Times in my Life: Part Five
Times in my Life: Part Five
Sex Story Author: | Catmandue53 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | And they’re nothing to look at either… they’re pretty flat all the way around, you know what I mean?” |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, First Time, Teen Male/Teen Female, True Story |
Part five in the continuing story of Nick. It’s advised that you read the first four parts in order to know what’s going on and to preserve the continuity of the stories. You don’t have to though; it’s really up to you.
Constructive criticisms are always welcome. I try very hard to catch the spelling and grammar errors. If something slipped through, I’m sorry. I don’t have a professional editor to go over my stories.
I was dreaming, but not only of the girls I have had sex with. I was also dreaming of the women I hadn’t had sex with yet… Roy’s older sister Julie, Roy’s younger sister Anna, the hot English teacher, and even the not-so-hot-looking but sultry sounding Science teacher. There also seemed to be a number of women who I didn’t know, but who managed to blend nicely into my dreams.
The jangling sound of my alarm clock ripped me from my dreams and into the cold harsh light of reality. I slammed my hand down on the cursed thing and the bell ceased its infernal noise. After a few seconds I grabbed it off the night table, wound it up, and then put it back. I had a love-hate relationship with my alarm clock: I hated having to wake up every time the damn thing started ringing, and I loved that it was absolutely accurate, and required actual thought on my part in order to stop it ringing. All it asked in return was a nice winding up once a day.
As I rose from the comfort of my bed I started thinking about what this day may have in store for me. I was running on full automatic as I left my room and walked into the bathroom. Ah… no sister to slow down my morning bathroom routine.
As I adjusted the water for the shower a small thought that had been simmering just under my consciousness finally broke through and yelled at me, “It’s FRIDAY!!!”
I smiled as I pulled the shower curtain closed behind myself as I got into the tub and pulled the knob to start the shower. Friday… my first Friday since school had started. During the summer, Friday was like any other day of the week, there was nothing special about it. But when school is on, Friday is the day of the week all students look forward to the most. When school lets out for today it signals the start of the weekend; and all the fun that can be had during that time period.
I grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted some onto my hand then began washing my hair. As the lather started to build up I closed my eyes and continued to scrub my scalp, enjoying the feel of the hot water as it hit the back of my neck and the tops of my shoulders. As I raised my head and backed up into the water to rinse the bubbles off my head I felt a rapid change in temperature as the shower curtain opened then quickly closed.
I opened my eyes to see my sister looking at me impatiently, “Finish rinsing your hair then change places with me. I’m running way behind this morning so you’re going to have to share the shower with me!”
As soon as the last of the shampoo lather was out of my hair she grabbed my waist and then slithered past me as she turned me to one side and then pushed me out of her way.
“Geeze sis… pushy much?”
“I told you, I’m running way behind and I don’t have time to wait until you’re done in here” she replied somewhat angrily at me.
“Okay, all right… you don’t have to bite my head off!”
“I’m sorry… I just can’t afford to be late.”
Whereas most guys would get all bent out of shape at having their naked sister jump in the shower with them, it really was a non-issue for me. We had grown up sharing our baths, washing each other’s backs and feet. While it’s true that it had been some time since we had done that our family’s liberal viewpoint of nudity in the house meant that I had seen her naked quite a few times since those shared bath times.
I grabbed a bar of soap and a wash cloth and started scrubbing myself starting at my neck and working my way down. I would stick the cloth under the flow of the water from the shower head from time to time before lathering it up again, continuing to clean myself until I got to my feet. I have always hated washing my feet… I still find it hard to balance myself on one foot while washing the other. More than once I had nearly lost my balance or slipped on the suds in the bottom of the tub.
“Do my back please”, my sister asked in the same voice she would use if she were asking me to pass her the potatoes at supper time. She had already turned around and was waiting for me to acquiesce to her semi-command.
“Sure, as long as you do mine, and my feet too, okay?” I asked her.
“Okay, sure… just like old times eh?”
I had to smile… the ‘old times’ had happened a few years ago as she had started puberty and became more self-conscious about her body. It appeared to me that when speed outweighed her desire to be alone she was more than ready to share the bathroom and everything in it if the need was high enough. This morning was obviously one of those times.
I ran the cloth under the water then lathered it up with the soap bar. I also ran the soap bar down her back from her shoulders before I started using the cloth to scrub her back clean. After a few minutes I announced, “Okay, I’m done.”
She turned around and let the water rinse the soap off her back before she again performed her little ‘trading places’ move, positioning me facing the shower head with my back to her.
I lowered my head as I moved under the shower head and let the water flow over my shoulders and down my back. As I moved back out from under the water I felt the soap bar on my left shoulder and then my right shoulder and then all over my back before I felt the wash cloth scrubbing the back of my shoulders and down my back.
Like me, she stopped scrubbing just above my ass. We could both reach that part ourselves, and that had always been the point we stopped washing each other.
I turned my back to the hot water and felt it rinse the soap lather off myself.
“Sit down so I can do your feet.”
I sat down in the tub and held my left foot up. She squatted down, grabbed my foot and gave it a good washing. She let go of it and I held my other foot up, and she gave it a good wash too.
“Thanks sis, I appreciate the foot wash.” I smiled kindly at her as she finished washing off my foot. Although it had been no small amount of time since we had washed each other I had really enjoyed the sensation of someone washing my back and feet. I always felt cleaner knowing that my back was cleaner than I could get it by myself and that I didn’t have to endure the treachery of a slippery tub just waiting to trip me up.
She smiled at me and replied, “And I appreciate the back wash Nick… we could do this more often.” As she finished speaking she opened the shower curtain and disappeared from my sight. I moved back and let the water run down my neck, shoulders and back. This was my favorite part of a shower… all cleaned up and just relaxing under the spray of the shower head.
After a couple of minutes I heard the hair dryer start up and listened to the ‘whooshy’ noise it made as she manoeuvered around her head. The pitch of the sound changed as the dryer got closer to her head, getting a little higher pitched before she moved it again to another area not so close to her head.
I knew from previous experience that there was no use in leaving the tub before she was done with her hair so I turned off the water and opened the shower curtain. I reached over to the towel rack and grabbed my towel, then began drying myself off.
When I was done I hung the towel over the shower curtain bar then sat down on the toilet seat, waiting for my sister to finish off her routine. I watched the hair dryer orbiting her head as she used a brush to style her hair. As she let her hair grow full length down her back it really wasn’t a difficult style to maintain… but it did take a while and some fairly dexterous movements to get it all dry; letting her head hang backwards and directing the hot air under her long mane of hair, all the while using the brush to keep the shape she wanted to achieve.
As I watched her, I was happy that I had a fairly short, low maintenance hair style… I didn’t even need to use the hair dryer. By the time I had dried myself off my hair was only slightly more than damp. By the time I had washed my teeth and sprayed on some deodorant my hair was dry enough to style with just a comb.
I also noticed that she had done some growing up since the last time I had had the chance to really scope her out. Except for her long hair, she looked to be just a younger version of my mother… she had gotten curves where she should and her breasts were on their way to becoming something she would be proud to strut when she wanted to. Her little bush was unshaven and dark, her ass coming along nicely. I thought to myself, ‘she is gonna drive the boys mad when she gets older.’
My reverie was broken as she announced she was done before slipping out the door and back to her room. I finished my routine and went back to my bedroom to get dressed.
All four of us where in the kitchen now, my sister and I having a quick bowl of cereal, my father with his briefcase and thermos of coffee giving my mother a kiss before heading out the door to his car and then on to work. “Have a good day kids!” he called over his back to us just before the front door closed. A minute later the car backed out of the driveway and he was gone.
Mom had already packed our lunches in brown paper bags and they were ready to go as we finished our breakfast. We rinsed our dishes under the kitchen sink faucet, stuffing our lunch bags into our school bags as we finished.
My sister and I both said, “Bye Mom! Have a good day” before she gave us both a hug and pushed us towards the side door. A minute after that we were walking down the street and on to our respective bus stops. Her stop was on the other side of the bridge, close to the ‘early risers’ bus stop for my high school.
She said, “See you later Nick” and gave me a friendly wave before she started to cross the bridge.
“Hey Nick, your sister seems to be nice to you” pronounced Roy as he stepped alongside me at the bus stop. His little sister Anna stood closely behind him and gave me a big smile.
Bill arrived in time to say, “Yeah, she’s not a bitch, like some sisters I know.”
“Julie’s not a bitch Bill… she just doesn’t like you that much” said Roy.
“Why is that? What have I ever done to her that she treats me so bad?”
Roy responded, “Well, I think it has to do with you groping her with your eyes, mentally undressing her every time you see her.”
Bill snorted quietly, knowing that Roy had put his finger right on the root of the problem. I wasn’t surprised… at school Bill was always running a bit behind the rest of the crowd as he would sometimes slow down, almost to a complete stop as he swiveled his head around, trying to take in the view of all the nearby women. Roy had called him a ‘Perv’ and Bill had defended himself saying, “I’m just a connoisseur guys… a connoisseur of pretty women.”
Soon enough the bus arrived, the door squeaking open as it rolled noisily to a stop. We all boarded and headed to our seats as the bus lurched ahead, accelerating as the driver, Terri’s mom, ran through the gears.
Roy, Bill and I were sitting in our seats for about half a second before Bill asked me, a leer on his face, “So Nick… I heard you got lucky last night.”
I blushed quickly; it seemed that everyone knew about my movements. “Yeah? What did you hear?” I quietly shot back, looking him dead in the eyes.
He seemed a bit unnerved by my serious tone and power stare.
“Well, I heard that you walked Heather home last night… only it took a long time, and she arrived home alone quite some time after you had left Roy’s place.”
He paused before resuming, “I heard that you and Heather spent some serious time together under the bridge before she got home. I also heard she had quite a damp spot when she got home.”
“How the hell do you know that?” I demanded; my quiet tone replaced with one quite a bit louder. “Who told you that?”
“No one told me! I just heard a couple of girls talking as I got closer to the bus stop. All I could really hear was, ‘Heather and Nick were under the bridge last night’, and ‘Yeah… she was dripping when she got home.’
I calmed down a bit, but still wondered who it was that Bill had overheard.
Roy nudged me with his arm, asking, “Really? Wow man, you don’t fool around when it comes to the ladies eh?” He grinned and continued, “Actually, I guess you *do* fool around with the ladies! So you actually fucked Heather last night under the bridge?”
I smiled a big, goofy smile and said, “Yeah… twice.”
“NO SHIT?!” Roy and Bill tried to whisper at the same time. We all looked around to see if anyone had heard us or was paying any attention to us. No one was looking in our direction though, so we continued, whispering quietly now.
“I thought you were just taking her home when you left my place last night” said Roy, the chagrin obvious in his voice.
“Well, as far as I knew when I left your place, that was all I was going to do, just walk her home. But when we got to the other side of the bridge, she led me down to the river bank, and then she got horny on me and fucked me blind.”
“Yeah, twice. We were all ready to leave, clothes on, when we stopped for a kiss. After we had kissed for a while, Heather got hot again and asked me to fuck her again before we left. So she pulled her skirt up and her underwear down until they fell to her feet, spread her legs, bent over, and I fucked her from behind.”
Rob and Bill looked at me incredulously. Although they no doubt were having trouble believing the words that were coming out of my mouth, they also both knew that I would have no reason to bullshit about such a thing.
“Geezus man”, Roy hissed. “You fucked her from behind? Really? Wow!”
Bill was sitting there, repeating quietly, “Fuck!” his voice a mere whisper.
Roy and I started to laugh, and Bill soon joined us. We laughed for a while then quieted down again.
“Did you get shit for getting home late?” asked Roy.
“Actually, no, I didn’t. Mom just asked me if Heather was happy when I had last seen her. I told her she was and then she told me to bag my clothes and have a shower. She seemed to know, somehow, exactly what had happened. It creeps me out sometimes how she knows stuff.”
Bill and Roy both said, “Yeah, I know what you mean.”
Changing the subject, I asked about the twins; their names and whatever other information they might have.
“The twins eh?” teased Roy. “Why do you want to know about them, they’re kinda boring you know; always whispering, or passing notes?
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