
The Wrestler part 1

This story is all about a shy guy and a family friend who helped him overcome his injuries and his shyness to rise to the top. It’s somewhat a long story. I got carried away this time

The Wrestler Part One

This story is all about a shy guy and a family friend who helped him overcome his injuries and his shyness to rise to the top. It’s somewhat a long story. I got carried away this time. Again I’m using a healthy dose of spellchecker sure to my dyslexia but tips and comments are very welcome. Let me know if you made it to the end guys please.

The Silent Assassin was his ring name and that wasn’t by chance real name Adam he was a product of the big American companies development and had trained under some of the greats but he had one thing holding him back from that dream he couldn’t talk in front of crowds. At least that’s what he had told people the issue was, really he couldn’t talk in front of women. This was why he was in Japan wrestling in a super junior match. It was excusable here for him to remain quiet so long as he could tell a story well in the ring. The fact he never said anything gave him a mystique that led to a cult following.

He was coming to the end of his contract and knew he would be back, being in Japan had allowed him to live his dream although he would certainly have preferred it to be back home in the states. He planned to spend a few weeks in the states, maybe watch a few shows and visit his parents. Sometimes it was just good to get a feel for home when you have been on the road for so long.

He stood behind the curtain his match was next, playing face for a change. He was expected to do flashier moves and he was looking forward to it. His opponent, a member of the new faction, was the champion and it was supposed to be a glorious failure. He knew they wouldn’t put the title on him with him about to be out of contract but the fans didn’t and he intended on putting on a show for them to remember. His opponent also wanted their match to steal the show because he was trying to raise up the rankings. He looked down, he was ripped, he worked so hard on his body as he was masked his muscles became more important as his money maker.

His music hit and with a final nod to his opponent waiting for his entrance he made his way into the arena to a big pop. They had done a good job of his face turn a few weeks prior and the fans were eagerly behind him. Perversely he noticed a number of girl fans screaming at his entrance which made him flush if only they knew why he didn’t speak. They had planned a big spot in the match where he was going to unmask, something he had never done in the 3 years of being here. He got to the ring vaulted over the ropes and did his pose on the turnbuckle followed by a backflip. Then his opponent’s music hit and he made way for him to make his entrance to a chorus of boo’s. He smiled knowing they had done a great build up to get this sort of reaction. The match began after the ref instructed the ring of the bell.

Half way through the ref took a bump and was out. The heel took the opportunity to bring out a roll of duct tape and a chair. A quick chair shot that hurt Adam more than he would have liked the heel used the tape around his eyes of the mask blinding adam. The gimmick tape worked and Adam could see enough to take the resulting bumps safely as the crowd boo’ed. The heel took his time and hit a finisher on Adam a power bomb never pleasant but Adam had taken far worse the ref did a good job of selling his injury as he counted the pin 1….. 2…. Kickout and the crowd goes crazy this can surely only end one way though shouts the tv commentator he can’t see. The heel complains to the ref about his count turns around as Adam nips up to his feet as the crowd go into full meltdown. Adam acts like he can’t see but suddenly hits a superkick to his opponents jaw. Then when the crowd can’t get any louder The Silent Assassin reaches back and pulls the mask off for the first time. His opponent watches on from the corner as Adam points at him throws the mask and shouts at him to get up gesturing with his hand. This part of the match was about Adam getting in shots and shining before a dusty finish involving a teammate from the staple of the heel. But before that we had the big spot the Adam had been planning for weeks a dive off the top rope onto an announce table. He had done the spot before without issue but he knew you always had to be careful during these.

This is where it all went wrong. His opponent was in dreamland on the table and Adam had gotten on the top rope ready to perform a bounce onto one set of ropes to springboard into a moonsault onto the table. A number of top rope moves had happened not just in that match but others before it no issues but for whatever reason the rope snapped midway through the springboard or more accurately the rope came away from the corner holding it as a bolt holding it sheared. Adams move was out of control he landed shoulder first in the ring apron his right foot tangling the rope dislocating the shoulder and breaking the ankle. He also took a slight bump on the head from the floor. The crowd went hush and that was the first indication things were really wrong then the immense pain hit. His opponent looked on from the table wincing at the pain Adam was in. The ref approached asking him if he was ok. He wasn’t but he didn’t want it to end in a non finish.

Ref – You ok kid that was a nasty bump.

Adam – Tell him to put me in the ring, power…

Ref – Kid… you don’t look like you are able…

Adam – Just let me finish it… im gone for weeks after this…

Ref – Ok what do you want him to do? But this is on you ok?

Adam – Yeah, tell him to powerbomb me, pin me then spit on me..

The ref passed the message on and Adam gingerly got to his one working foot and was tossed into the ring. His opponent sweetly asked if he was ok and Adam indicated for him to get on with it. His opponent obliged and it hurt like fuck It didnt help that his opponent grabbed the leg that had the broken ankle for the pin but when it was over his opponent got up spat on him as instructed, the heat was nuclear fans knew Adam was hurt they knew this wasnt a work and that made his actions more detestable. Adam was loaded onto a stretcher at the end of the match given some oxygen. The fans gave him a rapturous reaction when he halfway up the ramp got off the stretcher and with one arm over a medic walked the rest of the way.

They might have been less impressed if they saw him collapse in pain at the other side of the curtain, his opponent catching his fall. A couple of the heels who were standing by rushed to help. They quickly got him on the stretcher and some more help for the pain.

Heel – Hey Adam.. you crazy bastard… I know you wanted us to steal the show but this is gonna be played around the world again and again.

Adam – Yeah, lets just hope i’m able to come back to enjoy the pop… I guess.

Heel – That was a nasty bump you took. Why did you want me to spit on you?

Adam – We all have our kinks *laughing* nah the crowd knew I was injured so the spitting was to tip them over the edge I think it worked.

Heel – I think you’re right I’m gonna need an escort out of here tonight.

Then Adam was whisked away in an ambulance which the medic gave him something that knocked him out.

A few weeks later he was in a wheelchair on a plane headed home. His ankle pinned together and casted his shoulder in a sling due to a slight fracture although it had been relocated which hurt like all hell at the time he was feeling on the mend. A few hours later he was stateside at last and in the back of a rental car designed to take the wheelchair.

Dad – You look like shit son

Adam – I’ve felt better

Mom – It was Kate that told us about your… bump she called it. She told us not to watch it.

Dad – We did anyway. Looked unlucky you were putting on a hell of a show.

Mom – Why did he spit on you, why didn’t they just stop it?

Adam – I wanted to finish and I wanted them to hate him, I asked for it.

Mom – It worked

Dad – She was screaming all sorts at the tv when we watched. That lad better watch himself.

The drive wasn’t long and they caught up on what had been going on, his mother couldn’t believe he wanted to go back when he had recovered but she could believe less that he still hasn’t got a girlfriend.

Dad – uh… we need to talk about something

Adam – oh?

Dad – well you weren’t supposed to be coming back for a while yet, your mum and I planned to head to Cali with the Hendersons

Adam – Oh, That’s ok i can manage

Mom – There is no way I’m leaving you on your own in your state.

Adam – I’ve been living on my own the past week in Japan. I’ll be fine mom. I can get out of the chair and make myself some pizza or something while you’re gone.

Mom – Well i’m still not leaving you on your own. You can’t live off of frozen Pizza.

Adam – I’ll be fine honestly

Dad – uh Kate will be looking after you

Mom – She’s agreed and that’s that.

Adam – Kate isn’t she like a little young?

Dad – She’s 18, moron you have been gone for years, she’s a good kid and eager to see you again.

Adam – I don’t mind Kate, she used to watch wrestling with me when you guys had the Hendersons over. It’ll be fine I guess. How long you away for?

Mom – er… well the plan is for a month

Dad – Business is good, I’m semi-retired now and your brother is taking care of things.

Adam – haven’t seen Steve in ages…….

The conversation continued about his brother, how he was expecting another kid and the business was making a lot of money after the pandemic of a few years ago. As they finally pulled up to the drive and the gates opened the place to some was a mansion to Adam it felt like kind of a cage with how far away it had been for things when he was younger. The Hendersons were the only family for miles but it was a 30 minute drive for civilization.

As they pulled up to the house the hendersons came out looking the same as they always had except kate who was a tiny teenager the last time Adam had seen her now in full bloom still shorter than Adams 6ft2 she stood at 5ft11 by his estimation dark wavy hair and in her wrestling mania t-shirt it was apparent she now had full if not huge breasts. She was pretty to Adam’s eyes but it was hard to look at her as anything other than a cousin or sister the familys practically grew up together.

The parents took in the bags and after a couple of hellos both sets of parents made their way inside the house typically chatting to one another ignoring the kids.

Kate – Hey that was some bump you took, how the fuck did you get up to finish the match.

Adam – I dunno I kinda felt like it was too good a match to spoil with that ending.

Kate walked closer bending down to talk to him, quite natural for her but Adam got a glimpse down her tshirt catching himself from his really quite natural reaction to look.

Kate – What was the finish supposed to be?

Adam – Oh after the table spot a couple from his group were to rush down interfere and I was supposed to fight them off but get clocked by a chair shot from my opponent.

Kate – Huh… guess this was better they will always remember this finish huh?

Adam – Yeah, he got nuclear heat afterwards. Death threats an all

Kate – Really? Wow I guess spitting on a guy with a dislocated shoulder and shattered ankle wasn’t a great idea

Adam – It was my idea

Kate – *laughs* you asked a guy to spit on you after that bump?

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