
Tomboy – 3

The next night with Danni and her friends. This story began with the simple concept, “What happens when the neighborhood tomboy grows up?” I only intended to write one chapter, but you seemed to like Danni, so I wrote a couple more. I hope you enjoy, UU

Tomboy – 3 (gb+m+, Incest, exhibitionist, Virginity, Young).

Story Summary – Danielle really liked playing with the boys, so she plays with them again.

Disclaimer – This is a work of Fiction, make-believe and fantasy and is for adult entertainment purposes only. You must be 18 or over to read this story. The author does not condone any sexual activity with persons under 18 in real. And remember, it is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can harm innocent lives beyond repair. Don’t fuck with people’s lives!


Danielle Parker luxuriated in the steaming water of her bathroom shower. She held her firm, lithe, body motionless as the water cascaded down her back. The fresh smelling soap and hot water washed away the dirt and the minor aches from her recent baseball game. With a soft moan, she soaped her already clean titties once again. The game now forgotten, she groped her budding breasts with one hand and washed the soap from her zippered slit with the other.

Danni parted her nether-lips with a single finger, then two; holding her lips open to let the water irrigate her gash. She slid her finger up and down her squeaky-clean cunt, dipping it deep to gather some pussy-juice before making her little bald pussy slippery again.

Oh! She so wanted to cum! To plunge her fingers in and out of her tight cunt. To diddle her swollen clitoris. To feel that exquisite feeling once again! First one finger, then two. She stretched her little hole until it almost hurt. Then she stopped and reluctantly dropped her hands. She turned around and let the water was away any remnants of the soapy residue. After all, she and her friends made a pact this morning; no one orgasms until tonight.


After helping her mother make sandwiches for tonight’s sleepover, Danni began to set the table for lunch. Half-way through, the front door burst open and her older brother Noah came in, carrying groceries from the shopping trip. Behind him was Justin, with another heavy load.

“What all did you buy?” Cheryl Parker asked her husband.

“Oh, this and that,” he replied.

“Dad let us pick out our favorite cereals, and we got cookies for tonight, and soda-pop, and…” Justin said, stopping to catch his breath.

“Did you buy anything healthy at all?” Cheryl asked.

Noah pulled a small bunch of bananas from a sack and smiled at his mother.

“Boys, go help Danni set the table, while I have a talk with your father.”

Noah set the fruit on the table and nudged his little sister. “So, are you gonna?” he asked in a hushed voice.

“I don’t know,” Danni replied.

“Come on!” Noah pleaded. “You gotta!”

“I don’t ‘gotta’ do nothing,” Danni said, staring defiantly at her older brother, hand on hp, before turning away.

“Whud she say?” Justin asked.

Before Noah could reply, the rest of the family came in to the room. They took their normal places; mom and dad at each end of the table, Noah and Justin on one side, and Danni all by herself on the other side.

During a break in the conversation, Danni’s mother said, “Oh, Danni! Thanks for doing a load of laundry. I found your clothes and the pillow-case in the washer.”

“Oh, yeah,” Danni said. “I forgot to put them in the dryer. Sorry.”

“It’s not like you to do laundry, what’s the special occasion?” Cheryl asked.

“Uh…, Conner Copeland spilled something on them last night. And… Uh…, I wanted to get them washed…, before…”

Danni tried to keep from blushing. She wanted to blurt out, ‘before you found all the cum stains.’ But, she didn’t. She had hurried to wash the pillow-case before her mother found it. Plus, this morning, she found her panties on the floor of the tree-house. One of the boys had jerked-off into them in the middle of the night, leaving a huge wet stain. She was sure it was Conner. He had look away just as she picked them up and discovered they were heavy and wet.

“Before the stain set?” her mother prompted. “That’s nice of you.”

“Yeah, that’s it.”

Thinking about last night made Danni horny again. Playing with her friend’s and brother’s hard cocks, watching them spurt, having her pussy licked and played with, sucking all of their dicks and making them feel good. ‘Mmmm, mmmm!’ Her pussy began to tingle.

She looked over at her oldest brother. Feeling a little naughty, she slipped off her sandals and ran her naked foot up his leg and then higher up – right between his legs. She then pushed her toes into Noah’s crotch. Danni almost giggled out loud when he flinched violently and then looked at her with his eyes wide. Danni, began to rub her toes into his groin, feeling for his dick.

It didn’t take long before she felt Noah’s cock growing underneath her toes. She continued to eat her lunch, acting pure and innocent, while she massaged her brother’s now hard cock with her foot. Danni smiled at Noah and licked her lips sensually.

Danni noticed her other brother Justin. He was very cute, she thought. She decided he needed the same teasing. She liked the idea of both of her brothers having hard-ons at the table with their mom and dad oblivious to what was going on. She spread her legs and stretched her toes as she searched for Justin’s lap, slouching in her chair.

“Hey!” Justin exclaimed when he suddenly felt something in his lap. Danni’s toes probed for his cock and balls. She wiggled her feet in both of her brother’s laps.

“What’s wrong, Justin?” their mother asked. Danni’s foot was firmly wedged between his legs.

Thinking quickly, Justin replied, “Noah’s hogging all the potato chips!”

Noah guiltily placed the chips on his plate. There was still plenty left. What was his brother talking about? He looked over at his younger brother and noticed Danni’s foot wriggling in his lap. Both boys grinned at each other and scooted closer to the edge of their seats, allowing Danni full access to their genitals.

“Noah, don’t hog all the chips,” their mother said automatically.

Danni playfully toyed with her brothers. Then, seeing the banana on the table in front of her, she took one and peeled back the skin. Making sure her mother and father weren’t looking, she met both of her brother’s gaze, and then licked it slowly before opening her mouth and sucking the fruit all the way to the back of her throat. She pulled it out and licked it again, keeping watch on her mother and father.

Justin moaned softly. Both boys were hard. Her pussy was wet. Danni felt the hard cocks between her toes and stroked them up and down. First one brother, then the other. She slid her hand into her lap and scratched an imaginary itch as she rubbed her pussy through her thin shorts. She wondered if she could orgasm at the table without her mother and father noticing.

“Danni! Don’t slouch.” her mother scolded.

With a start, she sat up straight and bit into the banana, trying to hide its slick exterior.

“Noah, will you get me some more milk?” she asked sweetly. “Pretty-please?”

“Get it yourself!” Noah replied. There was so way was he standing up with a huge boner poking out of his pants, not in front of his whole family!

“Noah, mind your manners!” their father scolded.

“What did I tell you about your smart mouth?” his mother added. “Just for that, go get your sister some milk!”

“Aww, mom!” Noah whined. He pushed his chair back and stood up quickly. He turned and walked from the room.

Both their mother and father noticed the hard lump in their teenage son’s pants. They glanced at their young, innocent, daughter and saw her trying to stifle a giggle. She had noticed as well. Cheryl decided she would have to have another chat with Danni soon. She hoped none of the boys had erections during the sleepover; how embarrassing and awkward that would be!


Noah, Justin and Danni were walking to the treehouse, cutting through the field at the back of their house.

“So, have you decided yet?” Noah asked her for the fifth time that day.

“Yeah, Danni,” Justin prompted. “Are you gonna do it?”

Danni slung her backpack higher on her shoulders. “Look, I don’t know, OK?” Danni retorted. “I don’t want to lose…,” she gulped, and stopped. Danni almost said ‘I don’t I want to lose my virginity in a freaking gang-bang, alright?’ She knew if she had intercourse with one of the boys, she’d have to do it with all of them.

“… I don’t… want to lose our friendship…,” she said softly.

“But Danni!” Justin began. Noah slugged him on the shoulder.

Justin looked at his brother wondering why he hit him (not that it hurt too much). Noah shook his head, indicating Justin should leave their sister alone for now. He knew better than to push Danni too far.

“It’s OK, Danni. We can still have fun,” Noah lied.

“Thanks,” Danni said.

They walked the rest of the way in silence and soon arrived at the tree-house. Noah’s best friend Conner met them at the ladder.

“Where have you guys been?” he asked. “We’ve been waiting for hours!”

“Mom made us eat lunch, then we had to clean up,” Noah said.

“Yeah, but dad bought us lots of junk food!” Justin added.

They hoisted their provisions and climbed the ladder. As he followed Danni, Noah was disappointed his sister was wearing shorts today. Yesterday, he was able to look up her skirt and see her panties.

They sat in awkward silence for a while. The friends glanced at each other and looked around the large room not lingering on any item too long. They all kept glancing at Danni, remembering the night before, but too embarrassed to talk about it.

“Come on, let’s play a game,” Caleb said. He retrieved a favorite game from the shelf.

“It’s better than staring at each other,” his brother Conner said.

“Yeah,” everyone agreed.

They pulled their pillows and sleeping bags into a circle around the board and the six friends soon became engrossed in their game. Taunts and laughter filled the treehouse, sounding like any other sleepover, as if last night never happened.

After one outrageous insult, Conner Copeland laughed so hard he shoved his face into his pillow to muffle his snorts. This made the others laugh even harder.

Conner pulled his face from his pillow and declared, “Danni, my pillow smells like your ass!” They had uses Conner’s pillow to place under Danni’s butt when Calab licked her pussy.

“Mine’s clean now,” Danni said. “I had to wash it this morning. You guys spermed all over it!”

“We spermed all over you too!” Justin added.


“We sure did!”

“You guys spermed a lot,” Danni said, recalling her wet face, the musky odor, and the salty taste.

“Did any of you guys cum today?” Justin asked. “We made a pact,” he reminded everyone.

They all shook their heads. “No.”

“I’ve been horny all day,” Conner said.

“I’ve been horny all day and all last night,” Noah said.


They tried to finish the game, though their minds were now elsewhere.

“I have an idea,” Caleb said. “Let’s play the rest of the game naked.”

“You mean like strip-poker,” Noah asked.

“What’s strip-poker?” Danni asked.

“No, not like strip-poker,” Caleb said. He looked at Danni. “That’s a card-game where you take off clothes whenever you lose.”

“What’s the fun in that?” Danni asked.

“Oh, it can be a lot of fun,” Caleb said, reminding himself to play cards with Danni sometime soon. “I just think we should play the rest of the game naked. We’ve never been naked in the daytime before.”

“We’ve never been naked in here until last night,” Noah added.

“Yeah, that was fun,” Calvin said. “Playing naked tag was awesome!”

“OK, let’s get naked!” Caleb said. He was eager to see Danni’s young body once again.

“I don’t wanna,” Danni said.

“What? But why—” Calvin started to argue.

“It’s OK, Danni,” Noah said. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

“Yeah,” Caleb said. “But Danni, is it OK if we get naked?”

“I… guess so,” Danni replied. “I don’t care what you guys do.”

Caleb, like most males, thought the sight of a hard cock would somehow get Danni the mood for sex, like the sight of a naked pussy or bare breasts did for him. He tightened his stomach muscles and pulled off his shirt. Then, he dropped his shorts and underwear. His cock flopped out for everyone to see. He tugged and scratched his balls and then stroked his soft penis a few times.

Danni acted like she wasn’t interested but watched him surreptitiously. The other boys soon followed Caleb’s lead. As the boys stood naked in front of each other (with Danni pretending to be bored), Justin’s cock became engorged and erect, his cock pointing upward. His friend Calvin soon became hard as well.

“Let’s finish the game,” Noah said. “I was just about to beat you losers.”

“Like heck, you were,” Conner said.

They all laid back down on their sleeping bags, their bare asses looking round and pale. The two youngest boys rocked back and forth, gently grinding their hard, little peckers.

Noah looked again at the game-board. He was nearly eight squares ahead of Conner.

“Betcha I beat you Conner,” Noah said.

“Oh yeah?” Conner replied. He’s always been lucky at games. “I don’t think so. What’s the bet?”

“Loser has too…” Noah thought furiously. It couldn’t be too bad, just in case he lost. Hmm. They were naked and it was still daylight. “I know! Loser has to run around the tree three times. Naked.”

It was risky. People might be able to see them. He suspected old man Fletcher spied on them with binoculars sometimes.

“You’re on!”

“I want to play too!” Justin said.

“And me!” Calvin added.

“How about you, Danni? Caleb?” Noah asked. He was hoping to see Danni naked again. She was even farther behind him than Conner.

“Sure,” Danni said. She liked to be naked. It would be fun to be naked outside again.

“I’ll play,” said Caleb.

The game became more intense. They watched each other counting squares with every roll of the dice. A mistake was met with outrage and accusations of “You’re cheating!” Soon, the game was nearing the end. Everyone’s token was clustered near the finish line, with some closer, and some further away. Noah only needed a single roll of the dice to win. Justin and Calvin were furthest behind. Danni wasn’t very far ahead of them.

It was Danni’s turn. She didn’t like to lose. Especially to boys. She rolled a six, putting her closer to Noah.

“My turn!” Noah said triumphantly.

“It’s still my turn.” Danni said calmly. She flipped over a card she had half-covered with her hands. “ROLL AGAIN”

“Awwww!” Noah cried.

“You’ve been hanging on to that card the whole game?” Conner asked.

“Yep,” Danni said. She rolled again. Another six. Danni won.

“You’re all a bunch of ‘LOSERS!’” Danni taunted.

“Wait!” Noah whined. “It’s my turn now.”

“Too late,” Danni said. “You’re a loser.” She pointed at her older brother.

“And you’re a loser,” she pointed to each boy in turn. “And you’re a loser, and you’re a loser, and you’re a loser!” Danni shrieked.

“Who’s first?” Noah asked. “It can’t be me. I should’ve won.”

“You’re still a loser,” Danni said.

“Justin is last, so he should go first,” Caleb said.

“I don’t want to be first!” Justin said.

“You have to!” Conner said.

“I’ll go with you, Justin,” Calvin said.

Justin nodded his thanks. The two youngest boys stood up. Both left a pre-cum stain on their sleeping bags. Their penises were now wilted with fear, looking forlorn atop their diminutive ball-sacks.

Taking a deep breath, they walked together to the ladder. Justin went first, followed by Calvin. As they climbed down the ladder, Justin looked up to inspect Calvin’s hairless balls and pink, wrinkled butt-hole. His cock started to rise again.

Reaching the bottom, they both looked around while hiding themselves behind the massive tree truck.

“Come out where we can see you!” Danni yelled, hearing them giggling beneath the tree-house. The rest of their friends were now gathered at the railing, hoping to get a good view.

The two boys looked at the distant houses, and deciding it was safe, stepped out into the sunlight. They looked up to see their friends laughing and pointing. Both Calvin and Justin were now very erect. Their giggling continued.

“One, two three, go!” Justin yelled, and they both ran around the tree in a wide circle, their hard little peckers bouncing and swaying back and forth. Their friends in the tree-house counted each lap.

Out of breath, the two scrambled up the ladder, with Justin leading the way. Knowing his close friend was probably looking up at him, he squatted on the rungs of the ladder and wiggled his bare ass, cock and balls in his friend’s face. Calvin laughed out loud and poked his finger at Justin’s ass-hole. Both boys shrieked with laughter. Reaching the top, they laughed out loud, out of breath, and red with embarrassment.

“Who’s next?” Noah asked.

“Me.” Conner said. He moved towards the ladder.

“Wait a minute, new rule!” Danni said.

“What?” Noah said. “No way!”

“Oh, let her do what she wants,” Caleb said. He was watching the group with feigned boredom. “What’s the new rule, Danni?”

“Well, since Justin and Calvin had boners, I think it only fair that the rest of you losers run around with boners too.”

The boys looked at each other. Justin and Calvin played with their hard, little, dicks.

“Conner, you’re next,” Danni said. “Get a boner and get going.” She giggled. Danni loved having such sexual power over her friends.

Conner stroked his flaccid cock. “It’s not that easy!” he whined, as he jacked his soft penis.

“Will this help?” Danni asked.

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