time he tried to go further she shut him down.

“I know” he moaned, feeling her nipples with his fingertips and squeezing them lightly. “But I still want to. I bet they’re delicious.”

She felt his boner against her back. “OK, you big pervert” she said, “Time’s up. You’re gonna have to go to your room now and play with yourself, cause you’re done here.” She had him well enough trained that she didn’t have to touch his hands at all. He reluctantly took them away from her precious teen titties and slunk out of the bathroom. He did go to his room, and he closed the door.

Megan grinned at her reflection in the mirror. She didn’t tell him, but it was getting harder and harder to make him quit. She thought the idea of his lips on her nipples sounded just fantastic, but she knew if she let him do that, she’d let him do other stuff, and nobody had ever done that to her.

On impulse she decided to see if he really was playing with himself. She put the brush down, got up and walked quietly to his door. Very slowly she turned the handle. It wasn’t locked.


Then, to make it look like she hadn’t been thinking about what hung between his legs at all, she just pushed the door open and walked in, saying “Hey, can I borrow your …”

She didn’t have to pretend to stop her voice in shock. She WAS shocked. He WAS masturbating, and it affected her in ways she wasn’t prepared for.

For one thing he was standing up. For another he had stripped completely. His loins were pushed out, making it look like he was in the process of bending over backward. His right hand was around the base of his penis. She didn’t know it, but he had just pulled his foreskin back completely, baring the big purple knob that was the tip of his cock. His face was looking up, or would have been had his eyes been open. Every muscle in his body was tense and strained and he was frozen, like a statue. He was facing the door and she had caught him a split second before his cum rocketed out of his cock.

Had it been an ambush, it would have been extremely successful, because she walked right into the kill zone.

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