
Uncharted territory chapter 3

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For some odd reason after all that had transpired between the two, Matt and Sally were acting rather awkward around each other. Sally had a full scale war raging on inside her as part of her felt like she should be locked away for taking advantage of a young boy’s confused emotions and another part of her knew there was no turning back, this same part of her made her feel hot and bothered and very aroused when she thought of how she had found a new sex toy, one that would be willing act out her filthy fantasies with no questions asked. Matt on the other hand was just shy around his mother. Boys his age usually are shy around the girl they have a crush on and that usually changes once they have sex but it probably had something to do with fact that the woman he had a crush on, had sex with and his mother all happened to be the same person. It would confuse any teenage boy.

A few weeks went by and nothing more than a few awkward glances happened between the two as James was around more often now. This frustrated both Sally and Matt beyond what words could explain as neither of them said it but both felt the uncontrollable desire to ravish each other on site. Their frustration grew as the days passed which caused Sally to get tired of being a house wife waiting to get fucked by the stud so she went out and found a part time job being an office temp. She really didn’t do it for the income as James’s job brought in a pretty neat wage she just saw it as a place to escape her life for a few hours a day. Matt on the other hand threw himself into his school work and football which to his own surprise paid off as he was getting pretty good at playing football. This meant him coming home later than usual from football practice and also meant he was away for the weekends most of the time. Before anyone in the family could notice several months had gone by, it was actually more like a year as they just busied themselves with their individual lives.

The summer came around and school holidays were underway. Matt felt a bit of relief as all his pressures from school had disappeared, no school work, no football practice or games. He took this as an opportunity to get back to his old self, a full summer of video games and internet surfing. On one particular day he was playing one of the popular online multiplayer war strategy games and wasting away in his room when he heard the door the front door open and close. He thought it a bit odd considering it was 3 o’ clock on a Tuesday afternoon which meant everyone was at work. He went downstairs to see who it was and found his mother in the kitchen drinking a glass of water.

“Hey mom. You’re home early.” He stated sounding more like a question.

“Hey Matty. The office closed early being our last day and all. It’s so damn hot today.” She replied, returning to her glass of water.

Sally worked as a temp secretary at a school. She found that job quickly because the school needed someone to replace their secretary who was on maternity leave and Sally had a friend in the office who recommended her for the job. Being school holidays they closed when school broke up for the holidays.

“Oh ok. Cool!” Was all Matt said as he turned around and walked away headed back for his bedroom to continue his game.

Sally turned to him and was about to say something but lost her train of thought so she just kept quiet. She watched him walking away trying to remember what she wanted to say and then she noticed something.

“What the…?” She trailed off as she watched Matt walk up the stairs.

The last times he had paid any attention to him was before she started her job. She hadn’t noticed him changing all this time and it confused her a bit because from the back she almost never recognised her own son. Matt kept his hair shorter now as it was pointless having hair getting in his face while he played a football match. He was wearing a white sleeveless vest and red shorts that just passed his knees which meant Sally noticed how much broader his shoulders had gotten and his arms and legs were thicker and a bit more muscular than she had known them to be. Matt seemed to have gone through a growth spurt and having being tricked into joining the football team during this developing time meant that he had developed and athletic kind of build to him.

Sally was beyond words. She couldn’t think how he could change so fast and so she began counting in her head how long it had been since the last time she saw him naked. The amount of time that had passed shocked her completely. She hadn’t noticed that a whole year had passed since their encounters, so much so that things had almost become normal between the two. Almost! As she watched him disappear up the stairs she was caught off guard as she felt her pussy clench and begin to warm up.
“No Sally stop it!” She scolded herself and turned away. “This whole mess seems to be behind us and things seem to be back to normal. Don’t go there Sally.” She continued as she sat down on the sofa, kicked her flat pumps off and got comfy only to find nothing interesting in TV. Meanwhile Matt was suddenly being annihilated on the game he playing as he couldn’t concentrate. He paused the game and sat back on his bed as images of his mother flashed through his head. Her appearance was still fresh in his mind as it had only been a few minutes since he had seen her. His mind went over it several times in detail. The way her breasts were ballooning against her silk shirt, the way the pencil skirt she was wearing hugged her wide hips like a second skin, the black stockings she was wearing seemed to lovingly and tightly cling onto her shapely legs and for some reason Matt found himself being aroused by the fact that she wore flat pumps instead of high heels. It gave her an innocent ‘cute mom’ look that was driving him crazy.

He somehow managed to snap out of it and looked down to see his cock erect and trying to tear its way through his shorts. He noticed the large wet spot appearing by the tip where loads of precum was oozing out.

“Dammit. Now I gotta change before anyone notices.” He said to himself, frustrated that he seemed to be heading back down this road of lusting for his mother just when he thought he had sorted his head out. He changed his shorts and headed down to laundry to put his shorts in the wash. On the way back he decided to pass through the kitchen and grab a can of cola from the fridge when he caught the scent of something all too familiar. He could smell the scent of an aroused vagina mixed with the scent of nylon and to top it off, the smell of his mother’s heavenly perfume that always seemed to make him weak in the knees. Without thinking he followed this scent all the way into the lounge where he found his mother sitting on the sofa facing the TV with a distressed look on her face. He looked down to see her legs closed and her thighs tightly pressed together as if she needed to pee badly. Sally looked up and saw her son standing in the door way, her eyes followed his structure all the way up until their eyes met and at that moment it was as if a bomb had been detonated and the explosive fire consumed them both. They both now had completely expressionless faces and stared at each other as Matt moved toward her. No one dared speak, they just moved as if someone else was controlling them. Matt approached Sally and got down on his knees in front of her and she opened her legs for him to move closer and she wrapped her firm legs around his waist all the while neither of them broke eye contact and were completely silent. Matt reached down and unbuttoned the front of his shorts and pulled his fully erect cock out and aimed it at his mother who had pulled her skirt up and was ready and waiting. Neither of them registered that she was wearing full pantyhose as Matt moved forward slowly and pressed his cock against her nylon clad pussy. As luck would have it Sally wasn’t wearing any panties under her pantyhose and by some miracle Matt’s cock was pressed against the weakest part of the seam in her pantyhose. She sat there motionless and silent as he slowly but forcefully pushed like a mindless sex drone.

“I missed you.”

Sally whispered barely audible and never breaking eye contact and just as she said it the seam of her pantyhose gave way and Matt’s cock was quickly enveloped in her hot pink pussy which was practically dripping from her being overly aroused. Matt began pumping his cock into his mother slowly and steady, neither of them said a word or made a sound as their stares consumed one another Sally tightened her thighs around her son’s waist and was aroused even further by the feel of his muscular waist. It sent shivers up and down her spine and caused her pussy to quiver. Matt felt his mother’s pussy quiver and try to stretch around his cock and some of her pussy fluids oozed out and began dripping off his balls as he slowly but very forcefully pumped into her. Sally felt herself nearing a climax causing her pussy to contract and Matt felt it quite strongly. He pulled out almost all the way and gave one final thrust. As his cock bottomed out in her she felt his cock pulsate inside her at exactly the same time her pussy would contract almost as if it were trying to clench closed but the cock inside it would pulsate and force it opened. They both just silently stared into each other’s eyes as their bodies fused together in a heated orgasm.

Once their orgasms subsided they sat there panting and breathing heavily as sweat dripped off their faces. Both mother and son had lost track of time and were startled when they heard a car door being shut in the drive way. Without saying anything Matt pulled out and stood up in one motion. Sally sat there with her legs opened, now feeling empty as she looked at her son’s still erect cock literally dripping with a mixture of her vaginal fluids and his own cum. A wicked smile crept up on her face as she closed her legs and leaned forward, taking his cock completely into her mouth and down her throat and closed her eyes.
“Mmmmmm.” Was the only sound she made before opening her eyes and letting her son’s cock slip out of her mouth with a popping sound. The sound of keys rusting outside the door was heard shortly after and they both knew it was James. Matt tucked his cock back into his shorts and rushed out of the room headed for his bedroom to try and act inconspicuous. Sally on the other hand simply licked her lips and sat back on the sofa, crossing her one leg over the other looking as casual as ever as the front door opened.

“Hey honey. Did you have a good last day at work?”

James asked as he walked through the door.

“Oh better than you can imagine my dear. It was very…warming to find out some people still appreciate what I have to offer.” She replied with a beaming smile on her face as she felt her pussy tingle from the brutal fucking her son had just given it only moments ago.

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