
The Visitor_(2)

The plains of Arizona contain a wealth of secrets…along with some “friendly” visitors…

I sat down at my table, alone in my cabin in the hills of Arizona. Sipping my chicken soup, the night was cold, Golden Valley had a very empty, cold feel to it. The nights were filled with shining stars, and you could easily see the Milky Way from my home.

I always believed that there were more than just us…aliens I mean, out there, living among the stars. I just never expected them to come pay me a surprise visit…or rather, just her. It was on a chilly fall night in my house, that I heard a faint noise, coming from somewhere above. I dropped my spoon, looking around, trying to find out where the noise was coming from. It could have easily been my air conditioning system, that thing was always making noise. But tonight it was only making a slow, and low humming that kept the dead of silence out. No, this sound was a bit louder, and it kept getting louder.

I decided to take a look outside, donning my thick windbreaker coat I opened the door and peeked my head out, the wind making a chill on my rough face. Still no source of this sound, I stepped out further, looking around. Was it a wayward teenager running through the night in a 4×4? A low flying airplane? Or perhaps an experimental jet fighter fresh out of Area 51…? None of these things seemed to make sense, the noise became clear that it was something from the sky, I looked up, and nearly jumped back as a comet flew through the sky, streaking past my house almost 50 feet above and landing about half a mile away from my home. I was on the ground now, the object had made an obvious explosion, but I expected the end of all life…or something. Instead, an ominous silence filled the air, like all deserts, the dead of silence was very common, but this was a little different. A bit more nerve wracking, and mind bending…it was only until my A/C kicked on again that I was brought back to reality.

I jumped to my feet, my human instincts kicking in, I dashed inside of my cabin for a flashlight and my truck keys, running out the front door and throwing open the door of my 94’ Dodge Ram. I fumbled with the keys, shoving them into the slot and twisting with force, the massive V8 roared to life and I gunned the accelerator, taking off into the night. Even with the high beams on, the darkness consumed the light, making it hard for me to see where I was going.

I reached the point of impact, my heart racing, expecting an explosion, I was surprised the military hadn’t raced in and dragged me away. Carefully holding the metal flashlight in my hand, I held it up like a cop would, clicking it on, the dust from my truck slowly blowing away. In my rush I forgot that I could have just pointed the headlights at the area, lighting my way, I probably should have done this, because my flashlight was just about dead…

I stumbled over to the crater that had been created, inside was…a pod, a small metal pod, small enough to fit in the massive bed of my pickup, but far too large for me to move on my own. I slowly approached it, expecting to be burnt by extreme heat. I may have lived out in the middle of frickin nowhere, but I knew that when something comes from space down to Earth, that something was gonna be HOT! Unbeknownst to me, I found out that the contents of this pod would turn out to be hot as well…just…not in the context of heat.

The pod was silent, no movement, whatever was inside, alive or dead, was obviously not in a hurry to get out. I got close enough to look inside of the small port hole that showed…little more than fog. I took the initiative, and grabbed what looked like a handle, and tugged. Nothing…I tugged again, this time using more force. The door creaked, but wouldn’t move. I dropped my flashlight and put both hands on the handle, putting my foot against the pod and jerking back with all my might, the door flew open and I almost yelled, falling on my behind on the disturbed ground. Fog slowly emanated from the pod, again I was awe struck, half expecting a face hugger from Alien to jump out at me and impregnate me with some sort of parasite. My fears were put to rest after five minutes of sitting there with an idiotic look on my face, as I slowly got to my feet, I took my flashlight and peered inside the pod. What I saw next, nearly made me black out. A thin, well built, clearly alien, girl laid curled up in the pod, completely unclothed. Her skin was a light blue, on her back was a thick black stripe that ran from the back of her head to her tail, continuing down only to be interrupted by thin white stripes that ran along its length. On her front was clearly a thick white stripe, going from the top of her neck clear down to between her shapely legs. She almost looked completely human, she had fairly large, at least C cup breasts, perfectly round, with large black nipples on the end of them, her hands were tucked between her legs, covering most of her mound, I shifted my view, and sure enough, I saw two lips of a vagina, curled up inside of her. Her slit was clearly in view, my eyes wandered to her rounded buttocks, a small anus clearly in view, soon interrupted by her long striped tail. Her head was almost flat on the front, she had a small nose, but her eyes were like closed slits, I expected cat’s eyes or something… Her head was angled backward to a point, I was guessing she was built for speed, as her legs were very well built, and her body seemed very aerodynamic.

I waved the light in her face, trying to wake her up, she didn’t move, I leant forward, putting my thumb gently on her eyelid and peeling it slowly up, shining the light in her eyes. She had shiny silver pupil-less eyes. They didn’t move or stir, nor did the rest of her body. She must’ve been knocked out on the impact. Being me, I was a very kind and hospitable person, but…this alien, was on a different level. Not only that, but the feds could easily take interest in me, and her. But…she was clearly in need, and I couldn’t just leave her lying there in the cold. I looked back at her, her blue skin beginning to form goose bumps, if I didn’t know any better I would say she was just a human in a costume!

Ignoring my own objections to taking in an extra terrestrial, I slowly cradled my arms around the alien girl, pulling her slowly out of the pod, she didn’t move or stir. She was light, and as I carried her to the warmth of my pickup, I couldn’t help but glance down at her little white slit, which had only a touch of hair above it. Her hands hung at her sides as I carried her, she was beautiful…breathtaking, but, it was not in my nature to take advantage of a woman, let alone an alien woman…

Slowly loading her into the large seat of my truck, I scooted her down, laying her head on the passenger door, turning the heat up, finally closing my door and shaking the cold out of my system. I didn’t realize my hands were numb until I slowly flexed my fingers, grabbing hold of the shifter just past the steering wheel and pulling it down to Reverse, I backed the truck out of the rut I got it in, then shifted back into Drive and headed back to the cabin. I tried to make the ride as smooth as possible, which wasn’t easy since those trucks in the 90’s had really rough rides to support lots of weight.

Finally arriving at the cabin, honestly trying to keep my eyes on the road and off of this alien knockout, I crawled out of my side, circling around and pulling her out slowly. Cradling her in my arms, I wedged open the door, sliding in sideways, hefting her over to the couch, and gently setting her down. I wasted no time in warming her up, I turned the A/C off and retrieved a large blanket, and covered her up to her shoulders, her nipples were hard from the cold, understandably, but I still couldn’t help but take one last look at her stunning body before covering her up and tucking her in. I sat down in the chair across from her, turning the TV off and setting myself deep in thought.

For what seemed like hours I sat there…watching her chest rise and fall as she slept, I kept my thoughts of her beauty aside and focused on what might happen to me if someone else found her…I could be in such deep shit. Shit so deep I may never be able to return to my cabin.
My thoughts were interrupted by a groan, my heart skipped a beat, my breathing stopped, even the house’s heater stopped. I waited…one minute…two…another groan. I looked around frantically, realizing the groan came from the girl. I didn’t move, so as not to surprise her, her shiny white eyes revealed themselves, that’s when she panicked. She threw her arms up, looking around and spotting me, huddling in the corner of the couch, I held my hands up.

“Please, don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.” I spoke softly.
She still sat there, clearly frightened, but she seemed to understand me, hell she even knew English… “Who…who are you?” she stuttered. I didn’t dare move, “I found you in the desert, your…pod crashed just a half-mile away from here, I found you, unconscious.” That obviously didn’t answer her question, but she nodded anyway. I slowly stood up, she twitched, but didn’t run, slowly taking small steps toward her with my hands up, I got within arm’s length of her, “My name is Nathan…” I held my firm hand out, a gesture of friendliness. She obviously caught on, she slowly extended her small hand out, and gently squeezed my hand, we shook slowly, and then she quickly retreated her hand beneath the blanket. I walked backwards toward my chair, keeping firm eye contact, slowly sitting down and looking into her clear white eyes.

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