Sex Story Author: | Stephen Peters |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Jennifer finally turned her head and for the first time looked openly at her. "Can I?" Jennifer asked softly. |
Sex Story Category: | First Time |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, First Time, Incest, Teen Male/Teen Female |
“Oh, MOM!” Trisha protested.
“I’m sorry young lady”, her mom answered “but Maria can’t make it
this afternoon and your dad and I need the help.”
“But I was gonna….”
“Trisha, please!”
Trisha was usually lucky about these things, normally she got the
day to herself, but this time she was stuck — no doubt about it. Her
parents were hosting another one of their endlessly long social get
togethers and when their housekeeper couldn’t make it, it was her
responsibility to help out. Even if she were only a kid she still had
to act the sophisticated lady, the perfect hostess. It was part of what
was expected of her and her parents would not tolerate any dissent. And
that’s how Trisha found herself on a beautiful mid-summers afternoon
serving punch to a bunch of people she didn’t know (or even care to
know) while listening in complete and utter boredom to her dad ramble on
to one of his business partners about his wonderful daughter.
To the casual observer Trisha had everything. She was beautiful;
tall and lithe with a long elegant neck and high cheekbones. Her eyes
were a light china doll blue, her hair was the color of ripe wheat, and
when she moved it was with a natural feminine grace that in another,
earlier time would have marked her as a person of nobel birth. In
addition, both her parents were successful business people (her dad was
a corporate lawyer while her mom brokerd high priced real estate) so
Trisha didn’t lack for material possessions. She basically had
everything she wanted — or at least her parents thought so. What
Trisha didn’t have was their attention. Oh, they acknowledged her
presence and were always quick to point out to their friends what a
lovely daughter they had but they never seemed to talk to one another,
or listen, or do anything together as a family. She understood that her
parents loved her (or tried to, anyway) and she knew that she didn’t
really have any right to complain. Still, at that moment she was both
mad at her dad for AGAIN turning her into a display piece, and bored out
of her skull. As she stood there mechanically ladling out drinks,
listening to him brag about her, she could take it no longer. When her
dad had finished she politely excused herself and ran to her bedroom,
slamming the door behind her.
Trisha leaned against the door and blew a wisp of hair from her
face. Unlike her present mood Trisha’s room was bright and cheerful.
Warm afternoon sunshine streamed thru the south window onto the bed and
its fluffy pink bedspread. Next to the bed stood her dresser and
mirror. A couple of teddy bear posters hung on the wall. Trisha had a
thing for teddy bears, including an old stuffed toy one that sat on the
chair next to the dresser. She went over and picked it up then sat down
on the edge of the bed, hugging the furry animal to her chest. Trisha
was not so much bored as she was lonely. “I wish Jenny were here” she
said to herself. She lay back and closed her eyes, thinking.
From an early age Trisha knew she was different. For one thing,
she was incredibly shy. Although she was popular (her good looks saw to
that) it was painful for her to engage in casual conversation with other
people; she just didn’t know what to say. Striking up a conversation
with one of the boys that hung around was completely beyond her. Her
parents didn’t help much as they were so busy with their social
activities that they had little time for encouraging hers. For Trisha,
books were her escape. While reading it didn’t matter that she was
awkward and shy around other people, she could be anyone she wanted.
Trisha also had an active imagination and lately she had taken to
creating her own stories and poems. Sometimes the stories came from
things she had read in her books but there were also more personal,
private stories she didn’t dare write down. Trisha was acutely aware of
her growing just-turned-teenager sexuality and she made up stories based
on her fantasies. It was while thinking about one story/fantasy in
particular that Trisha finally admitted to herself that they almost all
revolved around other girls. She had always been far more comfortable
around girls than boys and now “comfort” had turned into sexual
attraction. She wasn’t particularly worried or upset with herself
(Trisha was not one to question her own body) and it wasn’t like she
hated boys, but she did wonder if she would ever find some way to fit in
with the rest of her friends; be like they were.
In one way she thought of herself as pretty lucky. She liked sex,
(she could not remember a time when she didn’t masturbate) and she
always seemed to have at least one friend who enjoyed it as much as she
did. Trisha had fooled around with a cousin once or twice, but by far
the best times were with her girlfriends. She remembered especially
Nicole, her best friend before she moved. Dreamily, she brought the
bear to her face, inhaling deeply the pleasant, musky scent of her own
cunny. Instantly she was back in her old house, laying on this same bed
with the warm sun streaming onto her naked body. Beside her was Nicole
and she was rubbing the toy against Trisha, masturbating her. Perhaps
it was the boredom, or maybe loneliness, Trish didn’t know or care; she
just wanted to again feel the special warmth and excitement that memory
invoked. She stood up, looked out her bedroom window. No one was near.
Reaching under her dress she removed her panties, let them drop to her
feet, then gracefully stepped out of them. She lay down, and lifting
her dress out of the way nestled the stuffed bear between her legs.
Just as in her memories the sun warmed her legs as she closed her eyes
and settled into her sweet routine. She did not hear the door open as
Jennifer stepped into the room.
If ever the principal of ‘opposites attract’ needed proof, Trisha’s
best friend Jennifer supplied it. With a square, boyish body, light
brown skin, and dark hair worn in a thick braid over her back, Jennifer
was the epitome of a tomboy. Possessed of an easy, outgoing
personality, and big soulful dark eyes, she also had no trouble
attracting and keeping friends. Jennifer had the natural grace of a
born athlete and, unlike Trisha, took great pleasure in athletics.
The girls lived in a standard issue, middle class neighborhood:
Jennifer with her father and brother. Jennifer’s mother had died when
she was a young child and her dad never remarried so for practical
purposes Jennifer grew up in an all male household. Her dad treated her
as “one of the boys”; she never did (or particularly wanted to) do the
things the other girls did. It wasn’t until Trisha moved in next door,
about a year ago, that she even had any close girlfriends. At first
Jennifer didn’t know quite how to respond to her shy, quiet neighbor
with the loud parents. As she started to get to know her however she
realized that Trisha was not so different from her. Both girls were
adventuresome in their own way, Trisha with her books and Jennifer thru
athletics. They were also, in significant ways, out of place with their
peers. Perhaps that’s why, Jennifer finally decided, Trisha accepts me
as I am — tomboy and all. Trisha, on the other hand, could hardly
believe the whole new world that Jennifer introduced her to. Jennifer
took her out to the park to play catch with her brother or play
basketball on the sidewalk or go roller-skating; things that she never
had the courage or encouragement to try before now. However, the thing
that really endeared Jennifer to Trisha was that Jennifer actually
wanted to listen to her stories. Almost every weekend that spring they
met, lunch bags in hand, to go walking in the nearby park. There they
spent hours strolling, talking, exploring the grounds, with Trisha
reciting her poems and stories. Gradually, Jennifer realized that
Trisha had a deep crush on her. And to be honest, Jennifer thought, she
was getting attached to her shy, beautiful friend also. Attached not
only to her, but to their physical relationship as well.
From the very beginning Jennifer knew that Trisha was attracted to
her body, and she was surprised by how natural and unselfconscious their
sex play was. It was totally different from any “doctor games” Jennifer
had ever played and she genuinely enjoyed Trisha’s hugging and touching.
As for Trisha, she was relieved beyond words that Jennifer did not
reject her advances. Many times during those long walks, if they could
find a place to be alone, Trisha would stop and lean against a tree or
building and wrap her arms around Jennifer, pressing their bodies
tightly together. Sometimes, with Jennifer’s strong body supporting
her, Trisha would bury her face in Jennifer’s hair and wrap her legs
around Jennifer, rubbing herself against Jennifer’s hip. As they became
more at ease with one other Jennifer started unbuttoning her pants,
letting Trisha slip her hand beneath her panties to touch and caresses
her. Soon, Jennifer was reciprocating. The first time Trisha spent the
night at Jennifer’s house Jennifer undressed Trisha totally then had her
lie down so she could caresses her from head to foot. She even sucked
Trisha’s large, cherry red nipples.
Still, despite these shared intimacies, nothing prepared Jennifer
for the sight of her friend, legs splayed out across her bed with the
bear tucked tightly in her crotch, masturbating herself with obvious
enjoyment. Jennifer gasped and put her hand over her mouth. Trisha,
suddenly realizing she was not alone, bolted upright on the bed and
hurriedly tried to smooth her dress. Wide eyed they stared at each
other. Jennifer stammered a frustrated, embarrassed “Uhh..”, then did
the only other thing she could do under the circumstances; bust out
laughing. Great fits of laugher racked her body, till she could no
longer stand. With her back against the doorjamb she slid to the floor,
hand clamped over her mouth. Meanwhile, Trisha, in a desperate effort
to contain herself, buried her head into a pillow. She wasn’t sure if
she would die first of suffocation or a rupture. For several minutes
both girls were completely incoherent with laughter, till Trisha finally
brought herself under control long enough to speak.
“Oh wow, Jennifer” Trisha said, still trying to catch her breath
“the look on your face….” Just thinking about it sent Trisha off onto
another round of hysterical giggles.
“I’m sorry Trish” Jennifer stammered “I — I came looking for you
to see if you could come over tonight. Your dad said you might be in
here. I, uh, didn’t know about the party.” She stifled another guffaw,
then took several deep breaths, gradually bringing herself under
control. “My parents parties are just the pits, aren’t they. Here –
come on over and sit.” Trisha indicated a spot on the bed next to her.
Jennifer stumbled over and flopped down on her back, holding her tummy.
It was still sore from laughing. Trisha continued. “I was getting real
bored and well–” she paused “I decided to go to my room. I really
wasn’t planning on doing anything, ‘just happened.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Jennifer replied, trying to reassure Trisha
“My brother has walked in on me more than once.” She picked up the
stuffed bear and looked at it, turning it over and examining it.
Finally, in a rather curious voice, she asked Trisha “I didn’t know you
used a stuffed bear to, um — masturbate.”
Despite Jennifer’s reassurances, Trisha had an embarrassed look on
her face as she answered. “Well, I don’t really, I was just remembering
one time when I was playing around with a friend. Mostly I use my hand
— like I do with you.” She looked at Jennifer, gave her a
conspiratorial grin.
Jennifer grinned back “Promise you won’t tell?”
“OK” Trisha replied.
“Well, you remember how I said Mark had walked in on me, well – one
time I let him watch.
“What!??” Trisha exclaimed.
“Shhhh. I was on the couch watching TV with a blanket over me. I
was in the middle of, uh, doing it when he came in and I just couldn’t
stop. I’m sure he knew what I was up to ‘cuse he grinned right at me.”
They fell silent. Trisha looked around the room, as if waiting for
something. Jennifer eyed her friend thoughtfully, noticing that Trisha
would not look at her. It was clear what she wants, Jennifer thought,
she’s just to shy to ask for it directly. Oh well.
“Hey, Trish” she said finally “do you want me to, uh, caress you
for a while”
Trisha actually let out a sigh of relief. “Oh please, yes. But
first lock the door.”
Jennifer went to the door and drew the old-fasioned bolt lock
closed. Trisha lay down and again spread her legs, this time bringing
her dress up to her chest. Jennifer returned to the bed and sat on the
edge, next to Trisha. In what had become their private ritual, she
moistened the two middle fingers of her hand with her mouth then placed
them against Trisha’s pussy.
Although they had felt each other up many times before this was the
first time Jennifer had ever seen Trisha’s cunny up close in the
daylight and she wanted to take her time and explore. Leaning over
Trisha’s body she cupped the swell of Trisha’s mons in the palm of her
hand, letting her fingers frame the pink slit of her friends vulva.
Trisha looked, felt wetter than she could ever remember. Gently she
parted the lips, revealing the pearl of Trisha’s clit and the moist,
pink folds of her flesh. The dark red of Trisha’s vagina reminded
Jennifer of a budding flower, waiting to bloom. Jennifer slipped her
fingers between the lips, softly stroking the folds, spreading them
until Trisha’s clit was completely exposed. She then added her thumb
and with slow, gentle squeezes massaged Trisha’s nubbin, smearing
Trisha’s copious juices across her mound and into the tuft of pubic hair
atop her pussy. Trisha moaned, soft and low.
What came next Jennifer didn’t plan, it just happened. With a
sideways, peek-a-boo glance at Trisha to catch her reaction, she pressed
her middle finger to Trisha’s vagina. “Uh?” Trisha voiced, then her
eyes opened wide as she realized what Jennifer was about to do.
Instantly she was up onto her elbows, staring down her body at
Jennifer’s hand as it covered her pubis. Trisha tensed, waiting. It
was as if all her senses were concentrated at the entrance to her
vagina, balanced on the end of Jennifer’s finger.
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