
Timestop – Day 5

This story is about a guy who has the ability to stop time. If you don’t like the concept, don’t read it.

I suggest you read prior parts before reading this. For those of you that read and enjoy this, I’m not sure where the story is going. If you have ideas about where the story should go or things that should happen, send me a message (I read comments, but I don’t take them too seriously, I find PMs to be a better form of communication). Thanks goes out to the several people who already wrote me with ideas – most sex scenes in this installment came directly or indirectly from reader ideas, though there is more of my own ideas in this one than the last (impressive considering it’s half the size). I apologize to those whose ideas I still haven’t fit in – I promise I’ll keep trying to work them into future installments. A lot of those ideas will be coming when Warren heads back to school on Monday…

Day 5 – Sunday

Warren woke up to the sound of someone yelling. Just waking up, he couldn’t make out what was said, but it was more than enough to wake him up. Looking over at his clock, Warren saw that it was just before noon. He pulled himself up into a sitting position and dropped his head to his hands, his head pulsing from having drank the night before. For awhile Warren just sat there. Then his head shot up as he remembered having woken up to the sound of yelling, which had to be his sister, who had to be talking to their mom. Curious about what they might be talking about, Warren cringed in anger, setting off the sting in his forehead that stopped time. He then stood up and walked out of his room.

It wasn’t long after standing up that Warren realized how badly he had to piss. Leaving his room, he went to the bathroom, pulled the seat up, then closed his eyes as he leaned his head back and relieved himself. It wasn’t until he was done that Warren realized he had forgotten to start time up again, and somehow had missed the fact that while pissing his stream made no sound of hitting the toilet water. The reason for that, he quickly discovered, was that shortly after leaving his body, his piss froze in midair, creating a floating piss puddle above the toilet. Not wanting the puddle to make a big splash as he started time, Warren grabbed a paper towel and carefully pushed his piss puddle down towards the toilet. Then he started time long enough to led it fall in and stopped it again soon after.

Warren left the bathroom, closing the door behind him, planning to go back to the bathroom to flush the toilet when he was done listening in on his mom and sister’s conversation. Leaving his room, Warren noticed his sister’s door was open. Walking into her room, he found it empty. However, he noticed a halfway open drawer in her dresser. Remembering which drawer it was, Warren walked over. Sure enough, just in the front of it was her long pink dildo and the small silver dildo her mom had given her. Both looked recently used, which was a disappointment to Warren as that probably meant Julie had gotten off without him there to force her to think she was imagining him while doing it.

Moving on, Warren left Julie’s room and headed towards his mother’s room. The door was closed, leading Warren to guess that was where his mom and sister were.

Warren opened the door and saw his sister sitting on their mom’s bed in the same shorts and T-shirt that she had worn the day before. She was staring into the attached bathroom, but Warren couldn’t see in there from where he was. Assuming his mother was in there, Warren walked up until he could see in. As he got to where he could see though, Warren stopped short.

His mom was standing in front of the bathroom counter and mirror, but was turned to face Julie. Her hair was wet, obviously having just showered, and she was completely naked. She was turned to face her daughter, her mouth partially open in mid-speak while she rubbed lotion on her arms.

This was the first time Warren could ever remember seeing his mother naked. His eyes first went to her large boobs. Seeing them bare, they were definitely bigger than his sister’s, but also definitely not as perky. While Julie’s tits practically floated out from her chest, his mom’s hung down. Surprisingly though, they didn’t hang down as much as he had expected. They hung down less than a lot of women in the online porn he had watched, and probably hung down less than Margaret’s, though he couldn’t say that for sure. Of course, Margaret had freakishly big tits, so that was kind of to be expected.

Atop each tit, Warren noticed his mother’s hard nipples. They were the same dark color as his sister’s, though maybe just a shade darker. They weren’t sticking out as far as his sister’s, but they looked wider, like a thick nub sticking out from her areola. Her areolas were also wider than Julie’s, easily over an inch and a half in diameter. Not huge by any stretch of the imagination, but big compared to Julie’s.

Warren’s eyes drifted down from his mom’s tits down her stomach, which looked flatter standing than it had when she was straddling her daughter the day before, to her pussy. The V-shape of pubic hair he barely saw the day before was now on full display. Warren was surprised at how sexy he found that shape. He decided he liked it better than a fully shaved pussy, and wished he could see it on girls his own age. Below that, his mom had very prominent pussy lips pushed outwards from her mound. While her lips were large, they weren’t quite large enough to hide the slight hint of her inner folds sticking out between them.

For several moments, Warren stood staring and debating what to do next. On the one hand he wanted to take a closer look at his mother. On the other, he felt guilty being aroused by her and thought it was disgusting to want to do that. However, deciding he may not have the opportunity to do so again, Warren finally walked forward to his mother.

Squatting down in front of her, Warren very lightly pulled his mother’s outer lips apart. Looking inside, he saw that she had much bigger inner lips than his sister did, who barely had any. However, the inner lips weren’t so big that they were disgusting and hung out freakishly far from the outer lips. Warren also noted while staring that his mother’s clit was indeed quite large, like he thought it had been when he had reached into her panties to rub it the day before. It didn’t stick out quite as far as her inner lips, but was pretty close. And as he pressed her outer lips back together, he noted that her clit did in fact stick out the tiniest bit between them.

Warren stopped, not wanting to disturb his mother too much as he still wanted to know what she and Julie were talking about. There was an open closet across the bedroom from where he was standing by the bathroom. He couldn’t hide in it and close the door, but he could stand behind the door and hear, and maybe catch a glance between the door hinges at his mother and sister. Getting in position there, Warren started time.

“–not let it bother you. It’s totally natural.” His mother continued to rub lotion on her arms while she spoke, naked, to her daughter, seeming totally natural in the situation.

“How is it not supposed to bother me? It’s disgusting, not to mention disturbing and uncomfortable. And I don’t know how you can call it natural!” Julie had a tone of disgust in her voice. Warren’s mind had of course related this conversation to what had happened the day before between them. He briefly wondered what she considered disgusting. For a moment he thought it might have been her mom having gotten her off, but having just come from her room and having seen the used dildos, Warren was guessing that it was her mom’s suggestion to use one in her butt that she found disgusting.

“It’s not like you’re really doing it,” his mom replied, “so it shouldn’t be disgusting. Just accept it, use it to get off, and move on. Like I said last night, you may find it to be better and faster that way.”

There was a brief silence.

“I don’t think I can. It’s disgusting. Can’t you just help me again?” Warren could hear the hope in his sister’s voice. He ignored it though, wondering if his sister was asking their mother to get her off again, which is how it seemed to him.

“No!” The response from his mother was fast and harsh. “We talked about this already, Julie.” Warren knew his mother was serious if she was calling her ‘Julie’ instead of ‘Jules.’ “I did what I did yesterday because you were obviously in pain and I felt I needed to help. I probably shouldn’t have done it. In fact, the way you keep talking about it, I know I shouldn’t have done it.”

“Come on! Why is it such a big deal mom? I mean, it’s not like I’m falling in love with you or taking advantage of you, you’d just be helping me out again.”

There was an exasperated sigh from their mother. “Look, Jules. I want to help you out. I do. But not like that.” She paused briefly before adding, “Besides, how is that any different from what you want to get away from? I would actually think it is worse.”

This last question confused Warren, but he kept listening.

“It’s different mom. It’s not like I’m sexually attracted to you. I didn’t even think about you when you got me off yesterday, I just got lost in the feeling.” There was a long pause here before Julie added, “Come on mom!”

“No. That was my answer last night, it was my answer earlier this morning, and it is going to stay my answer. Nothing you say will change it.” Warren was shocked. He had never heard his mother talk to Julie like this. Then again, he never heard his sister beg her to get her off either.

“Damn it mom!” Julie’s exclamation was quick as she cut herself off. Then she added, “Okay.” Warren recognized the tone of the last word. It was how she said something when she knew she was about to get her way and tried to hide it.

Perking his ears, Warren heard a light ruffling sound. He strained to see through the crack in the hinges of the door, but couldn’t see anything. Then all of the sudden he heard his mother exclaim, “Oh!”

Warren couldn’t take not knowing and stopped time as soon as he heard his mother.

Stepping out from behind the door, Warren immediately saw what had happened. Looking over the bed across the room, he saw his sister, now naked, standing behind her mother, one arm reached around her at chest level, the other looking like it was reaching between her mom’s legs.

Warren practically ran over to take a closer look.

His mother had jerked her body straight up, a tube of something having fallen on the floor from her hand. Moving in front of his mother, he saw that Julie did indeed have a hand on one of her mom’s tits and the other already with a couple of fingers between her mom’s pussy lips. Warren was in shock that Julie would be this forward with her own mother. However, he really wanted to see how this would play out, so he quickly went back to the closet. Taking the chance that either his sister or mother would notice the closet door moved, he closed it slightly until he could see his mom and sister through the crack between the hinges. Then he started up time.

After a brief pause, his mom obviously still in shock, Warren saw her slap Julie’s hands away from her and turned to face her. “How dare you try and grab me like that?”

“Oh mom, you know you want to get off, and I can help with that if you’ll help me.”

Warren was shocked to hear his sister offer to finger her mother if she would finger her back.

“Julie, you’ve got to stop. I get off on my own quite well, thank you very much. You should too.”

“You may get off on your own, but I bet you’re dying to feel someone else touching you, rubbing you, pleasing you…”

“You’re wrong, Julie. I’m not dying for that. And unlike you, I take care of my needs. What do you think I was doing when I was out Friday night?”

Warren saw his sister move, her hands coming up to her chest. “Tell me you don’t want to feel these.” Her hands drifted down between her legs. “Or touch this.”

Warren was shocked his sister was trying to seduce their mother. Apparently their mother wasn’t too happy about it either.

“I am not some teenage boy you can control with your body!” The anger in her voice was obvious. “You need to stop right now. Put your clothes on and go masturbate in your own room. Stop worrying that you are picturing your brother and just get yourself off! You really need to.”

Warren stopped thinking. Did his mother just tell his sister to go rub one off while thinking of him? Was that what they had been talking about before?

“I can’t!” He could hear his sister in tears now. “I can’t do it! It’s disgusting!”

“How is thinking about your brother naked more disgusting than touching your mother naked?”

“It’s not the same thing. Like I said, when you fingered me yesterday I didn’t think of you, or him, or anything. But when I tried to do it myself after our talk last night, I couldn’t stop picturing Warren naked and climbing on top of me. It seemed too real! The same thing happened this morning when I tried. I just can’t do it.”

As a silence came over the room, several thoughts ran through Warren’s head. First, his plan to torment his sister had worked better and faster than he had expected it to. This was only the fourth day since he had put the plan in motion and already Julie couldn’t masturbate without thinking of him. Even when he was not around, as he had just discovered. When she was talking about trying to masturbate the night before, that must have been while he had been at the party, and yet she still pictured him. Warren smiled to himself as he realized how well everything he had done had worked.

However, he was also shocked that his sister had told their mom about it. It must have been really bad for her to go that far. Or maybe she was just using it as an excuse to try and get her mom to finger her again. Either way, judging from the way the conversation had gone, his mom was actually encouraging Julie to hit her orgasm while thinking about Warren. Why his mom would do that, he wasn’t sure, but it definitely helped with his plan to torture his sister.

“Jules.” Warren jumped out of his thoughts and refocused on his mother and sister. “You’ve got an attractive brother. He’s the male body you see most often in your life. It is only natural to develop sexual urges about him. There is nothing wrong with masturbating while thinking about him.” She paused and took a deep breath here. “It’s the same for me. He’s the male I see most so I see him the same way you do. I’d be lying if I said I had never masturbated to thoughts of him.”

“Ew, mom! That’s even more disgusting!” Julie turned away and walked out of Warren’s line of sight towards the door.

Going after Julie, his mother defensively replied, “No it’s not. It’s natural. I did the same thing with my brother when I was your age – younger even.”

His mother stopped just within Warren’s line of sight, leading him to believe his sister had stopped moving too. The thought barely crossed his mind before he heard his sister exclaim, “You masturbated to thoughts of Uncle Bill?”

Warren saw his mother take a step back, though he wasn’t sure why. Her response came out slow and sounding almost ashamed. “Well, you know, like I said, he was the male that was around me most so of course I thought of him while I… masturbated. It was a totally natural reaction.” Warren saw a small smile cross his mother’s face. “Of course, we got along better than you and Warren, so that made things easier, but–”

“’Things’? You did ‘things’ with him?” Warren could hear from her voice that Julie was aghast.

“No! Well–”

“Oh my god you did! You’re sick!”

“No we didn’t do anything together really! We just masturbated in front of each other. It helped both of us… relieve our sexual tension. We didn’t do more than that.” There was a short silence after his mother stopped talking. Then out of nowhere she defensively announced, “I’m not saying you should masturbate with Warren! That was just what we did. And nothing bad came of it. So I don’t see why it’s such a big deal to masturbate to simple thoughts of your brother.”

Warren couldn’t see what happened next, but he heard the bedroom door open then slam shut as his sister left without saying another word. His mother continued staring at the door for awhile before she began muttering. “I can’t believe I just told her that.” Pause. “Shit.” Pause. “I wonder where this is going to go.” Pause. “Oh well, too late now.” Pause. “Oh Bill…”

And then his mother turned back towards the bathroom.

Warren froze in his mother’s closet, his mind trying to wrap around the conversation he had just overheard. Julie could not reach an orgasm because she refused to do so while thinking about him and couldn’t seem to masturbate without thinking of him. His mother revealed that she had masturbated to thoughts of Warren and encouraged her daughter to do so also if it helped her get off. She also revealed that she not only used to masturbate to thoughts of her own brother, but even did so in front of him. Warren was glad his plan to torment his sister had worked better and faster than expected, but he never would’ve guessed any of the stuff his mom had just revealed. He wondered if she had only masturbated to thoughts of him recently, since he started getting her to shut up by making himself momentarily naked in front of her or if she had been doing that before then.

“Oh Bill!”

The sound pulled Warren out of his thoughts. Looking out through the crack between the hinges of the door he was behind, Warren could clearly see his mother on her bed, still naked, knees bent up, one arm repeatedly thrusting the blue vibrator he had seen the night before into her while the other worked furiously on her clit. Her tits were jiggling slightly but quickly as she went to work on herself.

Warren stopped time. He had never expected to catch his mother masturbating. He walked over to the foot of her bed and looked up at her. His mom was frozen with one hand pulling the vibrator out of her and the other pressed down over her clit. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open mid moan.

Thinking there was no harm in doing so, Warren dropped his boxers to his ankles and started jerking his hard dick off at the foot of the bed. He decided not to open her eyes though. If she opened her eyes on her own and saw him, he figured it wouldn’t be a problem since she said she sometimes thought of him while masturbating. If she didn’t, he still got to watch her get off. And so he started time again.

The moans began instantly, as did the rapid movements of his mother’s hands. But she didn’t open her eyes. She just kept thrusting into herself and rubbing herself. This went on for a couple minutes, with his mom occasionally moaning out Bill’s name.

Then with no warning his mom stopped. She thrust the blue vibrator as deep into her as possible so the little branch on top was pressed against her clit and brought the hand that had been rubbing her clit to the bottom of the vibrator and turned something, causing a sound to begin from rapid vibrating.

Warren had been so busy watching her cunt that he had ignored his mother’s face.

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