
Times in my Life: Part Three

The third installment in the series.

Times in my Life: Part Three


Introduction: The third installment in the series




I cannot express the joy I have received from your comments for “Times in my Life: Part Two”. As always, it is your comments that inspire me to write the next chapter. Thank you all so very much for your support, it is very much appreciated!


I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. It was a real wind-up clock and had the two little bells on the top of the clock. I opened my eyes just long enough to see the shut-off button, and then brought two fingers down on it, effectively banishing the annoying ring to oblivion.

The last thing I remember before the clock had started ringing was a dream where Terri and Sylvia were both laying on a king-sized bed, naked, with each of them twisting and fondling their nipples with one hand and playing with their pussies with the other one. I had watched them for a while before I moved into position on the bed and started giving them oral sex. I was careful to keep track of how long I pleasured one of them before moving over to the other one.

I had brought both of them to thundering orgasms and was thinking about what to do next when that damned alarm had gone off. Talk about bad timing… geeze.

I groggily made my way to the bathroom for my morning shower. The door was closed, and I could hear my sister humming to herself as she toweled off. As she was usually done and back in her room getting dressed before I came to the bathroom door, I was seriously inconvenienced. My cock was hard as a rock with a piss erection… and it was painful. I really needed to take a piss. The fact I was buck naked was of little consideration to me.

“Hey sis! Hurry up, I really need to pee!” I said to the closed door.

“It’s open, come on in”

I didn’t need to be told twice; I opened the door, closed the door and headed towards the toilet. I saw my sister was standing in front of the vanity and had a towel wrapped around herself and was reaching for the hair dryer when I had entered the room.

With such a stiff erection it was impossible to stand and piss, so I sat down on the toilet and blissfully relieved myself. It’s a great feeling to empty your bladder when it’s full from sleeping all night. After what seemed forever I was finished as was shaking my penis vigorously to get rid of any remaining piss droplets.

I could see out of the corner of my eye that my sister was sneaking peeks at me by using the mirror in front of her as opposed to having to twist her neck to see me. It was a bit sneaky, but still noticeable. I really didn’t care if she saw me or not, we used to take baths together and there really wasn’t anything here that she hadn’t seen before. The only reason she had closed the door was as not to wake me while she went through her morning shower routine.

I stood up, flushed the toilet and got into the shower, closing the curtain as I did. I got the water running and adjusted to the right temperature before pulling the knob which sent the water up and through the shower-head. I turned my back to the flow of water and let it run down the back of my neck for a couple of minutes before tilting my head back to get my hair wet.

After a shampoo and a good wash, I felt invigorated enough to face the coming day. My sister had dried her hair and had gone back to her room to get dressed for school, leaving the door open to help dissipate the hot air and moisture of the room. I dried myself from the top of my head to the bottoms of my toes with a large, fluffy towel before hanging it up to dry on the shower rod. The towel my sister had used was hanging on the doorknob and I hung it up to dry as well.

A quick once over with the comb and my hair was ready to go. I never used the hair dryer, I didn’t like the way it made my hair feel. It was old, noisy, and a pain to use. My sister had long hair, nearly down to her ass, and needed to use it. My hair was fairly short and didn’t need hot air drying. I sprayed on some deodorant and was finished with my morning toilet routine.

I headed back to my room and saw my sister getting dressed in her cute plaid skirt and white blouse. She had been wearing the same outfit since she had started public school. They had been replaced over the years with newer and larger versions to fit her as she grew up.

As she hadn’t hit puberty yet, she had no breasts to speak of and didn’t need to wear a bra. I had seen her getting dressed lots of times and knew that there was a pair of sensible white cotton panties under the skirt, and white socks on her feet.

We had been brought up not to be ashamed of our bodies by our “indoor nudist” mother and neither of us had reached the age where we felt the need to hide ourselves from one another. Seeing each other naked or getting dressed was no big deal to either of us. We had nothing to hide from each other and it was nice not having to cover up quickly when one or the other of us passed or saw each other in the hall or a bedroom.

I got to my room and quickly dressed, grabbed my school bag and headed out to the kitchen. Mom was there (naked, as usual) making lunch for my sister and me. I usually got a lettuce and cheese slice sandwich, a warm can of pop (usually grape… my favourite flavour) and some kind of desert that she had baked a day or two previously. Cornbread, or ‘Johnny Cake’ as we called it, was my dessert of choice and she often made it just because she knew I loved it. She was nice that way.

I grabbed a quick bowl of cereal for breakfast before heading out the door on my way to the bus stop.

“Have a good day Nick!” she hollered just as I was closing the door of the house.

“I will Mom!”

I walked to the bus stop wondering what today would have in store for me. Based on my experiences of yesterday I had absolutely no idea how today would go. I was feeling optimistic and smiling as I arrived at the bus stop; might as well put on a friendly face for people to see.

“Hey Nick!”

I turned to see Bill Magill coming towards me as he arrived at the bus stop.

“Hi Bill! How’re you doing?” Bill was a year older than me and was in the tenth grade. In spite of our age difference, he was about the same height and build as me.

“I’m okay, how about you?”

“I’m good thanks… wondering how school will go today though.” I scrunched my face up a bit and continued, “Yesterday was pretty confusing. I’m hoping today won’t be quite as bad.”

He smiled and said, “I remember being pretty much lost my first few days of high school. It took me forever to memorize my class schedule and I used to have to look at the ones taped inside my books and binders once in a while. Still do actually.”

Bill turned his head to look behind himself and said, “Here comes Roy, he’s a good guy and my best friend.” I hadn’t seen Roy on the bus yesterday although according to Bill he was.

Roy was a big guy, standing at least 6” taller than Bill and I and heavily built. He smiled as he saw us and said, “Hey guys, how’s it going?”

“Good! You?” Bill and I echoed. Roy was two years older than me, and a year older than Bill.

“I’m doing great! The second day of grade 11… and only two more years until I’m out of school.”

As we were speaking a small wisp of a girl appeared from behind Roy. Unlike Roy, she was just a wee little thing; not as tall as Bill or I and really skinny. She, like my sister, had no breasts. Unlike my sister though, she had a training bra on. She was wearing a white blouse and a modest black skirt, white nylons and tiny black shoes with a shiny buckle on each of them. She was as cute as the proverbial button.

“Nick, this is my little sister Anna. She wasn’t feeling well yesterday so this is her first day of high school. I’m counting on you and Bill to keep an eye out and make sure no one bothers her. In public school, the other girls used to pick on her for being so small. The guys were mean to her too; I want you two to make sure no one gives her a hard time. If anyone does, you tell me as soon as you can and I’ll take care of it.” His eyes looked momentarily dangerous as he spoke, and it was easy to see that he cared a lot about his little sister.

Again Bill and I answered in unison, “Don’t worry Roy! We’ll watch after her!” We smiled then laughed a bit at each other before turning to Roy and putting on our serious faces. He smiled at Anna and said, “See, it won’t be so bad, Bill and Nick will make sure I know if anyone teases you.” He gave Bill and me a significant look; his body language was clear… anyone who gave his sister any grief was going to be in a world of grief themselves.

She looked at Bill and me and said in a soft voice, “Thanks guys, I appreciate it.”

“No problem Anna!” Again Bill and I had spoken at the same time. I decided I liked Bill; he obviously felt the same way as me about Roy and Anna. It was a good feeling and I was certain that he, Roy and I would be good friends before long.

The bus showed up right then and we boarded it as it stopped and the door opened. As soon as we all had boarded, the door closed and the bus was on its way again.

I kept my head tilted slightly downwards as I walked to the back of the bus. Terri was sitting right behind her mother reading a magazine as I passed by her. Remembering what she had told me yesterday, I didn’t look at her as I headed to the back row of seats.

Roy, Bill and I all sat in the back of the bus talking to each other while the bus started its meandering route through the countryside on the way to school. I’m sure I would have been bored out of my mind if the three of us hadn’t been chatting.

Anna had sat down on an empty seat a few rows in front of us. Every time the bus stopped to let someone on, the three of us would watch who it was and where they sat. We were nearly to the high school when a young looking girl got on the bus and sat beside Anna. The two of them were soon chatting away like they had known each other forever.

Bill and I looked to Roy and saw he had a smile on his face.

“Would you look at that?” he asked. “You’d think they’d known each other all their lives.”

I could tell from the tone of his voice he was very happy for his sister and her apparently new best friend.

We finally arrived at the school and got off the bus. I stole a quick glance behind myself and saw Terri getting off the bus. I turned back to Roy and Bill before she could notice me looking at her. I was pretty sure she didn’t see me looking, and was absolutely sure no one else had seen me either.

As we got inside, Roy said, “All right you guys, I’ll see you after school or maybe at lunch if we have the same lunch period.”

Roy smiled at us as he walked down the hall to his locker.

“Wow… I would hate to be on his bad side. He’s built like a football star!” I espoused.

Bill smiled as said, “Yup… he’s a big guy and he is a football star to boot. He’s been playing since he got here in grade 9. He’s a defensive tackle and he loves it!”

I mentally pictured Roy waiting for some poor bugger to try and get past him, and getting squashed in the process. Nope, I wouldn’t want to have to face him in the field. Or anywhere else for that matter. I passionately hoped I never got on his bad side.

Bill and I headed to our lockers saying “See ya later!” to each other. Anna hadn’t moved though; she seemed at a loss as to where to go next.

I nodded to Bill, who took off and moved closer to her. “Anna, do you need any help?”

“Oh yes, please! This place is HUGE! Public school was nowhere as big as this, and we didn’t have lockers either.”

“Yeah… I know. I had the same feelings when I got here yesterday. What’s your locker number?”

She told me and I smiled at her, “That’s only a few lockers away from my locker. If any guy gives you a rough time when you’re near your locker, I’ll warn them off. Roy would probably tear the guy apart bone by bone if he finds out they’ve been giving you grief.”

“He really is very protective of me, isn’t he?” She smiled at me and continued, “I once saw him kick the shit out of a guy for just sticking his tongue out at me. That was a couple of years ago, but everyone heard about it. I never saw that guy again… I think he was too scared to let himself be seen by Roy or me.” She seemed to smile a bit more in remembrance, but I could have been mistaken.

I smiled at her and admitted, “I don’t blame him… I’d be scared too if Roy was mad at me. He’s a big guy. Okay, let’s get to our lockers before the bell rings. They’re pretty strict about that sort of thing here.”

“Okay!” she chimed back. Her voice was so soft it was nearly impossible to believe. And yet I could hear what she was saying with no extra effort on my part. I already felt protective of her too; anyone stupid enough to bother Anna would find themselves in a world of hurt. Roy, Bill and I would make sure of that.

We hurried to the office so Anna could get the combination to the lock on her locker. We were both handed hall passes, giving us 5 minutes grace after the bell rang because it was Anna’s first day. I hadn’t expected that, but was grateful for the extra time. Now we wouldn’t have to run to make the bell, that was a good thing… running in the halls was a major infraction of the rules.

“Here you go Anna, here’s your locker.” I watched as she read the paper her lock combination was printed on and then looked at the lock itself. The look of helplessness on her face told me that she was going to need help with the lock. She obviously had never had to deal with one before and her confusion was readily apparent.

“It’s not as bad as it looks. Take the lock in your hand and give the pointer a spin clockwise all the way around the dial. After that, turn the pointer to the first number.”

She looked at the paper and spun the pointer as I had instructed her to.

“All right, this is the tricky part, so don’t feel bad if you don’t get it on the first try. I had to start over a few times before I got it right. Okay, now spin the pointer around to the left going past the number you just put the pointer on.”

“Okay Nick.” She looked at the paper again, looked at the pointer, then spun the pointer around past the number she had been at and stopped on the next number. Without waiting for me to say anything she spun the dial back clockwise, stopping on the last number of the sequence. She gave a pull on the lock and it opened for her.

“I did it!” she enthused. Her tiny face lit up in pride as she opened the door to her locker. She quickly jammed some books and a binder in it.

“That’s great Anna! Now let’s hurry, even with our hall passes it will be a near thing to get to class on time.”

She closed the locker door, refastened the lock, spun the pointer around the dial a few times and said, “I’m ready! Let’s go!”

I pointed down the hall to her homeroom. “It’s on the left, just down there. You can’t miss it.”

“Thanks a lot Nick; I appreciate all your help.” She smiled again and I could feel my protective instincts kicking into overdrive.

“You’re welcome Anna. I hope you have a good day. And if anyone bothers you…”

“I know; I’m to tell you, Bill or Roy.” She waved a bit as she hustled down the hall to her homeroom. I walked as fast as I could to get to my homeroom, but the bell still rang before I got there.

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