Ty & Cinda–A Tale of Forbidden Love-Part 3
Ty & Cinda–A Tale of Forbidden Love-Part 3
Sex Story Author: | senorlongo |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I drove up the winding two-lane road until I slowed at the long driveway, making the left-hand turn once a |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, Oral Sex, Romance, Teen Male/Teen Female |
They say that time flies. That may be true for some people in some circumstances, but it wasn’t to be for Cinda and me. Time dragged over the next two days. At times I thought the clock was moving backwards. We spent every second together which was some consolation and we made love at least twice every single day. We tried new things, even going fishing in one of Grandma’s boats. I had a much better time in the Gulf than I did the last time. I knew that Cinda had the same thoughts when she gave me a brief kiss and ran her finger along my scar. My hair was almost an inch long now.
Finally, our day was here. Grandma insisted on taking us out for breakfast before driving to the little white church. “Wait here for Pastor Robbins, Ty,” Monroe commented, his suit hugging his muscular body. “He wants you to walk Momma and your grandmother up the aisle to the first row. Then Juanita will go and I’ll follow with Cinda.” I took a deep breath. I was nervous, but I wasn’t. Does that make any sense?
Finally, Pastor Robbins entered, taking his time and shaking hands as he went. “I have the finest, most wonderful responsibility this morning. I can tell by the size of the congregation that all of you know what is on tap. I know that many of you should be in school. Oh, well—it’s a good reason to miss. I know you’ll be back Monday.” He raised his hand; Grandma took my left elbow and Momma took my right. Slowly we walked up the aisle. I was amazed at how many people were in the church. I recognized many of my friends from the park on the way forward. I released Grandma; she hugged me and kissed my cheek before entering the front row pew to my left. Momma did the same, joining Grandma on the bench.
I stood erect to Pastor Robbins’ left and turned to await Juanita and my bride. Pastor rested his hand on my shoulder. I watched Juanita come up the aisle to stand off to my right, exactly in front of Momma. Finally, Monroe led Cinda up the center of the aisle. I could see how beautiful Juanita was, but she was nothing compared to my bride-to-be. Monroe kissed Cinda’s cheek and handed her to me before moving off to my side. Holding Cinda’s hand tightly we turned to face Rev. Robbins.
“Brothers and sisters, we are here this morning to witness the joining of two of the finest young people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. I’ve known Cinda ever since she was a tiny baby. I remember rocking her on my knee. We met when Ty had to leave, returning with his mother to Indiana. I recall telling her that she’d get over Ty. Care to guess what she told me? ‘He’ll be back. Pastor; Ty will come back for me.’
“This is the time when I usually speak about the importance of commitment, but not today. I met with Cinda when Ty had to leave last year. ‘He’ll be back for me,’ was the first thing she said. I know that neither of these two dated or expressed any interest in anyone else since they first met even though Ty was almost a thousand miles away. How often did you talk to each other, Ty?”
“Every single day, Pastor.”
“I thought so and right now I believe everyone is thinking I should stop speaking and get the show on the road.” I glanced at Cinda and could see that she agreed. We listened to a few passages from the Bible before we got down to the nitty-gritty. I agreed to love, cherish, and honor Cinda and said ‘I do’ then Cinda did the same. Monroe produced the rings; a minute later it was done—husband and wife forever.
We retired to the pew next to Momma holding hands. Truthfully, the entire thing was a huge blur. Finally, I knew it was over when Pastor Robbins surprised us. “My good friend Emma Walker would like to invite everyone present to her home this afternoon to help celebrate the union of her only grandson to our Cinda. Anything you’d like to add, Emma?”
“Thank you, Ralph; as you said I only have the one grandson, but today I received a special granddaughter, as well. I do hope you will all join us.”
Grandma sat as Pastor continued to speak. “You can see that Emma and I know each other well. While her husband was spouting racist nonsense Emma was helping me behind his back at every turn. I always knew where to go whenever I needed money to help one of our families and Emma never once turned her back.” He finished with a blessing and led us out into the bright autumn day. We thanked everyone for coming and were soon back in my rental for the brief ride to Grandma’s.
I was amazed to find a horde of caterers running back and forth from trucks to the back yard. Cases and cases of soda and beer filled hand trucks. Tents and canopies covered flaming charcoal grills. I turned around to Grandma in the back seat in awe. “How often do you think I’ll have an opportunity like this, Ty? I certainly couldn’t do it while your grandfather was alive. I suggest you change your clothes and relax. We’re all going to have a great time, right Joanna?” That was the first time I’d ever heard Cinda’s mom called anything other than “Momma.”
Cinda and I rushed to my—our—room, changing hurriedly, me into a golf shirt and shorts, Cinda into a tight sleeveless blouse and short shorts; the temperature was in the low eighties—a perfect day. “You aren’t going to wear that in public, are you?”
“Of course! I want all those other guys to be jealous of you. They might look, but only you can touch.”
I pulled her to me to whisper, “I can’t wait to touch you.”
“Me neither, you know how much I love that…almost as much as I love touching you.” She kissed me and led me outside. Momma was seated under a big canopy. The jacket to her suit was thrown over the back of her chair. Grandma had changed and led us around the yard. “Ribs over here, steak over there, and in this tent are all the seafood. Boiled shrimp and raw oysters to start; later we’ll have some crawfish, too.” I almost choked, but Cinda told me, “I want you to try one, okay? They’re really big here in Louisiana. I like mine with plenty of hot sauce.”
“That’s how I like you,” I whispered, but Grandma heard me anyway. She laughed and then she hugged Cinda, whispering softly into her ear. Cinda grinned and led me away. “What?”
“You’ll find out…later when we touch each other. Sorry, but you’ll have to wait.” She kissed me and we walked to a shady area under a big old tree. I left her for a moment to get us some ice cold Cokes. I was back only a few minutes when Monroe, Juanita, and some of our school and park friends began to arrive. They sat around us and we talked. They all wanted to know when we were leaving.
Cinda excused herself about a half hour later, returning with a big plate full of boiled shrimp—one of my favorites—and another covered with what looked like some red spiders. All the kids laughed when I called them that. “Would I let you eat a spider?”
“I hope not!” Even Cinda laughed at that. She pulled the tail from the body and held it up for me. “Am I supposed to eat the shell?”
“No, silly…just push it here and the meat will come out.”
I took one look and picked up a shrimp, ran it through some cocktail sauce and popped it into my mouth. Cinda shook her head in mock frustration and ate the crawfish herself. “Delicious.”
I gave her a quick kiss. “I agree…you are absolutely delicious.” She laughed again and pulled me in for a long deep kiss.
Monroe was the first to speak, “You know the best thing about this, Ty? I won’t have to threaten to bash anybody any more. That’ll be your job from now on. Cinda told me you took on four muggers once. Was that true?” I reluctantly nodded. I hated bragging.
The party went on and on and, finally, just before ten the catering company began to clean up. Everybody took their last ribs or shrimp or—yes, even crawfish—and drink, soda for us kids or beer or sour mash for the adults. Grandma stood and walked around, thanking everyone for coming to celebrate her new granddaughter. The party began to thin out and by eleven everyone had gone, Monroe and Juanita being among the last. “Any idea when you’re going to head north, Ty?”
“Tomorrow morning; we want to find a place to live on Friday.”
“What’s your hometown like, Ty,” Juanita asked.
I gave the matter a little thought. “From what I’m told the entire area used to be farms, but about twenty years ago farmers began to sell out and big upscale housing was built. The whole area grew like crazy. My grandfather was one of the farmers, but he didn’t sell. My parents still live on the farm, but my dad has a regular job. He hires two men to do all the farm work which I guess makes him what’s known as a ‘gentleman farmer.’ Schools there are a top priority. The high school is only three years old and the facilities are fantastic. The library is huge. So are the gym and pool.”
“You have a pool…right there in the school?”
“Yeah, remember that we’re in Middle America. There are some lakes and streams, but it gets cold early. You can only swim outside from June to September unless you’re a real masochist, although it’s been really hot all Fall. Anyway, the school is really modern; it has everything.”
“What about black kids?”
“Not many, but more than you might think; there are a bit over 1,300 students and maybe seventy or eighty black kids. I know most of them; their parents work at one of the universities or in hospitals as doctors and nurses. It’s not that much different than it is here other than no gators, no hurricanes, and less humidity. On the other hand we do have the occasional tornado, but everyone has a basement shelter, even the school. Sorry, but I’m beat; I need to get to bed.” I wasn’t trying to be funny, but everyone laughed, even me once I realized the implications. They finally took the hint and left; Cinda and I retired to our room.
Cinda put her hands to my chest. Slowly she pulled my shirt from my body. Dropping it to the floor her hands moved to my belt. My shorts and boxers joined my shirt seconds later then she knelt to remove my sandals. Now I returned the favor to her. We stood there unmoving, naked as husband and wife for the first time. “Happy,” I asked.
“More than I could ever tell you. We’ve waited a long time for this, Ty. I would have waited forever, but I’m glad I didn’t have to.”
“I look at you and wonder how I ever got to be so lucky. You’re smart and beautiful, too and you’re incredibly sexy.”
“You forgot the most important thing—I’m in love with you. C’mon, let’s get clean so we can get dirty again.” She pulled me to the shower. She tried to wash me, but I kept pulling her into a close embrace, kissing her cheek and neck and suckling her breast. Eventually she gave up, dropped the soap into the holder and gripped my head. Cinda kissed me with incredible passion, backing me into the wall.
“I’m obviously not going to wash you tonight so I think maybe I should just make love with you.” She bent over to grip the sides of the bench built into the corner. Turning her head she laughed. “Surely you don’t need directions, do you?” She spread her legs and wiggled her ass as I walked up behind her.
Placing my feet behind hers steadied her as I reached for her hips. My cock found her slit; I rubbed it in a few times before pushing slowly and gently into my love. Leaning forward I whispered even as the hot spray covered our bodies. “You’re unbelievable…incredible…fantastic…oh God!” It was the first time I’d been in her naked and I knew now what I had been missing.
“You can cum in me, Ty. I’m due for my period in another day or two. I’m always regular, but don’t worry…we can still make love every day. I like the way it feels, too. Your skin feels so hot inside me.” I kissed her neck and moved back, both hands on her hips for leverage. Cinda moved against me and there was obviously something I was doing right. It definitely wasn’t her clit; I wasn’t anywhere near it. I wondered if it had something to do with that thing I’d read about—her G-spot.
We moved together and soon she was shaking. I was glad because the sensation of contact with her flesh was doing it to me, too. Leaning over again I brought my fingers to her clit. A rub with the back of my fingernail threw her over the edge. I had to hold her—keep her from falling—even as I exploded into her. Cinda looked over her shoulder. Her expression told of love and lust, of desire and need. My shrinking cock slipped from her as I turned her body and slipped my arm under her legs. I turned the water off as I carried my love out to the bathroom. Setting her carefully on a stool I reached for a towel to carefully dry my love—my wife.
“You were incredible, Mrs. Feldner.”
“That’s right—I have a new name, don’t I?” She smiled up at me still a bit out of it as I dried my body. I carried her to our bed for our first night as man and wife.
We were up early the following morning—Thanksgiving– at five. Grandma was up, too even though we’d told her to sleep in. She made us a good breakfast while I loaded the suitcases into the rental. Saying good-bye to Grandma was harder than I’d thought. “I love you, Grandma—you’re the best.” I hugged and kissed her and stepped aside for Cinda.
“You take care, Granddaughter…you, too Ty.” She stood and waved in the brightening day as I drove away. Driving with Cinda was a lot different than driving alone. We talked about everything—books, music, even about making love. She wanted to know what I liked; that was easy—I liked everything she did with me. I asked her what she liked. “Everything,” she replied with a smile. Then I asked her about our sex in the shower.
“What was I doing differently? It seemed that I was really stimulating you somehow. You began to shake almost immediately. Was that your G-spot?”
“I don’t know what it was, but it was great…even greater than what you usually do which is wonderful. Making love with you is nothing less than wonderful, Ty. I don’t know how it could be better.”
“I love you, too.” I leaned over a bit and Cinda took the hint.
She kissed my cheek. “That’s all for now. You have to keep your eyes on the road.” We made good time, arriving at the airport and returning the car by 7:00. We landed in Indianapolis around 11:00. It was almost 1:00 in the afternoon when I pulled onto the off-ramp to our town. Checking out the traffic to my right I noticed Cinda gripping her thighs so strongly that her knuckles were white. “Nervous?”
“A little…no, a lot; what will happen if your parents don’t like me?”
“That will be their loss. You’ll still be stuck with me.”
“Good!” She leaned over to plant a kiss on my cheek. “How much farther?”
“About three miles or so.” I reached over and took her hand in mine.
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