
To Begin An Affair

A woman looking for a good time finds something even better.

How you go about choosing a lover can be a long and confusing process, baffling even to one’s own self. How you pick out the candidate for a one night stand is much simpler; you have the urge to get laid, you find an acceptable male, and if he’s horny, and most straight men are, then you’re in luck. A girl only has to let him know she’s available and more than a little willing. You don’t have to worry about whether he’s smart or stupid, arrogant, loud, a liar, or living with his mother; you’re not building a relationship, just looking for some fun. The one break nature gave women over men is that we can usually find a playmate if we really want one. And on this particular night, I wanted one.

I’d had an argument earlier in the day with my boyfriend. It wasn’t over anything important, but it was one of those things that had been building for a while. He wasn’t a bad guy, but he could be boring and I wasn’t in the mood to be bored and it was time for a change. Moving on would be the best for both of us, it was time. I headed out to a local hotel that had a once a month singles night in their banquet room, I’d always been curious about it and tonight seemed to be the night to satisfy that interest.

When I arrived, I paid the cover charge, received two tickets for free drinks, and went in. The room itself reminded me of a high school prom style of set up filled with over age students. I was in my late thirties, no kid myself, but I was one of the younger females there. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of the over fifty crowd were attractive looking women, but the men in the crowd tended to be younger, there was not a lot of age appropriate match ups available. This was simply a high class hook-up spot, but that was all right with me; that’s what I was there for.

Being among the younger twenty per cent (perhaps ten per cent, I’m not sure) had its advantage here, I knew it made me a prime target, a choice piece of real estate for some guy to plant his flag on, so to speak. I went to the bar and exchanged one of my drink tickets for a glass of Chardonnay and knew the sharks would begin circling soon, and that thought excited me. I was also right, several men, both older and younger, came over asking me to dance, which I did’ and others offered to buy me drinks, which I polity refused. I didn’t mind getting a little tight, but I didn’t want to get so completely wasted that I’d make a decision that I was going to regret later if I could help it.

After returning to the bar after dancing with an older gentleman, I heard a voice behind me ask, “Room on your dance card for one more?”

I turned and saw a nice pleasant looking man smiling at me, and he had a killer smile. He appeared younger than me, I guessed in his late twenties. I knew right away I would be willing to sleep with him if I didn’t detect any personality defects or gross idiosyncrasies. It’s hard to explain why, it wasn’t that he was incredibly handsome or anything like that, it’s just that my instincts told me he had potential. Without saying a word, I slid off the bar stool and walked out on the floor, glancing over my shoulder to see if he was following; he was; lucky me.

The DJ was playing some slow music, which was fine with me. I figured nothing would make an impression on my young stranger like a warm female body pressed tightly against him. I was apparently correct, because within minutes I was aware of his erection trapped between us. I knew then and there he was ripe for the picking, mine if I wanted him. It was a lovely feeling. I laid my head on his shoulder in an attempt to let him know I was truly interested.

When the music ended, I held the position several seconds before stepping back from him. When I did step back, I looked up at him with my most innocent smile.

“Why don’t we find a table instead of sitting at the bar?” I suggested, knowing if he went with me, I was in control.

“Yeah,” he answered with some surprise, “of course, that’d be great.”

We went back to the bar to gather up our things and order a couple more drinks. His arm was around my waist, nothing too aggressive, just enough to assure me he was interested. When we went to order the drinks, he insisted on paying for them and I didn’t argue. I told him I was drinking Chardonnay he shook his head.

“Chardonnay is good, but you deserve better. I hear they make a wicked Bellini here. Care to try one?”

I said I’d love to. It was that “you deserve better” line that did it. This guy was kind of smooth, but not overly so, he wasn’t reeking of over-confidence. I could tell he wasn’t a player which was good; I wasn’t in the mood for a player. The problem with a player is, in my experience, they’re usually aggressively self-centered and self-indulgent; it all has to be their way. Now, that’s all right to some degree and at certain times, but it’s not always fun to be on the receiving end of their little fantasies. They seem to insist that they know what you like sexually better than you do.

Now, I don’t really know if a Bellini is actually better than Chardonnay, but it does have a ring of class about it and they were good. He obviously knew how to make a girl feel special. I was really beginning to like this guy. As I said, there was an uncertainty about his demeanor that was charming, I could tell no matter what happened that night, he wasn’t going to take me for granted. Sex always seems better to me when you feel wanted, as opposed to when you feel like you’re just some random cunt waiting to get indiscriminately fucked.

As we sat sipping our drinks, chatting, and flirting, he asked if I came there often. Now the truth is the truth and it is always the best answer, but if you asked three quarters of the women in the place that night if they’d been there before they’d say no even if they were regulars. For a moment or two tried to come up with a flip answer. If I just said no it’d just sound like I was being coy, a woman in her late thirties trying to act innocent. If I said I had, well that just wouldn’t be true, and what would be the point of that? So I went with the truth with a qualifier.

“No, never before, but I always wanted to only I was always embarrassed to ask any of my girlfriends to come with me and never comfortable with the thought of coming alone. Tonight I decided to just do it and see what it’s like.”

“Well, glad you did, glad I was here to meet you” he said smiling at me shyly. Then he raised his glass in my direction, “Here’s to my good luck.”

I raised my glass and tapped it against his lightly. I don’t know if he realized it or not, but at that moment we sealed the deal. Up until then I was willing to do him, after that I wanted to do him. When I toasted to his luck, it was because, unless something went horribly wrong, he was going to get real lucky tonight and I was going to get laid; a win-win for both of us.

“How about you,” I asked, “this your first time here, too?”

“No, I came a couple of times before. I never really met anyone before, but for some reason I keep feeling like trying one more time.”

“Ah,” I said softly, “the old ‘if at first you don’t succeed, try, try,’ again philosophy. How’s it working for you, anyway?”

“Pretty well tonight,” he hesitantly added, “I think.”

There was that bit of uncertainty that I was finding endearing in him. I reached over and rested my fingertips on the back of his hand, glancing at it as if looking for something and spoke in a distracted voice.

“I think so, too,” then looked up at him, smiling coquettishly.

From there it was all a formality, a politely flirtatious waltz, neither wanting to appear too eager or anxious while we danced around what we both, by now, knew was going to happen.

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