
Trailer Trash Teen Ch. 10

Chapter Ten: Tina the Teen
(M/g, M+/g, coercion, oral)

For her eleventh birthday, Tina Carlson had given herself a present: the young girl had taken a walk down to the creek where she read a Christopher Pike book underneath the shade of a tall oak tree. She’d read the ratty paperback from beginning to end, and spent the entire day in the warm summer air. She drank from the creek when she was thirsty; stepped out into the hot sun’s rays when she got cold. It would have been a fine day. The only trouble was that after the day had ended she’d been forced to return to a home where no one even knew she was now eleven.

She’d been living with Uncle Rick and his wife, her Aunt Elbe, for nearly a month. She loved and hated their place: it was an actual house, which she loved, with over an acre of land set out in the woods of the lower Appalachian Mountains. But it was also nearly sixty miles from her home and her friends. She didn’t know anyone here. Plus, she felt like an intruder, like she was unwanted in this place. After all, her uncle hadn’t exactly volunteered to take her in.

No, she had asked him to. After the trial, the one where her father had been sentenced to five years for aggravated assault, her court-appointed ward had told her that she would be placed into foster care. The only alternative would be living with a legal guardian, but only family would qualify for that status in cases like this. Tina, who had spent the last three months living with a bunch of foster-care assholes already, had begged her ward to ask her uncle to take her in.

He had, although he’d been reluctant. When she’d been allowed to speak with him, he’d told her that he’d let her stay there “so long as she listened up and wasn’t no pest”. And so, while her daddy was in prison, little Tina Carlson was to be under the care of her dad’s older brother.

Tina had hardly known him before. He was a stern man; that much she already knew. But when she’d arrived that first day she realized how stern he actually was. He had given her very specific orders: have breakfast ready by 6am, feed the dogs at 8. She was to make her bed every morning after showering, and she was to feed his wife, her aunt Elbe, at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

He was a large and intimidating man. He had the look of a woodsman, with large beefy arms and a wide barrel chest. He was about 6’4” tall, and was somewhat overweight as his belly attested. However, he had a look of undeniable strength in his large upper body.

His appearance was certainly a contrast to little Tina, whose body had only just begun to move into puberty. Her legs and arms were longer than they should be, she thought, and her waist was still coated with baby fat that had yet to begun shedding away. Her chest was almost completely flat, and she stood only 4’8” tall. She weighed less than 85 pounds. She was small and weak looking, but had a childlike cuteness that melted the hearts of most grown-ups. Her eyes were large and had long lashes for her age, while her lips were thin and created perfect smiles. Her hair, long and wispy blonde, was usually worn braided or pulled back into two long pigtails.

Tina was jealous of other girls her age who seemed to already be shedding their baby fat and growing breasts, and sprouting up in height. Tina had yet to hit that stage. She felt awkward with her body, which she feared would never grow up.

One thing that Tina realized right away about her Uncle Rick was that he loved giving her orders. He would have her fetch him beer, or answer the phone, or find him the remote control. There were more chores, too. Like cleaning the kitchen, and the two bathrooms, and the living room. She was also expected to wash the truck most days, which was her uncle’s business (he owned a small landscaping company). Plus, she had to change and bathe her aunt everyday. Aunt Elbe had been bedridden for years, after just barely surviving a concussion suffered during a car accident years before. The poor woman was comatose. Her frail form and utter silence was a strange thing for a young girl like Tina to deal with, but she did her best.

She did her best to take it all as best she could. She felt obligated to keep herself useful, anyway. But the enormity of her tasks, coupled with the fact that her beloved daddy was in prison, did take their toll on her. With her uncle gone most of the time, she absorbed herself in her duties to the house. She washed the windows, cleaned the toilets, and prepared three meals a day. When she was bored, she dusted. When she had nothing to do, she read.

But Uncle Rick usually had something for her to do. The lists of specific chores he’d give his young niece seemed endless, but she fulfilled them each and every day.

Tina loved and hated that place, loved and hated her uncle. She loved that things were simple: the regimented routine of her day-to-day activities made everything seem normal. She was earning her keep, working hard to earn the right to live there.

What she hated was the lack of affection, the lack of gratitude, on her uncle’s part. Her aunt was unconscious, so her silence had to be forgiven. But her Uncle Rick had no excuse for never thanking her. He only gave orders: sleep now, eat now, do this chore tomorrow. He was more like a boss than an uncle, and she even started calling him “Sir” because, well, it seemed appropriate. He had made it clear since her first day that he was doing her a favor or, at least, doing his brother a favor, by taking her in. He never once spoke to her kindly or treated her like his niece.

On Sundays he would bring her to church. Tina’s dad had never been very religious, so it was definitely a new experience for the girl. She found that she loved going there, though: Sunday’s were the only day her uncle did anything with her, besides ordering her around. She liked the sermons and all the people. It was like a completely different world there– all the singing and the sense of community. It was the only day of the week she had contact with kids her age, too, and she soon found herself longing for Sundays. The services sometimes got boring, but afterward there was always a chance to mingle and play with the other children on the front lawn of the old church building while her uncle spoke with friends and potential customers inside. She met several nice kids, who seemed much different than her friends back home. They were more “country”, more polite in a way. It was too bad her uncle never let her join them after church to play some more.

On the night of her birthday, Tina was depressed and longed for home, longed for her old friends. She even missed the ratty old trailer home she’d grown up in. She was completely homesick, and wanted nothing better than to go to sleep and dream about a life where things were better for her.

And so the young girl was tired when she got back to the house, and the hour was late. She’d never returned so late, as normally she’d be expected to prepare dinner well before sunset. But her uncle Rick was off of work this day, and had granted little Tina’s request to stay out. Tina had been grateful that he gave her permission, but had also been crestfallen that he hadn’t asked why.

“It’s my birthday!” the little girl had wanted to shout. But that morning he’d simply nodded when she’d told him she’d like to see the stars at night, out here in the country.

The house, a ranch-style one-floor with basement, was dark by the time she arrived. Only the chirping of crickets was audible on the outside, but once Tina opened the door to the foyer she’d been greeted with another sound.

She’d heard it before, when her daddy had had women over. “Maybe-mommies” she’d always called them, and they had always made such sounds. They were the sounds of gasping and groaning; of panting and moaning. Her dad had never tried to protect her from such sounds, which would have been difficult anyway seeing as they lived in that small trailer home. Tonight the sounds were coming from the living room, and Tina had briefly wondered if her uncle had gotten her aunt out of bed somehow.

But then Tina, who had never heard such sounds accompanied by a soundtrack, became paralyzed in the foyer. These weren’t “normal” sounds of adult affection– they were coming from the TV. Her immature mind couldn’t understand why they did, and that made her curious.

She could turn right, toward her bedroom, she thought as she stood inside the house. She even looked down the long darkened hallway, as if willing herself to go and enter the dream she so desperately wanted. She had known, even then, that going the other way would probably be a bad idea. She sensed it, could feel a dark foreboding in her mind.

Even so, the freshly 11-year-old girl turned left, toward the sounds. Curiosity won out.

When she entered the living room she froze. Standing there, she stared at the TV, aware but unconcerned that her uncle was sitting on the sofa in front of it.

It was the first porn that little Tina had ever seen. On the large TV was the image of a man, roughly her dad’s age, laying on top of a woman in her early 30’s or so. Tina only barely knew what sex was: she had only ever heard vague rumors about it on the school playground. Her neighbor, Ms. Masons, had told her a few things about puberty, too, but had never gone into too much detail. Still, Tina knew well enough that this guy on the screen was definitely doing it to the woman, who was naked. It all made sense, suddenly, to the girl. The Maybe-Mommies had made similar sounds; her dad had done this to them.


She turned to her uncle at his command. He was staring at her, a beer in one hand, his expression stone-cold and serious. During the ensuing silence between the man and girl, he took the remote control and lowered the TV’s volume.

“I’m… I’m…,” Tina sputtered. She merely wanted to break the silence, but knew not what to say. She felt like she was in trouble, as if she’d intruded upon some sort of adult thing that her young mind was trying desperately to piece together.

“Come here,” her uncle said, his eyes glued to hers and his voice slightly slurred.

Tina didn’t move at first. Her gaze swung back to the TV, which was silent now. Then she looked back at him again. He didn’t say a word, didn’t move a muscle. She could feel her skin trembling, her knobby little knees shaking. She was wearing a pair of nylon soccer shorts, and a cotton shirt with no bra underneath. Suddenly she felt very aware of her naked, flat tiny breasts– probably because on the screen, the naked woman had large bulbous ones which were gyrating expansively as her body was thrust backwards and forwards by the man atop her.

“Come here, Tina,” her uncle ordered, his tone the same as if he was telling her to complete some chore.

Without even thinking, Tina stepped toward him. She was used to following his orders by now– weeks of being ordered around by the large adult had ingrained her to be submissive.

She sat down slowly on the sofa, her thin scrawny arms stretched forward and her hands placed on her knees. She was staring at the ground. She could no longer watch the TV. She knew she’d made a mistake coming here, and that she was in trouble.

But Uncle Rick didn’t reprimand her. In fact, he didn’t say a word. All he did was sigh, turn the volume back up, and gulp his beer. Moments passed as strange slurping sounds emanated from the television set while the child tried to comprehend what was going on. Part of her was trying to decipher what must be on the screen that she refused to look at, while another part of her considered getting away from her uncle as soon as possible.

In fact, every muscle in her young body was ready for her brain’s order to jump and run away. Yet the girl couldn’t do that; she felt compelled to stay.

Soon Tina chanced tilting her head up to look at the screen, her immature curiosity overriding her good sense. She found herself looking at two men, both adult and well muscled, stroking their hard penises near a young woman’s face. Tina’s brow furrowed as she tried to figure out what was going on; then, suddenly, globs of white goo squirted out and onto the woman’s face, coating it entirely. As the woman smiled at the camera, the scene faded to black.

11-year-old girl stared at the black screen. She was confused, disoriented, and afraid. In the midst of her confusion her uncle asked, “You like that?”

Not knowing what else to say, the 11-year-old girl responded simply, “Uh-huh…”

The movie faded into another image, and Tina, who felt more certain that she wasn’t in trouble now, watched this time from beginning to end. This scene of the film involved two men once more, but this time there were two women, too. Tina watched it, and her breath picked up for some reason as the scene progressed: the men seemed so sure of themselves as they watched the young women kiss. Tina thought that was weird, but found herself leaning back more comfortably into the couch as she watched them. Then the two women, with smiles on their faces but otherwise remaining silent, undressed. When Tina saw their breasts and their pussies, she felt even more at ease for some reason.

Then came the men’s dicks. Tina stared wide-eyed at the screen as the men sat down on a couch and the young women got on their knees. When they began sucking on the men’s things, Tina glanced nervously over to her uncle.

He was staring at her. “It’s called a blowjob,” he said flatly. He then gestured with his hand toward the screen and said, “Those women are blowing those guys.”

Suddenly it thrilled her that her uncle would allow her to see this secret, forbidden movie, and explain it to her, too. Blowjobs: she’d never heard the term, but it sounded so familiar for some reason. Suddenly she couldn’t wait to see her friend Michelle again! How she would impress her with her newly acquired, sophisticated knowledge!

The scene went on, and Tina’s heart raced as all nervousness and confusion melted away. She began to feel a strange desire within her, something she’d never felt before. It was as if this movie, these images, were leaving an indelible mark on her young mind. They were changing her. Maybe she was becoming an adult, now. Maybe, the girl wondered, she would always remember her eleventh birthday as the day she ceased to be a child. It was so exciting!

As yet another scene began, Tina became aware of a slight dampness between her legs. It was a sort of sweaty feeling between her skinny thighs as she watched a small young white woman impale herself on a large black man’s penis (or, as the actors kept referring to it, his “cock”). She wanted to ask her uncle about it, but breaking the silence seemed sacrilegious somehow.

Then he interrupted the silence instead.

“See how she fucks that nigger?” her uncle asked, his voice sort of slurred from drink.

Tina looked over at him, feeling incredibly small next to the large man. She nodded slowly, embarrassed at her uncle’s racist remark but interested in what else he had to say.

He was grinning. “She really loves it; look at ‘er. He’s gonna tear her in two and she’s cumming all the same.”

Tina nodded, more aware than ever that her vagina was slick and damp. It was starting to embarrass her; was this normal?

“Ahh, watch this,” he said, fast-forwarding through the remainder of that scene. When he hit play again, the same white woman was laying on a bed with her legs spread wide while several men, all black, surrounded her. She had her legs splayed out and had her hand between them. The camera zoomed in on her finger, which Tina noticed was sliding in and out of herself! It caused the young girl to gasp, and a chill to tingle up her spine.

“See how wet she is?” her uncle asked, his voice a mixture of awe and contempt. “She’s getting wet just from them niggers watchin’.”

Tina gulped. Sure enough, the woman’s vagina was glistening.

Suddenly the young girl spoke up. “I’m wet, too,” she said softly, her girlish voice shaky.

There was a long pause as her uncle stared at her. Then he said, “Really?”

The child nodded at him with innocent wide eyes. She saw his gaze fall to her lap and he said, “Let me see.”

Tina felt embarrassed again, and quickly looked away. When she didn’t respond he asked, “Ever felt that before?”

She shook her head.

“Lemme see,” he commanded her.

Her fingers trembling, Tina instinctively obeyed while her mind raced with all sorts of strange thoughts. She felt good, excited, but incredibly nervous about showing her daddy’s brother her most intimate area.

Still, she slid her nylon shorts down her thin legs until she kicked them off, along with her shoes. She glanced back at her uncle, who was now watching her intently.

Her pink panties came down her legs next, and Tina felt a chill of cool air between her damp thighs as they did. When the panties were off, she sat there feeling numb, her heart pounding and her breath racing.

“Don’t be shy,” her uncle said softly. “Let me see.”

She nearly jumped as her uncle placed his meaty hand on her thin upper thigh. The touch shocked her, scared her, and made her want more. For the first time the girl had an idea of what may happen. She wasn’t sure what to think.

Her uncle had muted the TV again, and turned on a floor lamp to his left. Tina stared at his hand as it gently pressed between her naked thighs. Her hands dug into the cushions of the couch as she struggled to control her breathing.

She spread her thighs apart for him, though. How could she not? He was sliding closer to her, dwarfing her body with his. He seemed so big and so in charge– and parting her legs for him was obviously what he wanted.

“Uncle Rick…” she began to whisper, feeling scared.

“Shh,” he interrupted her. “Just be quiet. You are wet, that’s fer sure.”

She gulped as his hand made contact with her young bald mound. Her body tensed as he lovingly caressed it, cupping the entire area with his wide thick hand. Tina leaned back into the couch as he began to rub there.

Soon the young girl was panting. What she was feeling was hard to describe: he was doing something to her, making her feel like those women in the movie. But she’d never felt it before. It was scary and intriguing; perverse and exciting. Her breath had picked up and her eyes had closed as her pussy was played with for the very first time in her young life.

“You’re going to cum,” he started whispering in her ear. “You’re going to have your first orgasm. You’re gonna love it, okay?”

She merely nodded, her thin young lips alternately pursing together and parting in slight, high-pitched gasps. His hand was rubbing her between her legs still, never changing its pace, but the young girl felt her hips begin to rock back and forth into it. Her naked young butt slid across the sofa as she built toward her first orgasm, but she was suddenly aware that she needed something more…

At that thought, she suddenly felt her uncle stop his hand and slide a finger down her small, thin labia. She gasped loudly at this, then cried out as his finger pressed it inside her slick, tight hole. Instantly her body shook.

The 11-year-old came, then.

When the orgasm subsided she felt drained, and confused, and electrified. Her uncle had sensed she was finished and had removed his hand. He was silent as he stared at her.

She continued to breathe deeply, catching her breath. Then she heard him say, “Now you gotta help me.”

The numb girl looked at him, and saw that he’d removed his penis from his jeans. How long he’d had it out she didn’t know, but it was hard and long and impossibly thick. Her eyes went wide as she stared at it. It was the first adult penis she had ever seen in real life before.

“Wh–what do you mean?”

“Come over here,” he was saying.

He slid back to his side of the couch, and leaned back into it. With his left hand, the one he’d used to make her feel so good, he gently pulled on her wrist until she slid over next to him. Then he brought her hand down to the thick member between his legs.

She watched in amazement as he placed her tiny hand on his large dick, which was surprisingly warm. She gulped when it jumped in her hand, and stared at him with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

“Just grip it, and slide it up and down,” he explained.

He removed his hand from her wrist, and Tina slowly began to do what he’d instructed. It felt weird, wrong even, but the confused young girl was still lost in a post-orgasmic numbness. She couldn’t disobey her uncle, or even think of doing so, anyway. So she just did what he said, hoping that she was doing it right.

It didn’t take long. In fact, she stroked it only a few times before he began to sigh with pleasure. Taking from his gasps that she was doing it right, the small child stroked it faster and faster, beginning to love the feel of the man’s cock in her frail girlish hand. When suddenly a glob of gooey white stuff squirted out of it, she jumped back.

“Don’t stop!” he said, sounding angry.

Quickly, Tina gripped the cock again and continued jerking it, despite the goo that was oozing out from it. He moaned as gob after gob of the creamy white goo came out, trickling down over her hand until finally he told her he was finished.

Once it was over, she stared at her hand and the gobs of semen coating it. She couldn’t take her eyes off of it.

She heard her uncle say breathlessly, “That’s my cum. Taste it.”

Tina looked over at him: he was serious. She looked back at her hand, and decided that her uncle must know what he was talking about. He was an adult; he knew what was right.

Slowly, the tiny girl brought her sticky hand up to her lips.

She could feel her uncle’s eyes on her as she nervously stuck out her tongue, and tentatively touched it to a string of his cum on her hand. She recoiled initially, more from the texture than the taste. It felt weird!

“Go on,” he said again, more forcibly. “Lick it off.”

Gulping slowly, the young girl tried again. This time she managed to lick a long gob of the stuff into her mouth. She cringed again at the texture as she tried to distinguish the taste: it was a little like sweat and sugar mixed with salt, and it had an odd aroma. She wasn’t sure if she liked it, but she was too confused to stop.

Soon she licked it all off of her hand, and gulped it all down her throat.

Her uncle was smiling tiredly. “Good girl,” he said. “Now, go wash up and go to bed. You’ve been up late enough.”

His words disappointed Tina. They were as uncaring as usual, no different than on any other night. After what they’d just done, she had somehow expected him to be kinder, more friendly. She’d expected him to at least talk to her a bit, let her stay up.

Slowly she stood and picked up her shorts and panties and walked quickly from the room.

Two weeks passed after that, during which time her uncle never mentioned what they’d done together that night. Tina hadn’t really expected him to, but she was disappointed all the same. Her dreams were filled with images of those movies, and of her uncle’s hand between her legs. She couldn’t shake the memory of her orgasm, and found herself hoping for another one.

She wasn’t ashamed or upset by what had happened in the least. If anything the young girl was just confused: she wanted to talk to somebody about it, but couldn’t. Her only friends were sixty miles away, and she feared broaching the subject with her uncle. He was pretending it hadn’t happened, so she played along. She was utterly alone, and spent her days as she had before: doing her chores, washing her aunt, preparing the meals.

Then one night, about two weeks after her birthday, Tina was washing the dishes after dinner when her uncle came up behind her.

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