Trucker’s Joy
Trucker’s Joy
Sex Story Author: | Lucky Mann |
Sex Story Excerpt: | True to his word, he pulled into the first rest area and found a rather dark spot to park his |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Blowjob, Coercion, Fiction, First Time, Male/Teen Female, Oral Sex, Reluctance, Virginity, Young |
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Trucker’s Joy
Sam pulled his big rig into a truck stop outside Jacksonville, Florida. He was tired, hungry, and longed for a little chat with a cute waitress he knew worked there.
The twenty years of trucking were beginning to catch up with him. He was 42 years of age, stood a little over 6′ tall, and weighted somewhere north of 200 pounds. He had already spent half his life behind the wheel of a truck. Too many truck stop burgers and too many hours sitting on his ass behind the wheel of a truck had taken their toll.
Sam was an owner/operator. His truck was about the only thing he owned. He lived on the road. His truck was his home, and he took excellent care of it. There was not a mark on the highly waxed bright red paint of the KW or the yellow lettering on the doors. He had one of the largest walk-in, double-bunk sleepers available. It had a TV with a satellite dish mounted behind the sleeper, microwave, refrigerator, AC/heater system separate from the main engine, stereo, and even a small, self-contained shower. Some referred to it as his apartment on wheels. His cab was likewise filled with all the latest electronic gadgets to make his life on the road easier and more enjoyable.
A short time after arriving, Sam had finished his
dinner and was leisurely walking across the truck stop parking lot. As he approached his rig, he noticed his passenger door was not tightly shut. Sam always shut and locked his doors. Getting closer, he saw someone move inside his sleeper. He could see his CB radio had been removed from its mount above the windshield.
With surprising speed and agility, Sam jerked open the passenger door and hoisted himself into the cab.
A startled kid dropped the CB and tried to escape out the driver’s side door. Sam was too quick for the thief. He roughly grabbed an arm of the intruder as it flew by on its way out the far side. He drug the body attached to it back inside the cab. When Sam spun the thief around, he came face to face with his captive. The thief looking back at him was a young, frightened, dirty faced girl.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing in here?” Sam demanded.
The thief hung her head and replied. “I’m sorry Mister. I’m hungry, and I didn’t think you’d be back so soon. I wanted to sell the radio and get something to eat and maybe get a bus ticket.”
“Bull shit!” Sam replied. “You were going to sell that radio to buy drugs.”
“Really, sir, I was going to eat with it. I don’t do drugs, or anything like that.” Tears began to form in the corner of her eyes.
Sam, with a firm grip on both of her biceps, pulled her close and looked hard into her eyes. They were clear and steady. He then firmly took both of her wrists and twisted them so the backs of her arms were facing up. He saw no marks. He sniffed. She sure needed a bath, but he didn’t smell any alcohol or weed. “A bus ticket to where?” He calmly asked.
“San Diego.” She answered.
“My parents were killed in a car wreck a few months ago. I’ve been in four foster homes since then. I have an aunt out there who will take me in if I can get there.”
Indicating the passenger seat, Sam told his captive. “Sit here. We’ll talk.” He then settled into the driver’s seat, and asked the girl. “What’s your name?”
“And how old are you, Joy?”
Joy lowered her head and said. “Eighteen.”
“Bull shit! How old?”
“Don’t bull shit and old bull shitter. Now, how the hell old are you?” Sam demanded.
Joy, with her head still bowed, said. “I just turned sixteen a week ago.”
“Holly shit! You are not only young, but you are a stupid little bitch. Do you really expect to get to San Diego stealing radios? You’ll end up dead or in jail before you get half way to Texas.”
Then an evil thought crossed Sam’s mind. He could help her, but she would have to help him in return. He looked her in the eyes and made her an offer. “I have a proposition for you, Joy. It’s a bit crude, but you’re free to say no and be on your way. Now open that door. You need a bath, and I need some fresh air in here. Sit there and listen to what I have to say. You can jump out and run anytime you like.”
“You’re not going to have me arrested?” Joy asked, as she opened the door.
“That wouldn’t do either of us any good, now would it? Just shut up and listen for a minute. I can take you all the way to San Diego via Casper, Wy. The trip will take about a week, maybe a week and a half. However, fuel is damned expensive, and you’ll have to be fed. So, you will have pay for your ride.”
Joy interrupted Sam. “How? I don’t have any money.”
Sam looked slowly up and down Joy’s young body. She was filthy and smelled badly, but she was not too bad to look at. Her auburn red hair was matted and hung limply around her freckled face. Her green eyes had a sparkle that intrigued Sam. She was only about 5’2″ and weighed maybe 110 pounds.
After appraising Joy, Sam said to her. “OK. Here’s the deal. I’ll cover the costs of the trip, feed you, and buy you some new clothes.”
“I told you I don’t have any money. How can I pay you back?” Joy asked.
“Here’s your part of the deal. You can pay for the ride with your pussy, your ass, and your mouth. If you please me, I might even throw in a couple hundred bucks when we get to San Diego.”
Joy looked shocked, but she didn’t jump out of the truck and run. “I can’t do that. I’ve never done any of that.”
“Have you been out on dates?” Sam asked.
“Didn’t the boys want sex from you?”
“What did you do?”
“Two times, I played with their things until this white stuff came out and ran all over my hand. It was yucky.”
“Well, you’ve got to learn about sex sometime and from someone. It might as well be now and from me. I’ll tell you what. If you think you might be interested, let’s get you cleaned up and talk some more. OK?”
Joy was pondering Sam’s proposition in her head. Finally, she spoke. “I do need a shower don’t I?”
Sam nodded. “No shit! You sure as hell do. Get down, and we’ll both take showers in the truck stop. Be sure to do a good job cleaning that pussy and ass. Then, I’ll get you some new clothes, and a bottle of nice perfume. Then we can talk some more. OK?”
A smile was creeping across Joy’s face. In addition to the shower, she sure could use something to eat and a new pair of jeans. “OK, let’s go.” She said as she jumped down from the truck and waited for Sam to join her.
They both used the truck stop showers and Sam bought Joy dinner. As they ate, Sam could see Joy was a delightful looking young thing. She had curly auburn hair, hazel eyes, a cute button nose, and a nice perky set of B cup tits.
They then walked the two blocks to a Wal-Mart. Joy picked out a pair of jeans, a frilly blouse, a six-pack of socks, and a package of white panties.
Sam paid for Joy’s things and added a small bottle of Obsession cologne. He told Joy he liked the way Obsession made women smell. The teen smiled.
When they got back to his truck, they talked some more about Joy riding with Sam to San Diego and her payments for that ride. Joy was reluctant but not completely opposed to the idea of Sam using her body in exchange for the ride to California.
Sam added to his offer. “I’ll tell ya what, Joy. There’s a rest area on the Interstate about 10 miles out of town. Ride with me to the rest area. I’ll eat your pussy when we get there. You ever had your pussy eaten?”
“No, but some of the older girls in school all say it’s really cool.” Joy thought about it for a few seconds before answering. “I gota pee.” She jumped down and headed for the truck stop’s restrooms.
As she walked away, Sam called after her. “I’ll be leaving in 10 minutes.”
In about 5 minutes, Joy came trotting back across the parking lot. After climbing up and shutting the truck’s passenger door, she said. “Ok, but just to the rest area.”
Sam fired up his truck, pulled out of the truck stop, and headed to the Interstate.
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