
Tom’s Parallel World – 10

Tom has been transported to an almost idyllic parallel world, where he has become a super sex toy.

Dear reader, this is a work of erotic adventure fiction, containing furry, anthropomorphic animals with human intelligence having sex with our human hero. If this isn’t for you, please read my other stories.

All characters, furry or otherwise, are over eighteen.

~~~ *** ~~~

The canine, Peter, watched Tom, the human asleep on the floor. Not exactly sure what to do, he breathed a sigh of relief as he heard the back door slam with the feline geneticist, Lucy returning to the cottage with a bunch of herbs in her hand.

“What happened?”

“He keeled over again, but this time, I think he’s just asleep”

“Typical. Although, chewing on that seaweed pod would knock out an elephant. I’ll liquidize these into a drink and it will help return his adrenalin to normal if we can get him to drink it.”

She headed to the kitchen to return with a glass full of green liquid.

“See if you can wake him up Peter, but no need to slap him so hard this time.”

Peter crouched down, pulling Tom to sit him up. Tom blinked and seemed to come around. His head was still floppy, looking as if he were a little drunk.


“Tom, you need to drink this… Please, Tom.”

Lucy implored, as she offered him the glass.

Tom tried to focus his blinking eyes on the glass, and took it in his hands as Lucy guided it up to his lips.

“Ugh… Yuk. It stinks. What is it?”

“A few herbs that should neutralise the effects of the seaweed pod, but you need to drink it.”

Tom looked up at Lucy, smiled and sipped the drink.”

“Ugh… It’s like drinking a salad.”

“Well, think of it as penance. Now drink it all up.”

Tom grimaced as he finished the glass. The three waited, expecting some homoeopathic fireworks, but after several minutes of raised eyebrows, Lucy broke the silence.

“How do you feel now… You okay?”

Tom nodded, handing Peter the empty glass with some leftover gunge in it. Tom had to sit upright, cross-legged as Peter left to fetch him a drink of water. Tom gulped it down, trying to wash the taste away.

“How do you feel?” Lucy asked.

“Not sure,” Tom replied, getting up and walking up and down, a lot slower this time, feeling more down to earth now.

“You okay?” Peter asked, “One day, we’ll have to sit down with a few more of those pods and get you to recap all those stories. We could make a mint, as they sound great.”

Lucy rolled her eyes at the ever-present entrepreneurial spirit in Peter.

“Come on, we’ll walk back with you if you’re feeling up to it. Peter, bring those cameras.”

The three of them walked out to head along the back of the row of cottages to Kitty’s pub. Tom was a little wobbly at first, but by the time they reached the pub, he seemed to be back to normal. Peter and Lucy left him there to walk on and Tom headed for the kitchen for a cup of tea, with Lucy’s warning not to chew any more seaweed pods ringing in his ears.

Tom entered the kitchen to find everyone else, sat down with mugs of tea except for Brenda, who was in full flight, controlling multiple pots and pans of boiling or frying food, ready for lunchtime. He poured himself a mug and Kitty warned them that because of the success of Tom encouraging guests to eat outside; they were expecting a delivery of tables and benches for the garden that afternoon.

Kitty and Sarah were the first to leave, warning that lunchtime guests were due any minute. Half hiding behind her mug of tea, Becky thanked Tom for his skulduggery that morning with Thomas. She didn’t have to say anything more, but he knew that having heard Thomas confess his love for her had been a huge romantic step forward.

Sarah popped her head around the door, confirming guests were arriving. Tom joined Sarah as their afternoon flew by in a haze of serving lunches and welcoming more arrivals. Becky worked seamlessly between helping Brenda and clearing the hatch.

The diners were a mix bunch of couples and families, made up of a variety of cats, dogs and humans. Some were overnight guests, whilst others were midway through their coastal walks. The weather was prominent in discussions, with diners asking for a local viewpoint. One minute Tom was glancing up to see blue skies, then seeing dark grey clouds flying by, noting that the winds were picking up, and hinting at the storm to come.

At one diner’s request, Tom glanced outside to confirm the weather, to see two stout British Bulldogs unload a flatbed wagon of timber garden tables and chairs. They both carried off the archetypical bulldog caricature, wearing waistcoats and bowler hats. Kitty appeared to ensure they positioned the tables as she wanted, to save anyone moving them around later.

As diners left, more arrived, keeping everyone busy. The weather was closing in, as retired captains confirmed there would be no fishing trips for tourists that afternoon or tomorrow. A few of the walking guests returned to settle in for an afternoon in front of the bar’s open fire, with a pint.

Concern grew for the crab boats and fisherdogs, as the skies darkened, but news soon came that the first boats were returning. A gradual line of bedraggled fisherdogs made their way into the bar, eager for a pint and a warmup, adding to everyone’s workload.

Whilst removing empty glasses from the bar areas, Kitty informed Tom that a parcel had arrived for him, and she’d put it up on his bed. Tom was keen to go look at the scientific equipment his fake list given to Balthazar had brought them, whilst also excited that their ruse had worked.

The afternoon melted into evening, with dinner guests now arriving. The poor little pub was now rammed with bodies, canines, felines and humans, all enjoying the warmth and atmosphere in the pub. Fisherdogs came in from working for a quick beer, and a chat, to return later in dryer casual clothes. Captains and the top dog, Captain Brown, also drifted in to settle at their table.

Whilst the atmosphere was busy and light-hearted, Tom noticed a few tense looks, mainly from the village’s canine single bitches, all glancing around the single fisherdogs, causing him to wonder what he was missing.

Thomas, the fisherdog captain, returned to the bar, to a rapturous welcome, normally reserved for Captain Brown, confirming that there was something far more to this evening than usual. One of his crew accompanied him, carrying an old-fashioned squeeze box accordion. Both were promptly toasted and given drinks to quaff.

Tom was too busy so didn’t notice exactly when the music and singing started but recognised one tune, something akin to `Sloop John B’. Although, he couldn’t recognise the lyrics that the bar were singing, although unable to concentrate on them, as he worked in the tightly packed pub.

Thankfully, Tom had a brief respite later, when all the dining guests were mid-course. He settled in the connecting gap between the lounge and the bar, leaning against the wall, to watch the singing. He half recognised a sea shanty style song, but again was unable to recognise the lyrics.

He recognised the scent of Lucy as a white-furred paw wrapped around his waist, pulling herself in close.

“This is a rare treat, Tom.”

“I don’t know, I can’t understand the lyrics.”

“They’re mainly singing in Cornish, with a mixture of English and a little French thrown in. Peter told me about Thomas and Becky… Can you see all the canine bitches looking expectantly?”

“Yeah, what’s that all about?”

“They heard the squeezebox was out and a rumour that Thomas is choosing his mate… This is rare as I can’t remember the last time a captain has done this.”

Tom looked around again and could see the hunger in all the bitch dog’s eyes. Captain Brown was sitting with his wife at the captain’s table, both bursting with pride, anticipating the result. The top dog shot Tom a look that told him he had better be right about Thomas and Becky.

The whole pub drew its breath as the musician stood in the less crowded centre of the small bar to start a new song, being joined by another fisherdog.

“This is it…”

“I can’t understand a word.”

“They’re Thomas’s crew, challenging him as their captain, to choose a mate. So his mind will focus on bringing his boat and shipmates home safely. They’re calling on him, to choose out of the local talent.”

Thomas proudly stepped into the centre of the bar. All the single bitches that previously hung on his every word now puffed their chests out and jostled for prime position. Thomas played the crowd, singing his part in the song, pointing at each eligible candidate, only to dismiss them. He even teased Kitty and Lucy, bringing laughter from the ranks of canines.

“Isn’t this chauvinistic?”

“Maybe in your world Tom… Here it’s romantic. Look at the disappointment in the failed applicants… Oh, Thomas is calling out that one challenger is missing…”

Tom didn’t need to know Cornish, to realise it was Becky’s name being called out. The entire bar joined in and the sea of bodies parted, giving a clear path from the kitchen to the centre of the bar. The kitchen door opened and a shocked Becky came out, being frog-marched from behind by Brenda, chanting Becky’s name with the crowd.

As Becky reached the clearing in the centre of the crowd, Brenda released her and Thomas went down on all fours to walk around her, nuzzling her to sniff at her rear, beneath her tail! Then Becky dropped to walk behind him, reciprocating the tail sniffing. Tom was aghast, but to all the onlookers, this was the same as swapping wedding rings.

Whilst most villagers and guests cheered for the couple, a few single bitches screamed their disagreements, to be held back by friends, fisherdogs or captains. Captain Brown made his way to the couple. Thomas rose, placing his arms around Becky to be greeted by the top dog and receive his approval, to another unanimous cheer.

Lucy kissed Tom and gave him a squeeze.

“I hope you don’t mind. Peter told me I’m your favourite kitten?”

“No, I don’t mind. Yes… You’re my favourite, but don’t tell Chrys or Clair.”

“You’re not jealous about Peter and I?”

“Of course I am, but I also like Peter. You both make a lovely couple, you suit each other.”

“Well, now with Thomas gone there is a whole new pool of candidates for you, as the next most eligible bachelor of the village.”


“Your super sex toy nickname has become village-wide knowledge, not helped by your constant hard on tonight.”

Tom went to check himself, looking down to see his shaft fighting to escape his shorts. He couldn’t help but notice several other pairs of eyes were on him around the bar, as one bitch weaved her way through the crowd in the bar towards him. He blushed, realising he’d been constantly having to adjust himself with his raging stiffness all afternoon and evening, since his seaweed pod chewing incident.

“I’ll leave you to your own devices. Peter’s coming over later, as he hopes to have some news.”

Lucy unwrapped herself from Tom and slid back into the crowd before he could tell her about the parcel.

“Ah, Tom… It seems you are pleased to see me.” The poodle like canine said as she stroked the length of his stiff cock, barely hidden beneath his shorts. “With Becky no longer having a claim on you, maybe it’s time we got better acquainted?”

Tom desperately looked for help, but it came from another quarter. He caught Becky looking at him, amid well-wishers in the bar, wagging a paw of disapproval and giving a snarl of her teeth, reminding him of her threat to bite his cock off, should he engage with the other bitches in the village.

“Er no, I’ve got to get back to work, thanks all the same.”

Suitably encourage by Becky’s reminder,Tom broke free, twisting back to return to the lounge, hearing the canine promising to catch up with him. With Becky otherwise engaged, Sarah, Tom, and Kitty picked up the slack, keeping them busy. The entire pub was in a joyful mood, with more sea shanties being sung and beer flowing all around.

Tom sneaked off to the kitchen during a lull and guzzle down some water, fighting against sleep, as once again his long stint awake was catching up. As much as he wanted to avoid it, he knew he couldn’t last much longer. He reached into his pocket to pull out another seaweed pod and popped it into his mouth. This time, he sucked.

After a great deal of sucking, the sweetness of the pod crept through. He chatted with Brenda as they worked through clearing dirty dishes into the washing machines, and he slowly felt re-energised. He returned to the lounge to find the evening diners had finished and were now enjoying their evening.

Tom and Sarah now had a little more time to clear glasses and slow down. Sarah helped Kitty behind the bar more and Tom returned to his leaning post in the gap between the lounge and bar. In the bar, Becky and Thomas were enjoying being the centre of attention.

Balthazar had appeared at some time in the evening, and was sitting in his usual position at the bar, but was not enjoying the festivities like the other villagers. In fact, his face was the perfect image of being a sourpuss. Tom quietly congratulated himself that maybe this went against some plan Balthazar may have had.

Tom got the nod from Kitty to take a round of drinks to the captain’s table. Collecting the tray from the bar, he once more made his way through the crowd to the captain’s table. As he passed the right drinks around, he caught Captain Brown’s eye, as he raised his glass to him, mouthing, “For the good of the village.” Tom nodded and returned to the bar.

At the bar, Kitty passed him a beer and nodded at Peter, who was waiting for him in the lounge with Lucy. Tom squeezed his way over to the couple, seeing Peter was keen to tell him something.

“How are you feeling? I see you’re sucking and not biting.”

Tom poked his tongue out to show them the seaweed pod. “It looks like we’ve both got news?”

Peter’s eyes bulged, wondering what Tom’s news could be, but was keen to tell his first.

“We reran our tests, but this time, dug deeper, testing several levels down. At first, nothing looked out of the ordinary, but then I checked some public medical journals. It took some checking, but I found some lesser-known reports that confirmed it.”

Lucy gripped Peter’s arms, dying for him to tell the full news, rather than going around the houses.

“The nanobots put three vital genes to sleep. On their own, they don’t make a jot of difference. But together they inhibit the creation of an important protein.”

“Surely that’s no issue? You can take protein supplements.”

The two lovers looked at each other. With Peter told Lucy, “You tell him.”

“This protein is only made in the brain, it can’t be synthesised… Its full job is little known, well not without deeper research in areas that we can’t reach without having an online presence, but… Without it, you lose your free will. Whether cat, dog, or human… All mammals need this tiny protein string to engage that part of their brain. Dominant people make more of it, subservient, quiet people make very little of it. But to not make any, who knows?”

Tom’s mind was more cynical than the product of this world and knew the consequences immediately. “They can enslave any victim injected with it… This is massive… They can control politicians, entire groups of mammals, or even a whole population, making subservient zombies of them.”

Lucy and Peter had thought the worse but Tom’s leap to a more disastrous level shocked them. Tom’s paranoia leapt onto a war footing. “Don’t look, but is Balthazar watching us?”

“Uh-huh,” Lucy confirmed without a glance or moving her lips.

“Give me a two-minute head start but try to slip out and meet me upstairs in my bedroom.”

Tom broke away from the pair and went to the kitchen. Using the back stairs, he made his way up to the second floor and into his room. Whilst a few guests were in their rooms on the floor below, with Sarah and Kitty working, the second floor was empty. A little while later, the door opened for Lucy and Peter to join him. He pulled the curtains and asked the pub for the light to come on.

“You never heard this from me. I’ve been sworn to secrecy… But this is too big not to say anything. Our lives, or our freedom of thought, could be in danger with this.”

He then explained seeing Balthazar meeting with Brock and the weasels on the beach the previous evening and Captain Brown’s insistence not to say anything.

“So that’s why you wanted the cameras?” Peter asked.

“Yes. But now you two must be wary of any request by anyone for something out of the ordinary. Balthazar knows Lucy is a part of this, but not you, Peter… You must both be vigilant.”

“Phew that is big news?”

“Ah, there’s more.”


“Oh, this is the box of fake parts we ordered.”

Peter went to pick the box up to take it, but Tom stopped him.

“No… It will be too obvious if anyone sees you walking out with this box…

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