
The Wolf Next Door Chapter 8

The girl next door is a werewolf and turns the 18-year old spying on her.

The Wolf Next Door

Chapter 8 (Final)

My name is Vance and I am a werewolf. Not just an ordinary one though but a werewolf that had the title of being an Alpha. An alpha whose pack had been fractured by a rival when he had taken half of it. That half included Mrs. Banes, the woman who had turned me and subsequently made me her mate. There was also Kristen and her mate Rem.

“Vance?” That was Dana my mate communicating with me through our telepathic link.


“Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” I replied. Currently, I paced at the edge of woods on the other side of the city I lived on. It had taken me a few hours, and one death to get here. That death bothered me being it was the first time I had killed a human and being that the human begged for his life. “I had to kill.”

“I know, but I’ve executed many Vance,” she said, but it provided little comfort. Mostly because I had seen how ruthless and predatory she ws before she had turned me.

My heart wrenched at the thought of the man begging for his life. I merely slayed him to protect my pack, or so I told myself. The worry, for me, is that I liked it. Even now, the taste of blood no longer made me wrench in disgust but instead induced a want to hunt.

“It never goes away. The beast always craved the hunt,” she said.

I realize she offered the reality to sway me to accept my fate faster. Now that I thought about it, that is how Dana was. From our first meeting where she offered me the choice of changing or being killed, to the point of being a pack leader. She always laid out the reality of the situation to me.

“How long do I have?” I asked while I took a step into the trees. Thankfully the sun had begun sinking in the sky. Something that I needed to help me stalk through the forest.

“Till what?”

“Till whatever your captor decides to make a move.”

“Straight out, I have no idea,” she said. “When he initially captured me, there were promises of painful things and rape.”

“How are you so calm about this?” I asked moving through the woods slowly. I had discovered a narrow game trail that I traversed.

“Well, two things will happen here. One, you save me and we move on. Or I get laid with some interesting side effects and then you save me.”

That made me growl.

“Hey, you get your fun, and I should be able to have some.”

“I suppose.”

“Though, if it helps, I much rather prefer you make it here before that,” she said. “I’ve been masturbating almost nonstop since you turned me on earlier and I really want you.”

That caught my attention. A call to the beast that made me pick up the pace. Trees rushed by as I grew more comfortable running while staying silent. A shark on land, I stalked through the growing night. Eventually, I had to stop as I grew convinced I had become lost in the place.

“I don’t know where I am,” I said to Dana as I sniffed the air. I smelled other animals, maybe some lingering city smells, and not much more.

“I feel like you are getting closer,” she said.

“How can you tell?”

“Something in my stomach honestly. For a bit, it fluttered but that went away.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?” I demanded. It annoyed me that she would hold such a clue from me.

“Does it matter?”

“The forest is vast,” I growled. “And furthermore, aren’t you a werewolf?”

“Point?” She replied. I think there was a reletive of amusement in her voice, but its voice had also had a hint of warning in it.

“Why don’t you transform and escape?”

“Oh that,” she said with surprise evident in her voice. “I forget you remain a pup still in some ways.”

“Hey now,” I replied.

“And in many others,” she added. “You are manlier than any I’ve known.”

The compliment made me beam a bit.

I was about to ask her if she sensed me being closer when I suddenly walked onto a dirt road. Kinda surprised I went back into the trees and debated on which direction to go. In the end, I chose left. The path ushered me to a cabin.

I paused to examine the place, but it occurred to me, she never responded to the question.

“So why not escape?” I asked again.

“Okay pup, to let you know, there are various breeds of werewolves.”

“I know,” I said.

“What you don’t know is that each breed is mostly similar through in their weaknesses. Some species respond more, others less. Ours responds particulary well with iron.”

I skulked over to the cabin, sniffing the wood and picking up the scent of another wolf. Long faded, though.

“So with iron, if it is purposefully put above us, we will be trapped in our human form.”

“That’s an interesting deterrent. Put it in any doorway, and you would be protected.”

“If you were human. Purpose matters with it.”I moved through the cabin. The front door opened up into a living room of some sorts. A couch with ripped fabric sat in against a wall with a coffee table in front of it. There were pictures but they could barely be seen with the glass so dirty.

“Magic huh?”

“Everything demonstrates a weakness Vance,” she said. “One of the universal rules.”

“Ah,” I replied moving slowly around the cabin.

“Vance,” Dana said suddenly.

“Yeah,” I answered half pay attention. I currently was peering around a corner of the cabin to look at the front porch area. Obscured by some fronds, I heard movement but couldn’t see much. With a breath, I crept around the front of the place, low and slow.

“I think you’re extremely close,” she said suddenly.

A yelp of fear resounded as I walked up to the porch. The thing that moved was a small cat that took off into the woods. Every instinct said to follow, but I quelled that.

“Is there anybody in the cabin?” I asked.

“I hear someone walking around a bit every now and again, but they haven’t moved in a bit.”

I didn’t respond to her again. Ears back, I could sense someone near. Therefore, I executed the thing any sensible thing. I tried the door. Much to my surprise, the door was unlocked.

Going into the cabin, I was greeted by the muskiest smell. Not a pleasant musk, but something that smelled unbathed for years after rolling in the trash every day.

“It can’t be that bad,” Dana said in our link.

“I guess it is that bad,” Dana remarked.

“This feels ridiculously easy,” I replied.

“Well, you did kill most of the pack already. Most likely only a few members left.”

I couldn’t argue with that line of reasoning. In fact, as I examined the cabin, I found no one. Like the place had been completely abandoned. The place was stocked with food, furniture, and electronics. Nothing though looked out of place and it did look clean for the most part in the cabin.

Few scattered clothes and a few scattered papers. Other than that, the place felt like a crypt.

“Are you in the cabin?” Dana asked interrupting my catalog.

“Yeah, why?”

“Barely hear someone walking around up there.”

“It’s me but there isn’t anyone else. Is this a trap?”

She was silent.


“I don’t know.”

I sniffed the air, trying to discern anything that would hint as to what was going on. Ultimately, I gave up and went and found the basement door to the cabin. Opening the door, I was assaulted by the retching smell of rotten mean.

Hacking and gagging, I tried not to throw up as I went down the stairs. Getting down to the bottom of the stairs was a feat. Trying to stay in the basement after walking into the scene of carnage that I did had to be a heroic epic.

Dried blood was everywhere. Slabs of meat hung from chains from the ceiling. Three heads sat impaled on metal rods driven into the concrete floor. Guts and body parts lay everywhere on the floor.

“What the hell is this?” I implored Dana in disgust.

“I can’t witness what you do,” she said.

“There is so much blood,” I said.

“Why does that bother you?”

I thought about it for a second. Genuinely, blood didn’t bother me but the smell of congealed death dead did. With one more scoff, I moved along the edge of the room carefully so as not to get anything on me. Moving nearby I discovered a door unlocked and quickly I moved on from the macabre.

The adjacent room bore nothing but a series of doors. I walked a few steps forward and quickly found myself in a room of rooms. Four doors marked each side. Feeling apprehensive, I went slowly opening one.

The first door didn’t seem special. In fact, the door looked like a normal wood door. Something to smash but feeling like that was a terrible idea, I twisted the knob and opened the door inwards.

No one greeted me once the door was open al the way much to my grateful astonishment. The room, lit as it was, had nothing in it besides neatly stacked boxes. Curious, I did open one only to discover myself looking at trinkets and odd items. With a sniff, I turned away to look at the next room.

The second room opened up into a long concrete hallway. Dana had been silent for a long while, something I noticed but didn’t want to break as I walked down the path. See, way I figured it is that if she was silent because of pain, I didn’t want to establish a connection with her only to find out a trap had been sprung and she was being killed.

The walk was brief and on the other end of the hallway, I discovered another door. I could see it, and the place had lights. Twisting the knob, I went into a what could merely be described as a warehouse.

Cages as far as I could see. I walked leisurely between an aisle of them. This place was silent and it unnerved me a bit. I growled a warning out.

“Is that you, Vance?”

The voice made me freeze. A surge of excitement went through me, and I began searching the cages with an abandonment of caution. Then I found her hunched, naked in a fetal position in a cage. With gusto, I rushed over to the cage.

She sat up slowly and produced a meek smile. Looking terrible was an understatement. Her skin was lashed, and she had injuries that I couldn’t understand. A smile crossed her face.

“Bout time pup,” she said. No matter the condition, just those words were enough to dispel any notion that she was a goddess.

With gusto, I grasped the bars of the cage only to find myself transformed back into my human form.

“What the hell?” I said in outraged surprise.

“You can’t touch the iron pup,” she said. “Not iron that has been enchanted at least.”

“So I need keys,” I said with a growl. Talk about an annoyance with things. She had told me iron dispelled things.

“Not just iron, enchanted iron,” she said correcting me.

“Why would a werewolf keep that around?” I asked looking up and over the cages seeing if I could spy anything.

“It’s actually a relatively standard thing. Especially if you are looking to convert better members or prolong changes. Anything really to injure a werewolf.”

“Would it affect a dark wolf?”

She was silent.

“Not something I should I ask?”

“Dark wolves are not something to talk lightly about,” she said, and that was that for the conversation.

“I’m gooing to look for the keys,” I said and moved on from her quickly The place was beginning to make me too edgy being naked in my human form.

I became aware of how rough the concrete of the floor as I walked. Iron bars surrounded my, empty cages mostly. Some had blankets and others looked to contain bones. Having no reason to inspect the cages, except maybe to look for other pack members. Christie and Remi were here somewhere within the premises of the place or at least I hoped.

After a period of time, I found myself back at the door that led into the room of cages. There on the wall was a shelf and on a wooden peg that jutted out hung an iron ring with a set of keys. I could have been disappointed, but elation passed through me.

Snatching the key, I moved quick back through the cages to encounter Dana once more.

“Guess what I found,” I teased holding the keys up.

“You don’t need charms for me to spread my legs for you pup,” she said with a mischievous smile. I smiled back. “But open the cage.”

I obeyed or rather tried to. I hadn’t recognized it, but the number of keys on the ring bordered along absurd. With the considerable number of cages, however, it made sense. After a long time, I found the right key and promptly bore Dana in my arms as soon as the right key fit.

Dana was a woman who embraced her inner beast and the instinctual dalliances of such. Her nude body pressed against me and sure enough, my own “beast” roared to life.

The kiss she planted on me became passionate fast. So fast that I quickly became aware of how out of hand it was becoming.

“Hey now,” I said trying to breaking the kiss and pull away.

“I need you,” she said before I found her tongue back in my mouth. Her nails gripped into my back and before long we were on the cold floor of the place.

I smelt her. The blood, sweat, and arousal. Even as she wrapped herself around me, I found everything about her intoxicating. To say the least, I gave in. The mission could wait a few more minutes.

She growled repeatedly at me until I slipped into her oily hotness. We both gasped but then the animalistic need took over in us both. I thrust into her, not caring in any way that her sharp nails dug into my back. She met my thrusts which cause a deafening slapping sound as our bodies met in frenzied urgency.

Sometimes in our thrusts, I found put her on her hands and knees. Thrusting into her from behind felt much more natural. Plus, noting the power of our bodies meeting rippling through the flesh of her ass presented a sight to behold.

Suddenly she let out a scream. Everything about her sex went tight as her body spasmed in a release. It ushered me quickly into my own and soon we both collapsed with the expelling of our efforts.

“That couldn’t have waited?” I asked feeling guilty that Aysel’s accusation about me putting off responsibility to get laid rang true.

“Do you always question the wisdom of your Queen?” she asked with a sigh. I hope it was one of contentment rather than an annoyance.

“Feeling the pressure of being a leader,” I responded.

“You’re performing great Vance,” she said rolling away from me and then sitting up.

“What are you doing?” I asked hearing something that sounds like sucking sounds.

“Cleaning myself,” she replied and I looked over to her rubbing her sex and scooping out my goop out of her pussy.

“Why?” I asked.

“Why let your good tasting cum to go to waste?” she said nonchalantly.

I didn’t provide an answer. Taken aback as it were by the indifference to what she was doing. Not that I minded, but sex and now grooming? Such misplaced things and the guilt seeped into me even more.

“We need to find the others,” I said.

“Hold on,” she replied with annoyance evident in her voice. “I desired this as much as you do. The cum will aid me shake the effects fo the enchantment faster.”

“Oh,” I said.

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