
Two Sexy Sisters For Diablo

Out on the street, a cold San Franciscan winter’s day lashed wind and rain down on The Panhandle, buffeting the living-room’s large bay windows, as the hidden sun set behind bleak, grey clouds. However, sitting on a cozy leather couch inside her grandparent’s spacious apartment, Cassie Otis was beginning to feel uncomfortably warm, especially up between her lovely young legs.

It’s all Jennifer’s fault I’m this turned on! The frustrated little fourteen-year-old decided, knowing her creamy little pussy had been kissing the crotch band of her white cotton panties, wetly, down between her squirmy young thighs for what seemed like ages already. Still, she was a bit surprised to realize just how juicy she’d become down there inside her blue-jeans. And just by THINKING about her big sister and the, evil-looking Doberman she had just arrived home with, only a short while before.

Diablo. That’s what Jennifer had already named him apparently. A VERY suitable choice for such an evil looking beast, Cassie had decided when she’d first met the alert, powerfully built male dog, only a few minutes before. Cassie had noticed immediately that the dog was very well hung in the private’s department. And despite her initial feelings about the animal’s almost demonic appearance, she’d found her eyes had been draw irresistibly down to his big, hairy cock-sheath and fat black balls.

Cassie shivered with wicked delight just now, as she recalled the bright pink tip of the dogs pointy, animal penis twitching slightly from the open end of it’s hairy, protective pouch, as he’d sat before her on the rug. The formidable animal had a commanding, almost scary aura about him, the pretty little girl concluded.

Would her big sister really let such a fearsome dog have his way with her? Another shiver of lust tickled into Cassie’s loins at the mere thought of such delicious obscenity. I wonder how Diablo will like licking Jennifer’s pussy? Will he want to eat her out till she cums? Maybe even fuck her? God! Cassie would’ve given anything just then, to see something THAT depraved, that incredibly sexy, happen between her sexy big sister and the dog just then.

What the fuck is taking Jennifer so long anyway? Cassie asked herself anxiously at that moment, Jen’s been outside for ages already. Fuck! How long does it take that damned, artsy-fartsy woman to drop off a stupid book anyway? She wondered as she waited.

The girl’s grandparents had already left for an anti-war rally, being held somewhere in the city that evening, and Cassie was almost sure Jennifer had been about to do something sexual with their new dog at any minute. But just then, suddenly the doorbell had rang unexpectedly.

It had turned out to be Jennifer’s poetry teacher, Lilith something..? She’d dropped by unannounced, apparently to return a book of gothic poetry, Jennifer had left in the odd woman’s car, during a lift home from a recital evening the other night. According to Jennifer, Lilith owned an art gallery and hosted a gothic poetry group several times a week which Jennifer had become very interested in lately. Jennifer was out on the stoop talking to the woman still. Cassie was only irritated by the unexpected visit. She wished her older sister would get her butt back inside and get back, to what Cassie was hopeful, would turn out to be a VERY wicked evening ahead.

Cassie found herself alone just now. The dog had already disappeared a little while ago, wandering into some other part of the family’s home, no doubt curious, and eager to explore unfamiliar surroundings. Cassie hoped that was a good sign, that it meant the big animal would soon be comfortable and happy, and loving his new, and hopefully naughty, little life here amongst them.

He’d better be an “open minded” doggy if he’s going to live in THIS family! Cassie chuckled to herself for a moment, before pondering just how true the thought really was.

Perhaps Jennifer and Cassie’s grandparents were to blame for how perverted the sister’s tastes seemed to have become since the girls had come to live with the old couple here in San Francisco a few years ago? Cassie wondered briefly.

Yes. Both she and her older sister had definitely changed a lot since they had moved here, owing to the break up of their real parent’s marriage. And just a few years of exposure, to the more radical thinking of her grandparents, had wrought huge changes on both sisters. Cassie was sure of it.

Grandma and Pa had been old beatniks, and even though good careers had later afforded them this large apartment building, they still espoused many of the old ideals of their radical youth. Being free thinking was essential. Always question authority, and by all means, try to live in a free living way! How many times had Cassie heard Pa say stuff like that? And, becoming an adult earlier than Cassie, sister Jennifer had been under such influence for much longer than she.

It should come as no surprise then, that Jennifer had become very forthright about maters of life, and especially SEX, over the years.

Both sisters had ALOT of personal freedoms under their grandparent’s roof, compared with the bad old days back in New Jersey with their real parents. That was for sure. And ever since Cassie had turned fourteen, like her older sister before her, she’d been virtually at liberty to test her new sexual wings as she pleased.

In fact, just lately, she’d started to find thinking about sex very exciting indeed. She had always shared little secrets with her much older sister in the past. But lately her body had matured along with her female appetites, strengthening and enriching the bond between the siblings. A seven year difference between the girls ages had been quite a gap. So Jennifer seemed highly delighted lately, since she could now engage her little sister in more interesting, risqué, adult conversations at last. And the more taboo, the more radical the kink, the more her big sister seemed to like it! Cassie smiled to herself.

Cassie had even been invited to hang-out in Jennifer’s bedroom with her, usually more secretive, older sister, much more often recently.

They’d talked already for ages, about boyfriends, love, lust, life and death, and especially– sex. Dates they’d been on with boys, turn-ons, turn-offs. It was as if they shared an eagerness to understand the mysteries of a vast sexual world around them together. They even surfed pornographic websites and adult chat-rooms together via Jennifer’s computer sometimes. Her older sister was very forthright about her desires. No wonder Cassie already knew about her current obsession about dogs having sex with women!

Cassie creamed her damp panties a little more just now, as she thought back to the first time Jennifer had mentioned she’d like to have sex with a dog herself.

The girls had found a particularly lurid website displaying several movies depicting bestiality. Most of the video clips had shown beautiful young women being fucked and sucked in various ways by huge, horny dogs. Jennifer had become immediately enthralled by the lewd action. Perhaps it appealed to her gothic-punk type outlook on life, Cassie wondered.

“God that’s gross, but I’d LOVE to try that shit!” Jennifer had confessed lasciviously, while watching the unwholesome fuck action on the screen.

“I wish I had a dog of my own. He could be my dark and unholy, secret lover!” Jen had announced in melodramatic romanticism, as the sisters had been viewing a particularly hot, dog fuck movie.

But the idea had really resonated with young Cassie. It was repulsive and yet, intoxicatingly naughty all at once to her young mind. And ever since Jen had announced she was going to finally go out and buy a dog, that very morning, Cassie had been contemplating all sorts of naughty possibilities.

It gave her a giddy little tickle between her legs just now, as she squirmed her tiny butt wantonly on the living room couch, knowing her sister was planning to engage sexually in such a forbidden, sinful way, with their brand new pet, perhaps at any moment now.

Fuck! I want to see her do something with Diablo, NOW! Her mind shouted at her.. Damn… Where is that bitch..? Maybe if I go out and be a pest, she’ll get her butt back in here and do something already! Cassie told herself as she slipped off the couch and padded out to the landing by the front door to see what was keeping her big sister so long.

The heavy rain outside, muffled her footsteps in the hallway, and as she drew near, she noticed the front door was slightly ajar. She was about to go on through, when something pricked up her keen, young ears. Above the swirling weather beyond, Cassie could hear unmistakable little sounds of passion! She slid stealthily, the last few feet, before squinting out from shadow, through a crack in the doorway, into the gloom beyond.

What she saw, as her eyes adjusted to dimness flashed by occasional lightening, took her completely by surprise. Jennifer and Lilith were out there together, oblivious to her presence as they hugged each other in a VERY passionate, lesbian embrace.

Arms locked around tiny female waists, hands kneading firm, rounded feminine buttocks, gracefully long necks dancing, swan-like, as they exchanged some of the most fiery kisses Cassie had ever seen.

Cassie had met the strange blond several times before. She’d often dropped Jennifer home after a poetry recital night. She recalled the woman had a magnetic, yet indefinable charm about her. She was an elegantly tall, slinky and demure woman. An almost sultry blond lady with a really attractive figure for her age. Cassie guessed she was in her early thirties. Perhaps due to her position as curator of a local art gallery, she always seemed to be dressed in elegant, figure hugging evening gowns, even through the day. Just like the sleek dark blue satin number she was wearing now as she sucked and fondled Cassie’s older sister, right before her eyes on the otherwise, secluded door step.

Both women were totally engrossed in each other. Hair bedraggled. Unheeding of the rain that had soaked them both, it having done nothing to cool their lesbian lust for one another.

Cassie could make out the stiff nipples of the women, standing out from heaving breasts, straining erotically beneath thin, clingingly damp material. Legs locked passionately around legs, each woman slightly humping the others crotch as Cassie gasped, almost disbelievingly. Lilith was a sexy, seductive looking woman. Out of prejudice, Cassie could hardly believe such a beautiful woman could be a lesbian. So she could hardly believe her wide brown eyes now, as the sexy blond woman suddenly slid a supple white hand she’d been kneading Jennifer’s buttocks with, around to the front of her big sister’s crotch. Jennifer giggled vibrantly as she whispered something inaudible in the other woman’s ear. At the same time, Lilith nodded in reply and smiled broadly, while groping, long, slender, fingers indecently into her young protégés denim covered cunt-crevice.

And then, suddenly, the couple broke free of each other and Cassie realized they were finally saying their farewells to each other.

Cassie darted back, as fast as her shaky legs would carry her, hiding quickly in a hallway closet until Jen had finished saying goodbye to her amorous poetry teacher, closed the door and passed by Cassie’s hiding spot to return to the lounge room once again.

Meanwhile, Cassie’s mind was still reeling. Jen had mentioned finding women attractive as well as men before. Often times in fact, during their many naughty little conversations of late. But Cassie had never actually seen Jennifer do ANY of the things she’d so often spoke about.

Boys, girls, dogs, Jennifer was a pretty wild girl, Cassie believed it for sure now. But, seeing her sister actually making out with the sexy older woman had really freaked Cassie out. She was trembling as she hid.

Mixed emotions whirled in her young mind. Should she ask Jennifer about what she’d just seen? She couldn’t quite put her finger on why it bothered her so much just now. Jennifer was her best friend in the whole world, that was for sure. But could it be that she felt a little jealousy towards the beautiful, lesbian stranger who’d been kissing her sister just now? I guess it’s really none of my business, maybe, Cassie concluded, but still she felt pretty disconcerted.

Presently, she slipped quietly out of the closet and followed a trail of water droplets her sister had left behind.

Back in the lounge room, Cassie realized that both Jennifer and the dog, Diablo, were nowhere to be seen.

However, Cassie could hear Marilyn Mansion’s music blaring from behind her sisters bedroom door nearby. Was Jennifer already doing something naughty with the dog inside her room, without her little sister? Cassie felt a pang of excitement and jealousy leap into her throat. Despite her inner turmoil, Cassie was absolutely SURE she wanted to see Jennifer do something, ANY sort of filthy sex thing, with the their new, fearsome looking family pet.

In fact, she was literally afraid that Jen would decide to keep what ever might happen with Diablo privately to herself, to be unwilling to share her perversion with her little sister out of embarrassment or something at the last minute. GOD. She hoped not!

Cassie knocked boldly on Jennifer’s bedroom door, upon which a slogan in runic text read “Abandon earthly being, All those whom enter here.” Cassie wasn’t as big a fan of the “gothic lifestyle” as Jennifer was. Still, she accepted Jen’s right to do what ever she liked in her own private space. Cassie respected the fact that big sister’s small, bizarrely decorated bedroom was her own, covert fantasy world. A place to keep her darkest secrets or follow even darker desires, as she pleased. Cassie still felt almost privileged to be invited into, what she often thought of as, her big sister’s gothic fantasy domain.

After a moment, her big sister, wearing nothing but a smile and a terry-toweling bathrobe, opened the door, and cheerfully bundled her little sister inside. Demonic music still blasted from her CD player’s speakers, drowning out occasional thunder claps from beyond a heavily draped window in the small room.

“Brrr. It’s raining cats and dogs out there! I’m freezing,” Jennifer laughed as she leapt onto her big comfy bed and dived between the cozy covers, before the chilled air could get to her.

I was right! She does have the dog in here already. Cassie noted. The devilish looking Doberman was sitting obediently at the other end of the room, next to a soggy pile of Jennifer’s recently discarded clothing.

“Hello Diablo..” Cassie cooed at the beast, before turning to her sister.

“He’s a pretty scary looking dog, Sis!” Cassie was secretly impressed by the sight of the powerful animal, surrounded by gothic paraphernalia in Jennifer’s room.

The dog’s menacing yellow eyes gleamed back at her own, causally flickering from one female to the other, fiery embers against the otherwise pitch-black background of a sharp, almost bat-like skull. The dogs macabre presence was the perfect compliment to the images of dragons, succubae, vampires and Gothic movie posters that adorned the black painted walls of Jennifer’s bedroom. A bright yellow pentagram on black floor boards where the carpet had been pulled up, occupied the center of the room, adding to the demonic imagery of numerous candles and upside-down crucifixes cluttering bookshelves filled with sad, sweet gothic poetry. Yes. Diablo’s unholy figure seemed very much at home amongst the spooky-cool decoration of her sister’s bedroom, Cassie decided.

“Yeah. He looks almost ‘unearthly’.. eh?” Jennifer echoed.

“But there’s definitely something sexy about the way he looks at me…” Jennifer confessed, shivering lustily beneath the covers.

“I know it sounds weird, but, no bullshit, Sis!.. It was like the second I saw him, I knew he’d be a great dog for… you know.. sex.” Jennifer giggled a little nervously, “He’s eerie.. but FUCK that turns me on….if you know what I mean.” Jen confided, gazing over the edge of the bed at the handsome, enigmatic canine, patiently staring back.

“I love the way he looks at me… almost like he wants to eat me. Ooher. It gives me shivers!” Jennifer’s own, horny, pussy had been tingling all day, just thinking about being alone with the big dog for the first time. Hmmm. Her clit stiffened as she thought about all the wicked possibilities she had ahead of her now.

“What’s up Sis?” Jen asked, suddenly aware that Cassie didn’t seem quite as excited as she’d hoped she might be just now.

“I… I… not much… I guess..” Cassie mumbled, “it’s just… well… I saw you out there with that lady just now Jen… sorry.. I didn’t mean to snoop!” Jennifer was a little surprised, maybe even slightly embarrassed, but recovered quickly.

“Oh…. So… So what? She countered defensively, “Lilith’s a really nice person. She brought my poetry book back… I… just… what did you see anyway?”

“Jen.. I saw her giving you like, a ‘five minute Frencher’ and feeling you up for fuck sake… that’s what!” Cassie blurted, a little surprised at the strength of her own mixed feelings and emotions just then.

“SO?.. don’t have a spaz attack Sis!” Jen chided, trying to calm, and deciding to come clean with her little sister all at once.

“She’s a nice lady Cassie.. she likes me a lot… and… why not?… I’m a hell of a kisser!” Jen tinkled laughter, only half joking, at her last remark.

“Ok she’s nice. But.. are you like ..er.. turning lezzy now with her.. or what?” Cassie mumbled weakly, afraid of what her sister might be about to tell her.

“FUCK NO. I love a good, stiff, cock as much as the next girl.. maybe even more so! Jen laughed ,trying to explain herself to her much less worldly little sister.

“It’s just.. well.. you know.. like I’ve told you before.. I do like women too. You knew that already.. right Sis?”

Cassie did of course, nodding sheepishly.

“Ok.. I guess.. it was just.. a bit of a shock. She’s.. your poetry teacher.. isn’t she?”

Jen brightened a little, as she began to explain.

“Well. She owns the gallery where the poetry club meets I think… anyway, a few weeks ago, after a recital, Lilith sort of… made a pass at me!” Jen blushed red in her ghostly, pale cheeks momentarily, but glad to be sharing how she felt with Cassie, finally.

“One thing just sort of led to another and.. well.. we ended up making out in the back seat of her car!”, Jen giggled a little, at her own, slightly off color confession, confident that Cassie was being understanding.

“I like how she makes me feel. And it’s like this…. I don’t wanna miss out on a single thing life might have to offer, OK?” she continued, “Remember what Grandpa always says, never close doors, right?”. She fixed a powerful gaze on the younger girl for a moment, realizing her little sister looked hurt at the implication that she wasn’t ‘hip’ or something.

“Maybe you’re just too young yet to understand, Cassie. Anyway just forget it ..ok?”, Jen trailed off a little dejectedly.

“I. I’m not too young,” Cassie retorted indignantly, “I’m just.. worried about you Jen.”

The concern in her sister’s sweet young voice really touched Jennifer just then, she really loved Cassie, she realized, as the lovely young girl continued.

“I feel like we’re not as close as we used to be. It’s like you’re changing, Jen,… we’re both changing. I’m a bit scared, it’s like I don’t even really know you .. or even myself any more, sometimes..” Cassie seemed almost on the edge of tears suddenly.

“Hey.. hey, now sweetie.. I’m the same ..I promise..”, Jennifer assured the sad young girl, trembling before her.

“I’m just.. really into trying new things lately.. you know.. it’s like my poetry.. I’d give anything to be really good at it.. but to be a really great artist means I have to experience things from different points of view ok?.. I just want to be free.. to have fun.. I’m not turning gay or anything.. if that’s what your afraid of..?” Jennifer was glad to see Cassie seemed to brighten at that last remark.

“Girls.. boys, even dogs.. it’s all just part of being grown up about sex to me,” Jennifer explained lightheartedly, “doing kinky, sex things is just for FUN Sis, really.. OK?”

Jennifer noticed that mentioning the dog caused Cassie to brighten, she was glancing over at the brutish hound now, Jennifer’s voice took on a sexier tone as she baited the young girl a little.

“I know you like the idea of the dog… doing stuff now, don’t you?” Jennifer teased, remembering how excited her little sister had seemed whenever Jennifer had fantasized aloud, the wicked sex things she could imagine doing with a big male dog of her own.

“You don’t mind the idea of the dog licking me.. do you? It’s a pretty kinky thing to do, don’t you think so ?”, she half-whispered, gently taunting the younger girl, who obviously liked the idea of what she was hearing. In fact, her creamy little pussy was beginning to tingle, warmly again, as lewd, bestial imagery danced in her young mind momentarily.

“I guess.. it is.. But kissing another woman, and letting her touch you like a boy would ..that’s.. pretty far out sis.’ Cassie blurted. “I.. I.. just don’t really get it.. I guess I mean.. I’m sorry.. maybe when I’m your age I’ll understand… I dunno”, Cassie mumbled, dropping her head and looking at her feet.

Jen felt suddenly annoyed with the silly little girl. What the hell does she know about anything anyway? She raged internally. But then, almost instantly, she felt sorry for her poor, naive little sister. She really doesn’t know what she’s missing, Jennifer realized, as she felt an irresistible urge to hug her little sister just then.

“Hey Cassie..

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