The Working Girl Part One
The Working Girl Part One
Sex Story Author: | Castlequeen |
Sex Story Excerpt: | He'd been on the edge for some time, and I was glad someone, anyone had been there before he'd gone |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Blowjob, Fiction, Incest, Male/Female, Prostitution |
As he finished showering and dressing he left me with a quick, sweet kiss.
“I’d love to see you again,” he said softly, “soon, very soon.”
“Not a problem, you know how to contact me, I’d be happy to. In case my uh, wetness didn’t let you know, I had a very pleasant time myself.”
He laughed softly. It was about the only ‘soft’ thing about him. He was about six three with a toned, but not bulky set of muscles and an eight inch cock that didn’t seem to ever want to go down. He’d come twice in my mouth, and once inside me and seemed to get hard again instantly. He’d known how to use it, too, as I’d had a solid three orgasms while he fucked me so sweetly. And his wife didn’t ‘like’ sex? Silly, silly girl. I’d asked and he’d said she was roughly the same size as I was, so his larger than average cock couldn’t have been painful, but he said she had a bunch of hangups about sex. The little fool.
He left moments later and I eagerly added him to my ‘can’t wait to see again’ list, which is starting to get to be a sizable list. Oh, me? Yes, I’m a ‘working girl’, but no, I’m no hooker or streetwalker. I’m a courtesan, and a damned good one. Men come to me because they can’t find the intimacy they seek elsewhere. It’s not always about orgasms, (although there are plenty of those) it’s about a guy forgetting his troubles, his bad marriage, his crappy job, whatever, for a little while. With me, he knows tenderness, caring, and, I might add, mind blowing sex.
How did I end up here?
I have a terrific family, so no issues there, other than a snippy mother who expects me to be close to perfect, I’ve never done any drug of any kind, and I rarely drink. So no other vices led me to this path, but I did want an education. I’d had one growing up, as we were well off, but not rich. Good schools, and Mother insisted one summer that I attend finishing school because she’d never done anything of the sort. She’d grown up poor, and wanted her daughter to be a Lady with a capital L. So at sixteen I got sent off to a ritzy school in Sussex, England for a year of learning to be a lady. The school was a blast as my English and European classmates taught me as much as the school did. I’d learned about the joys of other girls from my German roommate and a sweet girl from London showed me how to suck a cock perfectly with the help of her more than willing boyfriend. We’d also explored a three way which seemed like it was good fun as well. I came back to America with all the polished good manners you’d expect. I knew all the social graces, knew all the right people, and all the right things to say and do.
My schoolwork hadn’t suffered at all, either, flawless grades abounded, and it was time to look for colleges and universities. My grades alone would get me accepted anywhere, but money had become an issue as father had suffered some financial setbacks. No huge losses or foreclosure on our home or anything, but my college fund had been hit in order to stave off other problems. I entered my senior year of high school quite a bit poorer than the previous year and I needed a job.
With all my social skills, and the fact that I’d attended a finishing school in England I got a job as a nanny. The mother would deal with the kids in the mornings, and after school I was in charge until bedtime, plus it gave me time to study when they were napping. Once school let out, I could put in more hours and have a nice sum stashed away so my student loans wouldn’t be that bad for my freshman year.
I loved my job, and I loved the kids, but Lee Cooper was a problem. He was their father, and he was just incredibly gorgeous. I wet my panties every time I saw him just about, and as I has my own room with bath, I did a hell of a lot of masturbating thinking about him. However, it was obvious that he and his wife Claire weren’t getting along. She was nice as could be to me, and loved her kids very much, but her husband who worked his butt off to provide them with everything was somehow an asshole? He was nice to her, loved his kids as well, and never fooled around. He did put in a lot of hours, but the man was the president and CEO of a financial firm that made millions. He always made it home to kiss his kids goodnight, there was always time to play with the kids, etc. She just didn’t seem to care.
One day on my day off, I was going to spend a few dollars on some shoes, and I’d carefully figured it out so I wouldn’t waste too much of my cash. It was Nordstrom’s annual shoes sale, and I was ready for it. it was crowded, but I’d gotten two pairs I wanted at less than I’d hoped to pay! Win for me! Go me! With about twenty dollars left over from my shoe fund, I deserved a treat, and a big gooey dessert from one of the fancy downtown hotels beckoned. While enjoying my 37,000 calorie bliss, I heard a familiar voice.
“What’s a nice girl like you doing in a dump like this?” It was Lee.
“Hello, sir. It’s nice to see you. I was just enjoying my day out and got some shoes at a great price.” Inwardly I chided myself, I was a professional, and I’d said too much.
His smile lit up the room.
“You’re off the clock, you don’t have to be so formal, you know.”
“I’m supposed to be.”
“Well, I pay your salary, so I make the rules, no formality. Did you get a killer deal and did you have to beat up any other shoppers to get it?” he asked with a grin.
I couldn’t help but laugh as the annual sale had produced some epic battles over the years.
“No, no,” I said giggling,”I didn’t have to cut anyone, but this one girl looked like she wanted the red heels and I would have taken her down if I’d had to.”
He laughed out loud at that. It was a pleasant sound to hear as I didn’t hear it at the house that often.
“Well, I’ll tell you what, I’m taking a rare long lunch, let me order up one of whatever you’re having and we’ll talk about your war in the trenches of Nordy’s. And I’ll pick up yours, I know you’re saving for school.”
“Thank you.” I said, somewhat shyly, after all he was some kind of good looking.
The snack provided an interesting conversation as he kind of unburdened himself to me. Claire was indeed a bitch, she only cared about how much money they had so she could brag to their friends. He said she considered her children to be ‘part of the package’, and would rather have not had them.
“That’s so sad, they’re great kids, she should treasure them. I do!”
I thought I’d said too much and said so.
“No, you’re honest, which I get little of in my life. I appreciate it, it’d be nice if I could spend more time with someone who’s totally honest with me.”
“Keep on buying me desserts, and I’ll keep on being honest with you.” I quipped.
He laughed at that and promised to schedule me for “dessert breaks”.
Our joking led to a comment about not telling the wife, and I said I’d never squeal about spending private time with him. His face got serious and once again, I’d said too much.
He looked at me and couldn’t meet my eyes.
“Did I say too much again?”
“No,” he said quietly, “it’s just that I can’t say anything right here.”
“if I upset you, I’m very sorry, I certainly didn’t mean to. It was just a joke.”
“No, it’s just that….damn it, why can’t she be like you? Why can’t she care?” He was starting to lose control, and his cool facade was starting to crumble.
“She doesn’t give a damn about the kids, she doesn’t give a damn about me, the only thing she cares about is money, and the only person in the whole goddamned world that will be honest with me is my kid’s nanny? That’s a helluva thing.”
I was worried this might become a problem, and I really did want to comfort him, so I took his hand.
“Is it work things, too?” I asked softly.
“Yes, my partners are all conniving swine who would sell their mothers for a buck, and I’m trying to manage people’s retirements and college funds, and treat them fairly. It seems like no one gives a damn anymore about doing things the right and honest way.”
“I do. Why do you think I’m going to law school some day? I want to be one of the good ones.”
“You already are. Um, this is getting kind of, uh, open, can we go somewhere else to keep talking? A park or the waterfront? I just want to talk with someone who’s not lying to me.”
The poor man was falling apart, and not just because I wanted to sleep with him, I wanted to help him, to at least be a sounding board for his troubles. I made a decision I’d hoped wouldn’t be a disaster.
“Look, my house isn’t that far from here, my folks are out of town this week, I’ll make you some tea and be honest with you 100%. You can let it all out, and I won’t be a bitch, or judgmental, or anything like that. I’ll just be your friend who will listen.”
“Would you really? I don’t want you to think, that well, I’m putting moves on you or anything?”
“Not at all. Honest conversation. Honest answers. At my regular wages, I might add.” I finished with a slight giggle.
“Well, hell, your wages are a lot less than I’d pay a therapist to listen to my problems. You’re on!”
At my house, I fired up the stove and had a pot of Earl Grey going in a minute. Mom always kept the house well stocked with food and some fancy cookies and crackers made a nice touch. I poured our tea and prepared to listen.
Listen I did, the man poured out his worries, hopes, dreams, and then some.
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