
Truth or Dare with my friend and our parents.


(With my friend, her parents, my parents, and another of our friend’s parents.)

There will be a number of readers that won’t believe this story. It is true. I pondered how to write the story and from what perspective. I ultimately decided to just go with how I experienced the night.

My name is Katie and my closest friends Becki and Jenni (yes- they both liked to end their names with an “i,”) and our parents took annual camping trips in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. We quickly got a group nickname as “the Charlie’s Angels’ Girls” as I had red hair, Becki was a brunette, and Jenni a blonde. Are moms were known as “The Charlie Moms” and had our same hair colors. Our dads played soccer and they all had girls at roughly the same time. Our moms were into yoga and adventurous; camping, hiking, surfing etc.

This story is about the most memorable camping trip to the Sierras we ever took.

So, let’s get started.

Our parents took us to a spot we had been at before on our annual camping trip. It was semi remote with a small lake that was still and crystal clear. However, this year we wanted our tents set up in a location our of ear shot of our parents. Our parents were quick to agree. They set up their tents right by the lake and we had ours in a bit from the lake under a huge tree that we figured would provide us with good shade as it was the end of July and was already quite hot.

After all was set up, the first things we wanted to do was get in the water. Becki, Jenni, and I all emerged from our tents in new bikinis. As we walked by our parents tent to get to the water, I felt the eyes of our dads on us. I could see them look, then look away. My bikini was a string bikini, and it didn’t cover much. I wanted the strings very thin so I could minimize dramatic tan lines. Becki was a more athletic type of bikini, and Jenni had on a high waisted bikini with strings that zigzag up the sides exposing her hips.

When we got back to our tents, Becki, Jenni, and I all talked later that day about how we noticed our dads looking at us. Our tents site was well chosen as we could not hear our parents and they could not hear us, so we felt comfortable talking openly. We talked about how our dad desperately tried not to look at us as we swam and tanned. We noticed are moms teasing our dads about it all. They thought, I guess, that we weren’t paying attention to what they were saying and stuff as we swam and tanned; but we were. It wasn’t odd for men their ages to be checking us out. We were familiar with that. It was this new revelation that our dads were just like all the other men out and about was eye opening.

That first night passed and we were in bed early as we all were rather tired from the drive and camp set up. The next day our parents went for a hike and us girls stayed behind to swim and tan more. We all got together for a big dinner later that day. Us girls, as was typical, all dressed very similar. We had on short cutoff jeans, and cropped tank top. It was a “uniform” we all generally wore when we were out and about, but not when lounging around our homes. We noticed, again, our dads peeking at us a bit longer and stealing glances when they thought we might not notice. We also, caught our moms rolling their eyes as they also caught their husbands looking a bit too long at us.

It wasn’t that our moms weren’t attractive and in great shape for their age, it was more that they were seeing their teenage daughters looking different. Becki, Jenni, and I were all very fit and we were all involved in sports. Becki and Jenni had similar sized boobs, both on the larger side of b cups. I was a small c cup. We all had firm flat stomachs and nice perky butts. We were proud of our bodies and didn’t mind wearing more revealing outfits as we got older, we just hadn’t worn those out fits around our parents very often.

Later, that night after we had left for our tent area and were sitting around our campfire, we could just hear our parents laugh and gasp occasionally. After, a bit of hear them we set out to see what all the commotion was. We still had on our jeans and tank tops from earlier except for Jenni, who had changed into yoga shorts and a sports bra. As we crept up closer, we could hear and see what they were up to. We saw that they didn’t have a campfire, but rather a camp light suspended from a tree branch. They were all sitting in a circle around a mat. We paused watched and listened. We saw Becki’s dad spin a bottle.

“Spin the bottle?” I said with some curiosity and surprise.

Then we heard my dad said then ask. “Jane, Truth or Dare?”

“Truth or Dare?” Becki said quietly but with astonishment. I flared my eyes wide acknowledging to Becki my surprise also.

“Truth.” Jenni’s mom answered.

After a short pause my dad asked, “Have you ever flashed your panties to a stranger and if so when and where was it?”

Jenni looked at Becki and I with her eyes wide then looked back to our parents by their campfire. Jenni’s mom answered, “Sorry honey.” She said directed to her husband who shrugged at her comment. “Yes, spread my legs under a table at Starbucks so a man that was looking at me as I was in line could see up my skirt to my panties.” She tipped her head to her husband and finished with, “He suggested I do it.”

“Wholly shit, Jenni” I whispered as my thoughts spun trying to absorb what I had heard.

We all stood silent for a moment pondering what was happening. Then the spun a bottle and it stopped on Becki’s mom. She directed her Truth or Dare question to my dad asking, “Have you ever jerked off at work and if so, where did you cum?” Becki poked me in the ribs and almost giggle. My dad didn’t hesitate to answer. He said, “Yes.” Then he followed up with, “I jerk off and cum into an empty coffee cup, then I can just throw it away.” I blush as my friends gave me teasing looks. Embarrassed, I gave a teasing push to Jenni. She took a step back tripped and landed loudly. Oh shit, I immediately thought.

Almost immediately, Becki’s dad called out, “Okay girls, you had your fun listening in.”

Jenni got up and we took the few steps closer and into the light so they could see us. They all looked at us as we looked back at them. The men were in shorts and t-shirts and Becki and Jenni’s moms were short and tank tops. My mom was in a cut off jean skirt and a tank top. They each had a class of wine or beer, and by the looks of it they had already had a few drinks of each. I immediately saw my dad look right a Jenni in her snug outfit and say the other two dads look at us I our short shorts and tank tops.

“Well, this could get interesting.” Becki’s mom said.

Jenni’s mom looked at the others and said, “Well?”

Jenni’s dad looked at other others and said with limited conviction, “Probably, not something they’d be up to playing with their parents.”

I looked to Becki and Jenni, tightened my brow a bit in thought and to gage their reactions to what was just said. When I saw they were intrigued if not excited to explore the situation I said, “We’ll play.” Our parents all looked at each other for dissenting looks. There, were none.

“Well then have a seat, it will have to be boy girl girl, boy girl girl, boy girl girl.” My mom said. Becki, Jenni, and I all took a seat as instructed. My heart was pounding, we were heading into uncharted waters. The energy around them was unmistakably sexual.

“Okay then, let’s let one of the girls spin first to get them right into the game.” Becki’s dad said, then followed up with the short list of rules. “Ok, we rotate clockwise with who is spinning the bottle. The bottle has to make at least one full turn, whoever the bottle points to gets as to answer Truth or Dare, or the spinner of the bottle can flip a coin. If it is heads, they can pick Truth or Dare for that person. If it lands tails, it is reversed, and they must do a dare. And um the um dares,” he paused and composed himself then continued, “well for the first 30 minutes the dares can’t be anything to do with touching another player.” He swallowed nervously then finished. “After that a dare to, um ‘touch” someone. Well, the person to be touched can say no, at which point the game ends.”

I looked to Becki and Jenni. They both had an anxious look on their face, and I wondered if their hearts were pounding as hard as mine was at that moment. I was trying to grasp the full extent as to what could happen.

“Well, who is it going to be spinning girls?” Becki’s dad asked of us.

Becki answered, “I’ll spin.” She leaned over and spun the bottle. It whirled around several times before stopping on Jenni’s mom. Becki swallowed nervously and asked, “Truth or Dare?”

Jenni’s mom answered, “Truth.”

Becki nervously asked, “Um, how many times has your, um husband,”

Becki paused and Jenni’s mom interjected, “Just call us by our names.”

“Um, how many times has your, um James, asked you to flash someone your panties?” Becki asked.

Jenni’s mom looked at Becki with some admiration that she didn’t ask a totally lame question. She answered, “I think maybe a dozen time.”

‘Shit, shit, shit.’ I thought as my brain grapple with this information. Information that Jenni’s parents were not what I had expected.

Next to spin was Becki’s mom and her spin stopped and pointed at my mom.

Becki’s mom looked devilishly at my mom. “Karen, Truth or Dare?”

“Truth.” My mom answered quickly. Becki’s mom grinned at her, and my mom looked intently back at her. Becki’s mom’s eyes darted to me quickly then back to my mom.

“No sense in easing up on the questions just because we have new players. So, Karen.” Becki’s mom paused for just a moment adding tension to an already electric atmosphere. “Which would you rather do, give a man you work with a blowjob or give three strangers blowjobs?” My eyes popped open fast, and I felt like they might fall out of my head.

My mom’s brow tightened as did the scowl on her face. Then she relaxed and answered, “Three strangers.” I was looking at my mom, but she didn’t look to me. I then shifted my eyes to my dad. He looked at me quickly but with no discernable reaction to what was just admitted.

Next to spin was, Becki’s dad Ben. He spun and the bottle landed on me. ‘Damn,’ I was ready to be asked. I was hoping to get more of a feel for the game. “Well, well, it seems we are ganging up on your family early on. So, is it going to be Truth or Dare? Katie.” He asked. I said Truth as I was totally unprepared for what the dares might entail. Becki’s dad thought for a moment then asked, “

“Well, let’s keep the family theme going.” Becki’s dad began. “Ok Katie, tell us; have you seen naked boys; if so, how many?”

I averted looking at my dad and glanced only to Jenni. “Yes. I’ve seen, um.” I did the counting in my head. Jenni and I had peeked into the boy’s locker room a few times to look at boys naked and had been skinny dipping along with Becki a few times with boys. “11.” I answered. Becki’s dad muttered, “Mmm.”

Now it was my turn to spin. ‘Shit.’ I said to myself as I wasn’t focused on what to ask of anyone. I was a bit intimidated to ask one of our parents, so I hoped it wouldn’t stop on one of them. It didn’t, the bottle stoppled on Jenni. “Truth or Dare? Jenni.” I asked.

Jenni smiled a bit and muttered, “Oh ahh, Truth.”

I felt like we kind of had to stay on a sexual path with questions, but I nervous to ask something too intense for Jenni. I settled on a question and asked, “How many boys have seen your boobs?”

Jenni immediately bit her lip, and I could tell she was embarrassed. I kind of knew the answer already so I knew she couldn’t lie. That is when I realized how the previous Truth questions were asked.

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