Tommy and Jade Chapter 1
Tommy and Jade Chapter 1
Sex Story Author: | Herr_Badass |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Not to mention that the way they were both positioned, her perfect bum was nearly in his lap, almost touching |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Erotica, Fiction, First Time, Incest, Male Solo, Male/Female, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Romance, Teen, Teen Male/Teen Female, Young |
Chapter One:
In which we begin our modern tale of erotic romance…
‘Mmm, that’s right Jade.’
‘Don’t stop, I’m almost there Jade.’
“Damn it Tommy, wake up!”
Tommy felt a smack across his face, instantly forcing him from his lustful slumber.
‘Damnit! I was about to cum too!’ Tommy thought to himself as he felt his, now, red hot cheek.
Tommy, rubbing his eyes of sleep, focused at the hundred and twenty pound, God sculpted object of his desires, straddling his waist. It might have been the sudden interruption of one of his “happy dreams”, or it could have been the way that the light was pouring in and how it complimented his new step sister’s face and deep red locks of hair, but for some reason, she just appeared even more beautiful than usual, if that was even possible. Already she was angelic, now she seemed a goddess.
“Oh!? And what is this baby brother?”
“I’m not your baby brother, Jade, you’re eighteen, and I’m only a couple months away from being eighteen. And what are you talking about?”
But Tommy knew what she was talking about. For the past two months, every time that Tommy had a dream about his new stepsister, he would wake up with wood that could be used as a battering ram, and so painful that Tommy would nearly have to jerk himself into a coma to finally get his cock under control.
‘Of course when I’m having the best dream about her ever, she wakes me up by sitting on me and slapping my face. Now how am I gonna explain my perverted erection that she caused?’
“I’m talking about this silly.”
Jade started to slowly run her hand down Tommy’s well refined body, pausing momentarily to rub a bit on his washboard belly, and then continuing on to his waist while seductively biting her lower lip.
‘Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Is this really happening’, thought Tommy, praying that this wasn’t just a dream, and the woman that he was in love with really wanted his rock hard cock right now. Tommy wanted nothing more than to make love to Jade ever since she moved in with Tommy’s new step mom.
But he could never work up the courage to tell her what he thought about her. ‘What if she thinks I’m a pervert? Isn’t it wrong? I mean, she’s my new sister for crissake!’
‘STEP – sister’, Tommy thought as he corrected his own thoughts.
As Jade progressed closer and closer to Tommy’s throbbing member, his heart rate reached danger levels. Quickly, Jade moved her hand behind herself, entirely skipping Tommy’s cock, and grabbing a folded up piece of paper.
‘Oh no! Anything but that!’ thought Tommy, even though he knew exactly what it was.
Tommy fancied himself a poet of sorts, and since Jade moved in with his father and himself, he had found his muse in Jade, and when he wasn’t masturbating to fantasies about the romantic possibilities between himself and Jade, he would find himself scribbling poetry verses professing his love for her on every scrap of paper he could find. But Tommy was always careful to hide what he wrote where he thought nobody else would find it.
“Look,” said Tommy, “It’s not what you think it’s-“
Already too late, Jade was starting to read Tommy’s poetry out loud:
“I see her every day, wanting her every minute,
Begging for her attention at ever second,
But I can do nothing but admire her from afar,
My goddess,
If only she’d grant me a passing glance,
Or some sign that she would want me as much
as I want her,
but it would be forbidden,
For my Jade Goddess,
is also my Step Sister.”
“Um. Er. Ya’ see-” Tommy, who was never at a loss for words, struggled to worm his way out of getting caught obsessing over his step sister.
“I think it’s sweet. The nicest thing anyone’s ever written about me,” Jade reassured Tommy with her trademark smile, cocking her head slightly to the right and showing off her pearly white teeth, in a super model like smile.
“…Really?” Tommy said in an exasperated voice.
“Of course silly,” Jade said as she lightly tapped Tommy’s nose. “Who knows, I might feel the same way about you, stud muffin.”
And with that, Jade leapt off of Tommy with a wink and scurried out of his room, leaving his door open.
“No. Fucking. Way,” Tommy uttered to himself as he watched his step sister (now, potential lover) walk down the hallway, swaying her beautifully shaped ass at every step, giving Tommy the best show he’s ever seen. Without hesitating, Tommy started beating his painfully hard cock with all that he could, replaying both the dream and what just happened in his head a hundred times.
“Oh, Tommy, I forgot to tell you, your late breakfast slash brunch is ready. Come on down, I made you waffles.”
‘Fuck!’ Tommy screamed in his own mind. ‘Second time she’s ruined my ability to cum today.’ Refusing to let his step sister down, Tommy quickly threw a shirt on, and scrambled after his sister down the stairs while also trying to hide his erection in his house pants.
As Tommy bound down the steps he was forcing naughty thoughts of his step sister out of his head in an attempt to lessen the intensity of his painfully hard cock. As he turned the corner he heard what sounded like Jade talking to someone.
“Yeah…Alright…Don’t worry, he’s finally up now that it’s already two o’clock…Sure thing…I’ll let him know…” Tommy walked into the kitchen to see his crush of the past few months in a white tank top with plenty of cleavage to show off her perfectly perky C-Cup breasts. She had hardened nipples despite the warm temperature of the house and showing off the fact that she was braless. She was also wearing pajama bottoms that were riding just low enough to show off a classy amount of her neon pink thong hugging her hips.
By the time that Tommy brought himself back from his fantasies, he found that not only was his cock reinvigorated by the dirty things that Tommy wanted to do to Jade.
Jade turned to Tommy, flashing him a quick smile and rolling her eyes while twirling her finger, their own little sign that it was the parents on the other end of the line.
Before she could see Tommy’s erection, he quickly sat at the table and poured himself some Orange Juice. As he looked up from his pouring he noticed that Jade had put her deep fiery red hair back up into a pony tail, and had put her stylishly thick framed glasses on, giving her the ultimate sexy librarian look.
Tommy stared so long that he forgot that he was pouring orange juice and it spilt over his glass and some of it landed on the floor.
Without wanting to give away that he was hard, Tommy just ignored the spill and prayed that Jade wouldn’t notice.
“Alright, we’ll see you later tonight. Okay, bye.” Jade hung up the phone and turned back around to Tommy. “Well, seems that we’re gonna have the house all to ourselves today,” Jade spoke with a twinkle in her eye.
“Um…*gulp*…Uh, I think we can find something to occupy ourselves with all day, heh heh.”
“Oh, I bet we could,” Jade said in a husky near whisper voice. “Dammit, the eggs and bacon are all burnt to a fucking crisp. I guess we’ll have to do something else for breakfast.”
“Well, um,” Tommy struggled to say, “We could go to that new IHop down the street.”
Jade squealed at that idea. “Ohhh, I’ve wanted to go there so badly, gimme ten and we’ll go.”
“Alright, sounds good to me.”
Jade started to walk out of the kitchen to get ready when the spill of orange juice caught her eye. “Hmm,” Jade put on an adorable look of confusion on her face, twisting her mouth to the side, furrowing her brow, and squinting at the spill. “That looks new. I’ll clean it up real quick.”
“No no, that’s fine, get dressed and I’ll clean it up,” Tommy said, trying to get Jade out of the kitchen so he could finally relive himself before they left.
“I couldn’t do that, you’re paying for breakfast after all, the least I could do is clean this little mess up.”
Before Tommy could get up and walk out Jade nabbed a washcloth and bent down at the hip to start cleaning up the juice. She was angled perfectly to give Tommy the most perfect view of her ass.
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