
The trouble with sister Part 2

Things get ticky for the pair as new situations arise and more people are involved.

Just a little heads-up….This story is quite a bit longer than my usual ones. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1

The summer holidays were underway and going well although both Molly and Ryan were surrounded by uncertainty at this point. As if it wasn’t enough for them to be dealing with normal teenage problems they had found themselves in quite a tricky situation which if not handled with charm and finesse could go horribly wrong for them and everyone around them. Over the next few days the siblings were awkward around each other to say the least. They still saw each other as brother and sister and still had the exact same sibling bond now it was plagued by all sorts of underlying feelings and thoughts towards each other. Ryan was still trying to understand why he felt this way towards his sister as his young mind had trouble comprehending such mature feelings which he had no experience with. Molly was troubled by her inexperience of womanhood which seemed to be moving along at an alarming rate not giving her a chance to understand or even get familiar with the new developments she was undergoing. So it was safe to say the teens had a lot on their plate as they tried to act casual around each other for the sake of their parents not finding out even though they couldn’t possibly forget the night they had spent together.
Tuesday morning came around and Ryan felt the need to get out of the house and away from his family for a couple of hours just to get his head cleared. He had decided to meet up with a few of his friends and went to the arcade at the mall. The boys instantly noticed something different about Ryan that day. As they performed their usual routine of checking out girls and calling out to them but then hiding when the girls looked their way, Ryan just sat at the arcade café drinking a soda trying to make sense of what was happening. He would answer when spoken to but in a very dull and uninterested manner and would ignore half the things his friends were saying to him.

Molly had decided to spend the day at home as she wasn’t in the mood to mingle with people given her present mood. She had this unnerving urge to tidy up her room which was a new to feeling she was not accustomed to. She stood in the middle of her room and looked around it with a confused expression on her face, shocked that this was actually her room. It was filthy! Clothes and shoes were scattered all over the floor, the bed was never made up and it smelled like a men’s locker room. She was horrified to say the least. She promptly got to work, throwing out clothes she once loved and now couldn’t see how she could possibly wear as they looked like boys clothes. In just under an hour her room had been transformed, it was now neat, everything tidied into its own little space and she has misted the room with air freshener just to get it to smell a little more feminine and pleasant. She laughed at herself for giving into her girly side but thought why not just go with it.

Just then she heard a knock on her door and saw her mom, Susan walking into her room. She stopped after taking a few steps in and looked around the room in amazement.

“Wow, it looks like the clean fairy paid you a visit.” Susan said as she took another few steps towards her daughter but still looking around the room. She was clearly surprised and was delighted at this surprise.

“Haha, very funny. Is there something is can do for you?” Molly said in flat tone of voice.

“Oh, we are even speaking with manners now, and polite like a lady.” Susan said and giggled as she walked towards the bed and dropped a box on the bed. She walked over to the wardrobe, opened it and picked up a pair of high heels.

“I’m going to need these back sweetie, with Aunt Peggy living so close to us I just know we are going to end up having a night out before the week is over. I’m sure you don’t mind, you probably haven’t even bothered trying to wear these. ” Susan said as she looked at her shoes while speaking to her daughter. She noticed Molly was rather quiet and looked up to see her deep in thought. Molly looked at the shoes in her mother’s hand with a vacant expression on her face. Images flashed in her head of the first and only time she had worn those shoes and that was the night her brother and herself gave each other their virginities. She was brought back to reality by her mother speaking again.

“I did think that was pushing it a bit a far. Have you even considered trying them on?” Susan asked her daughter.

“Yeah I did, once! They were a little too big, I couldn’t walk properly.” Molly said, she giggled to herself as she remembered that when she wore them, the only waking her feet did was all over her brother’s cock.

“Oh perfect.” Susan said as she made her way out of the room but stopped in the door way.

“I bought a new pair for you. My baby girl has her very first pair of high heels. I’m more excited than I ever thought I would be. It’s a good thing a got a size smaller, those are size four so they should fit perfectly and they are closed so that should make balancing in them a little easier.” Susan said to her daughter. She gave her a warm smile as she marvelled at the thought of her tom-boy daughter finally becoming a young woman. She giggled as she was filled with excitement from the ideas of all the girly mother-daughter things they could finally do together.

“And do look after them dear. They were quite pricy but I thought what the hell, I’ve only got one daughter.” Susan said as she walked out of the room.

Molly ignored the box that was now just sitting and staring at her. She continued straightening out her room. A couple of minutes later she heard her mom talking to her from the hallway.

“I just got a call from Peggy, I’m going to help her unpack her stuff and get settled. See you a bit later.” She heard her mother say and then heard the front door close. Molly sat slouched on the chair in front of her dressing table. She looked at herself as if she were looking at a stranger as she could hardly recognise herself. Her long blonde hair was tied tight in a high pony tail slightly raising the corners of her eyes from the tension giving a mysteriously naughty but charming look about her. She had an idea and shot up and swiftly made her way into her parent’s room and began going through her mother’s possessions. Her original intent was to look for some perfume or jewellery to mess around with but instead found some hair dye.

She went into the bathroom feeling quite mischievous, slipped on the plastic gloves that come with the box, managed to free a thick lock of hair from her pony tail, grabbed a thick glob of dye and smothered it all over the lock of hair. She massaged it and then leaned forward to let it hang free so it didn’t touch her face. She read over the instructions while waiting for it to set. After a while she smelled something weird so decided that since she was washing her hair, she might as well take a shower. She got under the water once it had warmed up, washed the lock of dyed hair and then let the water wash over her entire body. She was quite quick in the shower as she got bored and stepped out and began towel drying her hair. After that she decided to go all out and blow dried her hair, loving the felling of the warm air on her scalp. Once done she tied her hair up again in the same manner and looked in the mirror to see the outcome. It was pure amateur luck as the lock of hair was dyed a strong red and was in perfect proportion to the rest of her blonde hair. She thought nothing of it and returned to her room to sit in the same chair she had sat in previously. Ever since her encounter with her brother she had become quite conscious of her feet now and decided they needed a fresh coat of nail polish, this time going for black nail polish as it matched quite elegantly in contrast with her milky white toes. After painting the nails on both her hands and feet she stared at the box sitting on the bed while waiting for her nail polish to dry. Finally curiosity got the better of her and she stretched her arm out and grabbed the box, dropping it in front of her. She flipped the lid off of the box and found a pair of bright pink patent leather high heels in the box surrounded by white packing paper.

“Oh wow mom, pink! Really?!” She said to herself as she picked one shoe up and looked it over. The sole of the shoe and inside lining of the shoe were both silver leather which she thought gave them an elegant look.

“They aren’t that bad I guess. They kinda cool.” She said as she noticed a tiny paper fall out of the shoe and into the box. She then noticed it was the price tag which read ‘$2000’ on it. In shock she instantly dropped the shoe.

“What the fuck mom? That’s just crazy.” She said to herself. She could not believe her mother could by a pair of shoes this expensive for her. She picked up her mobile phone and sent her mom a text message which read:

‘Thanks for the shoes mom, they are really nice but you didn’t have to spend so much on me.’

Susan read the text and simply smiled while writing a reply which read:

‘Molly you are my princess and you deserve to be spoiled once in a while. I’m glad you like them. xx’

Molly read the message and still couldn’t believe it. What she intended to be a quick look suddenly escalated as she stared at the shoes for a moment and then decided to try them on. She slipped her foot into the right one first and then the left. She couldn’t help but think back to the sensations she felt the last time she wore heels but this was different, she was alone! She was not being sexually stimulated by anyone and was not aroused but still felt her heart begin to race. She stood up and found it easier than she thought to balance and looked herself in the mirror. She wore nothing but the pink high heels and a towel around her but even she had to admit that they looked good on her. That’s when things got crazy.
Every time she glanced at the shoes she fell more in love with them, then she revelled in the feeling of the cool leather against her soft feet and this began to make her feel flustered and hot between the thighs as she felt sexier in them as the minutes passed. The final thought hit her like a rushing wave as she imagined her brother smothering her toes with his cum and then her slipping her new shoes on and walking around in public with her dirty little foot secret that no one but her could feel. This thought brought her over the edge as she lost her balance and sat down in the chair. She looked at herself in the mirror and opened the towel, letting it drop onto the chair under her. She looked her body over and the feeling of just having showered together with wearing nothing but brand new high heels was arousing her to levels she didn’t think were possible. She opened her legs slightly and slipped a hand between and began rubbing her moist clit as she fantasized about what reactions Ryan would have towards her new shoes. She wondered if he would like them. She wondered if he would get aroused seeing her in them. She wondered if wearing them around him would make him want to fuck her senseless. She began rubbing harder and faster as hormones tore through her body ravishing her every nerve ending bringing her close to an orgasm. Just then she suddenly heard the front door open which startled her something serious. She stopped, frozen in place as her mind began to try and comprehend what was happening. She tried to think who would be home at this time. She knew that if it were her mom she stood a chance because she could explain and her mom would probably understand. She thought her dad on the other hand would think she is some sort of pervert and probably never look her in the eye again.
She quickly wrapped herself in the towel again, slipped the shoes off and sat in her chair, not moving a single muscle as her heart raced and she tried to act as casual as possible. She felt strange as noticed her fear was quickly being replaced by something else.

“What if I hadn’t heard the front door open? Someone would’ve caught me getting busy with myself.” She thought to herself. The thought of being caught made her cheeks turn bright red and a few beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. The more she thought about it the more aroused she became and felt herself get increasingly wet by the minute as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. She was about to rush to the door and slam it shut when she saw Ryan walk past her room. She thought she was going to faint. Ryan was the last person she thought of as possibility of being home and this gave a strange mixture of feelings.

Chapter 2

“Ryan, are you ok?” She asked. Although she was riddled with sex hormones she still managed to notice the sad look he had on his face. Ryan stopped and back tracked a little, stood by her door way but didn’t turn to look at her as he spoke.

“Yeah I’m fine, just had a long day. Nothing to worry about.” He said before he began moving again.

“Ryan!” She called to him again. “I need your help with something.” She said to him. She wondered what she was doing since she could see he wasn’t in the best of moods but her fantasies were now wreaking havoc on her brain. Ryan backtracked again and made his way into her room, looking down at the floor as he walked.

“What do you need?” He asked in a dull mono-tone.

“Well if you say it like that then we can just leave it.” She replied. He could hear from the tone of her voice that she was pouting in a sulky manner.

“Oh, sorry. What is it?” He said, this time in a more casual, lighter tone.

“Well I just got out the shower and I can’t reach my back to put lotion on it. Would you be a dear and help me.” She said, asking in a little school girl voice. Ryan was a little irritated that she would bother him with such a trivial matter and his gaze shot straight her face to see if she was one again messing with him. He looked up and instantly noticed the red in her hair.

“You coloured your hair. It looks nice. You look really pretty.” He said in a dull tone. She could still here sincerity in his voice which made her smile as she thought even when he is in a crappy mood he still acknowledges her and pays her compliments.

“I guess it’s my duty to cheers him up then.” She thought herself as a wicked smile shot across her face.
“Why don’t you grab the lotion over on my bedside.” She said to him. He didn’t think much of it and walked over to retrieve the item she had requested. When he returned he notice a towel piled up on the floor close to where Molly was sitting. He looked up to see her standing in front of the chair facing away from him completely naked. He didn’t know what had happened before he walked in and didn’t know that Molly’s hormones were in high gear and she was as horny as ever. He looked her up and down taking in her slender but curvy figure. This was the first time he had seen her body without any obstructions and he was completely taken in.

“My back! Remember? I asked you to lotion my back.” She said with a little giggle after speaking the last part of the sentence. She was amused at the fact that Ryan was now frozen in his place. After what seemed like an eternity he moved towards her, squirted a bit of lotion into his hand and began rubbing it on her back. His hands were trembling as they moved slowly up and down, side to side. Molly was nervous as well but was too turned on to show any signs of it. She was in heat and the only thoughts running through her head were of a sexual nature.

“Ok that’s enough, it think you got it.” She said in a casual tone. Ryan was slightly relieved that it was over as he found it extremely awkward after what had happened between them the other night. He placed the cap back on the lotion and was about to turn away when Molly stopped him by reaching behind her with her right hand and grabbing his right wrist. Ryan stood still not knowing what she meant or what she wanted to happen. She grabbed the lotion and managed to pop the cap off with her left hand and squirted some lotion into his palm. She put the lotion on the table in front of her, pulling him forward in the process. As she straightened back up her back was now pressed up right against his chest. She looked over in the mirror and noticed he was now slightly taller than she was and seemed to be filling out a bit more as he neared his mid-teens. She couldn’t help but blush as she thought they made a cute couple even though they were brother and sister and would never be allowed to be together.

She tilted her head back, resting it on his shoulder which gave him a full view or her breasts from a top view and from a front view if he looked in the mirror.

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