
Tight Spot


Cody bit his lip as he looked over towards the shop, a little anxious about their planned endeavour but not wanting to come off as uncool to his friends, “Are you sure this is a good idea?” he asked.

His friends grinned and laughed, playfully nudging him as they made their way towards the shop as a group, “Aw come on Cody!” one of them jested, “You aren’t afraid of a few vibrators are you?”

“N-no! I just don’t want us to get into trouble is all…”

Another of his friends spoke up, “Pff, worst case scenario we get kicked out of a shop we never go into, right?”

Cody glanced at his friends, letting out a little sigh and nodded, smiling, “Alright alright, sure.”

A little playful cheer went up and they made their way towards the shop, letting themselves in, greeted by the little tinkle of a bell.

Shannon looked up from her phone, sitting by the cash register she hadn’t noticed the group approaching until they had let themselves into her shop, her eyes quickly scanning over the guys with an immediately mounting disdain.

She didn’t recognise the individuals, but she recognised the type. Tall broad shouldered jocks without an interest in her merch, just looking to score a quick laugh pointing at dildos, turning on vibrators, just generally causing havoc.

She had half a mind to chuck them out before they even started to mess about, but, as she sat up a little straighter she spotted an oddity among them.

Mingling among the four tall jocks was a girl, no, she realised, a boy. While they were all the muscled athletic types, the fifth was shorter, slender with very little muscle definition and, to her growing intrigue, a curviness to his figure that more than matched her own, save for his flat chest at least.

She settled back, frowning a little as she decided to see how it was going to play out, her eyes on the gazelle amongst the lions.

As she had expected, they seemingly had little interest in buying anything, seeking out oddities to share with the group for a laugh, notably, they came across a display with exotic shaped Toys, ones shaped like fists, equine cocks, canine cocks and, to their amusement, dragon cocks.

They laughed and waved them at each other, the boy taking part in his friend’s banter and fun, though, unlike the rest, he occasionally shot apologetic smiles her way which she met with a stoic look.

Leaving the shelves in more of a mess than they’d found them they made their way to the stores lingerie selection, one of the jocks, grinning, picked out a petite silk negligee which he held it up to the boys frame, the group laughing as he blushed, the outfit was, it seemed, in his size and fit his figure well.

Embarrassed, the boy picked up a pink and black bra and panty set aimed at plus-sized women and held it up to one of the jocks.

The group laughed louder and the jock scooped up the items, holding them to his buff frame and striking a mock feminine pose.

Eying the group curiously Shannon reevaluated them, it had seemed that the boy had been being picked on at first, the member of the group that everyone else made fun of, but he gave as good as he got and they laughed along with him. Real friends, she thought.

They put the lingerie back, again, messily, and proceeded onto a shelving range of packers, soft cocks varying in size for trans men or, as a novelty and Shannon sighed a little.

The boy interested her, but she wasn’t going to let them ruin her whole store just for their amusement.

Cody blushed as one of the guys waved one of the larger models of flopping cock in his direction and they laughed.

“You like holding dick huh?” Came a voice from behind the group.

They turned, almost in unison, to see Shannon standing there, the whole group falling silent as they drank in the view.

She was a tall woman, well built with very full c-cup breasts under a crop top, her stomach, belly button piercing and varying tattoo’s on show across her skin.

She had her hands on her slightly curved hips, a smirk on her face. She was in her late twenties with long hair dyed blue but with raven black roots showing through. A lip, nose and eyebrow piercing completing her image.

She was attractive, but the group weren’t staring out of allure.

She wore tight jeans that hugged her long shapely legs, their eyes undoubtedly drawn a very obvious outline down one of her thighs. The one holding the packer glanced at her outline, glanced at the item in his hand and glanced at his friends.

There was a tense moment and Shannon smirked, watching as the group mentality worked, fight or flight, joke or leave.

“Heh, very funny, you got one of these stuffed down there huh?” said the one holding the packer, waving it towards her crotch.

She grinned, “Is that what you think that is?”

“Pff sure it is!”

“Hmm, wanna bet?” she winked.

He grinned, nudging one of his friends, “Oh aye sure, and if I’m right you suck my cock?”

“And if I’m right you suck mine?” she teased, his grin faltering slightly, “No?”

She had him on the spot now, he’d singled himself out of the group with his comments and now had to decide where to back down and look a fool or step up and potentially lose, how sure was he?

Not very, it seemed.

He laughed, shrugging off the encounter, “Don’t think my girlfriend would be happy if I got my cock sucked by you.”

She smirked at the smooth recovery and turned her attention to the rest of the group, “What about the rest of you hm? Want to take me up on the bet? Could win a Blowjob…” she blew them a kiss, expecting it to send them leaving, laughing and pretending to each other they’d bested her in their witty sparring.

But instead one of them quietly spoke, “Hey Cody you don’t have a girlfriend…”

The jocks quickly took up the call, urging Cody, who looked embarrassed to have been singled out, to take her up on the bet. Shannon smirked at him, her head tilted to the side, waiting.

Cody let out a sigh and shrugged off his friends, “Alright alright!” he laughed, “Fine!”

This was met by a round of cheers by the group and, to Shannon’s surprise, she found herself to be the centre of attention once more. She looked Cody up and down, judging him, she could see his expression, elated by the cheers but, as he saw her expression of victory, he paled considerably.

She pursed her lips some, then sighed.

“You win! It’s a packer, guess I owe you head huh?”

The group cheered and slapped Cody on the back, almost knocking him over, he laughed too but seemed uncertain, he looked like he was about to pass out, so she decided to give him an out.

“Come back later tonight, I get off my shift at ten, you know, to claim your reward,” she winked.

He looked immediately relieved and, while cheering for their victorious comrade, happy to escape with their dignity intact they left her store, though not so hurriedly as to be seen to be retreating.

Shaking her head Shannon let out a chuckle, that had been fun, he had been cute too, it was a shame really. She adjusted herself in her jeans, her cock semi-hard against her thigh and went about tidying up the store after them, certain in the knowledge that she wouldn’t see any of them again.

Cody and his friend’s laughed the whole experience off, teasing the woman for having stuffed a packer down her jeans to mess with them, talking about the weird toys, but on the whole, forgot about it.

They went about their wander, grabbing food, hanging out, having fun. The evening deepened and his friends suggested they all go out for drinks, keep the day going into the night, but Cody declined, clubbing and drinking had never really been his scene and, though they teased him about going to collect from that shop lady, they understood that he didn’t enjoy it as much as they did, they were, Cody knew, good friends to have.

He found himself wandering the streets of the city, his headphones in, listening to music and he followed his feet. Usually, after parting way with his friends, he would hop on the city’s subway and ride home, but not today. He found himself drawn by an inexplicable curiosity backtracking on his day’s adventures.

Shannon was yawning, getting ready to close up the shop, having already flipped the sign to ‘closed’ when she heard the door swing and the bell tinkle, she slumped some and let out an annoyed sigh, not turning towards the door as she sorted out a display, “Read the sign, we’re closed.”

“O-oh, sorry, I just thought…”

She spun suddenly, her eyes going wide as, standing just inside the doorway, was the boy from early, “No fucking way,” she said out loud, unable to contain her surprise.

He blushed some, “Should I go?”

She shook her head, frowning a little as she glanced past him, “Where are your friends?”

He shrugged, “Out drinking somewhere.”

Shannon eyed him for a moment, but believed him, she stepped over to where he was standing, one arm hanging by her side, the other gripping her elbow just under her breasts, “So uh..”


“Cody,” she repeated, “You… You know I wasn’t messing, right? About me?”

He glanced down, noting the outline of the familiar bulge in her jeans and nodded a little, “Y-yeah, I guess.”

“So what? Did you come here to pay up? To suck my dick?” She inquired, disbelieving.

“No! No I… No.” he folded his arms and chewed his lip, looking back towards the door.

“…Just curious, right?”

He blinked and looked back at Shannon, eying her over before shrugging softly.

“Mm, thought so. Well… If you want we can experiment together…” she grinned a little, eying him over again, admiring his slender form and enticing curves.

“I-I don’t think so, look, I’m sorry, for my friends I mean. I uh, thanks, sorry,” he said, turning and putting his hand on the door handle.

“Wait!” she said, stopping him short and biting her lip, “…What if I can make it worth your while?”

“…What do you mean?” he said slowly, hesitating, his hand still on the door handle.

She paused open-mouthed, then folded her arms, “Alright let me be blunt, I’ve been waiting for a cute boy like you.” she smirked some, “Maybe you suck my cock maybe you don’t.

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