
The Wolf Next Door Chapter 6_(1)


The Wolf Next Door

Chapter 6

Dana, Foxy and I rode in silence. I was in the back seat of the truck out of respect for what had just transpired in Foxy’s Diner. Though we made it unharnessed by the rival pack, we were all on edge about being followed. Not only that, but Foxy herself had used some sort of magic to feed off during sex. To say the least, I felt great, but Dana had been quiet. I had tried to talk to her with our telepathic link, but it seemed she had shut her side off. So I watched as tall buildings pass by and hoping that my day was over.

I had seen my mom before the trip to the diner. As my thoughts moved to thinking about how tired she looked, I remembered the wolf at the hospital; the one who was killed by the demonic nurse. My mother had been there. Not a witness, but in the same building.

“Hey uh, we need to talk about earlier.”

Dana huffed and Foxy didn’t respond.

“I mean earlier at the hospital.”

Neither responded to that either. They may not be worried, but now it occurred to me how much of a dangerous situation my mother was in. Working with a demon was bad. Not to mention the fact that a wolf had been there. No doubt that poor sap was a part of the pack that was hunting for what had become mine. Even if we managed to get away, which I doubted, we had only bought ourselves time. Time that could only be minutes to a few days.

The truck was roaring as Dana gave it gas. Wishing I hadn’t forgotten my phone at the house, there wasn’t a way to distract myself. By the time we actually got back to our respective homes, the only thing I could think of was how I needed to get the device and check on my mom. When we pulled up to the house, Dana told Foxy to come with her and the two left me alone in the back of the truck. After a minute of analyzing the confusion I had about what was going on, I got out.

My mom’s car was in the driveway and I rushed to get inside. Rushing through the house, I found that my mom had passed out on the couch. Relieved to see that she was there, I went and found a blanket to cover her with. With a growl sounding from my stomach, I moved to start cooking dinner.

While vegetables sizzled and rice boiled, I prepped some beef to make a stir-fry I still couldn’t rid my thoughts of the dangers to my mom. Never did I think becoming a werewolf would impact her, but still, my decision to get laid instead of being torn to shreds seemed like a sound one. Then a thought occurred to me. Why would Dana stay so close to the pack that she ran away from? That question tortured me while I cooked. So much so that I didn’t even notice my mother leaning against the doorway until she said something.

“That smells nice,” she spoke making me jump. “Relax kiddo. When did you get home?”

“Jesus mom,” I replied. She laughed.

I stopped my racing heart by throwing the meat in a pan.

“I got home about thirty minutes ago. How about you?”

“Actually, right after I saw you I got sent home,” she said. “I expected you home before it was so late.”

“Yeah, she took me out to lunch at a diner one of her friends owns,” I said flipping the vegetable in the skillet. I was glad the cooking food hid my scent. It was something I hoped my mother couldn’t pick up that I had sex with two women who were old enough to be my mother. Couldn’t figure out why I felt guilty about it.

She went upstairs and told me to call her down when dinner was ready. She needed a shower apparently after a hard day. When she left, I breathed a sigh of relief at that she had. As I got closer to being done with dinner she surprised me when she came back down.

“What do we have to drink?” She asked getting into the fridge behind me. I caught a whiff of flowers in the air. I honestly thought it super hot, but I quelled that thought as soon as I could. When she returned to the counter, she had a glass of wine. My mother rarely drank anything so for her to take a glass meant that she was really trying to relax as fast as possible. Exhaustion hung on her like an alien cloak.

“Why haven’t you gone to bed yet mom?” I asked. The pan sizzled then.

“Just wanted to see my son,” she said with a weak smile. In her eyes, I could see she was on autopilot mostly.

“Do you work tomorrow?”

“Thankfully, I’m off.”

“Then hang with me tomorrow mom. Go get some rest.”

She smiled and looked down the glass of wine she had.

“I’ve been gone so much.”

To see my mother start crying took me aback. I had no idea what to do to in this case. In all the years she had raised me, I had never seen her shed a tear. Stepping around the kitchen I walked over and pulled her from her seat into an embrace. She sobbed into my chest and as she did, I hoped she didn’t smell the sex on me.

“That would be a way for her to find out about us huh?” Dana said through our telepathic link.

“Now?” I said. “After all of that, now you want to talk?”

Dana didn’t respond to my question. Whatever was going on with her was definitely affecting how we interacted. Now I had two women I didn’t know what to do with, so I did what I knew best. I pulled away from my mother and went back to cooking. A few sprinkles of spices and dinner was done.

My mom didn’t say anything while we ate. I finished before her and even ate a second plate before she had decided she was done. Guess I was famished after the day. With little else to do, my mom told me to stay close to the house during my run and went to bed. Not knowing what else to do, I got a shower and went out for a walk.

Walking at nighttime was something I rarely did. Sure, through the past few weeks I had been running wild through the streets, but I normally ran them. Walking was something that I just didn’t do. I liked to run. That urge was hitting me now.

I could run. Run away from it all and just be wild. The sun was sinking; the moon’s pull was tempting. On my own, I could be everything for her. Just me and the moon goddess. It was a wonder Dana hadn’t talked about our deity. There was a history and one that Dana had been scant in conversation with. Then again, I hadn’t talked to her much about it. Lady was just too much of a distraction with her hot body and wanton lust.

Alone and walking down the sidewalks, it occurred to me that the day’s events hadn’t been fully processed. Foxy was the newest addition to my pack. A Kitsune who had a ton of power, I wonder what was her motivation for seeking to join my pack. Worse yet, her presence seemed to unnerve Dana. Ever since that afternoon, she had been giving me the cold shoulder. I wondered a bit if it had something to do with the sex with Foxy.

Even though she had encouraged me, maybe it was wrong of me to accept Foxy’s offer. Though the woman was pretty mystical. Maybe it had more to do with the lesbianism. Dana had been worried about that. There was probably an apology to be made on my part. I sighed and stopped my walk.

“Being a leader is hard,” I said out loud. No one answered, but I was alone. There wasn’t even a moving vehicle between the manicured lawns and now dark night. The moon hung in the sky, bright and full, still calling me to surrender to her embrace. I smiled at the moon and continued on my way.

There was no direction for me as I walked on well-lit sidewalks. The place I lived was the dream of suburbia. Quiet and situated far enough from the city, this place could almost be a heaven. Too bad it needed more woods. I’m sure though that for the houses there, there was plenty of spirit and wold ambitions, but without the ferocity of untamed wilderness. Speaking of which, I had walked far enough now through the suburbia that I had come across the edge of it; the edge where that untamed wilderness existed.

Looking at the moon, the pull hit again. This time, it was much harder to resist. Not that I no longer wanted to. Just being alone and thinking was driving me nuts. So I did the next best thing.

Walking into the woods I didn’t even wait to begin shedding clothing. Naked, I threw myself into the change just as I began to get into the trees. With abandon, the pain dissipated into pleasure as the beast within took over.


That was the only thing better than being a wolf, and I would argue it was a close second. Only reason I didn’t say being a werewolf was better is because of Dana. Nothing could compare to the woman who was my mate.

Sadness crept into me as I ran through the woods. I wished that she was with me. While my claws tore into the earth with a vengeance, I sped through the underbrush like I was going to die if I ever stopped. Running and running, I paid no heed to my direction or even destination. I rounded around a bend of trees and jumped into a clearing. A howl resounded through the woods and it me pause.

That call wasn’t natural. It cut through the air and silenced the woods. Took away the allure of the moon and now I felt foolish. How could I have so much joy when so much was at stake? With a growl, I flunked off to find my way back to home. I should have stayed in the woods.

As I back-tracked my path only my footfalls made noise. It was a weird feeling that raised the hair on my neck. When the attack came, I was prepared as well as a hunting beast could be.

I heard the padding of feet first coming from my flank and turned to catch the attacker. Whatever its intention, the wolf planned on barreling into me it seemed. How I knew to reach out and grasp the shoulders was beyond me. My attacker snarled and in its sudden stop from my brace, lifted its head up. Once its throat was exposed, my jaws snapped forward and ripped out the throat.

Maybe there was a scream in the spray of blood that erupted forth from the ripped out flesh, but all I heard was a gurgle as it fell to the ground. Pain erupted on my left flank and I snapped out in blind anger at my next attacker. This action did elicit a yelp from my attacker. Apparently, my wounds were superficial as I recovered to take more action.

A snarl sounded and I tore away from the attacker. Running through the woods, I heard what had to be no less than three different snarls. Whoever was attacking me was at least down one person in their assault. What I wanted was to recover and hit all three at once. And so I ran through the woods, dodging trees where just minutes before I was reveling in their passing.

More snarls and I ran into an open field. It was perfect for what I wanted. Pivoting on my heels I turned around and leaped, a flying Monster of death.

The first through the trees was a yellow-eyed wolf. It stopped in its tracks and I landed on, teeth gnashing before ripping into the flesh of my attacker. What began as four was now down to two. I don’t know why I felt invigorated but with only two perceived attackers left; the odds seemed to be growing in my favor. Though I will note, there wasn’t any fear on my part. Just a sense of exhilaration that was more potent than when Dana and I had hunted together.

The last of my foes attacked together. One kept my attention while the other circled around me to outflank me. A few swipes of claws and none of us were willing to make the first move. So I took the time to study my two foes.

One was undoubtedly a female. Her bare breasts, all six sets of them, stood perky on her front. Her glowing yellow eyes peered at me down a grey-furred muzzle. She almost looked like a long-haired cat with how puffy it was. Why was even more interesting was her long ears. They stuck out from the side of her head in almost a foot of length. I wondered if they could hear a chipmunk sneeze in the trees.

Her companion was male. Big and tall, he dwarfed her and left me a little wanting in the height department. His muzzle was huge and he did have yellow eyes. But with black fur, this wolf was built to be a tank that attacked from the shadows.

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